


Biber,et.(1999:990)将“由反复出现的三个或更多单词组成的序列”定义为词串。有的学者如Bolinger(1976:1~14)称之为词块,另外还被称做“预制件”、“词语化句干”等不一而足。本文将这些统一为词块。词块融合了语法、语义和语境的优势,并且形式较为固定,符合认知的基本规律,因而在外语研究和教学特别是翻译中越来越受到重视。Olohan(2004:151~152)援引贝克的一项研究:注意到英美市场上的译作为了迎合读者的期待和要求,往往采用流畅化的翻译策略,贝克据此假设如果这种现象属实的话,译文中的半固定或固定表达应该比非译文文本出现频率多。基于这一推测,她从TEC中提取了三词到五词的词块,印证了部分假设。上述中半固定或固定表达实质上就是词块。在本研究中,笔者界定将频率不小于3的词块做为研究对象。利用Wordsmith Tools的词块提取功能,分别抽取四位译者的3到12词词块,对比它们的使用情况。限于篇幅,只对比四译文的五词词块的前15位,分别见表4.13、表4.14、表4.15及表4.16。

表4.13 赛译5词词块



表4.14 杰译5词词块

表4.15 沙译5词词块


表4.16 登译5词词块



Biber,et al.(2004:371~405)按语篇和语用功能将词块分成四类,即立场词块、组篇词块、指示词块和会话专用词块。立场词块指那些用于表达诸如态度、肯定等人际意义的多词单位,如it is important、I don't think so等。组篇词块指用于建立上下文关系的多词单位,如on the other hand、as well as等。指示词块指直接涉及实体或抽象体的多词单位,如in the form of、at the same time。会话专用词块指那些在会话中用于表示礼貌、询问和陈述的多词单位,如thank you very much、I said to him等。卫乃兴(2011:219)则从宏观的层面观察和讨论词块的意义和功能,将词块分为三大类,即命题性词块、立场性词块和组织性词块。本研究以卫乃兴的分类方法为依据,对四译文的5词词块进行归纳分析:

赛译中基本是以组织性词块为主:15个主要的5词词块中组织性词块占9个,达60%,它们包括let it be told further;let it be told now;hear it told in the;it told in the next;pray hear it told in;told in the next chapter;of this no more need;this no more need be;it be told now of。组织性词块是用来组织篇章结构,实现语篇行为,表达语义—逻辑关系,揭示信息流动的方向,组织性词块构筑和强化着文本的衔接和连贯,使文本成为一个有机的整体。以词块let it be told now为检索对象,在汉、英赛译平行语料库中检索,结果如图4.1所示,为方便观察,将部分汉英对应语料列于图下。

图4.1 词块“let it be told now of”的平行语料检索结果


1.in number like great drifts of snow.Let it be told now of affairs within and without the easte...


2.Of this no more need now be said.Let it be told now that in the lair on the Little Hua Mount...


3....to the Bridge Of The First Degree.Let it be told now of the Pig Butcher Cheng.He had double...


4.ate and was away like a puff of smoke.Let it be told now of the people in Cheng The Pig Butcher'...


5.of this there is no more to be told.Let it be told now of Lu Ta.From the time he left Wei Cho...


6....he went down the road and on his way.Let it be told now of Li Chung and Chou Tung.They came to...


7.robbers upon Peach Blossom Mountain.Let it be told now of Lu Chi Shen.He left the mountain an...


8.in his drunkenness fell into the snow.Let it be told now of the villagers.They gathered togethe...


9....so parted from him and went his way.Let it be told now of Ch 'ai Chin.Again he mounted his...


10.Of this more need not be said.Let it be told now of Yang Chi.When he had come forth upo...

从以上例子可发现,词块let it be told now在原文的回译是“且说”、“只说”、“再说”、“却说”这些用于语篇间衔接和连贯的词语,译语同时起着相似的功能和作用,因而译文逻辑清楚,易读。

此外,赛译中还有5个命题性词块,它们包括star among the stars of;to the front of the;among the stars of earth;the stars of earth called;stars of earth called the。命题性词块实现命题意义,可分为表达实体和概念、时间和空间及过程和特征三个子类,上面5个词块,除to the front of the属于空间外,其余均为实体和概念;另外,but I do not know似乎应该属于立场性词块的范畴。立场性词块表达的是发表评价或表明态度,提出建议或忠告。

与赛译形成显明对比的是杰译中有9个词块,同样占60%,是立场性词块,它们分别是:I hope that you will;was much pleased at this;how is it that you;much pleased at this and;it would be better if;what do you think of;but I do not know;I have not seen you;this was agreed to and。另外6个词块均为命题性词块,其中marshal of the imperial guard和the marshal of the imperial系实体和概念词块;at the side of the及at the foot of the系空间词块;而for a long time and和have not seen you for系时间词块。

沙译的词块中与赛译相仿,大部分是组织性词块,包括chapter if you would know;next chapter if you would;our next chapter if you;read our next chapter if;of that we'll say no;that we'll say no more;had no choice but to;as the old saying goes。此外,其他词块为命题性的,包括the shore of golden sands;what are you doing here;the foot of the mountain;Li kui the black whirlwind;at the foot of the;dropped to his knees and;at the head of the。

登译词块的组成为:11个命题性词块,分别是:the marshes of mount liang;among the rivers and lakes;in the marshes of mount;at the back of the;of the rivers and lakes;the little duke and the;little duke and the halberdier;to the marshes of mount;the door-god in the clouds;in the middle of the;the temple of the heavenly,其中既有表达实体和概念的,也有表达时空的。另外4个均为组织性的,包括if you want to know;must read the next chapter;you must read the next;but if you want to,同样,这4个词块起语篇间衔接和连贯的作用。

综上,可以发现,赛译、沙译以组织性词块为主,杰译以立场性为主而登译则以命题性为主。组织性词块多的语篇结构清晰,脉络清楚,易于阅读;立场性为主的语篇,在小说中主要应该出现在对话中,表达说话人的观点和态度,促进情节的发展;而以命题性为主的语篇则主要以时间的交替和空间的转移来推动故事情节的发展,体现出过程性,是章回小说中以时空为轴线的发展的必然。当然,本节仅以5词词块为例,要获得更加科学的结论,还须对3词、4词及其他类型的词块进行统计分析。 Wqos8fYjlURDtyshAGCI7JSyiDuERX4i1YcmdacXHzRE+4HhwQ44DFJs8mjHHXAR
