



我们诚挚地邀请您参加 2020 年IFEE大会“水环境与水生态”分论坛,聆听知名学者具有真知灼见的演讲,探讨如何发挥环境工程教育在可持续发展中的重要作用!

Panel Introduction

Today, the availability of water for drinking and other uses is a critical issue in many areas of the world. In a situation where global water shortages, serious water pollution, and environment deterioration are still very prominent, overcoming the crisis in water, preserving water environment, and providing access to clean water have been one of the greatest engineering challenges in the century for a healthy, sustainable future for the planet. Scientists and researchers have been endeavoring to seek widespread, long-term, practical, ecologically sound solutions and strategies to improve water availability, reduce water use, develop water projects, meet the water supply and quality needs, and enhance water environment and water ecosystem.

We sincerely invite you to Panel“Water Environment and Water Ecology”of IFEE 2020,listening to the enlightening presentations by distinguished scholars and discussing how to give play to the important role of Environmental Engineering Education in sustainable development!


清华大学环境学院源于 1928 年设立的市政工程系,在我国环境工程学科奠基人陶葆楷先生的带领下,经过几代人的艰苦奋斗逐步发展壮大,在保持国内领先优势的同时,国际影响力不断攀升,2020 年QS学科排名进入世界前十,成为国内外重要的环境保护高层次人才培养基地和国际高水平科学研究中心。



About the Organizer

School of Environment (SOE) , Tsinghua University originated from the Department of Civil Engineering founded in 1928. Under the leadership of Mr. TAO Baokai, the founder of environmental engineering discipline in China, successive generations of SOE people have been endeavoring to develop SOE to be a nationally and internationally recognized institution for high-end talent cultivation and cutting-edge scientific research. SOE is placed No. 9 by the QS World University Subject Rankings 2020.

SOE aims to establish a future-oriented environmental discipline system, nurture interdisciplinary and innovative talent, create a sound academic atmosphere of free exploration,improve interdisciplinary integration and innovation ability, and continuously generate brand new, internationally influential knowledge, technologies and methods, thus helping solve regional and global environmental problems, and rank SOE among the top in environment discipline across the globe.

How to advance ecological civilization has been a major challenge for sustainable development at current stage. China has launched an all-out initiafive for blue sky, clear water and clean soil. Looking forward, SOE will shoulder its responsibility and move on firmly.


主持人 Chair

余 刚


YU Gang

Professor of School of Environment and Chair of Academic Committee of School of Environment, Tsinghua University

余刚,清华大学教授,获得教育部长江学者奖励计划特聘教授、国家杰出青年科学基金资助获得者和北京市教学名师奖。兼任国家履行POPs公约工作协调组专家委员会副主任、中国城市科学研究会第六届理事会秘书长、持久性有机污染物专业委员会主任,以及期刊 Emerging Contaminants 主编和 Critical Review in ES&T 的副主编等。长期研究有机污染物控制理论、技术和战略,先后以难降解有机污染物、环境内分泌干扰物、持久性有机污染物、药物和个人护理品等典型有机污染物为研究对象,在源清单方法学、环境污染特征、控制原理与技术、控制战略等方面取得了系列创新型研究成果。曾获国家自然科学二等奖 1 项、国家科技进步二等奖 2 项、教育部自然科学一等奖 2 项,连续六年入选Elsevier中国高被引学者榜单。

YU Gang, Cheung Kong Scholar Chair Professor at Tsinghua University, Recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholar, and Winner of Beijing Municipal Renowned Teacher Award. He is the Deputy Director of the Expert Committee of the National Coordination Group for Stockholm Convention Implementation, the Secretary General of the 6th Council of Chinese Society for Urban Studies, the Director of specialized committee for persistent organic pollutants, the chief editor of Emerging Contaminants and the associate editor of Critical Review in ES & T. He continues to study the theory, technology and strategy of organic pollutant control, and has achieved a series of innovative research results in the aspects of source emission inventory methodology, environmental pollution characteristics, control principle and technology, and control strategy of typical organic pollutants (e.g., persistent organic pollutant, endocrine disruptors, pharmaceutical and personal care products) . Prof. YU was awarded a Second Class National Prize of Natural Science, two second prizes for National Science and Technology Progress Award, and two first prizes for Natural Science Award of Ministry of Education, and has been listed by Elsevier on Most Cited Chinese Researchers for six consecutive years.




Professor of Engineering Practice at University of Michigan Member of U.S. NAE; Foreign Member of CAE;

格伦·戴格尔,美国工程院院士,中国工程院外籍院士,现任美国密歇根大学工程实践教授,工程创新公司One Water Solutions的总裁兼创始人。格伦·戴格尔是国际公认的市政和工业系统污水处理和水质管理方面的专家,著有或合著 200 多篇技术论文,4 本专著和若干本技术手册。曾任克莱姆森大学环境系统工程系教授和主任、国际水协会主席,还担任过国际水环境联盟、美国环境工程师协会和水环境研究基金会的高级职务。

Glen DAIGGER, US NAE Member, Chinese Academy of Engineering Foreign Member,Professor of Engineering Practice at the University of Michigan, and President and Founder of One Water Solutions, an engineering and innovation firm. Over his career Glen DAIGGER has become an internationally recognized expert in wastewater treatment and water quality management for municipal and industrial systems, with particular expertise in biological processes. He is widely published and is author or co-author of more than 200 technical papers,four books, and several technical manuals. Prof. DAIGGER is a former Professor and Chair of Environmental Systems Engineering at Clemson University. He was former President of International Water Association, he has also served in senior roles for the Water Environment Federation, the American Academy of Environmental Engineers, and the Water Environment Research Foundation. 3S5Wypt6iRXMTFod73kkAm8/N+BSfXmIdceGlGNXoIkDG2ml6+lkiQRzu5MhbYFk
