
一、Individual Attacking Tactical Behavior个人进攻战术行为

1. Situation场景

The one on one situation is the most common tactical situation in the game. The individual in an“on ball”situation is engaged in three main functions with the ball:receiving;keeping possession;releasing.一对一是比赛中最常见的战术场景。在本队控球的情况下球员有三种处理球的方法:接应;控球;传球。

When receiving the ball the first touch is important. With the first touch to create sufficient space so that the player will have the time to make decisions. If under pressure could shield the ball and find solutions to overcome the pressure. Here the following tactical actions that are available in the situation to be considered:To feint andgo past opponent;pass to a team mate and go for a return pass;keep possession of ball to let play develop.


But if there is time and space available the player to take the best option available for positive results:To make a penetrative pass to a team mate to score;dribble penetration to create scoring opportunity.但如果时间和空间允许,球员应选择最佳方式寻求理想结果:给队友做渗透性传球使其射门得分;带球突破创造破门机会。

2. Off Ball Tactics无球队员的战术

In a match the ball is in play for an average of 60 minutes. A player may make contact with the ball from half to two minutes depending on his position and involvement in the game. For most part of the game he is playing without the ball. What he does during this period will have great significance on the outcome of the game. Let us examine some typical examples of off ball functions and see how a player can apply the tactical principles.

在一场比赛中球处于比赛状态的时间大约有60 分钟。根据其场上位置和在比赛中的参与程度不同,一名球员控球时间在半分钟到两分钟,而在比赛的大部分时间里球员都处于无球状态。在无球状态下球员的比赛行为对比赛结果有重大影响。


1)To get into good supporting position to help the man with ball possession.


2)Make a penetration run past his defender into a scoring position.


3)Make a penetration run to gain ground in order to create an overload situation and initiate an attack.


4)Make a run without penetration in order to support team mates and receive a continuity or an outlet pass.


5)Make a run to decoy his and other defenders away from ball,in order to prevent defensive covering or in order to open up tactical attacking space.

通过跑动来诱导盯防自己或同伴的对手远离球以阻止对手形成联防或者创造战术进攻局面。 eNuKB1KXLQQYOTV3oXhVXZRbXdYrOgmYRIHvU3Csuc3al/j+g1wDqQOrET3z6FkQ
