

Tactics is aiming at success. In general,during the preparation for a match the coach and his players. Work out a plan of action which should lead to the defeat of the opponent but at times,it is not only on winning but it could be directed at achieving a draw. [3]


The team must be aware of the opponent´s tactics. They should consider the weakness and strength of the opponent as well as their own abilities. Then you can plan and exploit these situations to succeed.

This is one of the advantages of game observations:You reflect on it and plan your system. The opponent should be critically observed without exaggeration.



The most important aspect of tactics should be seen in:重要的战术内容应体现在:

1)a tactical plan which is worked out before a match.


2)effective tactical actions which result from a concrete competitive situations.


In planning and executing your tactics you need more than thinking and running:


1)you need a physical proportion to keep the game going for more than 90 minutes.


2)the skill level has to be high:To be able to control the ball in any situation and to play it wherever you want it to go.


3)you need knowledge and intelligence of the game,to be able to plan a strategy,to improvise and to beat the opponent by elements of surprise.


Physically the players should be courageous to take risks to dash,create space,fight and to put into force their own tactics. Many actions are so fast that the phase of perception is followed immediately by anticipation or“reading”of the probable development of the game situation,not allowing an analysis with finding mental solutions. Anticipation is based on a very intensive perception,competitive experience and a highly developed reaction speed. In other words,you need tactics in defense to prevent goals and in attack to score goals.


New words and expressions

tactical adj.战术(的)。

be defined as:定义为……,规定为……

define v.给……下定义definition n.定义

take into account考虑

be aware of知道,意识到

opponent n.对手,敌手,反对者adj.敌对的,反对的,对面的


[1]The modern systems put so much emphasis on defending the team´s own goal that the whole team is permanently changing from attack to defense and vice versa.

汉译: 现代阵型非常强调保卫球队本方球门,即整个球队阵型随着比赛中攻防转换的变化而不断变化。

解析: 此句中包含两个知识点,put emphasis on意为把重点放在……上,例如with 5 and 6 year olds,put less emphasis on skill development,more emphasis on discovery.例外此句需注意so…that句型。

[2]Players make a system but a system doesn´t make players.

汉译: 球员决定阵型而不是阵型决定球员。

解析: 此句重点领悟英语中make一词。此为成为、办成等意。

[3]In general during the preparation for a match the coach and his players work out a plan of action which should lead to the defeat of the opponent but at times,it is not only on winning but it could be directed at achieving a draw.

汉译: 总的来说,在赛前,教练和他的球员会制定一套击败对手的行动方案,但有时,这套方案不仅包括如何赢取比赛而且包括如何保住平局的目标。

解析: 此句中In general意为一般说来,我们在分析一个复

杂句时,通常先将该句的主干成分找出,这样易于我们理解。此句主语为the coach and his players,it指的是the plan. Draw在此意思为平局、平手,可做动词或名词。 mfCwQg2f/hTzgfvMPhtaMUA1ODMJasF+N8EogPpVHRYV8dk4Z2VV28gTdrmYM1Yr
