
三 快速定位,寻找答案


1 题目顺序与行文顺序基本一致


2 文章首尾及各段首尾


3 利用题干找答案


(2) The Australians are delighted. They are keenly aware that without a strong flow of immigrants into the workforce the development of the Australian economy is unlikely to proceed at the ambitious pace currently envisaged. The new mineral discoveries promise a splendid future, and the injection of huge amounts of American and British capital should help to ensure that they are properly exploited, but with unemployment in Australia down to less than 1.3 percent, the government is understandably anxious to attract more skilled labor. (2018年真题)

11. The Australians want a strong flow of immigrants because __________.

A. immigrants speed up economic expansion

B. unemployment is down to a low figure

C. immigrants attract foreign capital

D. Australia is as large as the United States

分析 通过题干中的a strong flow of immigrants定位到第二段的第二句,该句提到,如果没有大批的移民涌入,澳大利亚的经济就不可能以目前设想的节奏大踏步前进。可见,移民对于加速发展澳大利亚的经济作用显著。A项中的speed up economic expansion与原文中的the development of the Australian economy...proceed at the ambitious pace是同义替换,由此可知A项是正确答案。

4 长词、难词、生词处


(1) Why make a film about Ned Kelly? More ingenious crimes than those committed by the reckless Australian bandit are reported every day. What is there in Ned Kelly to justify dragging the mesmeric Mick Jagger so far into the Australian bush and away from his natural haunts? The answer is that the film makers know we always fall for a bandit, and Jagger is set to do for [A] bold Ned Kelly what Brando once did for the arrogant Emiliano Zapata.

(2) A bandit inhabits a special realm of [C] legend where his deeds are embroidered by others; where his death rather than his life is considered beyond belief; where the men who bring him to“justice”are afflicted with doubts about their role.

(3) The bandits had a role to play as definite as that of the authorities who condemned them. These were men in conflict with authority, and, in the absence of strong law or the idea of loyal opposition, they took to the hills. Even there, however, many of them obeyed certain unwritten rules.

(4) These robbers, who [B] claimed to be something more than mere thieves, had in common, firstly, a sense of [D] loyalty and identity with the peasants they came from. They didn't steal the peasant's harvest; they did steal the lord's. (2019年真题)

21. Which of the following words is NOT intended to suggest the approval of bandits?

A. Bold (Para. 1).

B. Claimed (Para. 4).

C. Legend (Para. 2).

D. Loyalty (Para. 4).

分析 本题完全可以根据选项中的四个单词一一定位到原文,从而找出答案。题干:“以下哪个词没有暗示出对土匪的肯定?”B项Claimed“声称”出现在第四段第一句,句意为“这些自称不仅仅是小偷的土匪们有一个共同点:首先,他们对自己的农民出身有一种忠诚感和认同感”,claimed在此句中只是用来说明土匪们自己对自己的看法,并不带有作者的评价色彩,故答案为B项。

5 逻辑关系处


(4) First, it is important to realize that all of us are storytellers, tellers of tales. We all have our own narratives—the real stories such as what happened to us this morning or last night, and the ones we have been told by others and we haven't experienced personally. We could say that our entire lives are constructed as narratives. As a result, we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure . Binary opposites—for example, the tension created between good and bad together with the resolution of that tension through the intervention of time, resourcefulness and virtue—is a concept understood by even the youngest children. Professor Kieran Egan, in his seminal book“Teaching as Storytelling”warns us not to ignore this innate skill, for it is a remarkable tool for learning. (2017年真题)

17. The sentence“we all understand and instinctively feel narrative structure”in Para. 4 indicates that ______.

A. we are good at telling stories

B. we all like telling stories

C. we are born storytellers

D. we all like listening to stories

分析 本题出题点在as a result引导的因果关系处。该段前三句分别提到,我们都是故事的讲述者,我们都有各自所叙述的真实发生在自己身上的故事以及虽然我们没有亲身经历但别人告知我们的故事,我们的整个人生都由叙事构建而成,然后得出第四句的这个结论“因此,我们都能理解并本能地感受到叙事结构”,由instinctively一词,再结合前三句可知,该句想要表明的意思是“我们都是天生的故事讲述者”。该段最后一句再次强调了这是一种innate skill(天赋),故选C。

6 特殊标点符号处


(10) When we ventured out, we were always drawn back to the coast—the gentle sands and shallow bay of Farol beach. At the end of the day, we would head, sandy-footed, to the nearest restaurant, knowing that at every one there would be a cabinet full of fresh seafood to choose from—bass, salmon, lobster, prawns, crabs, goose barnacles, clams... We never ate the same thing twice . (2017年真题)

14. The sentence“We never ate the same thing twice”in Para. 10 reflects the ______ of the seafood there.

A. freshness

B. delicacy

C. taste

D. variety

分析 根据题干的We never ate the same thing twice将出题点定位到第十段最后一句,这是作者的结论句,因此需往前看,前一句中,破折号后的内容(海鲈鱼、三文鱼、龙虾、对虾、螃蟹、佛手螺、蛤蜊等)表明了海鲜的种类非常多,所以作者说同样的东西他们从来没有吃过第二次。由此可知D项为正确答案。 yBdaTz5FebjYZbc2WOBVzYb4iVPNP1dgvnfMOxVd4tELFnNPcM8O3vPwCVVBW7d6
