

Part I Writing




Nowadays more and more people choose to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle. In modern society, people tend to apply the environmentally friendly concept to routine life by starting from trivial things, such as taking public transport, sorting the daily garbage, recycling the used things, etc. Consequently, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that public awareness of environmental protection has been greatly raised. 1

The following are two main factors accounting for this gratifying progress. For one thing, governments around the world increasingly lay down a series of environmental protection laws and regulations, calling on people to make efforts for the sustainable development of mankind. For another, with the speeding up of industrialization, environmental problems are becoming more and more serious all over the world, which poses a great threat to the existence of mankind. Therefore, there is a growing awareness of the significance of protecting the environment and leading a more environmentally friendly life. 2

From my perspective, everyone can make a great contribution to environmental protection. However, there is still a long way to go for environmental conservation, which requires more people to engage in environmentally friendly actions voluntarily. 3

1 具体描述“如今,越来越多的人选择环保的生活方式”这一社会现象,由此引出中心观点——公民的环保意识大大提高。

2 分别从政府立法、环境问题威胁人类生存这两个角度阐述公民环保意识提高的原因,由连接词For one thing、For another引出。

3 总结全文,呼吁更多人参与到环保行动中来。






routine 日常的

lay down 制定

pose a threat to 危及

trivial 琐碎的

sustainable 可持续的

lead 过(某种生活)

gratifying 令人高兴的

industrialization 工业化

engage in 参与


1 Consequently, it is not difficult to draw the conclusion that...


2 Therefore, there is a growing awareness of the significance of...


3 However, there is still a long way to go for..., which requires...


Part IV


横跨 stretch across

爪子 claw

美学特征 aesthetic feature

多拱 multi-arch

生动逼真 lifelike

石桥建筑 stone bridge architecture

柱子 pillar

千姿百态 various postures

丰碑 monument

腹部 belly

石刻艺术 stone carving art


Located 15 kilometers southwest of Tian'anmen Square, the Lugou Bridge stretches across the Yongding River and is the oldest existing multi-arch stone bridge in Beijing. Originally built in 1192 and rebuilt in 1698, the Lugou Bridge is supported on 281 pillars, each of which has a stone lion on it. There are more lions hiding on the heads, backs, bellies or claws of these stone lions. These stone lions are so lifelike with various postures that they are seen as masterpieces of the Lugou Bridge stone carving art. Since stone lions on the bridge are countless, there is a saying in Beijing that “the stone lions of the Lugou Bridge are too many to count.”

The Lugou Bridge is not only world-famous for its aesthetic features but also well recognized as a monument in the history of stone bridge architecture.


1. 第一句: 本句主体可提炼为“卢沟桥横跨永定河,是北京现存最古老的多拱石桥”;“位于天安门广场西南15公里处”翻译时可处理为地点状语,即Located 15 kilometers southwest of Tian'anmen Square,补充说明卢沟桥的具体方位。

2. 第二句: 本句主干可提炼为“卢沟桥由281根柱子支撑”,即the Lugou Bridge is supported on 281 pillars,“最初建成于1192年,1698年重建”可翻译为过去分词短语,充当状语,即Originally built in 1192 and rebuilt in 1698。

3. 第三句: 主语“每根柱子”指第二句中的“281根柱子”,因此翻译时可处理为第二句的非限制性定语从句,即each of which has a stone lion on it。

4. 第四句: 本句仍在讲述石狮,正常翻译即可。注意“头、背、腹部或爪子”都应用复数。

5. 第五句: 分析句内关系可知,“生动逼真、千姿百态”使得石狮“是卢沟桥石刻艺术的精品”,故翻译时可采用so...that...句型;其中“精品”在此可理解为“杰作,代表作”,故翻译为masterpieces。

6. 第六句: 句中“因而”提示前后分句是因果关系,“桥上的石狮不计其数”是“因”,故可翻译为since引导的原因状语从句;“流传着……的说法”翻译成there is a saying that。

7. 第七句: 本句中“不仅……还……”需翻译成not only...but also...的结构;“以……闻名于世”即be world-famous for;“被公认为”即be well recognized as。 BRZBYdimL606s0s5QjnBIO226p8bIQ7zTvMmFYqhEsijExv/KH2XVQ2BhktIAEeJ
