

Part I

· 审题 ·


· 参考范文&点评 ·

Teachers are held in high esteem all over the world. September 10th, as we all know, is the Teacher's Day of China. This day is in honor of all those who devote themselves to the teaching profession. Schools and universities usually celebrated the Teacher's Day through organizing a series of activities. 1 Our class is of course no exception. 2

The celebrations took place in the early morning on September 10th. We were given the honor to invite all our teachers to the hall, which was beautifully decorated with colorful balloons. Upon each teacher's arrival, students roared and cheered. We sang and danced to convey our gratitude to teachers, which received loud applauds from the audience. After the performances, our teachers were besieged by flowers, cards, and gifts from the students in our class. 3

All in all, the Teachers' Day is a time for honoring teachers and recognizing the contributions they make to us. We should all show our respect for our teachers.

1 首先介绍教师节,然后强调庆祝教师节的重要意义。

2 自然引出自己班级的教师节活动。

3 本段详细介绍班级举办的教师节庆祝活动:邀请所有教师参加、学生欢迎教师入场、为教师奉上歌舞节目、为教师送上鲜花、卡片和各种礼物。

4 总结全文,重申教师节的重要意义,再次表达对教师的尊敬。

· 范文译文 ·




· 亮点词汇 ·

hold sb. in high esteem 非常尊敬某人

a series of 一系列

convey one's gratitude to 向……表达感激

in honor of 向……致敬;纪念……

be no exception 不例外

applaud 喝彩;掌声

devote oneself to 致力于;献身于

roar 大声呼喊

be besieged by 被……团团围住

profession 职业

cheer 欢呼

all in all 总之

· 写作句型 ·

1 ...are held in high esteem all over the world.


2 We were given the honor to invite... to..., which...


3 After the performances, ... were besieged by flowers, cards, and gifts from...


Part IV

· 难词译注 ·

民间的 folk

俗称 commonly known as

无疑 certainly; undoubtedly

习俗 custom

表达 express

与……联系 keep in touch with; connect with

长辈 elders

亲朋好友 relatives and friends

发红包 send red envelopes

用户 users

· 参考译文 ·

According to traditional Chinese folk customs, elders usually give red envelopes, commonly known as “lucky money”, to children during the Spring Festival to express good wishes for them and wish them good luck. Nowadays, red envelopes are not only gifts for children, but also often gifts for elders or relatives and friends. In recent years, red envelopes on WeChat have become more popular as the number of WeChat users has increased. When celebrating the Spring Festival, people often send red envelopes to each other on WeChat to express greetings. It's certainly a convenient way to keep in touch with relatives and friends far away.

· 译点精析 ·

1. 第一句: 本句较长,主干为“春节期间长辈通常会给孩子发红包”,翻译为elders usually give red envelopes to children during the Spring Festival;“俗称发压岁钱”处理为非谓语动词短语,充当插入语,补充说明“发红包”,应翻译为commonly known as “lucky money”;“以表达对孩子的祝福,祝他们好运”表示目的,应翻译为目的状语,即to express good wishes for them and wish them good luck;“按照中国民间的传统习俗”充当状语,修饰整个句子,“按照”翻译为短语according to即可,“中国民间的传统习俗”根据英文表达习惯应翻译为traditional Chinese folk customs。

2. 第二句: 本句中含有“不仅……而且……”的并列结构,需翻译为not only...but also...,故“不仅是给孩子的礼物,而且经常也是给长辈或亲朋好友的礼物”翻译为are not only gifts for children, but also often gifts for elders or relatives and friends。

3. 第三句: 主干“微信红包变得愈加流行”翻译为red envelopes on WeChat have become more popular,注意“愈加”表示“更加”,应翻译为比较级;“随着微信用户数量的增加”表示时间,应翻译为时间状语从句,as the number of WeChat users has increased;“近年来”在句首,翻译为In recent years。注意,“微信”的英文表达为WeChat。

4. 第四句: “欢度春节时”可翻译为“when+分词”的结构,即When celebrating the Spring Festival;“互发微信红包”翻译为send red envelopes to each other on WeChat;“表达问候”表示目的,翻译为不定式结构,即to express greetings。

5. 第五句: 句子主干是“这是一种便捷方式”,应翻译为It's a convenient way;“无疑”翻译为certainly或undoubtedly;“与远方亲友联系的”充当定语,修饰“方式(way)”,又含有动作的意味,故翻译为不定式短语,即to keep in touch with relatives and friends far away或to connect with relatives and friends far away。 jzjl80HBzYdqS4kYhrnzIkdomaG7cKBtj7hdC/c7Ypow0Woy2tI5zV6zfjaMVdmo
