
摘要(Abstract or Summary):微缩版的文章

读者一般先看论文的标题,再读摘要,然后决定是否读全文。摘要写得好不好,对论文的受关注度影响很大。一篇论文的摘要就好像一篇微缩版的全文,用简练的语言来介绍你所做的这项研究,相当于一个故事的梗概。摘要通常分四个部分,各部分的详细程度根据刊物对字数的要求来调整:①用一两句话描写研究背景和科学问题,相当于简要的引言;②简单描写你做了什么样的实验,用了什么关键材料或方法,这部分相当于正文的材料与方法;③得到了哪些主要结果(不是结论),把最重要的、最核心的数据在摘要里呈现一下;④这个研究的核心结论和意义(可适度推广),通常用概括性和普适性的一两句话来表述。初学者容易忽视第①和④点,特别是对第④点的关注普遍不够。缺少了第④点会让审稿人觉得这项研究只有局限性的意义(local significance),停留在就事论事上。摘要中第②和③点通常用一般过去时描述,而第①和④点用一般现在时。

结论和摘要很不一样,初学者往往在用词和表达上把两者混为一谈,重复表达,无法达到画龙点睛的目的。结论和摘要最大的不同是,结论是对整个研究结果的高度概括,不再描述具体的数据,将要点和亮点展现在读者面前。读者可能不一定理解你的全文,或没有兴趣读你的全文,但是看了这个结尾他知道了你研究的概貌。很多期刊在形式上也许没有单独的结论,但是文章结尾总有一个概括性的描述。所以,这个结论也可叫作“可以带回家的信息”(take-home message)。



For centuries ecologists have studied how the diversity and functional traits of plant and animal communities vary across biomes. In contrast , we have only just begun exploring similar questions for soil microbial communities despite soil microbes being the dominant engines of biogeochemical cycles and a major pool of living biomass in terrestrial ecosystems.


2.“for centuries”作为开头,非常容易吸引读者的眼球,当然作者在这样写的时候要把握一定的度。

3.第二句用“in contrast”开始,话锋一转,同样是引起读者兴趣的词。

We used metagenomic sequencing to compare the composition and functional attributes of 16 soil microbial communities collected from cold deserts, hot deserts, forests, grasslands, and tundra.

1.现在有不少刊物允许/鼓励使用第一人称,特别是一些高端的刊物,如 Nature Science PNAS 等。


Those communities found in plant-free cold desert soils typically had the lowest levels of functional diversity (diversity of proteincoding gene categories) and the lowest levels of phylogenetic and taxonomic diversity.


Across all soils, functional beta diversity was strongly correlated with taxonomic and phylogenetic beta diversity; the desert microbial communities were clearly distinct from the nondesert communities regardless of the metric used. The desert communities had higher relative abundances of genes associated with osmoregulation and dormancy, but lower relative abundances of genes associated with nutrient cycling and the catabolism of plant-derived organic compounds.


2.“regardless of”这个短语在科技论文中也是十分常用的。

Antibiotic resistance genes were consistently threefold less abundant in the desert soils than in the nondesert soils, suggesting that abiotic conditions, not competitive interactions , are more important in shaping the desert microbial communities.

1.特别好的结构,突出“abiotic conditions”。


As the most comprehensive survey of soil taxonomic, phylogenetic, and functional diversity to date , this study demonstrates that metagenomic approaches can be used to build a predictive understanding of how microbial diversity and function vary across terrestrial biomes.



3.“predictive understanding”是本文,也是生态学的重要目标,即如何从现象描述上升到内在规律的揭示。


尽管摘要的基本内容大同小异,不同的刊物对摘要的要求(格式和字数等)不一样。有的刊物明确要求摘要分成四个部分,包括背景(Background)、方法(Methods)、结果(Results)和结论(Conclusions),如 Environmental Health Perspectives Plant and Soil 等。这种明确的要求有利于作者厘清思路,比较实际。


BACKGROUND: The inter-individual variation in metabolism of inorganic arsenic (iAs), involving methylation via one-carbon metabolism, has been well documented, but the reasons remain unclear .

“remain”作为一个情态动词在科技论文里经常出现。与“unclear”类似的还有“poorly characterized、poorly understood、largely unknown”等等。

OBJECTIVES: In this population-based study we aimed to elucidate the effect of nutrition on As methylation among women in Matlab, Bangladesh, where people are chronically exposed to iAs via drinking water.



METHODS: We studied effects of macronutrient status using body mass index (BMI) among 442 women in early pregnancy (gestational week 8), and effects of micronutrient status (plasma folate, vitamin B 12 , zinc, ferritin, and selenium) among 753 women at gestational week 14. Arsenic metabolites in urine were measured by HPLC combined with hydride generation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry.



RESULTS: The median concentration of As in urine was 97 μg L -1 (range, 5-1, 216 μg L -1 , adjusted by specific gravity). The average proportions of iAs , monomethylarsonic acid, and dimethylarsinic acid in urine in gestational week 8 were 15%, 11%, and 74%, respectively .



Thus, the women had efficient As methylation in spite of being poorly nourished (one-third had BMIs <18.5 kg m -2 ) and having elevated As exposure, both of which are known to decrease As methylation.

1.这是科技论文常见的,类似的还有“despite、regardless of”,后面接名词或动名词。


The metabolism of iAs was only marginally influenced by micronutrient status, probably because women, especially in pregnancy and with low folate intake, have an efficient betaine-mediated remethylation of homocysteine, which is essential for an efficient As methylation.


CONCLUSIONS: In spite of the high As exposure and prevalent malnutrition, overall As methylation in women in early pregnancy was remarkably efficient. The As exposure level had the greatest impact on As methylation among the studied factors.


Background and aims

Root-released carboxylates enhance the availability of manganese (Mn), which enters roots through transporters with low substrate specificity.


Leaf Mn concentration ([Mn]) has been proposed as a signature for phosphorus (P)-mobilising carboxylates in the rhizosphere.


Here we test whether leaf [Mn] provides a signature for root functional types related to P acquisition.



Across 727 species at 66 sites in Australia and New Zealand, we measured leaf [Mn] as related to root functional type, while also considering soil and climate variables.


To further assess the specific situations under which leaf [Mn] is a suitable proxy for rhizosphere carboxylate concentration, we studied leaf [Mn] along a strong gradient in water availability on one representative site. In addition, we focused on two systems where a species produced unexpected results.



Controlling for background site-specific variation in leaf [Mn] with soil pH and mean annual precipitation, we established that mycorrhizal species have significantly lower leaf [Mn] than non-mycorrhizal species with carboxylate-releasing root structures, e.g., cluster roots. In exception to the general tendency, leaf [Mn] did not provide information about root functional types under seasonally waterlogged conditions, which increase iron availability and thereby interfere with Mnuptake capacity. Two further exceptions were scrutinised, leading to the conclusion that they were ‘anomalous' in not functioning like typical species in their families, as expected according to the literature.



Leaf [Mn] variation provides considerable insights on differences in belowground functioning among co-occurring species. Using this approach, we concluded that, within typical mycorrhizal families, some species actually depend on a carboxylatereleasing P-mobilising strategy. Likewise, within families that are known to produce carboxylate-releasing cluster roots, some do not produce functional cluster roots when mature. An analysis of leaf [Mn] can alert us to such ‘anomalous' species.


有的刊物要求摘要分成四点或更少,但是对四点内容没有明确的约束。如果没有特殊要求,这四点通常应包括上面谈到的摘要基本要素:背景、实验、主要结果和结论/意义。比较典型的是植物科学领域的 New Phytologist


We investigated structural and functional diversity in arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) symbioses involving three plant species and three AM fungi and measured contributions of the fungi to P uptake using compartmented pots and 33 P.


The plant/fungus combinations varied in growth and P responses. Flax ( Linum usitatissimum ) responded positively to all fungi, and medic ( Medicago truncatula ) to Glomus caledonium and G.intraradices ,but not Gigaspora rosea .Tomato( Lycopersicon esculentum )showed no positive responses.


Hyphal growth in soil was very low for Gi. rosea and high for both Glomus spp.Hyphal lengths in root + hyphal compartment (RHC) and hyphal compartment (HC) were similar for G. intraradices , but much higher in HC for G.caledonium .


Specific activities of 33 P in plants and soil indicated that fungal P uptake made substantial contributions to five plant/fungus combinations and significant contributions to a further two. G.intraradices delivered close to 100% of the P in all three plants. G.caledonium and Gi.rosea delivered less P. The amount was not related to colonisation or to growth or P responses.



We conclude that: AM colonisation can result in complete inactivation of the direct P uptake pathway via root hairs and epidermis;calculations of AM contributions to P uptake from total plant P will often be highly inaccurate; and lack of plant responsiveness does not mean that an AM fungus makes no contribution to P uptake.



除了上述三类之外,还有一类定调高的摘要,一般是高端的综合性刊物,如 Nature (及其子刊)或 Science 。这类摘要表达比较能吸引眼球,同时常常包含一些关键的参考文献,往往要有严格的字数限制(如150字)。


The global scale-up in demand for animal protein is the most notable dietary trend of our time.


Antimicrobial consumption in animals is threefold that of humans and has enabled large-scale animal protein production.


The consequences for the development of antimicrobial resistance in animals have received comparatively less attention than in humans.



We analyzed 901 point prevalence surveys of pathogens in developing countries to map resistance in animals.


China and India represented the largest hotspots of resistance, with new hotspots emerging in Brazil and Kenya. From 2000 to 2018, the proportion of antimicrobials showing resistance above 50% increased from 0.15 to 0.41 in chickens and from 0.13 to 0.34 in pigs.


Escalating resistance in animals is anticipated to have important consequences for animal health and, eventually , for human health.




Bangladesh relies heavily on groundwater for the irrigation of dry-season rice.


However , the groundwater used for irrigation often contains high concentrations of arsenic, potentially jeopardizing the future of rice production in the country.



In seasonally flooded fields, topsoil arsenic concentrations decrease during the monsoon season, suggesting that flooding attenuates arsenic accumulation in the soils.





Here we examine the chemistry of soil porewater and floodwater during the monsoon season in rice paddies in Munshiganj,Bangladesh, to assess whether flooding releases significant quantities of arsenic from the soils. We estimate that between 51 and 250 mg m -2 of soil arsenic is released into floodwater during the monsoon season. This corresponds to a loss of 13%-62% of the arsenic added to soils through irrigation each year. The arsenic was distributed throughout the entire floodwater column by vertical mixing and was laterally removed when the floodwater receded.


We conclude that monsoon floodwater removes a large amount of the arsenic added to paddy soils through irrigation, and suggest that non-flooded soils are particularly at risk of arsenic accumulation.



要注意的是,这是一篇发表在 Nature Geoscience 上的重要论文,作者没有罗列复杂的数据,只展示了最关键的要点(用了很少的数据),但是会给读者留下深刻的印象。国内学生在写文章时往往求全、求细,这样,文章往往显得冗长,给读者一团乱麻的感觉,主题不突出,阅后难以找出要点。英文中常常形象地用“distill”这个词,意思是不断把精华提炼出来。


Two distinct microbial processes, denitrification and anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox), are responsible for the release of fixed nitrogen as dinitrogen gas (N 2 ) to the atmosphere.

说明背景并引用文献,这是因为 Nature 要求Letter类型论文的第一段既是引言又是摘要。

Denitrification has been studied for over 100 years and its intermediates and enzymes are well known.


Even though anammox is a key biogeochemical process of equal importance , its molecular mechanism is unknown, but it was proposed to proceed through hydrazine (N 2 H 4 ).

1.“even though”这个表述可强化语气,吸引注意力。

2.“of equal importance”表述重要性。

3.“…is unknown, but…”目前一无所知,但是……

Here we show that N 2 H 4 is produced from the anammox substrates ammonium and nitrite and that nitric oxide (NO) is the direct precursor of N 2 H 4 .


We resolved the genes and proteins central to anammox metabolism and purified the key enzymes that catalyse N 2 H 4 synthesis and its oxidation to N 2 .



These results present a new biochemical reaction forging an N-N bond and fill a lacuna in our understanding of the biochemical synthesis of the N 2 in the atmosphere. Furthermore, they reinforce the role of nitric oxide in the evolution of the nitrogen cycle.




美国明尼苏达大学的David Tilman(戴维·蒂尔曼)教授是生态学界的泰斗级人物。本书作者(朱)有一次和他交流,欣喜地发现他早年也在英国帝国理工学院做过访问学者,而且发现两个人都是在帝国理工学院Silwood Park Campus(希尔伍德公园校区,在温莎城堡附近,是国际上生态学研究的重要基地。作者曾在那里攻读博士学位),也就有了更多的共同语言。在探讨论文的撰写问题时,他特别提到在英国期间Robert May(罗伯特·梅)教授对他的影响。Tilman教授说,他注意到May教授在写论文时经常和其他作者争论一词一句的用法,常常问“为什么用这个词?”“有没有更好的词?”“为什么在这里写个句子?”等等。Tilman教授深受启发,感到反复锤炼的重要性。Robert May是理论生态学界的殿堂式的人物,曾担任英国皇家学会主席,英国政府首席科学家,其治学态度值得后人学习。 9+6tldcKohR5+gYwVx0CEF6263G6WEqZQTWg9me77XF0eWyqrNrOGXLo/nG9emPg
