
二、Three Basic Factors Of Performance竞技能力的三个基本要素

1. These Factors are这些要素是

1)Condition - physical aspect体能身体方面

With embodies speed,endurance,strength,agility and flexibility.


2)Technique - skills技术-技能

Ability to handle the ball in different game situation,and to move economically and with purpose keeping ball possession under great pressure and at high tempo,adjusting to different game situations.



The way by which technical skills and physical fitness are used as successfully as possible and it refers to a system of planned actions and decision alternatives.


To behave and respond in any given situation in a match,they must be talented and be able to develop their intellectual ability to play. These basic factors of training in any given situation in match,they must be talented and be able to develop their intellectual ability to play. These basic factors of training depend on each other,they are interrelated to each other.


And since the game has become more and more complex the training has also become complex. It is very important to work hard with the ball to achieve and meet up to the demands of the game.


If these basics factors which are interrelated are applied during training,then the coach will be able to get the best performance of the team. And in doing this the coach must have realized his main objective,which is for the players to play good football and meet up the complexity which the game demands. To reach this goal,the players have to receive a systematic training from the earliest years on. [2]


2. Training训练

Training nowadays is not just exercising anymore,but a very sophisticated process. The development of sport performance is influenced by many factors,which requires a lot of expert knowledge from the coach. Training are all measures taken to improve and stabilize the quality of performance. [3] It is a physical and educational process which develops a complex sports performance by means of contents,methods and organizational measures corresponding with objectives. [4]


The systematic aspect of training procedures is evident in:


training plans训练计划

training contents训练内容

training methods训练方法

training loads训练负荷

training objectives训练目标

Coaches should be aware of the gradual process. They do not just start training and expect instant results but it lasts several years,until a footballer achieves a high standard of performance. In order to make a further increase in performance possible,it is necessary to adjust thetraining load to the new performance level. Players should have the physical abilities and the readiness to perform well,too.


1)Physical Abilities体能

2)Readiness to perform well-to give everything


a. Dedication奉献精神

b. Exertion发挥

c. Effort努力

d. Will power意志力

e. Attitude态度

f. Desire for achievement成功的渴望

3. Demands from the Coaches教练的要求

Know what type of training concerning load,intensity,duration;a-bility to read the game and to adjust it in training and competitive situations;training must be game oriented;the coach must inform the players what to do in short and precise form of explanation for easy understanding;in advance knowledge is given to the players;the coach must treat players with a certain respect,this in turn is complimented back to you,and it establishes a working relationship between the coach and the player;the coach must have“expert knowledge”,then the players will respect him;the coach has to take into account the player´s individual characteristics;the coach must have the ability to demonstrate -players do not trust coaches who cannot demonstrate.


New words and expressions

complexity n.复杂性;难题

execute v.执行;实施;处死;成功完成;使生效

tactical a.战术上的;策略上的;有谋略的

agility n.敏捷;机灵

flexibility n.灵活性;弹性;柔韧性

tempo n.速度;节奏

alternative n.可供选择的事物

intellectual a.智力的;有才智的;智力发达的

tactic n.策略;手段;战术

interrelate v.相互关联

sophisticated a.见多识广的;精密的;水平高的

exertion n.努力;尽力;运用;施加

intensity n.强烈;剧烈;强度

orient v.面对;朝向;使适应

compliment n.赞扬;问候;致意;祝贺


1. The game of football has become more and more complex,due to the various systems constantly introduced and this has made more demands on players and especially coaches.

汉译: 足球比赛因其阵型不断变化而变得越来越复杂,这对球员尤其是教练员会有更高的要求。

解析: 本句中due to …表示“由于……”的意思,相当于because of …结构。

2. The game demands wider range of involvement,due to the fact that the challenge has become greater.

汉译: 同样,因其面临的挑战越来越大使得比赛所要求的方面也越来越广。

解析: 本句中the fact后面是that引导的同位语从句,说明the fact所指的具体内容。

3. With this complexity,the demand has become great. The tactical aspect must be improved,the physical aspect to perform must be always at its peak,and the players must also fulfill the demands of the game,in order to show more variety,and surprises to beat opponents and to score.

汉译: 由于这种复杂性使得比赛对球员和教练的要求加大。为了表现出更多的变化进而出奇制胜的击败对手,战术方面要提高,体能方面的表现必须始终处于巅峰状态,球员必须满足比赛要求。

解 析:本句中fulfill the demands of …是“满足……的要求”的意思。

4. Therefore coaches must be aware of these changes and have to adjust to the situation in planning their training programmes and whilst coaching the players.

汉译: 因此教练员在指导球员时必须意识到这些变化并在制定的训练计划中体现出来。

解 析:本句中planning their training programmes和coaching the players是并列结构,都做介词in的宾语。

5. Training nowadays is not just exercising anymore,but a very sophisticated process.

汉译: 如今的训练不仅仅是练习,而是一个非常复杂的过程。

解析: 本句中not …,but …为一结构,是“不是……,而是……”的意思。


[1]Unlike the WM - System,where the players have specific tasks to perform on the fields of play,there has been continuous involvement of more players in executing more tasks,and this has reached a complex stage presently in the present systems,where all the players are involved in attacking as well as in defending.

汉译: 不同于WM阵型中球员们在比赛中有具体的任务,现在的比赛阵型达到了一个复杂阶段,比赛中更多任务的完成会不断的涉及到更多球员参与,而且要求球员既能进攻又能防守。

解 析:本句中结构复杂,where the players have specific tasks to perform on the fields of play和where all the players are involved in attacking as well as in defending都是where引导的非限制性定语从句,分别对the WM - System和in the present systems做进一步的补充说明。

[2]If these basics factors which are interrelated are applied during training,then the coach will be able to get the best performance of the team. And in doing this the coach must have realized his main objective,which is for the players to play good football and meet up the complexity which the game demands. To reach this goal,the players have to receive a systematic training from the earliest years on.

汉译: 如果教练员能将这些相互联系的基本要素应用在训练中,他就能使球队有上佳表现。在训练这些要素的同时教练员必须要认识到他的主要目标是为了让球员踢出精彩的足球,满足比赛的复杂性要求。要达到这一目标,球员必须从早期开始接受系统训练。

解 析:在If these basics factors which are interrelated are applied during training条件状语从句中包含了一个定语从句which are interrelated。另外,which is for the players to play good football and meet up the complexity which the game demands是一个由which引导的非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个句子的内容。

[3]Training are all measures taken to improve and stabilize the quality of performance.

汉译: 训练是各种用以提高和稳定竞技水平的措施。

解 析:本句中taken to improve and stabilize the quality of per-formance是过去分词短语做后置定语,修饰measures。

[4]It is a physical and educational process which develops a complex sports performance by means of contents,methods and organizational measures corresponding with objectives.

汉译: 它是一种按照既定目标运用多种训练内容、方法和组织手段发展复杂运动技能的身体训练和教育的过程。

解 析:本句中which …with objectives是定语从句,修饰a physical and educational process。 kEOzXfQeO6f1cKGEXhMrEGWqqshF/jwHqUlkX03VskIAihCrdAYurweS01IEASgU
