

Part I

· 审题 ·


· 参考范文&点评 ·

Dear Alumni, 1

How is everything going? 2 With the pandemic keeping a grip on the world, it is undeniable that quite a few companies are suffering great losses, which results in fewer job opportunities in the market. Job-searching thus becomes unprecedentedly difficult. Under such circumstances, work experiences and tips are of greater significance. 3

As the organizer of “Sharing Work Experience” program, I am greatly honored to formally invite you to share your job experience with our class who are going to graduate and start job hunting. 4 The event will be held at the hall of our university from 2 to 6 p.m. on September 17th. This will be followed by an alumni gathering, where you will meet many old friends and teachers. 5

We will appreciate it a lot if you can generously share us with your job searching and work experiences. Your sharing will be of great benefit to us student job seekers. 6 Please let us know whether you can attend the event or not before this Friday. Looking forward to hearing from you. 7

Yours sincerely,
Li Hua 8

1 写信要有称呼语。

2 问候校友近况,表达关切之情。

3 强调当前就业形势严峻,校友分享经验意义重大。

4 正式发出邀请,用语得体。

5 介绍活动具体时间、地点及相关情况。

6 事先表达感激,并再次强调校友分享的意义。

7 说明回复邀请的时间,期待对方回信。

8 落款,信件格式基本完整。

· 范文译文 ·


一切都好吗? 不可否认,当疫情肆虐全世界,不少企业正在遭受损失,导致市场就业机会减少。因此,找工作变得前所未有地困难。在这种情况下,工作经验和技巧就变得更为重要。




· 亮点词汇 ·

alumni 校友

under such circumstances 在这种情况之下

formally 正式地

pandemic 流行病

be of great significance 非常重要

job hunting 找工作

keep a grip on 控制……

organizer 组织者

generously 慷慨地

undeniable 不可否认的

work experience 工作经验

be of great benefit 大有裨益

unprecedentedly 史无前例地

honored 荣幸的

· 写作句型 ·

1 With...keeping a grip on the world, it is undeniable that..., which results in...

句型意为“不可否认,在……肆虐的情况下……,这导致……”,该句型中有with结构,充当伴随状语,it is undeniable that...是固定句式,意为“不可否认的是……”,which引导非限制性定语从句,起补充说明的作用。

2 As the organizer of..., I am greatly honored to formally invite you to...


3 Please let us know whether you can attend the event or not before...


Part IV

· 难词译注 ·

起源于 originated in

自卫 self-defense

灵活性 flexibility

中国古代 ancient China

身心健康 physical and mental health

平衡力 balance

分支 branch

保持 maintain

流畅的 fluid

· 参考译文 ·

Taijiquan, originated in ancient China, is an important branch of Chinese martial arts. Originally practiced for self-defense, Taijiquan is now an effective form of exercise to promote physical and mental health. Numerous studies have shown that this type of exercise contributes to maintaining strength, flexibility and balance, reducing stress and anxiety. Taijiquan is easy and enjoyable to practice, with its gentle and fluid movements making you stay calm and sober. Nowadays, Taijiquan has been spread all over the world and is loved by large numbers of bodybuilders.

· 译点精析 ·

1. 第一句: 本句包含两个分句“(太极拳)起源于中国古代”和“(太极拳)是中国武术的一个重要分支”,根据英文表达习惯,可以将前一分句处理为非谓语动词短语,即originated in ancient China,第二个分句翻译为is an important branch of Chinese martial arts。当然,两个分句也可以处理为并列关系的句子,用and连接,即Taijiquan originated in ancient China and is an important branch of Chinese martial arts。

2. 第二句: “练太极拳最初是为了自卫”可以处理为非谓语动词短语,即Originally practiced for self-defense(非谓语动词的逻辑主语和句子的主语一致,即Taijiquan,在非谓语动词短语中不体现),而“现在是促进身心健康的有效锻炼方式”翻译为is now an effective form of exercise to promote physical and mental health。

3. 第三句: “大量研究表明”翻译为Numerous studies have shown,后面的内容处理为show的宾语从句,用that引导,即that this type of exercise contributes to maintaining strength, flexibility and balance, reducing stress and anxiety,其中reducing stress and anxiety为现在分词短语,充当伴随状语。

4. 第四句: 前半分句是主干,翻译为Taijiquan is easy and enjoyable to practice,后半部分根据英文表达习惯,可以处理为with复合结构,充当伴随状语,补充说明练太极拳的益处,即with its gentle and fluid movements making you stay calm and sober。

5. 第五句: “传播到世界各地”可翻译为has been spread all over the world或者has spread all over the world(spread表示“传播”时,既可以作及物动词,也可以作不及物动词);“深受……的喜爱”翻译为is loved by...;“健身者”翻译为bodybuilder。 UsfILSsut9ltJZ5KTMX0QP7EKL5ZBHhmXh32HpJc5KvprO5Z7mOaEDt2Iz0+x1lb
