
七、Training for Youth青少年训练

The best age to teach technical training to the players is at the age of 8 to 12 when they have fine balance between coordination and body rhythm when what they learn repeatedly becomes almost automatic. If a movement is repeated many times the movement patterns are stored in the brain and can be retrieved when needed,e. g. dribbling skills,passing,running with ball etc. At the beginning the player needs to concentrate but with increasing confidence he develops the skills and the movement becomes automatic.

对于足球运动员来说,技术训练的最佳年龄段在8 ~ 12岁,此年龄段的儿童身体协调性和节奏感都处于很好的平衡状态。经过多次重复学习的技术会达到自动化程度。某种动作重复多次练习后,动作方式便会在大脑中储存起来形成自动化,一旦需要便会再现,如运球技术、传球技术、带球跑等。起初训练时运动员需集中精力才可完成,但随着自信心的增加,运动员掌握了技术其动作就变得自动化了。

For player under the age of 12 years emphasis should be on quality of footwork,coordination when running and acquisition of skills with the application of correct technique. Boys of this age are agile and flexible and related activities should be carried out. From 12 to 16 years we should continue with the above so that the players maintain their body rhythm with the ball and their fine sense of balance. They should continue with speed and coordination but strength training should be of own body weight.

对于12岁以下运动员来说,运用正确技术获取技能以及跑步时,应将重点放在步法质量和协调性上。此年龄段的儿童具有良好的敏捷性和柔韧性,可以安排与灵敏性和柔韧性相关内容的训练活动。从12 ~ 16岁,应继续进行以上的训练,这样运动员才可保持持球运动时的身体节奏和良好的平衡感。还应继续速度和协调性训练,但是力量训练应控制在自身体重以内。

From the age of 16 we can gradually work on improving their strength with resistance training. Weight training can be introduced at this stage. It is also an opportune time to start on speed endurance training at this age group. However it should emphasize that the coach should develop the above by progressive loading and avoid overtraining.


New words and expressions

elasticity n.弹力,弹性

eigament n.韧带

tendons n.腱

connective tissue n.结缔组织

capillary n.毛细管

spinal cord脊髓

rotate v. (使)旋转

quadriceps n.四头肌

pelvis n.骨盆,骨盘

femur n.大腿骨,腿节

tibia n.胫骨

twitch fibre肌纤维

sprinter n.短跑运动员

enzyme n.酶

aerobically adv.有氧地;需氧地

strenuous a.奋发的;热烈的;热心的

magnitude n.大小;光度;重要

hamstring n.腿筋;腿窝

lactic acid乳酸

massage n.按摩;揉

dribbling skills运球技能


1. Sport is caused and controlled by muscle forces.

汉译: 运动是由肌肉力量控制和产生的。

解析: 英语在公文、新闻、科技论著以及散文、小说等文学作品中常用被动式。这种表达法往往使叙述显得客观、公正,结构趋于严密、紧凑,语气较为婉转、间接。但是汉语则较注重主体思维,从自我出发来叙述客观事物,或倾向于描述人及其行为或状态,也就是说表达时往往要说出施动者;若无法说出确定的人称,则采用泛称,如“有人”“人们”“大家”等;若人称或泛称不言自喻时,又常常采用省略人称。

2. To understand the body´s ability to play sport requires the study of the structure and function of muscles,bones and joints.

汉译: 为了进一步理解身体的运动能力,需要研究肌肉结构、肌肉功能、骨骼和关节。

解析: 在英语中经常会出现用动名词或不定式做句子的主语。其结构为:动名词/不定式+动词+补语。

例如:To master typing skills requires an attentive mind. (要熟练打字技巧需要细心。)

Working is the only thing he worries about all day. (他整天担心的只有工作。)

3. The muscle and the skeletal system with the aid of the nervous system enable us to move.

汉译: 肌肉和骨骼系统在神经系统的作用下使得人体能够活动。

解析: 介词是英语里最活跃的词类之一,是连接词、语或从句的重要手段。故英语造句中几乎离不开介词,汉语则常常不用或省略介词。而且他们的位置较为灵活,会出现在句首、句中或句尾,尤其在长句中他们会放入句中增加句子理解的难度。故分析长句时要注意介词。

4. We should also realize that after an injury it is important to regain muscle strength lost during the inactive period.

汉译: 我们还应该注意到,受伤后恢复在不训练期丧失的肌肉力量也很重要。

解析: 虚词it是一种“非指代性”it,以示区别于人称代词it,常用作于没有具体意义的主语,出现于气候、天气、温度、地点、距离等意义的句子中。它的另外一种用法是充当形式主语或形式宾语,后面的真正主语或真正宾语通常是不定式结构、- ing分词结构或名词性分句。


[1]The amount of movements possible at a joint,the length and elasticity of the ligaments and tendons at the joint,and the type of muscle initiating the movement all influence the rate and range of possible movement.

汉译: 影响完成动作范围大小和速率的因素有:某一关节可以完成的动作量,关节处韧带和肌腱的长度和韧性以及肌肉种类。

解析: 本句的主语较复杂,由三个并列的of短语组成(The amount of movements possible at a joint,the length and elasticity of the ligaments and tendons at the joint,and the type of muscle initiating the movement),influence是此句谓语。

[2]At each end of a muscle are one or more tendons which connect the muscle to the skeletal system.

汉译: 在每块肌肉两端有一个或多个肌腱,这些肌腱将肌肉和骨骼连在一起。

解析: 本句为完全倒装句,其正常语序为:One or more tendons are at each end of a muscle.但主语带有which引导的定语从句,从而造成头重脚轻故用倒装句表达。

[3]When the muscle contracts the end of the two tendons move towards each other and the bones to which they are attached rotate around the skeletal joint and movement occurs.

汉译: 肌肉收缩时拉动肌腱的两端相互靠近,于是与肌腱相连的骨骼围绕关节旋转,这样就完成了一个动作。

解析: 本句是由when引导的时间状语从句,其从句为the muscle contracts,主句为the end of the two tendons…movement occurs.但其主句结构较为复杂,它是由and连接的三个小句组成:The end of the two tendons move towards each other;the bones to which they are attached rotate around the skeletal joint;movement occurs.其中在第二个小句中还包含一个which引导的定语从句,“they”指代“the end of the two tendons”。

[4]Long distance runners who possess good endurance capacity often have a large proportion of slow twitch fibres whereas sprinters who has to produce a large amount of energy in a very short time usually have a larger amount of fast twitch fibres in the legs.

汉译: 具有良好耐力水平的长跑运动员慢肌纤维比例往往比较高。而对于短跑运动员,他们可以在很短时间内产生大量能量,腿部快肌纤维比例往往比较高。

解析: 本句是由whereas引导的让步状语从句,其中两个小句的主语各包含一个定语从句,即“who possess good endurance capacity”修饰“Long distance runners”和“who has to produce a large amount of energy in a very short time”修饰“sprinters”。

[5]If warming up and stretching has not been enough the force executed by quadriceps could give rise to injury to the hamstring,reason being the quads are very strong and exert tremendous force.

汉译: 若热身和伸展活动不充分,股四头肌用力可能导致肌腱受伤。因为股四头肌太强壮了,可产生巨大的力。

解析: 本句是if引导的条件状语从句,其分句为“warming up and stretching has not been enough”,剩余部分为主句。而且主句结构较为复杂:主语“the force”由过去分词短语“executed by quadriceps”修饰,“reason”实为for the reason that引导的原因状语从句。 WGrhw/0bxTfwl8gGzG1ZL8SVuqxqsIlSsz+lQp88mrPcdseUALGnrCHnziA+jAn1

