

Part I




Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Zhang Hua, a sophomore in our university. I am writing to offer some suggestions on how to improve the service of our school clinic. 1 As we all know, school-based health clinic programs have a positive impact on student growth and development. Each student should have access to a medical home that provides high-quality, continuous, and comprehensive health care services. 2

Currently, there are some problems in our school clinic. 3 First and foremost, 4 personnel shortages rank No. 1 on the list of my top concerns. Due to the shortage of medical staff, students have to wait long to see a doctor. School clinic should recruit more staff to better its service. Furthermore, 5 there is no mental counseling service due to the lack of mental health professionals. It is not uncommon that many students have been diagnosed with a mental health disorder. School clinic thus should hire professional mental health staff to treat those students' mental illness.

I would appreciate it a lot if you could take my suggestions into consideration. 6

Best wishes,
Zhang Hua

1 首先做自我介绍,并表明写信目的。

2 强调校诊所的重要性。

3 点明当前校诊所存在问题。

4 开始分点阐述,使用分点论述的表达first and foremost(首先)指出第一个问题:校诊所医务人员短缺,学生看病时间长。提出解决办法:雇佣更多医务人员。

5 使用分点表述用语Furthermore(其次,此外)提出第二个问题:校诊所没有心理咨询专业人员,无法提供心理咨询服务。提出相应解决办法:引进人才,聘用心理健康专业人士,为学生的心理健康保驾护航。

6 最后一段表达希望建议被采纳的愿望。








have a positive impact on 对……有积极影响

personnel shortage 人员紧缺

professional 专业人士,职业人士

recruit 雇佣,聘用

be diagnosed with 被诊断为

have access to 使用;接近;可以利用

rank 排名,将……列为

mental health disorder 心理健康疾病

top concerns 最关心的问题

take...into consideration 把……考虑在内

currently 当前,目前

due to 由于


1 I am writing to offer some suggestions on...


2 It is not uncommon that...


3 I would appreciate it...if you could...


Part IV


一群 a flock of

叼走 take away; carry...off in one's mouth

放羊 herd the sheep

修/补 mend; repair

窟窿 hole

补救 remedy; fixing

显然 obviously; apparently

损失 loss


Once upon a time, there was a man who kept a flock of sheep. One morning he was going out to herd the sheep when he found one was missing. Observing carefully, he saw a hole in the sheepfold. Obviously, a wolf must have got into the sheepfold at night and taken the sheep away.

His neighbor advised him to repair the sheepfold, but he turned a deaf ear.

The next day, he found that the wolf took away another sheep through the hole. Remembering what his neighbor had said, he hurried to block up the hole and mended the sheepfold. Since then, he never lost a sheep to the wolves again.

The moral of the story is that fixing things when they go wrong can prevent a bigger loss.


1. 第一句 “从前有个人”常翻译成Once upon a time, there was a man;“养了一群羊”翻译成定语从句,修饰“人”,即who kept a flock of sheep,其中“养”用keep来表达。

2. 第二句: 既可以翻译成One morning he was going out to herd the sheep when he found one was missing.(使用的是be going to do sth. when...的句式),也可以直接翻译成One morning he was ready to go out to herd the sheep and he found one of them was gone。

3. 第三句 “仔细一看”可以处理为伴随状语,翻译成现在分词短语Observing carefully。

4. 第四句 “钻进羊圈”翻译为must have got into the sheepfold,其中must have done表示肯定推测;“叼走了羊”翻译为taken the sheep away。

5. 第五句 “邻居劝他修羊栏”翻译成His neighbor advised him to repair the sheepfold,使用的是advise sb. to do sth.这一结构;“但他不听”可翻译成but he turned a deaf ear,其中turn a deaf ear是固定短语,意为“不听,置之不理”,当然该分句也可直接翻译成but he didn't listen。

6. 第六句 “第二天”翻译成The next day;“通过窟窿”翻译成through the hole。

7. 第七句 “想起邻居的话”处理为伴随状语,翻译成现在分词结构Remembering what his neighbor had said;“赶快”翻译成hurried to;“堵上”翻译成block up。

8. 第八句 “此后”翻译成since then;“他的羊再也没有被狼叼走”即“他的羊再也没有落入狼口”,故可翻译成he never lost a sheep to the wolves again。

9. 第九句 “故事告诉我们”可翻译为The moral of the story is,其中moral表示“寓意”,还可直接翻译成The story tells us that...;“出了问题及时补救,可以防止蒙受更大损失”既可以翻译成fixing things when they go wrong can prevent a bigger loss,也可以翻译成timely remedy can prevent further losses。 bGEre6P0l6N+qxmypQE+9OYC/b0wZ/ECGsqWNLX2N3XAVUq6KM0usJUlr4MCTsUb
