


Part I Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: In this task, you are to write an essay on the importance of developing a healthy lifestyle among college students. You will have 30 minutes for the task. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words.

Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard.

1. A) A free car show.

B) A yearly concert.

C) A pipe band contest.

D) A sports competition.

2. A) Contribute a lot to the local economy.

B) Improve the image of Glasgow city.

C) Enrich the local culture of Glasgow.

D) Entertain people in local communities.

Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard.

3. A) Dangerous ice melts in Greenland.

B) Surprising rise in global sea levels.

C) Changing weather patterns in summer.

D) Record growth of Greenland's ice sheets.

4. A) It lasted three months.

B) It began in late May.

C) It ended a month earlier than before.

D) It started a month earlier than usual.

Questions 5 to 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

5. A) Local policemen came across bundles of £20 notes.

B) Bundles of £20 notes kept turning up.

C) A villager was searching for his lost cash.

D) A bundle containing thousands of pounds got stolen.

6. A) They return it to the finder.

B) They give it to charity.

C) They place a notice in The Northern Echo.

D) They hand it over to the local government.

7. A) They cooperated well with the police.

B) They enjoyed a fairly affluent life.

C) They had a strong community spirit.

D) They were puzzled by the mystery.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear two long conversations. At the end of each conversation, you will hear four questions. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 8 to 11 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

8. A) Excited.

B) Strange.

C) Delighted.

D) Indifferent.

9. A) Talk about future plans with friends.

B) Look back on their years at school.

C) Call on their relatives and friends.

D) Search for the meaning of their life.

10. A) He looks forward to receiving presents from his close friends.

B) He enjoys celebrating others' birthdays rather than his own.

C) He loves them but does not want to make a fuss.

D) He prefers to have them shown on social media.

11. A) Extend invitation to those he trusts most.

B) Make it an occasion to collect donations.

C) Hold it on a modest scale to remove birthday anxieties.

D) View it as a chance for people to socialize and have fun.

Questions 12 to 15 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

12. A) There was too long a delay.

B) There was a terrible smell.

C) It was absolutely exhausting.

D) She got off at the wrong station.

13. A) She hasn't saved enough money.

B) She is used to taking public transport.

C) She is worried about traffic jams.

D) She hasn't passed the driving test yet.

14. A) They are popular.

B) They are a bit expensive for her.

C) They are dangerous.

D) They are environmentally friendly.

15. A) By renting a bike.

B) By sharing a ride.

C) By bus.

D) By jogging.

Section C

Directions: In this section, you will hear three passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear three or four questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

Questions 16 to 18 are based on the passage you have just heard.

16. A) He is a deaf person working in IT.

B) He is a sign language interpreter.

C) He doesn't like speaking at meetings.

D) He doesn't use email or text messages.

17. A) Big advances in sign language.

B) Transformation in the IT industry.

C) Improved communication skills.

D) Speech recognition technology.

18. A) He can avoid being mistaken.

B) He can understand with ease.

C) He can take notes on the spot.

D) He can see the speakers' images.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the passage you have just heard.

19. A) To find pure white walls shining.

B) To enter a house well looked after.

C) To see cheerful colours all around.

D) To get a hug from family members.

20. A) Painting the interior of their cupboards.

B) Doing the painting job all by themselves.

C) Designing all window frames the same way.

D) Choosing a colour because it is fashionable.

21. A) Paint the wooden frameworks and walls the same colour.

B) Match the room's ceiling with all the furniture in colour.

C) Hang landscape paintings all round.

D) Fit most of the cupboards into walls.

Questions 22 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard.

22. A) Children should start reading at age 3.

B) Reading to their children is important.

C) Reading is a habit every child can develop.

D) Children must read at least 3 times a week.

23. A) The speed of their brain development in infancy.

B) The number of books they have read by age four.

C) The number and quality of books parents read to them in infancy.

D) The quality and quantity of time parents spend playing with them.

24. A) Books telling very interesting stories.

B) Books with pictures of dolls and toys.

C) Books describing the lives of animals.

D) Books with specifically labeled images.

25. A) Share experience with other parents.

B) Create picture books for their children.

C) Choose carefully what to read to their children.

D) Read as many books as possible to their children.

Part III Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

Phones influence all aspects of teenage life. Ninety-five percent of Americans ages 13 to 17 have a smartphone or have access to one, and nearly half report using the internet “almost 26 .”

But as recent survey data and interviews have suggested, many teens find much of that time to be unsatisfyingly spent. Continuous 27 shouldn't be mistaken for endless enjoyment. A new 28 representative survey about “screen time and device distractions” from the Pew Research Center indicates that it's not just parents who think teenagers are worryingly 29 from their phones—many teens themselves do too. Fifty-four percent of the 13-to-17-year-olds surveyed said they spend too much time 30 in their phones.

Vicky Rideout, who runs a research firm that studies children's interactions with media and technology, was not surprised by this finding. She says it's hardly 31 to teenagers. “They are dealing with the same challenges that adults are, as far as they are living in the 32 of a tech environment designed to suck as much of their time onto their devices as possible,” Rideout says.

The way parents interact with technology can 33 the way they interact with their kids. Rideout thus thinks it's up to parents to model good 34 : Kids tend to take note if their parents put their phone away at dinner or charge it in another room while they sleep. Witnessing habits like that can help kids “realize that they can 35 some more control over their devices,” she says.

A) absorbed

B) addicted

C) behavior

D) constantly

E) context

F) exercise

G) inseparable

H) nationally

I) recruited

J) shape

K) solution

L) specific

M) summary

N) usage

O) vaguely

Section B

Directions: In this section, you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it. Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs. Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived. You may choose a paragraph more than once. Each paragraph is marked with a letter. Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 .

Evil Genius

A) A few years ago I found myself teaching a university class on evil. It was for third-year criminology students to help them contextualize theory and research within controversial current topics. It was a huge success. The debates were heated and interesting. I could see people's views change within the course of a single lecture. Over the past 13 years, as a student, lecturer and researcher, I've enjoyed discussing the science of evil with anyone willing to listen. What I like most is destroying the cliche ( 陈词滥调 ) of good and evil, and replacing them with scientific insight. We need a more informed way of discussing behavior that at first we cannot, or should not, begin to understand.

B) Without understanding, we risk dehumanizing others, writing off human beings simply because we don't comprehend them. We must try to understand what we have labeled evil. We tend to think evil is something that other people are. We think of ourselves as “good people”, and even when we do morally wrong things, we understand the context of our decisions. With others, however, it is far easier to write them off. If their actions deviate ( 偏离 ) substantially from what we consider acceptable, we may label them evil. We need to be careful with this. Calling someone evil is often similar to saying they cannot change, and perhaps aren't even a human at all. However, when you actually go monster-hunting, and you look deeply at the people behind shocking behavior, you may be surprised.

C) As a child I used to love the Scooby-Doo cartoons. Arriving in their “Mystery Machine”, the gang would have to find a monster who was terrorizing a neighborhood. They would run around looking for clues and at the end unmask the bad guy. It was always a normal person in a costume. There were no monsters. Like the Scooby crew, we may find ourselves hunting for an easy fix, one word for people who do bad things. But if we take a good look, the word “evil” is insufficient—there are no simple explanations for why humans do bad things: instead there are many, and they are all marvelously different.

D) Evil is typically referred to when there is deviance from social norms: formal deviance is the violation of laws, like theft, murder, and attacks, while informal deviance involves violations of social norms, like lying. Evil behavior is typically thought to embrace one or both forms. However, deviance can also describe a behavior that simply differs from the norm.

E) Perhaps this is where we can find the good side of our bad side. Deviating from the norm can make us villains ( 恶棍 ), but it can also make us heroes. A child deviates from social pressures when they stand up for another child being bullied in school. A soldier deviates when they choose not to follow orders to kill an innocent civilian. An employee in a big tech company deviates when they expose its wrongdoings.

F) Creativity is also a deviation. Here, too, things are complex. Thinking creatively has given us modern medicine, technology and modern political structures, but it has also given us poison and nuclear weapons. Great benefit and great harm can come from the same human tendency.

G) In a research paper, Evil Genius , published in 2014, the behavioral scientists Francesca Gino and Scott Wiltermuth wanted to examine whether people who behave unethically in one task are more creative than others on a subsequent task, even after controlling for differences in baseline creative skills. The unethical behavior they chose was dishonesty.

H) Over five experiments researchers gave participants tasks in which they could cheat. In one study, they were given matrixes ( 矩阵 ) and had to find two numbers that added up to 10. Participants were asked to self-report how well they did at the end of the study: 59% cheated by saying that they solved more matrixes than they actually had.

I) After each task, the researchers measured participants' performance on the Remote Associates Test. This shows participants three words at a time that appear to be unrelated, and the person has to think of a fourth word that is associated with all of them. For example, you might get “Fox, Man, Peep”, or “Dust, Cereal, Fish”. In order to find the linking words (“Hole” for the first, “Bowl” for the second) you need to be creative. The more you get right, the more creative you are thought to be because you have come up with uncommon associations.

J) For every one of the five studies, they found the same thing—participants who cheated in the first task did better on the creativity task. Why? Like other forms of unethical behavior, lying means breaking rules. It involves being deviant, going against the social principle that people should tell the truth. Similarly, being creative involves “thinking outside the box”, deviating from expectations. They involve similar thought patterns, so stimulating one stimulates the other. Can we learn from this? Perhaps. To be more creative, we could try lying in controlled environment. Find online logic games and cheat at them, play Scrabble ( 拼字游戏 ) with a dictionary, or write a story about something that is untrue? Such tasks can get our brains thinking flexibly, beyond our normal comfort zone. This is not a call to become a compulsive ( 强迫性的 ) liar, but a controlled liar.

K) In addition to benefits for creativity, deviance can be a good thing in other ways. Even Philip Zimbardo, the author of the Stanford prison experiment, who showed how easily we can be led to behave badly, believes that the future of deviance research may lie more in understanding extreme pro-social behavior, such as heroism. Like evil, we often view heroism as only a possibility for outliers—for people who are abnormal. But Zimbardo asks: “What if the capability to act heroically is also fundamentally ordinary and available to all of us?” Some say we should never meet our heroes, lest they disappoint us when we find out how normal they are. But this should be liberating, not disappointing. We are all capable of behaving like outliers. It's time for us to understand deviance, and realize its potential for good as well as for harm.

36. A behavior that does not conform to social norms may be described as being deviant.

37. Various experiments found that participants who cheated in the initial task performed better in the creativity test.

38. People may be simply considered evil if their behaviors are morally unacceptable to us.

39. The research published by two scientists was intended to examine the relationship between dishonesty and creativity.

40. The author's lectures sparked lively discussions in his class.

41. The researchers tested the participants' creativity by asking them to play a word game.

42. It is time we realized that deviance may be capable of doing both good and harm to individuals and society.

43. The reasons for people's evil behaviors can be explained in more ways than one.

44. The math task in one experiment was designed to test participants' tendency to cheat.

45. Some creative ideas have turned out to do harm to human society.

Section C

Directions: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

Passage One
Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

Even though we are living in an age where growing old is thought of as an inevitable misery, this doctor has been changing the game for seniors over the last 25 years.

It all started in 1991 when the Harvard-educated physician was transferred from working in a stressful emergency room to being the medical director of a nursing home in upstate New York. The depressing and regimented ( 严格管制的 ) environment got him thinking on what exactly could improve the residents' conditions.

Even though animals in nursing homes were illegal at the time, Dr. Bill Thomas took a chance. Based on a hunch ( 直觉 ), he brought in two dogs, four cats, hens, rabbits, 100 birds, a multitude of plants, a flower garden, and a vegetable patch.

The change was dramatic. There was a 50% drop in medical prescriptions along with a dramatic decrease in death rates—but most importantly, the residents were simply happier.

Dr. Thomas's approach, named the Eden Alternative, has driven nursing homes to allow a more autonomous ( 自主的 ) and creative living space for their elderly. It erases the belief that growing old means growing useless. He encourages residents to think of their age as an enriching new phase of life rather than the end of it.

Thomas, now a speaker and author of several books, also created small, independently-run residences with their own bedrooms and bathrooms, and he has been preaching a singular message that getting old is not a bad thing.

“Within six weeks, they had to send a truck around to pick up all the wheelchairs,” Thomas told the Washington Post. “You know why most people in nursing homes use wheelchairs? Because the buildings are so big.”

The 56-year-old doctor's methods have been adopted in Australia, Japan, Canada, and America with enormous success. Last year he published Second Wind: Navigating the Passage to a Slower, Deeper, and More Connected Life, a guide on how to shift our perspectives on aging and growth.

He is currently traveling through North America performing with his guitar and his enthusiasm on his Age of Disruption Tour.

46. What has Bill Thomas been doing for a quarter of a century?

A) Transforming people's lifestyle.

B) Honoring his Harvard education.

C) Changing people's philosophy of life.

D) Shifting people's perspective on aging.

47. Why did Bill Thomas try something different in the nursing home?

A) He wanted to make it more pleasant for seniors.

B) He wanted to apply his Harvard training to practice.

C) He felt it his duty to revolutionize its management.

D) He felt disappointed working in the environment.

48. What do we learn about Bill Thomas bringing animals and plants into the nursing home?

A) He made a mess of the nursing home.

B) He did something all professionals would do.

C) He won instant support from the state authorities.

D) He acted in violation of the state law.

49. What has Bill Thomas been persistently advocating?

A) Good health is not just a privilege of the young.

B) Nursing homes should be strictly limited in size.

C) Getting old is by no means something miserable.

D) Residences for seniors should be run independently.

50. How is Bill Thomas's new concept received?

A) It is gaining ground in many countries.

B) It is being heatedly debated worldwide.

C) It is considered revolutionary everywhere.

D) It is winning approval from the government.

Passage Two
Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

Research shows that in developed countries, more affluent and educated people tend to consume higher-quality diets—including more fruits and vegetables, fish and whole grains. On the contrary, economically disadvantaged people report diets that are nutrient-poor and energy-dense. They are less likely to have food-purchasing habits that conform to public health recommendations.

These dietary differences are often accompanied by higher rates of obesity and diabetes among lower-income people. This relationship between social class and diet quality and health is extensively documented. However, the research does not explain why this is the case—a question that has significant implications for designing effective policies and initiatives to improve diets and prevent chronic diseases.

Public-health initiatives to promote healthy diets often focus on providing nutrition education and recipes ( 食谱 ). These approaches,however,often presume less food literacy (i. e. food knowledge and skills) among low-income people. Are unhealthy diets really the result of poor choices, limited food skills and knowledge?

Research suggests that adults in food-insecure households are just as likely as those in food-secure households to adjust recipes to make them more healthy. They are also just as proficient in food preparation and cooking skills. There is no indication that increasing food skills or budgeting skills will reduce food insecurity.

Instead, disadvantaged groups are constrained by their economic, material and social circumstances. For example, low income is the strongest predictor of food insecurity in Canada, where one in eight households experiences insufficient access to nutritious foods.

It's well-established that food prices are an important determinant of food choice. Low-income households report that they find it difficult to adopt dietary guidelines because food prices are a barrier to improving their diets.

When researchers estimate the cost of diets people actually eat, higher-quality diets are typically more costly.

While this may be so, it does not, in itself, prove that healthy diets are necessarily more expensive or cost-prohibitive. After all, not all socioeconomically disadvantaged people consume poor diets.

We can easily think of a number of foods and recipes that are both inexpensive and nutritious. The internet is full of recipes for “eating well on a budget.”

51. What can we learn from research on diets in developed countries?

A) Dietary recommendations are not fit for underprivileged people.

B) People from different social groups vary in their dietary habits.

C) People's choice of food depends on their individual taste.

D) There is no consensus on what high-quality diets are.

52. What does the author say is important in formulating policies to improve diets and health?

A) A better understanding of the relationship between social class and health.

B) A greater emphasis on studying the cause of obesity and chronic diseases.

C) Prioritizing the provision of better nutrition for lower classes.

D) Designing education programs and initiatives on public health.

53. What does research reveal about adults in food-insecure households?

A) Their eating habits need to be changed.

B) Their food literacy has been improving.

C) They do not pay much attention to their food recipes.

D) They do not lack food knowledge or budgeting skills.

54. What would help improve food security among the disadvantaged groups in Canada?

A) Teaching them budgeting skills.

B) Increasing their food choices.

C) Enabling them to have more access to nutritious foods.

D) Taking more effective measures to increase food supplies.

55. What does the author suggest disadvantaged people do to improve their health?

A) Adopt a positive attitude towards dietary guidelines.

B) Choose diets that are both healthy and affordable.

C) Make sure to purchase healthy foods on the internet.

D) Change their eating habits and consumption patterns.

Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English. You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2 .

在中国农历中, 立秋 (Start of Autumn)意味着夏天的结束和秋天的开始。立秋带来的首先是天气的变化,气温逐渐下降。人们看到树叶开始变黄飘落时,知道秋天已经来临,这就是所谓的“一叶知秋”。但此时酷热的天气并未完全结束,高温通常还会持续一段时间,被称为“秋老虎”。立秋对农民意义重大,这时各种秋季作物迅速生长、开始成熟,收获的季节即将到来。 gPn+LTj6uMnwAtYy25GHl+dMXlkwK0g+OFjLGETDe5Tbu0umbC4yaLccnAJ9QRLx


Part I Writing




A healthy lifestyle refers to a series of habitual behaviors that are beneficial to health. For college students, healthy living habits mainly include a balanced diet, appropriate exercise, regular rest, etc. 1 Developing a healthy lifestyle does exert positive influences on college students. 2

For one thing, a healthy lifestyle, for instance, keeping a balanced diet and working out on a regular basis, will make students healthier and less likely to suffer from various diseases. 3 To some extent, it boosts immunity. Undoubtedly, a healthy body is bound up with class attendance and academic performance in college. For another, studies reveal that students who lead a healthy lifestyle, such as getting enough sleep, will be inclined to keep a good mood and get a sense of happiness, which is beneficial to mental health. 4

In a nutshell, I am convinced that college students should keep a balanced diet, take exercise regularly and get enough sleep, because developing a healthy lifestyle truly can lead to a healthier life both physically and mentally. 5

1 首先描述主题,阐述对大学生来说什么是健康的生活方式。

2 紧扣主题,指出培养健康生活方式对大学生有积极的影响。

3 分两方面阐述其积极影响,使用分点表达方式For one thing阐述第一个方面,即保持身体健康,患病几率降低,学业表现更好。

4 使用分点表达方式For another 阐述第二个方面,即保持良好情绪,获得幸福感,有益心理健康。

5 总结全文,强调大学生应该均衡膳食、经常锻炼、获得更充足的睡眠。






exert positive influences on 对……产生积极影响

for instance 例如

keep a balanced diet 保持均衡饮食

work out 锻炼

on a regular basis 经常

boost immunity 增强免疫力

be bound up with 与……密切相关

class attendance 出勤率

be inclined to do sth. 倾向于做某事

in a nutshell 简而言之


1 ...does exert positive influences on...


2 ...studies reveal that...will be inclined to..., which is beneficial to...


3 In a nutshell, I am convinced that...because...



Section A

News Report One

[1] The World Pipe Band Championships will take place in Glasgow on Saturday. Over 120 of the world's best pipe bands will compete at the championships. Over 4,000 pipers and drummers are expected to descend on the city for the annual event. It will take place at the Saint James Playing Fields in Glasgow on Saturday, 18 May from 10:00 am until 7:00 pm. The event is free. Also, a free shuttle bus will run between the event car parks and the competition site. Shuttle buses will run every 15 minutes from 8:00 am until 8:00 pm. [2] Glasgow City Council says it is estimated to bring 300,000 pounds to the local economy. The first World Pipe Band Championships were held in Edinburgh in 1947. The event first took place in Glasgow in 1948. It has been held regularly in Glasgow since 1986.


1. What event will take place in Glasgow? 格拉斯哥将举行什么活动?

A) 免费车展。

B) 年度音乐会。

C) 风笛乐队比赛。

D) 体育比赛。

解析 :新闻开头提到,世界风笛乐队锦标赛将于本周六在格拉斯哥举行。因此,选项C为正确答案。其他三个选项在新闻中均未提及,可排除。

2. What does Glasgow City Council say the event will do? 格拉斯哥市议会认为这次活动将会怎么样?

A) 对当地经济做出重大贡献。

B) 改善格拉斯哥的城市形象。

C) 丰富格拉斯哥的当地文化。

D) 为当地人提供娱乐。

解析 :新闻后半部分提到,格拉斯哥市议会表示,预计这项赛事将为当地经济注入30万英镑。也就是说,举办世界风笛乐队锦标赛将对格拉斯哥当地的经济做出重大贡献。因此,选项A为正确答案。其他三个选项在新闻中均未提及,可排除。

News Report Two

[3] Summer doesn't begin for two more days, but scientists are already sounding the alarm about dangerous ice melts going on right now in Greenland. The vast island usually locks away enough fresh water in its ice sheet, which if melted, can raise global sea levels by 6 metres. And research shows that in recent years, its ice has melted faster than ever before. This month, as temperatures in northwestern Greenland approached all-time highs, researchers are encountering unusual, surprising levels of melting ice in the region. The most significant concern here is how early this is all happening. [4] Greenland experiences annual ice melt and growth cycles. But this year, the melting season began in early May. That's a month earlier than normal and something that's happened only once before in the historical record in 2016. That means that not only is the ice melting very fast, it has more time to melt this summer than it would in a normal climate system. Longer melt seasons like this one seem to lead to much greater contributions to sea level rise than in previous decades.


3. What is scientists' warning in the news report? 该新闻报道中提到的科学家的警告是什么?

A) 格陵兰岛冰川融化带来的危险。

B) 全球海平面的惊人上升。

C) 夏季气候模式的变化。

D) 格陵兰岛冰盖的创纪录增长。

解析 :新闻开头提到,夏天还有两天才开始,但科学家们已经对格陵兰岛正在发生的危险的冰川融化发出了警告。由此可知,选项A为正确答案。选项B、C虽然在新闻中有所提及,但是并非科学家们警告的内容,故排除;选项D在新闻中未提及,可排除。

4. What do we learn about this year's ice melting season in Greenland? 关于格陵兰岛今年的冰层融化季,我们了解到了什么?

A) 它持续了三个月。

B) 它始于五月底。

C) 它比之前提前了一个月结束。

D) 它比通常早了一个月开始。

解析 :新闻中间提到,格陵兰岛每年都会经历冰层融化和生长周期,但今年的融化季节从五月初就开始了,这比正常情况早了一个月。由此可知,选项D为正确答案,而选项B表述与新闻不符。新闻中没有提及冰层融化季持续的时长和结束的早晚,故排除选项A和选项C。

News Report Three

[5] Bundles containing thousands of pounds in cash keep turning up on the streets of Blackhall Colliery in northern England, according to police. Residents of the village have been coming across bundles of £20 notes, usually worth £2,000, in the former mining village in County Durham. The latest discovery was on Monday, meaning four of these cash bundles have been handed in this year and thirteen since 2014. The bundles are usually left in plain sight and had been scattered across the small coastal village. [6] The owner has two weeks to collect the cash, which is then returned to the finder if not claimed, according to Peterlee Police. A Durham police spokesperson said the money has been returned to the lucky finders, in all cases, except yesterday. Policeman John Foster said in a statement: “The circumstances remain a mystery so we would welcome any information that will help us get to the bottom of these random incidents.” [7] He told The Northern Echo , “it isn't an affluent part of the world, so for them to find cash of that amount and instantly think about taking it to the police stations shows the community spirit there is .”


5. What happened on the streets of Blackhall Colliery? 布莱克霍尔煤矿的街道上发生了什么?

A) 当地警察发现了成沓的20英镑钞票。

B) 成沓的20英镑钞票不断出现。

C) 一个村民正在寻找他丢失的现金。

D) 一沓含有数千英镑的钱被偷了。

解析 :新闻开头提到,据警方称,成沓的数千英镑现金不断出现在英格兰北部布莱克霍尔煤矿的街道上。由此可知,选项B为正确答案。成沓的20英镑钞票是村民发现的,不是警察发现的,故排除选项A;选项C、D在新闻中均未提及,可排除。

6. What do the local police do with the money if not claimed in two weeks? 如果两周内没人认领,当地警察如何处理这笔钱?

A) 他们把它还给发现者。

B) 他们把它捐给慈善机构。

C) 他们在《北方回声报》发布一个告示。

D) 他们把它交给当地政府。

解析 :新闻中间提到,据彼得利警方称,失主有两周的时间来领取现金,如果失主没有认领,现金将还给发现者。由此可知,选项A为正确答案。新闻中未提及慈善机构、发布告示或交给当地政府,故排除其他三个选项。

7. What did the policeman John Foster say about the villagers? 关于村民,警察约翰·福斯特说了什么?

A) 他们和警察合作得很好。

B) 他们的生活相当富裕。

C) 他们有很强的社区精神。

D) 他们被这个谜团所迷惑。

解析 :新闻最后提到,他(警察约翰·福斯特)告诉《北方回声报》,这里不算是富裕的地方,所以,对他们来说,发现那么多现金,并立即想到将其带到警察局,这显示了他们所拥有的社区精神。由此可知,警察约翰·福斯特赞扬了村民有很强的社区精神,选项C为正确答案。新闻中没有论及村民与警察的合作是否良好,故排除选项A;约翰·福斯特明确说到了这个地方不富裕,故排除选项B;新闻中提到警察对这个谜团感到困惑,而没有说村民对此感到困惑,故排除选项D。

Section B

Conversation One

W: It's your birthday next week. What have you got planned?

M: I'm not sure. [8] I often feel strange on my birthday. It's like my brain decides to have a crisis .

W: It's not entirely unusual to feel anxious or sad around your birthday. Birthdays can tap into a lot of things people worry about, including their achievements in life, in the past decade or their accomplishments of the past year. [9] Many begin to search for the meaning of their existence , leading to behaviors such as ending or starting a relationship or plans like starting a vigorous diet or fitness program.

M: I have wonderful friends. [10] And I love celebrating their birthdays, but I don't like being the center of attention, receiving gifts and having a fuss made . It seems to trigger a type of social anxiety. I think social media, too, can intensify things as birthdays now play out more publicly. Birthday reminders can be helpful, but I kind of worry I won't be able to drum up my own day and show it to look as exciting as it is supposed to be.

W: Well, to deal with the birthday blues, you should not isolate yourself. It's best to gradually face your birthday with people you trust. That would help you learn self-acceptance or that it's okay to be the focus.

M: Perhaps. Or I could perceive my birthday as an opportunity to do something for others like asking people to make a donation instead of buying a gift.

W: Exactly. [11] Or even simply see your birthday as an opportunity to bring people together for them to have fun .


8. How does the man often feel on his birthday? 男士在他的生日时经常有什么感觉?

A) 激动。

B) 奇怪。

C) 高兴。

D) 无所谓。

解析 :在对话一开始,男士提到了自己对生日的感受,即他经常在生日时感到很奇怪,所以答案是B项。其他三项在对话中没有相关信息,故均排除。

9. What does the woman say many people tend to do on their birthday? 女士说很多人在生日时往往会做什 么?

A) 与朋友谈论未来的计划。

B) 回顾他们在学校的岁月。

C) 拜访他们的亲戚和朋友。

D) 寻找他们生活的意义。

解析 :在对话中,女士提到生日能挖掘出人们担心的许多事情,包括他们在过去十年中的人生成就,或者过去一年的成就,许多人开始寻找自己存在的意义,所以答案为D项。其他三项在对话中没有相关信息,故均排除。

10. What does the man say about birthday celebrations? 关于生日庆祝活动,男士说了什么?

A) 他期待着收到密友的礼物。

B) 他喜欢庆祝别人的生日而不是自己的生日。

C) 他喜欢生日庆祝活动,但不想大做文章。

D) 他更喜欢在社交媒体上展示生日庆祝活动。

解析 :在对话中,男士提到他有很好的朋友,他喜欢庆祝他们的生日,但他不喜欢成为人们关注的焦点,不喜欢收到礼物,也不喜欢生日被大做文章,由此可知,男士喜欢庆祝别人的生日而不是自己的生日,所以答案为B项。男士提到自己不喜欢收到礼物,故排除A项;对话中没有提到男士喜欢生日庆祝活动,故排除C项;男士觉得社交媒体让事情变得更糟糕,因为现在的生日更加公开,所以他应该是不喜欢在社交媒体上展示生日庆祝活动,故排除D项。

11. What does the woman suggest the man do about his birthday celebration at the end of the conversation? 在对话最后,女士建议男士如何庆祝生日?

A) 向他最信任的人发出邀请。

B) 让它成为一个募捐的机会。

C) 以较小的规模举办以消除生日焦虑。

D) 将它视为人们社交和娱乐的机会。

解析 :在对话最后,女士建议男士干脆把他的生日看作是一个让人们聚在一起畅玩的机会,所以答案是D项。对话中女士建议男士最好是与他信任的人逐渐面对他的生日,并非是向他最信任的人发出邀请,故排除A项;在对话最后,男士提到他可以把自己的生日看作是一个为他人做事情的机会,比如让人们捐款而不是买礼物,但这是男士的想法,而不是女士的建议,故排除B项;C项在对话中没有相关信息,故排除。

Conversation Two

W: The metro was absolutely terrible this morning.

M: Oh, was there a delay?

W: No, but the train was so packed that I could barely move. And it was difficult to breathe, too. At every station, more people squeezed in, and I got pushed further and further inside. When I got to my station, I could hardly get out. Once I did get out, [12] I was totally exhausted .

M: That sounds like a nightmare. Why didn't you take the bus?

W: The bus takes twice as long and it's just as crowded.

M: Well, what's the alternative? Haven't you got a car?

W: I've got a driver's license, but that's all. [13] I'm saving up to buy something reasonably small and cute, but it's still a bit expensive for me. And it'll take a while before I have enough money .

M: Have you thought about getting an electric motorbike?

W: I considered that for maybe a minute, but honestly, [14] I've just seen too many horrible accidents involving those dangerous monsters .

M: What about those popular ShareBikes? You could register to use one.

W: Yeah, that's a possibility. There are always several of those bikes out in front of our apartment complex.

M: Or you could just walk to work.

W: Well, it's 5 kilometers from home to the office, but you've given me a thought. I could take a change of clothes and jog to work. But at this time of year, the air pollution is a real problem.

M: Oh, yeah. I didn't think of that. You'd taxi if you really have to.

W: Well, that's an expensive way to get to work.

M: [15] Not if you use a ride sharing app .

W: [15] Good idea. I'll download one immediately. Thank you .


12. What does the woman say about her subway ride? 关于她坐地铁的经历,女士说了什么?

A) 延误了很久。

B) 有一股难闻的气味。

C) 真的令人筋疲力尽。

D) 她下错站了。

解析 :在对话开始,女士描述她当天早上乘坐地铁的经历,其中提到她从地铁上挤下来的时候,就完全筋疲力尽了,所以答案是C项。男士询问女士地铁是否有延误,女士回答说没有,故排除A项;对话中女士只是提到当她到站时,她几乎下不了车,并非她下错站了,故排除D项;B项在对话中没有相关信息,故也排除。

13. Why hasn't the woman got her own car? 为什么女士没有自己的车?

A) 她还没有攒够钱。

B) 她已经习惯了乘坐公共交通工具。

C) 她担心交通堵塞。

D) 她还没有通过驾照考试。

解析 :在对话中,女士提到她正在攒钱,打算买一辆小巧可爱的车,但对她来说还是有点贵,还需要一段时间她才能攒够钱,所以答案是A项。女士提到自己有驾驶执照,故排除D项;B、C两项在对话中没有相关信息,故均排除。

14. What does the woman say about electric motorbikes? 关于电动车,女士说了什么?

A) 它们很受欢迎。

B) 对她来说它们有点贵。

C) 它们很危险。

D) 它们很环保。

解析 :在对话中,男士询问女士是否想过买一辆电动车,女士回答说她考虑了大概有一分钟,但是她看了太多关于那些危险怪物的可怕事故了,也就是说女士认为电动车很危险,所以答案是C项。对话中男士提到共享单车很受欢迎,但此信息与题干无关,故排除A项;对话中女士提到汽车对她来说有点贵,但此信息与题干无关,故排除B项;D项在对话中没有相关信息,故排除。

15. How was the woman going to get to work? 女士将怎么去上班?

A) 通过租一辆单车。

B) 通过拼车。

C) 通过乘坐公共汽车。

D) 通过慢跑。

解析 :在对话最后,男士建议女士在必要的时候,可以打车上班,女士说这是一种昂贵的上班方式,男士接着说,如果使用拼车程序的话,就不会很贵了,女士同意了男士的看法,并说自己要马上下载一个,由此可知,女士将通过拼车上班,所以答案是B项。虽然女士提到注册使用共享单车上班是一种可行的办法,但她没有明确表明她将租一辆单车上班,故排除A项;女士提到乘坐公共汽车上班要花地铁两倍的时间,而且公共汽车同样拥挤,故排除C项;女士提到她可以慢跑去上班,但是在每年的这个时候,空气污染是一个严重的问题,故排除D项。

Section C

Passage One

[16] Steve Miller began his career in IT back in the late 1980s. Being a deaf person in tech required a huge amount of effort in organization. Because there was no email or text message service, everything had to be done face to face or by telephone. Communicating in meetings was very difficult. He needed a sign language interpreter for every meeting, but it was a huge effort to coordinate.

“These days although challenges still remain, it's a good time to be a deaf person in tech”, says Miller. [17] Big advances in speech recognition technology have enabled communication tools to turn live speech into text in real time on your smartphone or laptop, and sign language into text as well. New tech coupled with improvements in hearing aid technology and medical advances means that Miller is able to focus far more on his work . He has benefited to a great extent from a tiny hearing device in his ear. It gives him a degree of hearing, and he can use a variety of communication methods depending on the situation. [18] He can employ lip reading and have meetings via video instead of on the phone. These things have made a huge difference. He no longer has to worry about whether or not he can understand . He can just concentrate on how interesting the meeting might be, and what he needs to get out of it in order to progress.


16. What do we learn about Steve Miller? 关于史蒂夫·米勒,我们了解到了什么?

A) 他是一个在IT行业工作的失聪人员。

B) 他是一名手语翻译。

C) 他不喜欢在会议上发言

D) 他不使用电子邮件或短信。

解析 :录音开头提到,史蒂夫·米勒在20世纪80年代末开始了他在IT行业的职业生涯。作为一个在科技领域工作的失聪人员,在机构里需要付出巨大的努力。选项A与录音内容一致,因此为正确答案。每次开会,米勒都需要一名手语翻译,他本身并非手语翻译,故排除选项B。作为失聪人员,米勒在会议上进行交流是非常困难的,并不是说他不喜欢在会议上发言,故排除选项C。录音中提到,当时还没有电子邮件或短信服务,故排除选项D。

17. What does Miller say is making things better for people like him? 米勒说什么让像他这样的人的处境变得更好了?

A) 手语的巨大进步。

B) IT产业的转型。

C) 沟通技巧的提高。

D) 语音识别技术。

解析 :录音中提到,语音识别技术的巨大进步使得通信工具能够在智能手机或笔记本电脑上将实时语音转换为文本,也可以将手语转换为文本。新技术加上助听器技术的改进以及医学方面的进步,意味着米勒能够更多地专注于他的工作。也就是说,语音识别这项新技术为失聪人员的工作带来了极大的便利,选项D与录音内容一致,因此为正确答案。选项A、B和C录音中均未提及,故排除。

18. In what way can Miller benefit from attending meetings via video? 米勒通过视频参加会议有什么好处?

A) 他可以避免出错。

B) 他能轻松理解。

C) 他可以当场做笔记。

D) 他可以看到说话者的画面。

解析 :录音中提到,他可以使用唇语,通过视频方式开会而不是电话开会。这些东西已经带来了巨大的不同。他再也不用担心自己是否能理解了。说明视频会议能帮助米勒轻松理解会议内容,选项B与录音内容一致,因此为正确答案。选项A、C和D录音中均未提及,故排除。

Passage Two

Colour is now spreading through our homes, up staircases, across wood frames and ceilings, filling in neutral spaces. According to one interior designer, [19] when people return home, they want to see colours that cheer them up and give them a hug. Pure white walls simply don't do that . They don't look after you. Another interior designer commented that certain combinations can key into something on a deeper level, transporting you to a different moment in time. That's the power of colour.

[20] If you are thinking to try colour on some of your neutral walls, the advice is refreshingly simple: choose a colour you actually like. Don't go for a colour because it's in fashion, or you've seen it in a magazine . If you're wary of full colour, test your tolerance with smaller spaces, such as the inside of a cupboard, or a bright window frame. If it gives you joy every time you open the cupboard, you can start to take it further.

[21] One can also paint the wooden frameworks the same colour as the walls, helping the rooms look bigger . In the kitchen, painting the overhead cupboards and the walls in the same colour can make it feel more spacious. While painting the kitchen counters a bold colour can make everything feel more open and lighter. Additionally, a painted ceiling is a magical thing without being too obvious and can affect how the space feels as well.


19. What do people want upon returning home according to the passage? 根据这篇文章,人们回家后想要什 么?

A) 发现纯白的墙壁闪闪发光。

B) 进到一间得到妥善照看的房子。

C) 满眼都是悦目的色彩。

D) 得到家人的拥抱。

解析 :录音中提到,当人们回到家中时,他们希望看到能让他们高兴起来的颜色,并给他们一个“拥抱”。选项C与录音内容一致,因此为正确答案。同时排除选项D,这里说的是人们想得到墙壁的“拥抱”,而不是家人的拥抱;纯白色的墙壁无法让人高兴,故排除选项A;选项B是对文中look after的曲解,录音是说纯白色的墙壁不会“关心”你,即不会让你感到高兴,而不是说人们想进到一间得到妥善照顾的房子,故排除。

20. What does the passage say people should avoid doing in home decoration? 文章说人们在家庭装修中应该避免做什么?

A) 给橱柜内部喷漆。

B) 全部由自己完成喷漆工作。

C) 以相同的方式设计所有窗框。

D) 因为流行,就选择某种颜色。

解析 :录音中提到,如果你想在素净的墙壁上尝试一些颜色,建议很简单:选择一种你真正喜欢的颜色。不要因为某个颜色是流行的,或者你在杂志上看到过,就去选了它。题目问的是家庭装修时应该避免什么,即不要因为流行,就选择某种颜色,选项D与录音内容一致,因此为正确答案。录音提到,如果你对全彩不放心,可以用较小的空间来测试你的容忍度,比如橱柜内部,或者明亮的窗框,A项是建议人们做的,故排除A;选项B和C录音中均未提及,故排除。

21. What can one do to make a room look bigger? 怎样才能使房间看起来更大呢?

A) 把木质框架和墙壁刷成同样的颜色。

B) 把房间的天花板和所有家具的颜色搭配起来。

C) 四周悬挂风景画。

D) 把大部分橱柜装在墙上。

解析 :录音中提到,人们还可以把木质框架涂成与墙壁相同的颜色,这样可以让房间看起来更大。选项A与录音内容一致,因此为正确答案。录音中提到,在厨房里,把吊柜和墙壁刷成同样的颜色可以让它看起来更宽敞,而不是把大部分橱柜装在墙上,故排除选项D。选项B和C录音中均未提及,故排除。

Passage Three

[22] Parents often hear that reading to their children is critical for supporting development, and the message is getting through to them . In fact, in the United States, a little over half of children between ages of three and five were read to every day in 2007, and 83 percent of children in that age group in the same country were read two, three or more times per week in 2012. This is good news, because reading to young children helps their language and brain development.

[23] In fact, recent research has found that both the quality and quantity of shared book reading in infancy predicted later childhood vocabulary and reading skills . In other words, the more time parents spend reading, the greater the developmental benefits in their 4-year-old children. This is an important finding. But does it matter what books parents read? A new study has investigated this question. [24] It followed infants across the second six months of life and found that when parents showed babies books that had faces or objects with specific labels, they learned more . This is in contrast to books that did not name images or books that had the same label under each image. [25] Books that named different characters also promoted greater learning. So what does this mean for parents? Not all books are created equal, so parents need to choose the books they share with their children with great care .


22. What does the passage say parents increasingly understand? 这篇文章说父母越来越理解什么?

A) 儿童应该在三岁时开始阅读。

B) 给孩子们读书很重要。

C) 阅读是每个孩子都能养成的习惯。

D) 孩子们每周至少要阅读三次。

解析 :录音中提到,父母经常听说,给孩子读书对支持他们的成长至关重要,而这一信息正在逐步被他们接受。get through to sb.意为“使某人理解,使某人接受”。选项B与录音内容一致,因此为正确答案。选项A、C和D录音中均未提及,故排除。

23. What can predict children's reading skills according to recent research? 根据最近的研究,什么可以预测儿童的阅读能力?

A) 婴儿时期大脑发育的速度。

B) 他们四岁时所读图书的数量。

C) 婴儿时期父母给他们所读图书的数量和质量。

D) 父母陪伴他们玩耍时间的质量和数量。

解析 :录音中提到,最近的研究发现,婴儿时期亲子阅读的质量和数量都能预示儿童今后的词汇量和阅读技能。选项C与录音内容一致,因此为正确答案。选项A、B和D录音中均未提及,故排除。

24. What kind of books are said to help babies learn more? 哪种类型的图书据说可以帮助婴儿学到更多?

A) 讲述有趣故事的图书。

B) 有娃娃和玩具图片的书。

C) 描写动物生活的图书。

D) 带有特定标签的图片的图书。

解析 :录音中提到,研究人员在婴儿半岁到一岁之间的这六个月时间里对他们进行了跟踪调查,发现当父母给婴儿看带有特定标签的面孔或物体的图书时,他们会学到更多。选项D与录音内容一致,因此为正确答案。选项A、B和C录音中均未提及,故排除。

25. What are parents advised to do at the end of the passage? 这篇文章的最后建议父母做什么?

A) 与其他父母分享经验。

B) 为他们的孩子制作图画书。

C) 仔细选择给孩子们读什么。

D) 给孩子读尽可能多的书。

解析 :录音中提到,角色命名不同的书籍也促进了更大量的学习,那么,这对父母来说意味着什么呢?并不是所有的书都是一样的,所以父母需要非常谨慎地选择与孩子分享的书。选项C与录音内容一致,因此为正确答案。选项A、B和D录音中均未提及,故排除。

Part III Reading Comprehension

Section A


本文节选自《大西洋月刊》2018年8月发表的一篇题为“Phones Are Changing the Texture of Family Life”的文章。文章围绕“手机正在改变家庭生活的结构”这一话题展开叙述,讲述了手机对青少年的影响以及父母受手机影响给孩子带来的负面影响。


手机影响着青少年生活的各个方面。在13至17岁的美国人中,95%的人拥有智能手机或有机会使用智能手机,近一半的人表示“几乎 [26] 经常”使用互联网。

但正如最近的调查数据和访谈所表明的那样,许多青少年发现(花费在手机上的)大部分时间都令人不满意。持续 [27] 使用(手机)不应被误认为是无尽的享受。皮尤研究中心一项新的关于“屏幕时间和设备干扰”的具有 [28] 全国代表性的调查表明,不仅仅是父母认为青少年与手机 [29] 密不可分,令人担忧,许多青少年自己也这么认为。在接受调查的13至17岁青少年中,54%的人表示他们花了太多时间 [30] 专注于手机。

薇姬·赖德奥特经营着一家研究公司,该公司研究儿童与媒体和技术之间的互动,她对这一发现并不惊讶。她说,这并不是青少年所 [31] 特有的。赖德奥特说:“他们(青少年)正在应对与成年人同样的挑战,因为他们生活在一个旨在尽可能多地将他们的时间放在设备上的科技 [32] 环境中。”

父母与科技互动的方式可以 [33] 影响他们与孩子互动的方式。因此,赖德奥特认为,父母应该树立良好的 [34] 行为榜样:如果父母在吃饭时把手机放在一边,或者睡觉时在另一个房间给手机充电,孩子们往往会注意到这一点。她说,目睹这样的习惯可以帮助孩子们“意识到他们可以对自己的设备 [35] 行使更多的控制”。


26. D) constantly ( adv. 总是,经常地 )

语法判断 空格位于句末,前面为using the internet almost,故空格处应填副词,与almost一起修饰前面的动名词短语using the internet。

语义判断 本段第一句提到“手机影响着青少年生活的各个方面”,接着提到95%的美国青少年拥有或有机会使用手机,文章后几段都围绕青少年长时间使用手机的情况展开论述。该句句意为“在13至17岁的美国人中,95%的人拥有智能手机或有机会使用智能手机,近一半的人表示“几乎______”使用互联网”。代入选项可知,constantly符合此处句意。

27. N) usage ( n. 使用 )

语法判断 空格前面为形容词Continuous,后面为动词shouldn't be mistaken,故空格处应填名词,作句子主语。

语义判断 本段开头提到“但正如最近的调查数据和访谈所表明的那样,许多青少年发现(花费在手机上的)大部分时间都令人不满意”,即长时间使用手机并不完全是在享受。该句句意为“持续______不应被误认为是无尽的享受”。代入选项可知,usage符合此处句意。

28. H) nationally ( adv. 全国性地 )

语法判断 空格前面为A new,后面为名词短语representative survey,故空格处应填副词。

语义判断 此处引出一项关于“屏幕时间和设备干扰”的调查。该句句意为“皮尤研究中心一项新的关于‘屏幕时间和设备干扰’的具有______代表性的调查表明”,既然提到有代表性,那么调查的范围应该很广泛。代入选项可知,nationally符合此处句意。

29. G) inseparable ( adj. 分不开的;形影不离的 )

语法判断 空格前面为are worryingly,后面为from their phones,故空格处应填形容词,且该词能与from构成合理的搭配。

语义判断 此处介绍关于“屏幕时间和设备干扰”的调查的结果。该句句意为“不仅仅是父母认为青少年与手机______,令人担忧,许多青少年自己也这么认为”。又由本段末尾提到的“在接受调查的13至17岁青少年中,54%的人表示他们花了太多时间在手机上”可知,inseparable符合此处句意。

30. A) absorbed ( v. 使全神贯注 adj. 全神贯注的 )

语法判断 空格所在句子结构完整,空格前面为spend too much time,后面为in their phones,空格处所填词作后置定语,故应填过去分词。

语义判断 本段介绍青少年长时间使用手机的情况。该句句意为“在接受调查的13至17岁青少年中,54%的人表示他们花了太多时间______在手机上”。代入选项可知,absorbed符合此处句意。

31. L) specific ( adj. 特有的;独特的 )

语法判断 空格前面为it's hardly,后面为to teenagers,故空格处应填形容词。

语义判断 本段介绍薇姬·赖德奥特对以上调查结果所持的观点。该句句意为“她说,这并不是______青少年”。又由下一句提到的“赖德奥特说:‘他们(青少年)正在应对与成年人同样的挑战’”,代入选项可知,specific符合此处句意。

32. E) context ( n. 环境;背景 )

语法判断 空格前面为定冠词the,后面为of a tech environment,故空格处应填名词。

语义判断 该句句意为“他们(青少年)正在应对与成年人同样的挑战,因为他们生活在一个旨在尽可能多地将他们的时间放在设备上的科技______”。此处提到为何成年人与青少年同样在手机上花费大量时间。代入选项可知,context符合此处句意。

33. J) shape ( n. 形状,外形 v. 影响;塑造 )

语法判断 空格前面为情态动词can,后面为the way,故空格处应填动词原形。

语义判断 该句句意为“父母与科技互动的方式可以______他们与孩子互动的方式”。后面提到父母的行为习惯可以直接影响孩子,代入选项可知,shape符合此处句意。

34. C) behavior ( n. 行为,举止 )

语法判断 空格位于句末,前面为形容词good,故空格处应填名词。

语义判断 本段围绕“父母与科技互动的方式可以影响他们与孩子互动的方式”展开。该句句意为“因此,赖德奥特认为,父母应该树立良好的______榜样”。代入选项可知,behavior符合此处句意。

35. F) exercise ( v. 行使;运用 n. 运动;锻炼 )

语法判断 空格前面为情态动词can,后面为some more control over,故空格处应填动词原形。

语义判断 此处表述父母的良好行为习惯会给孩子带来什么影响。该句句意为“她说,目睹这样的习惯可以帮助孩子们‘意识到他们可以对自己的设备______更多的控制’”。代入选项可知,exercise符合此处句意。

干扰项注释 B) addicted( v. 使上瘾,使沉迷 adj. 上瘾的,入迷的 ) recruited( v. 招募,招聘 ) K) solution( n. 解决办法 ) M) summary( n. 总结,概括 adj. 总结性的,概括的 ) O) vaguely( adv. 含糊地,不确切地 )

Section B




A) [40] 几年前,我在一所大学教一门关于邪恶的课程 。这门课是为刑事犯罪学专业的大三学生准备的,帮助他们将理论和研究应用到当前有争议的话题中。 授课效果非常成功。辩论激烈而有趣。我可以看到人们的观点在一次讲座中发生了变化 。在过去的13年里,作为一名学生、讲师和研究员,我喜欢与任何愿意倾听的人讨论邪恶的科学。我最喜欢的是推翻关于善与恶的陈词滥调,用科学的洞察力取而代之。我们需要一种更明智的方式来讨论一开始我们无法或不应该开始理解的行为。

B) 如果没有理解,我们就会冒使他人丧失人性的风险,仅仅因为我们不理解他人,就认为他们摒弃了人性。我们必须努力理解我们对邪恶的标签。我们倾向于认为邪恶是其他人的本性。我们认为自己是“好人”,甚至当我们做了有悖道德的事情时,我们也理解自己做出决定时的背景。 [38] 然而,换成别人,我们便会更加轻易地推翻这种做法。如果他们的行为严重偏离我们认为可以接受的范围,我们可能会给他们贴上邪恶的标签 。我们需要小心处理这个问题。称某人为邪恶通常类似于说他们无法改变,甚至可能根本就不能称之为人。然而,当你真的去追捕这种现象背后的“怪物”,深入观察那些令人震惊的行为背后的人时,你可能会感到惊讶。

C) 小时候,我曾经很喜欢史酷比卡通动画。到达他们的“神秘机器”后,这伙人就必须得找到一个恐吓街坊邻里的怪物。他们会四处寻找线索,最后揭开坏人的面具。而这个坏人总是一个穿着奇装异服的普通人。并没有怪物。就像史酷比的团队一样,我们可能会发现自己在寻找一种简单的解决办法,用一个词来形容那些做坏事的人。 [43] 但如果我们仔细观察,(会发现)“邪恶”这个词是不够的——对于人类为什么会做坏事没有简单的解释:相反,却有很多种解释,而且它们都有惊人的不同

D) 邪恶通常指的是对社会规范的偏离:正式的偏离是违反法律,如盗窃、谋杀和袭击,而非正式的偏离涉及违反社会规范,如撒谎。邪恶的行为通常被认为包含以上一种或两种形式。 [36] 然而,离经叛道也可以描述某种仅仅与正常行为规范不同的行为

E) 也许这就是我们可以从坏的一面中找到好的一面的地方。离经叛道会让我们成为恶棍,但它也会让我们成为英雄。当一个孩子在学校为了另一个被欺负的孩子挺身而出时,他就偏离了社会压力。当一名士兵选择不服从命令杀害一名无辜平民时,他也偏离了常规。一家大型科技公司的员工在揭露公司的违法行为时偏离了常规。

F) 创造力也是一种离经叛道。它的情况也很复杂。 [45] 创造性思维给了我们现代医学、技术和现代政治结构,但也给了我们毒药和核武器 。同样的人类倾向可能同时带来极大的好处和巨大的伤害。

G) [39] 在2014年发表的一篇研究论文《邪恶天才》中,行为科学家弗兰西斯卡·吉诺和斯科特·韦尔特穆斯想要检验在一项任务中表现不道德的人在后续任务中是否比其他人更有创造性,即使在控制了基准创造技能的差异之后。他们选取的不道德行为是不诚实

H) [44] 在这五次实验中,研究人员给参与者布置了可以作弊的任务。在一项研究中,研究人员给了参与者矩阵,参与者必须要找到两个加起来等于10的数字。参与者被要求在研究结束时自我报告他们的表现:59%的人谎称自己解出的矩阵比实际解出的要多

I) [41] 在每项任务完成后,研究人员评估了参与者在远隔联想测验中的表现。这项实验每次向参与者展示三个看似不相关的单词,参与者必须想出与这些单词相关的第四个单词。例如,你可能会得到“狐狸、人、窥视”,或者“灰尘、谷物、鱼”。为了找到与之相关联的词(第一个是“洞”,第二个是“碗”),你需要有创造力。你答对得越多,人们就认为你越有创造力,因为你想出了不同寻常的联想

J) [37] 对于这五项研究中的每一项,他们都发现了同样的事情——在第一项任务中作弊的参与者在创造力任务中表现得更好 。为什么呢?像其他形式的不道德行为一样,撒谎意味着违反规则。它涉及离经叛道,违背人们应该讲真话的社会原则。同样地,创造性包括“跳出框框思考”,偏离预期。它们涉及类似的思维模式,因此刺激一个就会刺激另一个。我们能从中学到什么吗?也许可以。为了更有创意,我们可以尝试在受控的环境中撒谎。寻找网络逻辑游戏并作弊,玩拼字游戏用字典,或者写一个不真实的故事?这样的任务可以让我们的大脑灵活思考,超出我们正常的舒适区。这并不是让你成为一个被迫的说谎者,而是一个可控的说谎者。

K) 除了对创造力的好处之外,离经叛道在其他方面也可能是一件好事。甚至斯坦福监狱实验的作者菲利普·津巴多向我们展示了我们是多么容易被引导做出不良行为,他认为,离经叛道行为的研究未来可能更多地在于理解极端的利社会行为,比如英雄主义。与邪恶一样,我们通常认为英雄主义只可能发生在那些离群的异类(即不正常的人)身上。但津巴多问道:“如果英雄行为的能力从根本上来说也是普通的,我们所有人都具备呢?”有人说,我们应该永远都不要见到我们的英雄,以免我们发现他们是多么普通时,会让我们失望。但这应该是一种解脱,而不是令人失望。我们都有能力表现得像异类。 [42] 是时候让我们去理解离经叛道,认识到它潜在的好处和坏处了


36. 题干译文 不符合社会规范的行为可能被描述为离经叛道。

答案解析 D 。由题干关键信息A behavior、conform to social norms、being deviant定位到D段。该段前两句介绍了邪恶的定义并进行了举例说明:正式的偏离是违反法律,如盗窃、谋杀和袭击,而非正式的偏离涉及违反社会规范,如撒谎。最后一句指出,离经叛道也可以描述某种仅仅与正常行为规范不同的行为。换言之,不符合社会规范的行为可能被描述为离经叛道。由此可知,题干是对该句的同义转述,A behavior that does not conform to social norms对应原文中的a behavior that simply differs from the norm,而may be described as being deviant对应原文中的deviance can also describe。

37. 题干译文 各种实验发现,在初始任务中作弊的参与者在创造力测试中表现得更好。

答案解析 J 。由题干关键信息Various experiments、participants who cheated in the initial task、performed better in the creativity test定位到J段。该段第一句提到,对于这五项研究中的每一项,他们都发现了同样的事情——在第一项任务中作弊的参与者在创造力任务中表现得更好。由此可知,题干是对该句的同义转述,Various experiments对应原文中的For every one of the five studies,而found that participants who cheated in the initial task performed better in the creativity test对应原文中的found the same thing—participants who cheated in the first task did better on the creativity task。

38. 题干译文 如果人们的行为在道德上不能被我们接受,那么他们可能就会被简单地认为是邪恶的。

答案解析 B 。由题干关键信息their behaviors、morally unacceptable、considered evil定位到B段。该段第三、四句提到,我们倾向于认为别人是邪恶的,而认为自己是“好人”,第五、六句通过转折指出,然而,换成别人,我们便会更加轻易地推翻这种做法,如果他们的行为严重偏离我们认为可以接受的范围,我们可能会给他们贴上邪恶的标签。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,if their behaviors are morally unacceptable to us对应原文中的If their actions deviate substantially from what we consider acceptable,而People may be simply considered evil对应原文中的we may label them evil。

39. 题干译文 这项由两位科学家发表的研究旨在检验不诚实和创造力之间的关系。

答案解析 G 。由题干关键信息The research published by two scientists、the relationship between dishonesty and creativity定位到G段。该段提到,在2014年发表的一篇研究论文《邪恶天才》中,行为科学家弗兰西斯卡·吉诺和斯科特·韦尔特穆斯想要检验在一项任务中表现不道德的人在后续的任务中是否比其他人更有创造性,即使在控制了基准创造技能的差异之后。他们选取的不道德行为是不诚实。由此可知,题干是对该句的概括总结。题干中的The research对应原文中的a research paper,而two scientists对应原文中的the behavioral scientists Francesca Gino and Scott Wiltermuth,而intended to examine the relationship between dishonesty and creativity是对原文wanted to examine...was dishonesty内容的概括总结。

40. 题干译文 作者的讲座在课堂上引起了热烈的讨论。

答案解析 A 。由题干关键信息The author's lectures、lively discussions、his class定位到A段。该段前两句介绍了作者几年前在一所大学教一门关于邪恶的课程,并说明了课程的目的。接下来第三至五句介绍说,这门课程的授课效果非常成功,课上的辩论激烈而有趣,作者可以看到人们的观点在一次讲座中发生了变化。由此可知,题干是对原文的同义转述,lectures sparked lively discussions是对原文中的It was a huge success...within the course of a single lecture内容的概括总结。

41. 题干译文 研究人员通过让参与者玩文字游戏来测试他们的创造力。

答案解析 I 。由题干关键信息tested、the participants'creativity、play a word game定位到I段。该段前两句承接上段提到,在每项任务完成后,研究人员评估了参与者在远隔联想测验中的表现,这项实验每次向参与者展示三个看似不相关的单词,参与者必须想出与这些单词相关的第四个单词。接下来进行举例说明,并在本段最后一句总结:你答对得越多,人们就认为你越有创造力,因为你想出了不同寻常的联想。由此可知,题干是对该段内容的概括总结,The researchers tested the participants'creativity是对原文中After each task, the researchers measured participants'performance on the Remote Associates Test.和The more you get right, the more creative you are thought to be.的概括总结,而asking them to play a word game是对原文中This shows participants three words at a time that appear to be unrelated...you need to be creative.的概括总结。

42. 题干译文 是时候让我们认识到,离经叛道的行为对个人和社会既有好处,也有坏处。

答案解析 K 。由题干关键信息It is time we realized、deviance、doing both good and harm to individuals and society定位到K段。该段开头提到,除了对创造力的好处之外,离经叛道在其他方面也可能是一件好事。接下来进行了举例说明,最后一句总结到:是时候让我们去理解离经叛道,认识到它潜在的好处和坏处了。由此可见,题干是对该句的同义转述,即It is time we realized that deviance may be capable of doing both good and harm to individuals and society.对应原文中的It's time for us to understand deviance, and realize its potential for good as well as for harm.。

43. 题干译文 人们邪恶行为的原因可以用多种方式来解释。

答案解析 C 。由题干关键信息The reasons、evil behaviors、be explained in more ways than one定位到C段。该段最后两句承接上文提到,就像史酷比的团队一样,我们可能会发现自己在寻找一种简单的解决办法,用一个词来形容那些做坏事的人,但如果我们仔细观察,(会发现)“邪恶”这个词是不够的——对于人类为什么会做坏事没有简单的解释:相反,却有很多种解释。由此可知,题干是对原文内容的概括总结。题干中的The reasons for people's evil behaviors对应原文中for why humans do bad things,而can be explained in more ways than one对应原文中的there are no simple explanations: instead there are many。

44. 题干译文 一项实验中的数学任务旨在测试参与者的作弊倾向。

答案解析 H 。由题干关键信息math task、experiment、test participants'tendency to cheat定位到H段。该段提到,在这五次实验中,研究人员给参与者布置了可以作弊的任务,在一项研究中,研究人员给了参与者矩阵,参与者必须要找到两个加起来等于10的数字,参与者被要求在研究结束时自我报告他们的表现:59%的人谎称自己解出的矩阵比实际解出的要多。由此可知,这项实验中的数学任务是为了测试参与者的作弊倾向,题干是对该段内容的概括总结,题干中的The math task in one experiment对应原文中的In one study, they were given matrixes and had to find two numbers that added up to 10,而was designed to test participants'tendency to cheat对应原文中的gave participants tasks in which they could cheat、Participants were asked to self-report...they solved more matrixes than they actually had.的概括总结。

45. 题干译文 一些创造性的思想已被证明对人类社会造成了伤害。

答案解析 F 。由题干关键信息creative ideas、do harm to human society定位到F段。该段开头提到,创造力也是一种离经叛道。第三、四句指出,创造性思维给了我们现代医学、技术和现代政治结构,但也给了我们毒药和核武器,同样的人类倾向可能同时带来极大的好处和巨大的伤害。由此可见,题干是对该段内容的同义转述,Some creative ideas对应原文中的Thinking creatively,而have turned out to do harm to human society对应原文中的has also given us poison and nuclear weapons。

Section C

Passage One

本文节选自 Good News Network网站2016年8月5日发表的一篇题为“This doctor broke the law to engineer a better nursing home, and the death rate plummeted”的文章。文章指出,比尔·托马斯医生为了改善养老院的居住环境,违法将动物和植物带入养老院。他的这一做法不但让老人们更加快乐,还大大降低了老人的生病率和死亡率。他致力于宣传变老并不是一件坏事,并且他创造的方法已经在许多国家取得了成功。


[46] 尽管我们生活在一个人们认为变老必然伴随着痛苦的时代,但在过去的25年里,这位医生一直在改变老年人的游戏规则

这一切都始于1991年,当时这位哈佛大学毕业的医生从压力很大的急诊室工作转到纽约州北部担任一家疗养院的医疗主任。 [47] 令人沮丧和管制严格的环境让他思考究竟什么可以改善疗养院的条件

[48] 尽管当时在养老院里养动物是违法的,但比尔·托马斯医生还是冒了险。凭直觉,他引进了两只狗、四只猫、母鸡、兔子、100只鸟、多种植物、一个花园和一块菜地



托马斯现在是演讲师和几本书的作者,他还创建了拥有他们自己的卧室和浴室的小型独立住宅, [49] 他一直在宣扬一个非凡的信息,即变老并不是一件坏事


[50] 这位56岁医生的方法已经被澳大利亚、日本、加拿大和美国采用,并取得了巨大的成功 。去年,他出版了《第二风:通往更慢、更深、更互联的生活之路》,这是一本关于如何改变我们对衰老和年龄增长的看法的指南。



· inevitable adj. 不可避免的,必然发生的

· misery n. 苦难;痛苦;不幸

· transfer v. ( 使 )调动;(使)转移

· stressful adj. 压力大的

· emergency room 急诊室

· resident n. 居民;住户

· take a chance 冒险;碰运气

· patch n. 小块土地;补丁

· dramatic adj. 急剧的;激动人心的

· prescription n. 处方;药方

· approach n. 方法;路径 v. 靠近

· erase v. 消除;忘却;删除

· enrich v. 充实;使丰富;使富有

· phase n. 阶段;时期

· residence n. 住处,居所,住宅

· preach v. 宣传;鼓吹;布道

· enormous adj. 极大的,巨大的

· navigate v. 导航;确定航向;驾驭

· passage n. 航行;航程;篇章;通道

· perspective n. 看法,态度,观点

· tour n. 巡回演出;巡回比赛;旅行;观光


46. 比尔·托马斯25年以来一直在做什么?

A) 改变人们的生活方式。

B) 致敬他的哈佛教育。

C) 改变人们的人生哲学。

D) 改变人们对变老的看法。

定位 :根据题干关键词a quarter of a century可以将答案定位到第一段。题干中的 a quarter of a century与原文中的 the last 25 years属于同义转换,而且由下文可知,第一段中的the doctor就是比尔·托马斯。

解析 :第一段提到,尽管我们生活在一个人们认为变老是必然伴随着痛苦的时代,但在过去的25年里,这位医生一直在改变老年人的游戏规则。前面提到人们认为变老必然是痛苦的,后面提到一位医生改变了老年人的游戏规则,也就是改变了人们对变老的看法,故本题选D。如果只看第一句话无法理解其含义的话,读完全文再做这道题应该也可以选出答案。文章后面具体写了比尔医生是如何改善老年人的居住条件的,并且他一直宣扬变老并不是坏事。

47. 为什么比尔·托马斯在疗养院尝试了一些不同的事情?

A) 他想让养老院对于老年人来说更舒适。

B) 他想把在哈佛学到的应用到实践中。

C) 他认为对养老院的管理进行改革是他的责任。

D) 他对在这种环境中工作感到失望。

定位 :本题使用题干关键词法不太容易定位,但是根据出题顺序与原文顺序基本一致的原则可以将答案定位到第二段。

解析 :第二段首先指出,1991年,这位哈佛大学毕业的医生从急诊室工作转到担任一家疗养院的医疗主任。然后第二句继续指出,令人沮丧和管制严格的环境让他思考究竟什么可以改善疗养院的条件。从下文可知,这位医生就是比尔·托马斯。所以他尝试不同的事情的原因就是想改善那里的条件,也就是让养老院对老年人来说更舒适,故本题选A。原文只提到他毕业于哈佛,没有提到他想要把在哈佛学到的应用于实践,故排除B项。C项文章中没有提到,也排除。D项比较容易误选,原文说的是令人沮丧和管制严格的环境引发他的思考,这里的环境指的是老年人的居住环境,即他的出发点是为了老年人好,不是因为自己对工作环境不满,故排除。

48. 关于比尔·托马斯将动植物带到养老院中,我们了解到什么?

A) 他把养老院弄得一团糟。

B) 他做了一件所有专业人士都会做的事情。

C) 他立即赢得了纽约州当局的支持。

D) 他的行为违反了纽约州法律。

定位 :根据题干关键词bringing animals and plants into the nursing home可以将答案定位到第三段。

解析 :文章第三段指出,尽管当时在养老院里养动物是违法的,但比尔·托马斯医生还是冒了险,凭直觉,他引进了两只狗、四只猫、母鸡、兔子、100只鸟、多种植物、一个花园和一块菜地,所以他把动物带进养老院里是违法的,故选D。选项A、B和C的内容文中都未提到,均排除。

49. 比尔·托马斯一直在倡导什么?

A) 良好的健康不仅仅是年轻人的特权。

B) 应该严格限制养老院的规模。

C) 变老绝不是一件痛苦的事情。

D) 老年人的住宅应该独立经营。

定位 :根据题干关键词Bill Thomas和persistently advocating可以将答案定位到第六段最后一句。题干中的persistently advocating与原文中的preaching a singular message属于同义替换。

解析 :文章第六段最后一句指出,他一直在宣扬一个非凡的信息,即变老并不是一件坏事,这与选项C“变老绝不是一件痛苦的事”意思一致,故选C。选项A和B的内容原文没有提及,可以直接排除。文章虽然提到他创建小型独立住宅,但这不是他一直在倡导的事,故排除D。

50. 比尔·托马斯的新理念被接受得如何?

A) 它正在许多国家取得进展。

B) 它正在全世界范围内被激烈讨论。

C) 它在各地都被认为是革命性的。

D) 它正在赢得政府的批准。

定位 :根据题干关键词Bill Thomas's new concept received可将答案定为到倒数第二段首句,该句中的doctor's methods have been adopted是对题干关键信息的回应。

解析 :文章倒数第二段第一句指出,这位56岁医生的方法已经被澳大利亚、日本、加拿大和美国采用,并取得了巨大的成功。即他的新理念在很多国家都取得了进展,故选A。其他三项文章没有提及,均排除。

Passage Two

本文节选自theconversation.com网站2018年10月8日发表的一篇题为“Time and money—the biggest hurdles to healthy eating”的文章。文章指出,在发达国家针对饮食的研究发现,低收入群体的饮食往往是热量高且缺乏营养的,这会导致他们较高的肥胖症和糖尿病的发病率。公共卫生倡议往往是关于营养知识和食谱的,但低收入群体并不需要关于食物的知识和技能,他们受到经济、物质和社会条件以及食物价格的制约。但是健康饮食并不一定都是负担不起的,作者建议低收入者选择既健康又便宜的食品。


研究表明,在发达国家,更富裕、受过更多教育的人往往会享用更高质量的饮食,包括更多的水果和蔬菜、鱼类和全谷物食品。 [51] 相反,经济上贫困的人报告的饮食往往是高热量且缺乏营养的。他们不太可能有符合公共卫生建议的食品购买习惯

这些饮食差异通常还会伴随着低收入人群较高的肥胖症和糖尿病的发病率。 [52] 关于社会阶层与饮食质量和健康之间的关系,有全面的记录。然而,这项研究并没有解释为什么会这样——这个问题对设计改善饮食和预防慢性病有效的政策和倡议具有重要影响


研究表明,食物没有保障的家庭中的成年人与那些食物有保障的家庭中的成年人一样,是有可能调整食谱使之更健康的。 [53] 他们对于准备食物和烹饪技巧也同样精通。没有迹象表明,提高食物技能或预算技巧将会改善食物没有保障的状况

相反,经济上贫困的人是受到了经济、物质和社会条件的制约。 [54] 例如,在加拿大,低收入是食物没有保障最强的预测指标,在那里八分之一的家庭无法获得充足的营养食品



虽然事实可能如此,但它本身并不能证明健康饮食一定更加昂贵或者成本高得令人负担不起。 [55] 毕竟,并非所有社会经济上贫困的人都食用不佳的饮食

[55] 我们可以很容易地想到许多既便宜又营养的食物和食谱 。互联网上也满是“在预算内吃得好”的食谱。


· affluent adj. 富裕的;富足的

· disadvantaged adj. 贫困的;社会地位低下的;生活条件差的

· nutrient-poor adj. 缺乏营养的

· energy-dense adj. 高热量的

· conform to 符合;遵守

· accompany v. 伴随;陪伴

· extensively adv. 全面地;广泛地

· document v. 记录,记载 n. 文件

· implication n. 暗示;含意

· initiative n. 倡议;进取心

· presume v. 假定;推测

· literacy n. 有文化;识字

· food-insecure adj. 食物无保障的

· adjust v. 调整;改变(行为或观点)以适应

· proficient adj. 精通的;熟练的

· indication n. 迹象;暗示

· constrain v. 约束;限制;强迫

· predictor n. 预言性事物;借以作出预测的事物

· well-established adj. 已为大家接受的;久负盛誉的

· determinant n. 决定物;决定因素

· guideline n. 指导方针;准则

· barrier n. 障碍;阻碍;栅栏

· cost-prohibitive adj. 成本高得令很多人负担不起的

· socioeconomically adv. 社会经济上


51. 我们可以从针对发达国家的饮食的研究中了解到什么?

A) 饮食建议不适合贫困的人。

B) 来自不同社会群体的人饮食习惯不同。

C) 人们对食物的选择取决于他们个人的口味。

D) 关于什么是优质饮食还没有达成共识。

定位 :根据题干关键词 research on diets in developed countries可以将答案定位到第一段前两句。

解析 :第一段第一句提到,研究表明,在发达国家,更富裕、受过更多教育的人往往会享用更高质量的饮食。第二句接着指出,相反,经济上贫困的人饮食往往是高热量且缺乏营养的。由此可知,在发达国家,不同社会群体的人饮食习惯是不一样的,故本题选B。第一段第三句指出,贫困的人不太可能有符合公共卫生建议的食品购买习惯,不是说饮食建议不适合贫困的人,故排除A项。选项C和D的内容原文都没有提到,可以排除。

52. 作者称在制定改善饮食和促进健康的政策时,什么很重要?

A) 更好地理解社会阶层与健康之间的关系。

B) 更加重视研究导致肥胖症和慢性病的原因。

C) 优先为下层阶级提供更好的营养。

D) 设计有关公共卫生的教育计划和倡议。

定位 :根据题干关键词 formulating policies to improve diets and health可以将答案定位到第二段最后两句。题干中的formulating policies与原文中的designing effective policies and initiatives是同义替换。

解析 :第二段最后两句提到,关于社会阶层与饮食质量和健康之间的关系,有全面的记录,然而,这项研究并没有解释为什么会这样——这个问题对设计改善饮食和预防慢性病有效的政策和倡议具有重要影响。由此可知,作者认为,理解了社会阶层与饮食质量和健康之间的关系对改善饮食与健康的政策制定很重要,故本题选A。选项B、C和D的内容原文都没有提到,可以排除。

53. 研究揭示了食物没有保障的家庭中成年人的哪些情况?

A) 他们的饮食习惯需要改变。

B) 他们的食物素养一直在提高。

C) 他们不太关注他们的食谱。

D) 他们不缺乏食品知识或预算技巧。

定位 :根据题干关键词adults in food-insecure households可以将答案定位到第四段。

解析 :第四段都是在讲食物没有保障的家庭中的成年人的,对比四个选项,只有选项D的内容与原文一致。第四段第二句、第三句指出,他们对于准备食物和烹饪技巧也同样精通,没有迹象表明,提高食物技能或预算技巧将会改善食物没有保障的状况。也就是说,他们并不缺乏食品知识或者预算技巧,故本题选D。选项A、B和C的内容都与原文不符,可以排除。

54. 什么会有助于改善加拿大贫困人口的食物保障情况?

A) 教他们预算技巧。

B) 增加他们的食物选择。

C) 使他们能够获得更多的营养食品。

D) 采取更有效的措施增加粮食供应。

定位 :根据题干关键词disadvantaged groups in Canada可以将答案定位到第五段第二句。

解析 :第五段第二句指出,在加拿大,低收入是食物没有保障最强的预测指标,在那里八分之一的家庭无法获得充足的营养食品。由于加拿大收入低的人无法获得充足的营养食品,所以能让他们获得足够的营养食品就是改善贫困人口食物保障情况的办法,故本题选C。选项A、B和D的内容都与原文不符,可以排除。

55. 作者建议贫困的人们如何改善自身健康?

A) 对饮食指南采取积极的态度。

B) 选择既健康又负担得起的饮食。

C) 确保在互联网上购买健康食品。

D) 改变他们的饮食习惯和消费模式。

定位 :本题的题干中没有明显的关键词,但是根据出题顺序与原文顺序基本一致的原则可以将答案定位在最后三段。

解析 :最后三段指出,更高质量的饮食通常更昂贵,但这并不能证明健康饮食一定令人负担不起,毕竟,并非所有贫困的人都食用不佳的饮食,有许多既便宜又营养的食物和食谱。由此可知,作者建议人们选择既健康又能负担得起的饮食,故本题选B。选项A、C和D都不是作者的建议,可以排除。

Part IV Translation


农历 lunar calendar

意味着 mark; mean

逐渐下降 gradually dropping

变黄飘落 turn yellow and fall

一叶知秋 The falling of one leaf heralds the arrival of Autumn

持续一段时间 last for a while

秋老虎 afterheat; autumn tiger

对……意义重大 be of great significance to

迅速生长 grow rapidly

开始成熟 begin to ripen

即将到来 approaching


In the Chinese lunar calendar, the Start of Autumn marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. The first sign of the Start of Autumn is the changes in the weather, with the temperature gradually dropping. When people see the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall, they know that autumn has come. This is so-called “The falling of one leaf heralds the arrival of Autumn”. But the hot weather is not completely over at this point, and the high temperature usually lasts for a while, which is called the “autumn tiger”, a popular expression in Chinese, meaning afterheat. The Start of Autumn is of great significance to farmers. At this time, various autumn crops grow rapidly and begin to ripen, and the harvest season is approaching.


1. 第一句: “意味着夏天的结束和秋天的开始”翻译为marks/means the end of summer and the beginning of autumn。

2. 第二句: “立秋带来的首先是天气的变化”即“立秋的第一个迹象是天气的变化”,故翻译为The first sign of the Start of Autumn is the changes in the weather;“气温逐渐下降”起补充说明的作用,翻译时可处理为with的复合结构,即with the temperature gradually dropping。

3. 第三句: “人们看到树叶开始变黄飘落时”可翻译为when引导的时间状语从句,即When people see the leaves begin to turn yellow and fall;“这就是所谓的‘一叶知秋’”翻译为This is so-called “The falling of one leaf heralds the arrival of Autumn”.,其中herald the arrival of意为“预示着……的来临”。

4. 第四句: “被称为‘秋老虎’”可处理为非限制性定语从句,翻译为which is called the “autumn tiger”, a popular expression in Chinese, meaning afterheat。

5. 第五句: “对农民意义重大”翻译为is of great significance to farmers;“这时各种秋季作物迅速生长、开始成熟”翻译为At this time, various autumn crops grow rapidly and begin to ripen;“收获的季节即将到来”与前面的内容并列,可翻译为and连接的并列句,即and the harvest season is approaching。


Part II listening Comprehension

1. C

2. A

3. A

4. D

5. B

6. A

7. C

8. B

9. D

10. B

11. D

12. C

13. A

14. C

15. B

16. A

17. D

18. B

19. C

20. D

21. A

22. B

23. C

24. D

25. C

Part III Reading Comprehension

26. D

27. N

28. H

29. G

30. A

31. L

32. E

33. J

34. C

35. F

36. D

37. J

38. B

39. G

40. A

41. I

42. K

43. C

44. H

45. F

46. D

47. A

48. D

49. C

50. A

51. B

52. A

53. D

54. C

55. B T1jP4yg93Zn/e3FHrPDI+WSQXmHqZ7wAzbCCJnNjGXwhta/CYCKeGD2GbwVv4MQV
