
1 大学英语听力测试简介

针对非英语专业低年级学生,结合大学英语听力测试各种题型,本节选取了其中的短对话(Short Conversations)、长对话(Long Conversations)、短文(Short Passages)及复合式听写(Compound Dictation)分别来做介绍。

1.1 短对话(Short Conversations)

在短对话中,每道题都以一男一女两个人的小对话形式出现,对话结束后,就对话内容提出一个问题,此时,听者要根据所听内容做出选择。这一部分主要测试理解简短对话的能力,其中多数以判断和推理能力为主。因此,在做这部分试题时,首先要听清楚对话中的关键词语,理解主要内容,其次还要听懂所提出问题。通常情况,对话部分的试题根据其内容所涉及的范围被归纳为以下 10 项:

1.1.1 地点和方向(Place and Direction)


Where is the man?

Where is the woman?

Where is the man going?

Where is the woman going?

Where are the two speakers?

Where did the conversation most likely take place?

Where do you suppose the above conversation takes place?


M:Can you stay for dinner?

W:I'd love to. But I have to go and send some registered mail before picking up the children from school.

Q:Where will the woman go first?


B)To the school.

C)To the post office.

D)To a friend's house.

答案为选项C)。当这位男士邀请这位女士留下来共进晚餐时,一开始她表示她非常愿意留下来,接着她话锋一转,表示她还有其他事要做,就是首先她要去寄挂号信,其次要去学校接小孩。因此,可推断出这位女士会先去邮局。此对话中,应该重点理解该女士后半句表达的意思,在这里,她使用了信号词but,表达了对男士邀请委婉的拒绝。同时,还要记住和理解她的表述中的一些关键词send registered mail(寄挂号信),picking up the children(接孩子),明确了她要去做的两件事,其中before(在……之前)把两件事分为先后,即先去邮局寄挂号信,其他的词或短语也是去邮局完成的,如send a letter(寄信)和send a parcel(寄包裹)等。

1.1.2 时间(Time)


What time is it now?

When will/does/did the man/woman do...?

How long will/does the man/woman do...?

What time did/does...?


M:Have you seen my brother?

W:No,I haven't seen him since the day before yesterday?

Q:When did she last see the man's brother?


B)Three days ago.

C)Two days ago.

D)Early last week.

答案为选项C)。在本题中,关键是要理解the day before yesterday(前天)就是two days ago,而three days ago的意思是“大前天”。相应地,“后天”和“大后天”的表达分别为“the day after tomorrow”和“three days from today”。因此,了解基本的时间表达对于解决这类题来说是十分重要的。

1.1.3 条件和假设(Condition and Supposition)

在解答这类题时,首先要有一定的英语语法知识,能够识别对话中的真实条件句和虚拟语气,还要判断和理解说话者要表达的真实意思。在真实条件句中,经常碰到的结构有:with/without +名词短语,if从句,unless从句,in case从句,on condition that从句等;在非真实条件和假设的情况下,准确理解和把握虚拟语气中所包含的假设意义,熟悉并掌握基本和一些特殊句型结构。常见的提问形式有:

What does the man/woman mean?

What do we learn from the conversation?

What do we know about the man/woman?

What is true about the man/woman?

What does the man/woman want to do?


W:If I buy some plants for the house,will you water them for me while I’m away?

M:Sure I will,if you water mine while I am on vacation.

Q:What will the man do for the woman?

A)Water her plants while she is away.

B)Buy her some plants and take care of them.

C)Clean her house while she is away.

D)Water her plants when he is not at work.

答案为选项A)。在对话中,女士提出如果她买了些植物放在家中,当她不在家时,男士能否帮她为植物浇水。男士答应了,同时提出条件:即要求女士在他度假时也帮他的植物浇水。另外还要听懂be away(离开)和be on vacation(度假)。

1.1.4 计算(Computation)


How much/many...?

How far does the man/woman have to...?

How long will it take to ...?

What time ...?



W:Here’s a 10 - dollar bill. Give me two tickets for tonight’s show please.

M:Sure. Two tickets and here’s 1.40 change.

Q:How much does one ticket cost?

A) 1.40.

B) 4.30.

C) 6.40.

D) 8.60.

答案为选项B)。女士购买两张当天晚上演出的票,支付了 10 美元;男士找回她 1 美元 40 美分。通过两个数字相减,计算出买两张票的钱应为 8 美元60 美分,由此得出一张票的价格为 4 美元 30 美分。

1.1.5 比较(Comparison)

这类题型要求能对两种或两种以上的事物的异同进行比较和辨别,熟悉各种比较形式,并能正确理解各种比较结构所表达的含义。表示比较除了用形容词和副词的比较级和最高级,还可用一些词来表示,如:as...as,the same as,twice as much as,like,similar,be different from,the more...the more等。常见的提问形式有:

What is the man’s/woman’s favorite...?

What does the man/woman think of...?

What does the man/woman prefer?

What does the man/woman like to do most on Sundays(Saturdays,...)?


M:What do you think of Professor Brown’s lecture?

W:The topic was interesting,but the lecture was much more difficult to follow than I had expected.

Q:What does the woman say about the lecture?

A)It was interesting and easy to follow.

B)It was not as easy as she had thought.

C)It was as difficult as she had expected.

D)It was a long lecture,but easy to understand.

答案为选项B)。对话中,这个女士认为布朗教授的讲座题目很有趣,但内容比她所期待的要难懂(much more difficult to follow than I had expected),听懂“much more”是解答这道题的关键。四个选项中,选项C)It was as difficult as she had expected很具有迷惑性,因为此句中有两个单词difficult和expect跟原句一样。但这里是同等比较(as difficult as),而原句中的比较是不同等的,应该是not as easy as。

1.1.6 否定(Negation)

英语中,否定意义的表达方式多种多样。它可以通过否定词表达,还可以通过其他含有否定意义的词或词组,例如:no,not,never,hardly,rarely,little,few,none,nobody,nothing,neither,nor,deny,fail,refuse,without,instead of,anything but,too...to等。常见的提问形式有:

What does the man/woman imply?

What does the man/woman mean?

How does the man/woman feel about?

What do we learn from the conversation?


M:I don’t feel like going out. Why don’t we just stay home and watch TV instead?

W:Come on!You promised to take me out for dinner and to the theatre on my birthday.

Q:What do we learn from the conversation?

A)The woman insists on going out.

B)The woman doesn’t like watching TV.

C)The man promised her a gift on her birthday.

D)The man is too tired to go out.

答案为选项A)。注意对话中,这位男士一开始就用don’t feel like(不想)表示“否定”,表达不愿出去;why don’t表示“为什么不……”,是提出建议的一种表达方式。男士说他不想出去,用“我们为什么不待在家里看电视”建议这位女士也不要出去,而女士提醒该男士说他答应过她在她生日那天带她出去吃饭看戏,因此她还是坚持出去。

1.1.7 原因与结果(Cause and Effect)

这类题着重考查对因果关系句子的理解,即通过说话者之间的对话了解事情发生的前因与后果。要想做好这类题,必须掌握表示因果关系的形式及相关词汇和短语,如:because of,due to,owing to,for,therefore,hence,so that,as a result,because等。常见的问题类型有:


What causes...?

What happened...?

What is the man’s reason for...?


W:Excuse me,Professor Hill. May I ask you a few questions?

M:Yes,of course. But I’m sorry I have a class at ten. Why don’t you come in my office hours?That is 4 to 5 p. m. on Monday,Thursday and Friday.

Q:Why can’t Professor Hill answer her questions now?

A)He doesn’t have time.

B)It’s not his office hour.

C)He is too tired after class.

D)He will only be available in the afternoon.

答案为选项A)。当这位女学生向Professor Hill提问问题时,Professor Hill告诉她接下来他还有课,请她在办公的时间来问,并且说明了具体的时间。根据本题所提的问题,可知答案A)他现在没有时间是正确答案。其他选项分别为B)现在不是他办公的时间;C)上完课后他太累了;D)他只有在下午才有空。这些意思都与对话的含义不相符合。

1.1.8 辨认(Identification)


1)老师或学校工作人员和学生:此类对话中常用的关键词有teacher,student,mark,grade,score,term,semester,exam,assignment,pass,fail,paper,homework,scholarship(奖学金),tuition(学费),campus(校园),credit(学分),dormitory(宿舍),library,overdue(过期的),renew(续借),circulation desk(借书处)。

2)医生和病人:常用的单词和词组有doctor,patient,fever,cold,cough,headache,injection(注射),prescription(药方、处方),diagnose(诊断),a sore throat(喉咙痛),pill(药丸),tablet(药片)。

3)顾客与营业员:常用的单词有shop assistant(店员),attendant(店员),customer,shopper,sale,reduction(减价),bargain(讨价还价),fashion,auction(拍卖),receipt(收据),cashier(出纳),department store,supermarket。

4)邮局职员和顾客:常用的单词和词组有postman,postcard,telegram,zip code,postage,regular letter(平信),special delivery(现时专送),registered letter(挂号信)。

5)银行职员和顾客:常用的单词和词组有:clerk,teller,deposit(存款),withdraw(取款),loan(贷款),currency(货币),interest(利息),credit card(信用卡),cash a check(把支票兑换成现金),open an account(开户)。

6)餐厅服务员和顾客:常用的单词和词组有waiter/waitress,menu,steak,ham,salad,soup,coffee,juice,hamburger,tip,change(零钱),buffet,bar,cafeteria,make an order(订菜),pay a bill(付账单)。

7)机场工作人员和顾客:常用的单词和词组有stewardess(空姐),reservation,passport,the customs,visa(签证),boarding card(登机牌),ticket,confirm one's flight(确认航班),check in(办理登记手续),safety belt(安全带)。

8)酒店工作人员和顾客:常用的单词和词组有reception desk(旅馆的接待处),laundry(洗衣),reserve a room(预订房间),check in at a hotel(办理入住手续),check out(结账离开)。常见的提问形式有:

Who is the man?

What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

What is the man's occupation?

What are they talking about?


W:Excuse me,Sir. I'm going to send this parcel to London. What's the postage for it?

M:Let me see. It's one pound and fifty.

Q:Who is the woman most probably speaking to?

A)A railway porter.

B)A bus conductor.

C)A taxi driver.

D)A postal clerk.

答案为选项D)。女士问男士要把这个包裹送到伦敦需要多少邮资;男士告诉她需要付一英镑五十便士。从关键词send,parcel,postage,one pound and fifty可推断出地点应是邮局,而男士应是邮局职员(a postal clerk)。

1.1.9 推断(Inference)


What does the man/woman mean?

What does the man/woman imply?

What can be inferred from this conversation?

What do we learn from the conversation?

What can we conclude from this conversation?


M:Would you get me through to Dr. Lemon please?

W:I’m sorry. He’s with a patient.

Q:What does the woman mean?

A)Dr. Lemon has lost his patience.

B)Dr. Lemon is busy at the moment.

C)Dr. Lemon is waiting for a patient.

D)Dr. Lemon has gone out to visit a patient.

答案为选项B)。男士请女士帮忙把电话转给Lemon医生;女士告诉他Lemon医生现在正在看病(be with a patient)。实际上,女士是告诉他Lemon医生现在虽然在诊所,但正在忙着给病人看病,不能接电话。

1.1.10 请求与提议(Request and Offer)



Will you please...?

Could you...?

Can you do me a favor...?

I wonder if...?


Why don’t you...?

Shall we...?

Would you like...?

You’d better...

What/how about...?


What did the man suggest?

What did the man want?

What did the man offer to do?

What did the man ask the woman to do?

What is the man’s advice?


W:I think I will take the half - day tour of the city.

M:Why not the whole day?

Q:What does the man suggest?

A)Taking the man with her on the tour.

B)Visiting the city with a group.

C)Touring the city on a fine day.

D)Spending more time on sightseeing.

答案为选项D)。对话中,女士说她会花半天时间游览这个城市,而男士则建议她为什么不花一天的时间,这里男士使用的句型是Why not...。

1.2 长对话(Long Conversations)


1.2.1 主旨大意题


What are the two speakers talking about?

What is the main idea/topic of the conversation?

What is the conversation mainly about?

1.2.2 细节题


What does the woman suggest about human resources?

Which of the following(statements)is true/false according to the conversation?

1.2.3 推理题


W:Hello,Gay. How are you?

M:Fine!And you?

W:Can't complain. Did you have time to look at my proposal?

M:No,not really. Can we go over it now?

W:Sure. I've been trying to come up with some new production and advertising strategies. First of all,if we want to stay competitive,we need to modernize our factory. New equipment should have been installed long ago.

M:How much will that cost?

W:We have several options ranging from one hundred thousand dollars all the way up to half a million.

M:OK. We'll have to discuss these costs with finance.

W:We should also consider human resources. I've been talking to personnel as well as our staff at the factory.

M:And what's the picture?

W:We'll probably have to hire a couple of engineers to help us modernize the factory.

M:What about advertising?

W:Marketing has some interesting ideas for television commercials.

M:TV?Isn't that a bit too expensive for us?What's wrong with advertising in the papers,as usual?

W:Quite frankly,it's just not enough anymore. We need to be more aggressive in order to keep ahead of our competitors.

M:Will we be able to afford all this?

W:I'll look into it,but I think higher costs will be justified. These investments will result in high profits for our company.

M:We'll have to look at the figures more closely. Have finance draw up a budget for these investments.

W:All right. I'll see to it.

Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. What are the two speakers talking about?

20. What does the woman say about the equipment of their factory?

21. What does the woman suggest about human resources?

22. Why does the woman suggest advertising on TV?





1.3 短文(Short Passages)

短文听力理解包含三篇短文,共 10 个问题,每篇三至四个,对在整体听力理解能力、短期记忆能力和语言综合能力方面有较高的要求。



What's the main idea of the passage?

What is the main subject of this passage?

What is the passage mainly about?

What can you infer from the passage?

Which statement is true about?

2)第二类测试听者能否根据获取的有关信息,对短文中提到的某些细节做出正确判断。这类题在英语听力短文部分中占总题数的绝大比例。提问方式多以特殊疑问词引导出问题,如:Who...?What...?Why...?Where...?How...?Which of the following...?


There are many reasons why family life in Britain has changed so much in the last 50 years. The liberation of women in the early part of 20th century and social and economic effects of the World War Two had a great impact on traditional family life. Women became essential to industry and professions. During the war,they had worked in factories and proved their worth. Now,with the loss of millions of men,their services were indispensable to the nation.

More recently,great advances in scientific knowledge,and particularly in medicine,have had enormous social consequences. Children are better cared for and are far healthier. Infant death rate is low. Above all,parents now can plan the size of their family if they wish through more effective means of birth control.

Different attitudes to religion,authority and tradition generally have also greatly contributed to changes in family life. But these developments have affected all aspects of society. It is particularly interesting to note that the concept of “the family”as a social unit has survived all these challenges.


What is the passage mainly about?

A)The liberation movement of British women.

B)Rapid economic development in Britain.

C)Changing attitudes to family life.

D)Reasons for changes in family life in Britain.

答案为选项D)。这篇短文是一篇评论社会问题的文章。在这类文章中,作者常就该问题进行分析和研究,同时还表达自己的观点。而在回答问题时常要作一定的推理分析。本篇短文探讨的是一个社会问题引起英国家庭生活变化的各种原因,主题句是文章的第一句话There are many reasons why family life in Britain has changed so much in the last 50 years.(有多种原因促进了英国的家庭生活在过去 50 年间发生巨大变化)。把握好这个主题对理解全文大意和全文的中心思想非常重要。文中列举的第一个原因是英国妇女的解放运动。第二个原因是科技,尤其是医学的进步;第三个原因是对宗教、权威和传统的不同态度。选项A)The liberation movement of British women.只是其中一个原因,不全面;选项B)和C)陈述错误;只有选项D)Reasons for changes in family life in Britain.这个陈述既正确又全面,为正确答案。


Why did British women become indispensable to industry after World War Two?

A)Because millions of men died in the war.

B)Because women had proved their worth.

C)Because women were more skillful than men.

D)Because factories preferred to employ women.

答案为选项A)。本题针对短文中的细节提问。文中讲到“During the war,they had worked in factories and proved their worth. Now,with the loss of millions of men,their services were indispensable to the nation”。这两句话的意思是:“在战争中,女人们在工厂工作,并证明了他们的价值;当战争结束了,由于数以百万计的男人们在战争中丧生,女人的劳动对于这个国家仍然是至关重要的。”很明显,文中给出的原因是选项A)Because millions of men died in the war.。


What remained unchanged in spite of all the challenges to family life?

A)The concept of“the family”as a social unit.

B)The attitudes to birth control.

C)The attitudes to religion.

D)The ideas of authority and tradition.

答案为选项A)。本题也是针对短文中的细节提问。文章最后一句讲道:“It is particularly interesting to note that the concept of ‘the family'as a social unit has survived all these challenges。”这句话说明的是家庭作为一个社会单位在经历各种挑战之后仍然存在至今。问题中的“remain unchanged ”相当于“survive”,所以答案是选项A)The concept of“the family”as a social unit. 。在解决这类题时,由于考查内容是有关细节的,所以选项中会有一些与原文基本一致,问题也常常按照短文叙述的先后顺序提出。大家可边听录音边看选项,听到什么选什么,有必要时做适当、简单的纪录。

1.4 复合式听写(Compound Dictation)



复合式听写是在约 250 字左右的短文中,留出 10 个空格(约 50 个单词需要填写)。短文将被朗读三遍,第一遍以正常速度朗读全文,中间没有停顿,让听者大致了解全文;第二遍时每个空格之后会有停顿,要求在理解的基础上记下听到的内容;第三遍朗读与第一遍相同,以便进行核对。相对于短文来说,复合式听写比较容易,只需把听到的内容填入空格即可。

复合式听写由两部分组成:第一部分是听写单词,要求在空格中填入所缺单词;注意是按照所听到的内容,一成不变地填上,所要填写的词在短文前后意思的连贯,保证前后时态等的一致性。第二部分是表达,要求根据所听内容写出要点,用一些较简单的句型或自己的话写出表达部分的要点,也可以用听到的原话完整写下来。一字不漏地把所听到的几个长句子记下来往往比较困难,因此可根据关键词(key words)的提示来整理,但不能缺少要点,也不能把要点写的支离破碎,让人无法理解。这部分主要是考查听者对所听到的短文整体内容的理解程度,填的时候一定也要注意前后意思和时态等的一致性,避免单词拼写错误。


In police work,you can never predict the next crime or problem. No working day is identical to any other,so there is no“(S1) typical ”day for a police officer.Some days are(S2) relatively slow,and the job is boring (S3);other days are so busy that there is no time to eat. I think I can(S4) describe police work in one word:(S5) variety . Sometimes it's dangerous. One day,for example,I was working undercover;that is,I was on the job,but I was wearing(S6) normal clothes,not my police(S7) uniform . I was trying to catch some robbers who were stealing money from people as they walked down the street. Suddenly,(S8)s even bad men jumped out. One man had a knife and we began to fight . Another policeman arrived,and together,we arrested three of the men;but the other four ran away. Another day,I helped a woman who was going to have a baby.(S9) She was trying to get to the hospital,but there was a bad traffic jam . I put her in my police car to get her there faster. I thought she was going to have the baby right there in my car. But fortunately,(10) the baby waited to “arrive”until we got to the hospital .

这篇短文是从一个警察的角度来描述他自己的工作。S1 中要填入的单词是typical;typical day在这里的意思是“典型的工作日”。S2 中要填入的单词是relatively,意思是“相对的”,有比较的含义。S3 中要填入的单词是boring,意思是“乏味的”。S4 中要填入的单词是describe,意思是“描述”,句子的意思是“能用一句话描述、概括出来”。S5 中要填入的单词是variety,意思是“各种各样”,即“变化莫测”。S6 中要填入的单词是normal;normal clothes对警察来说就是便服。S7 中要填入的单词是uniform,指的是警察的制服。填写单词这部分主要的问题是拼写,所以大家平时一定要注意熟练掌握单词,正确拼写单词。

第二部分是句子或从句的听写。S8 之前讲到“我”正欲逮捕几个偷窃行人的贼,突然……。在填写这个空时,只要能捕捉到bad men,jumped,knife,got into和fight这几个关键词,就能组织出下列句子:Seven bad men jumped out. One man had a knife and we got into a fight.或者是Seven bad men jumped out to me. One had a knife and we began to fight.或者是Seven bad men jumped out and fought with me;one of them had a knife。S9 前面的一个句子说“我”还帮助过一位即将分娩的妇女。接下来的句子是说“我”让她上了我的警车,在填写这个空时,要捕捉到的关键词有try,get,hospital,traffic jam。组织一下就能得出下列句子:She was trying to get to the hospital,but there was a bad traffic jam.或者是She was hurrying to the hospital but there was a very heavy traffic jam.或者是She was trying to get to hospital,but the traffic was crowded. S10 的前一句说“我”以为她要在车上分娩,幸运的是……。既然幸运,孩子应该是在医院出生的。这个空里的关键词是baby,wait,until,hospital。整理一下就是:The baby waited to “arrive”until we got to the hospital.或者是The baby waited to arrive until we reached the hospital。变通一下也可以说是:The baby wasn't born until we got to the hospital. 。 MAzb5cEuGAbdfuMBDqF/ShAz0D1Sbf7oDpwzeV1x+CetAw91/IPtJfdEHnvH7hL6
