
二、Individual Defending Tactical Behavior个人防守战术行为

1. Techniques技术

Basically a defender is a marker who has to win possession of the ball when his team is in defense. He has to master all tackling skills and be good in passing,heading and controlling the ball and in good physical condition.


2. Tactics战术

Basic features for a defender:Composure;watchful,alert and concentrated;always ready to tackle;persistent;ready to want the ball all the time;never to commit oneself too early;marking discipline;playing hard and thoughtfully.


1)To cover the inner line占据内线

A defender must have a thorough knowledge of defensive principles and be very experienced in the art of positioning:To place himself on the ‘inner line’between opponent and his own goal which is the basic rule for all marking defenders. Then a defender is able to see a pass coming,can limit the area in which his opponent can receive the ball.


2)To delay延迟进攻

If your opponent has complete control of the ball,then you have to approach him in a cautious way. It is very dangerous to rush and tackle,rather you must back down and delay his actions. During thistime your defense has more time to settle down,and the supporting defender has the chance to position himself in such a way that he can assist in putting pressure on the attacker.


3)To take up the attacker´s rhythm跟着进攻队员的节奏

A defender should not commit himself to tackle too early hoping to win the ball with a desperate challenge,he has to take up the attacker´s rhythm enabling him to assess the situation before he initiates any further actions.


4)To lead the attacker to your strong side将进攻队员引向你的防守优势端

When the defender delays his opponent he has to carry him away from the goal towards the touchline and preferably to that side where he is stronger in order to look for a chance to tackle him.


5)Applying body feints whilst defending防守时运用身体假动作

Body feints belong to the collection of a skilled striker as well as a defender should be able to apply. The objective for the defender is to shepherd the striker to one side or the other and forcing him to work the ball into the area you wish him to go in order to catch him in the trap. [1] The defender must allow the attacker to make the move and then react to it.

身体假动作属于前锋选手应具备的技能范畴,而防守者也应会运用。防守者运用身体假动作的目的是诱导前锋走向你想让他去的方向并迫使其将球带到你希望的区域,防守者就可在这个陷阱将前锋的球抢断。防守者必须允许前锋运球移动然后随其变化而调整自己。 Myq70/jNADDyH9kLeoE43AAGrW07MU3Q4R7FCCtOKvCuGi6+XpW4xSyZ3hIGKnoZ
