

Autonomous driving is a challenge that can only be addressed in collaborative fashion. Not only the core automotive industry is affected by disruptive technologies and methods entering our life, but also everyone interacting with these technologies. Traffic and road infrastructure will need to be adjusted, mobility concepts will evolve further, municipalities will have to adapt, and regulators will have to provide a (legal) framework for the operation-just to name a few.


But unless we know what to prepare for, proper preparation will be hard. Simulation technology allows us to explore situations before any system will experience them in real life. It provides a safe means to scan the event space and derive from it the Operational Design Domain (ODD) within which a system is designed not only to guarantee functional safety but also safety of the intended function.

但除非我们知道如何去做准备,否则做到适当的应对将极为困难。模拟仿真技术使我们在任何系统成为现实之前体验它们的情况。它提供了一种构建事件空间的安全方法,并从中派生出设计运行范围(Operational Design Domain,ODD)。在ODD中,系统的设计不仅要保证功能安全,还要保证预期功能安全。

Simulation means simplification; no single simulation is perfect, and nothing beats real life. But with a large number of specialized solutions and tools available, there is a good potential to cover in simulation the majority of relevant scenarios. This implies that simulation tools must be able to interact-either within a single simulation setup or by (re-)using the same data.


The ASAM OpenX standards enable exactly this interaction. They provide the data formats and concepts for defining the ODD (ASAM OpenODD), for describing the road environment (ASAM OpenDRIVE and ASAM OpenCRG), for communication between components (ASAM OSI), for tagging and labeling data (ASAM OpenLABEL), and, of course, for describing scenarios from the very specific event up to the abstract level (ASAM OpenSCENARIO).

在这样的背景下,以ASAM OpenX为代表的标准基于支持工具与环境的交互而开发。它们提供了用于定义ODD(ASAM OpenODD)、描述道路环境(ASAM OpenDRIVE和ASAM OpenCRG)、组件之间的通信(ASAM OSI)、标记和标注数据(ASAM OpenLABEL)的数据格式和概念。当然,还用于描述从非常具体的事件到抽象级别的多种场景(ASAM OpenSCENARIO)。

ASAM OpenX-projects also look at ontologies and terminologies, and further aspects of simulation and the real world. By describing reality in ASAM OpenX formats, the use of the respective data is not limited to simulation only. This is a great strength of the ASAM standards, and it guarantees that assets created within one application can be reused in other setups, thus preserving the investment that was done upon creating an asset.

ASAM openx项目还关注本体论和术语定义,以及更进一步地模拟仿真现实世界。通过ASAM OpenX格式描述现实情况,对于数据的使用绝不仅限于模拟仿真领域。这是ASAM标准的一大优点,它保证在一个应用程序中创建的内容可以在其他设置中重用,从而保留在创建内容时所做的投入。

ASAM always acts with the big picture in mind. We aim to make sure that our standards outside the simulation domain (i.e., Measurement, Calibration, Diagnostics, and Test Automation) can not only interact with each other but also with the respective counterparts within the simulation domain. Because, ultimately, the simulated systems and functions will have to face reality, and real driving validation is needed to work on corner cases and to identify previously unknown situations. Our Test Specification Study Group, for example, tries to locate loopholes in the entire testing regime of autonomous vehicles before they make it at large scale into the field.

ASAM总是以全球化视野进行布局。ASAM的目标是确保模拟仿真领域之外的标准(即测量、校准、诊断和测试自动化)不仅可以相互交互,而且还可以与模拟领域内的其他标准进行交互。因为模拟系统和功能终将面对现实世界,并且需要真正的驾驶验证来处理极端情况并识别之前未知的情况。例如,我们的测试规范研究小组(Test Specification Study Group)试图在自动驾驶汽车大规模投入使用之前,找出整个测试制度中的漏洞。

Let us conclude by emphasizing that all ASAM standards are the result of the excellent engagement of our more than 430 members worldwide. They are the direct sign of what the industry deems necessary to agree on and where pre-competitive collaboration is mandatory. ASAM is the framework, but it would be empty without the engagement of our members. Feel invited to become a part of this great community of experts and have your requirements reflected in the ASAM standards.


