

This study regards the function mechanism of professional basketball contest market as its main object.By documentary research,case study,contrast analysis,and investigation of the history,the thesis devotes to clarify the inherence mechanism and the problems of basketball market,which main consists of giving a definition of professional basketball contest market,its characteristics and function,its formation and development,its principal parts,its price mechanism,its supply and demand mechanism,and its commission-agency echanism.It aims at providing advice and staged for fostering and consummating professional basketball contest market in china,advancing the development of the microscopically decision theory and the practice of the basketball market.

The main points are below:

1.The professional basketball market in china is the springing-up market,which characteristics are different from the traditional basketball market on the quality of contest product,the role of main investment body,the way of management and profit.Meanwhile,it is also different from the professional basketball market in western developed country on the building course of market,the core object of contest organization,the collocation of organization and domination power,the administration mechanism and management regulations,the principal body of market and the club system.

2.The current development environment of basketball market in china is the one combined by four aspects:the establishment and development of the market economy system in china,the professional transformation of basketball in the whole world,the development of the Olympic Games and the promotion of the reformation of system of competitive sports in china.The microcosmic body of the market is provided by the rise of professional basketball club;the sustaining flat of the market is provided by the government-oriented contest system;and the government-oriented supply pattern of is the systematic restriction of the current professional basketball contest market in china.

3.The professional basketball club and the professional basketball contest organization make up the professional basketball contest market in china.The former is the supply body of the professional contest product,while the latter is the supply body of the intangible asset product;the demand sides consist of fans,sponsors,media and local government.The intermediary's system for sports plays an important role as agency to popularize the contest.

4.The price mechanism is elaborated by the following aspects,such as the price representation,the characteristics,the influence factor and the choice of price strategy;the quality of the contest-service product and the brand of CBA are the key basics influencing the price of product,which act as influencing the income of local market and having an impact on the direction of the whole market.The former will affect the consumption behavior of individual,while the latter will work on the consumption behavior of commerce.As far as it goes,the former have less income than the latter.

5.The dominant factors of individual demand are made up of the consumptive avail of consumer,the price of product and the preference of consumer.The dominant factors that influence the consumptive demand of commerce consist of the profit,the price of product and the efficiency of the intermediary's agency for sports;the characteristic of rigidity is behaved by the product supply of the profession basketball contest,for the demand and supply is restricted by the following aspects,that is the arrangement of contest system,the quantity of contestant and the supply of sports services;the supply of intangible asset depends on the exploitation and management of the intangible asset of CBA and the professional basketball club;the price factor has limited effect on the balance of supply and demand during the balance process of china professional contest market,instead,the non-price factors become the essential of the balance process;the characteristic of balance is behaved on the distinction of balance price among different areas and the decline to imbalance of the demand and supply of the market.

6.It is suggested that the commission-agency system should be established;the corresponding mechanism has been come into existence by NBA which constructs the double-deck mechanism by the promotion and restriction design and the system guarantee,which exist not only between the owner of club and the president of NBA,but also between the owner and the general manager of club.The commission-agency relationship of the professional basketball contest in china is not transparent between the organization and investor,and the relationship is more formalistic for the absence of the mechanism of promotion and restriction constructed by system and contract between the manager and the investor.At the present time,the commission-agency is constructed by contract between the organization of CBA league and the management company,which have the innovative value on the mechanism design.

7.It exists some problems in the professional basketball market in china,such as the structure and scale,the operation mechanism,the behavior and the environment of the market.The corresponding counter-measures are as follows:accelerating the cultivation of the system and the essential factors of the market;perfecting the organization of CBA and building the reasonable system of property right and the administration construction conducted by the body of market;creating the favorable environment of policy and setting down the corresponding rules and system.

Keywords: professional basketball contest market;the price mechanism;the supply and demand mechanism;the commission-agency relationship;China. 4s+R3bl0FL+/38H/ZDFi/pzntVp/B+E8SxCLKeuLMVweRvnt1QzX2H906iX8MGud
