
二、Leadership Qualities领导素质

The British expert on leadership,John Adair,quotes the following ranking of 12 attributes rated most valuable at the top level of management by successful chief executives. [1]

英国的领导才能专家John Adair借用如下12 个被许多成功经营主管认为在高层管理阶层最有价值的的品质:

Decisiveness;leadership;Integrity;enthusiasm;Imagination;willingness to work hard;analytical ability;understanding of others;ability to spot opportunities;ability to meet unpleasant situations;willingness to take risks;know yourself.


As a leader,you will start with certain natural abilities and by experience you will have developed certain skills. To improve your leadership qualities your step is an analytical one - know yourself.

Check each of the ten qualities and skills listed below and see how you measure up to them:


Ability to work with people与他人工作的能力

Ability to gain the respect and support of people得到他人支持和尊重的能力



Imagination (vision)想象力(远见)

Ability to inspire others with your enthusiasm and vision用你的热情和远见去渲染他人的能力

Willingness to work hard乐于努力地工作

Analytical ability分析能力


Ability to change leadership style to suit occasion视情况改变其领导方式的能力

Know your situation了解自己的状况

Having got to know something about yourself as a leader - your strengths and weaknesses - you have to carry on using analytical powers to understand the situation so that you can exploit your strengths,minimize your weaknesses and adopt the most appropriate management style. [2] Your situational analysis answer the following questions:


1. The Task任务

What needs to be done and why?What results have to be achieved?What problems have to be overcome?Is the solution to these problems straight forward or is there a measure of ambiguity? [3] Is this a crisis situation?What is the time - scale to complete the task?What pressure is going to be exerted on me?


2. The Team球队

What is the composition of the team?How well is the team organized?Do the members of the team work well together?What will they want to get out of this?How am I to get this particular team´s commitment?(How am I to get results by satisfying their needs?)How are they likely to respond to the various leadership styles or approaches I might adopt?


3. The Individuals In The Team球队中的个人

What are the strength and weaknesses of each member of the teams?What sorts of things are likely to motivate them?How are they to respond individually to the various leadership techniques or styles I might adopt?


New words and expressions

vision n.远见卓识;幻想;视野

devise v.发明;设计;想出

creativity n.创造力

motivational a.有促进作用的

endurance n.忍耐力;耐久力

perseverance n.毅力;韧性;不屈不挠的精神

articulate v.明确表达;口齿清楚;与……合成整体;

adaptability n.适应能力

reliability n.可靠;可信度

consistency n.一致性;连贯性;坚实度

assertiveness n.自信心

integrity n.诚实正直;完整;完好

analytical a.分析的;解析的;分析性的

minimize v.使减少到最低限度;降低;使最小化

composition n.构成;作品;创作;作曲艺术;作文;构图


1. As a leader,you will start with certain natural abilities and by experience you will have developed certain skills.

汉译: 作为领导者,你一方面具有某些天生的能力,另一方面又要通过经验发展其他的能力。

解析: 本句中的will have done结构表示的是现在将来时态。

2. What pressure is going to be exerted on me ?

汉译: 我的压力将是什么?

解 析:本句中的exert pressure on sb是一个短语,表示“给某人施加压力”的意思。

3. What is the composition of the team ?

汉译: 球队由哪些人员组成?

解 析:本句中the composition of sth表示“什么的组成成分”的意思。

4. What sort of things are likely to motivate them ?

汉译: 哪些事情可能会激励他们?

本句中be likely to do sth是一个短语,表示“可能会做某事”的意思。

5. How are they likely to respond to the various leadership styles or approaches I might adopt ?

汉译: 对我所采用不同的领导风格和方法他们做何反应?

解析: 本句中respond to是一个短语,表示“对什么做出回应”的意思。


[1]The British expert on leadership,John Adair,quotes the following ranking of 12 attributes rated most valuable at the top level of management by successful chief executives.

汉译: 英国的领导才能专家John Adair借用如下12个被许多成功经营主管认为在高层管理阶层最有价值的的品质。

解 析:本句中的rated most valuable at the top level of management by successful chief executives做后置定语,修饰前面的the following ranking of 12 attributes.

[2]Having got to know something about yourself as a leader -your strengths and weaknesses - you have to carry on using analytical powers to understand the situation so that you can exploit your strengths,minimize your weaknesses and adopt the most appropriate management style.

汉译: 作为领导者你要了解你的优势和劣势———你必须通过分析来了解这些以此能更好的扬长避短然后采取最合适你的管理风格。

解析: 本句中so that…句式是目的状语从句,从句中的exploit your strengths,minimize your weaknesses和adopt the most appropriate management style是并列结构。

[3]Is the solution to these problems straight forward or is there a measure of ambiguity ?

汉译: 解决问题的方式是直接的还是间接的?

解析: 本句中or连接的是两个并列的一般疑问句,前面的疑问句中主语部分是the solution to these problems. 7GUoE4Z6FBwodQYpaTI0TlAihS2jRI0sEtwuSicYeMozPRESRRSTJpZcNc/z/R5b
