
1.Harvard University
MOTTO: Veritas (Latin for “Truth”)

一 哈佛大学的官方说法

Applicants can distinguish themselves for admission in a number of ways. Some show unusual academic promise through experience or achievements in study or research. Many are “well rounded” and have contributed in various ways to the lives of their schools or communities. Others are “well lopsided” with demonstrated excellence in a particular endeavor—academic, extracurricular or otherwise. Still others bring perspectives formed by unusual personal circumstances or experiences.

Academic accomplishment in high school is important, but we also seek people with enthusiasm, creativity and strength of character.

Most admitted students rank in the top 10–15 percent of their graduating classes, having taken the most rigorous secondary school curriculum available to them.

二 哈佛大学录取“个性”分析

人有个性,学校同样有个性。要想提高自己申请到Dream School的概率,必须要了解它们的个性。下面我们来一起分析哈佛大学的个性。除了各种标准化成绩以及硬件条件外,哈佛大学还需要从申请者身上看到以下这些潜力,同时也要求申请者是能适应哈佛大学文化的学习者。

过人的领导能力。 这也是人格魅力的一部分。他能够带动甚至是煽动一群他需要的人才追随他,不论其面临的是丰厚的利润还是重重的困难。

强大的自信心。 在困难面前有自信解决,在机遇面前有自信把握。

敏感睿智。 能敏感地发现问题,同时又能在繁杂无序的事物中,睿智地分析出头绪,专注核心问题并解决。

强大的行动力。 不优柔寡断,也不在没有任何把握的情况下胡乱作出决断。

创新意识。 敢于创造、发现或是接纳新事物。




三 经典真题解析

Occasionally, students feel that college application forms do not provide sufficient opportunity to convey important information about themselves or their accomplishments. If there is something you would like us to know, please inform us below. If you wish to include an additional essay, you may do so.


1.Unusual circumstances in your life

【类别】 相关经历型

【关键词】 unusual, circumstances

【题目翻译】 你生活中非同寻常的境况

【题目分析】 正如关键词中所体现的,unusual是这道题目所考查的重点。哈佛大学这种聚集了世界顶尖人才的学府显然不可能满足于申请者们平淡无奇的经历和背景。在哈佛大学的“官方说法”中专门有一句提到“Still others bring perspectives formed by unusual personal circumstances or experiences.” 这就说明,哈佛大学还是很重视申请者是否有非同寻常的经历。从某种程度上说,它很有可能弥补学术方面或其他方面的不足。因此,在这个题目上的出色发挥很可能为整个申请带来画龙点睛的一笔。

但是,仅仅停留在讲述一个unusual circumstance显然是远远不够的。这道题看似只是让申请者讲述一个不平凡的经历,但实际上是在考查申请者对unusual这个词的理解和把握。因此,所选择的经历或事件本身是否非同寻常并不见得有多大关系,重要的是申请者为什么认为自己的某个circumstance是unusual的,以及如何将这个circumstance的unusual之处体现出来。所以,如果申请者只是绞尽脑汁地选择了一个自己认为与众不同的境况进行讲述,那么,即便经历本身再特别,也缺乏说服力。

再回到题目类型。题目虽然是关于unusual circumstances的,但重点也还是要放在circumstance背后所体现的申请者的个人特质上。因此,答题时千万不能对circumstance进行事无巨细的描述和介绍,而全然不顾申请者自身在其中所发挥的作用和所体现出来的能力。参考官方说法和哈佛大学录取“个性”分析中的内容,总体来说就是要通过一个unusual circumstance来体现一个unusual的你。

· 范文 ·

Life is all about challenging and exceeding one's boundaries, which is why I love cycling. I enjoy that each time tiredness almost beats me but is finally defeated by my hard work during road cycling. I can almost feel the exact second when my personal limit is reached and exceeded.

As the president of our school's cycling club, I planned to challenge our group's limits and organized a cycling tour from Sichuan Province to Xizang, along a challenging route with increasing altitude and complicated geographical features.

I spent about two entire weeks planning the route, searching for hotels in which we could stay and calculating the daily distance we needed to cover and our intended average speed. Altogether, the entire trip took us twenty days, during which I really learned a lot over this unforgettable journey.

On our way from XX to XX, one of our teammates suddenly fell off his bike because of the slippery road and rainy weather. At first we didn't regard it as a big deal, but later, as he had to slow down to ease the pain, we started to fall behind our schedule and were in danger of being unable to arrive at our hotel before midnight. At first, the whole team was supportive and encouraging. We all slowed down, waiting for and accompanying the injured member. But as it was getting late and extremely cold, some of the members started to complain and got angry about the whole thing.

At this point, as the leader of the group I decided to let those members who were fast and energetic enough to go ahead in order to check-in before the hotel reception closed. Then, the rest of us would accompany the injured one at a manageable speed. This worked well, and the whole team had a good rest at the hotel, while the injured member received medical treatment.

The next morning, we had a small meeting concerning the accident of the day before and I raised the issue of team spirit and supportiveness since some members wanted to abandon their teammate. Finally, we talked through everything and were able to again form a unified and supportive team.

It was not until our final arrival at Lhasa, that we truly realized the worthiness of the journey. We not only enjoyed the beautiful scenery along the way and challenged our physical competence, but also learned the importance of team spirit and leadership, without which we could never have arrived at our final destination as a team.

This unusual and noteworthy circumstance is worthy of being written and told to others. I am proud that our team made this journey possible and successful. However, I know that this will only be one of the many difficulties and challenges in my life. There will surely be more in the future, but being a challenge-lover, I'm not afraid and can't wait to enjoy the excitement of making the impossible possible.

· 范文解析 ·

作者通过描写组织去西藏的骑行之旅体现出自己以下三个方面的个人特质:领导能力(Leadership)、解决问题的能力(Problem-solving)以及团队精神(Team Spirit)。

文章开头说作者喜欢冒险和挑战极限,顺理成章地引出了自行车社团和西藏骑行之旅的叙述。紧接着的第二、三段描述了整个unusual circumstance发生的背景,并从侧面体现出作者本人作为社团团长所具备的策划和思考能力。从选择路线到规划整个行程,这个过程本身就是极具挑战性的。因此,作者虽然没有重点写这两段,但是细心的人会看出作者其实已经通过这些看似简单带过的描述体现了个人出众的能力。


然而,作者的能力还不仅仅停留在解决这一突发事件的层面上。第六段描述了第二天整个团队进行精神建设的过程。这说明作者作为一个领导者,敏锐地察觉到由队友受伤这个表面问题所引发的更深一层的问题——团队精神(team spirit),并且深知这一问题的严重性。基于此,作者立即进行了休整,在问题还没有越积越深的时候及时解决,为之后的旅途顺利奠定了基础。

最后两段概括了整段经历的意义和收获,同时将这次unusual circumstance所体现出的能力做了升华,指出这些特质能够给作者的未来人生带来帮助和收获。结尾呼应开头,强调作者是个勇于挑战和超越极限的人。

2.Travel or living experiences in other countries

【类别】 相关经历型

【关键词】 travel, living, other countries

【题目翻译】 在其他国家旅行或居住的经历

【题目分析】 这道题看似是描述异国旅行或居住的经历,其实是在考查申请者能否很快适应一个全新的生活环境的能力。到美国学习对于很多申请者来说是一个很大的挑战,这个挑战不仅仅是在学术层面上,很多时候生活和文化差异会给留学生带来更大的冲击和困难。因此,这个题目的主旨是通过申请者对以往异国经历的叙述来评估其适应和面对异国生活挑战的能力和潜力。

所以,在选择异国经历事例和题目的写作过程中,一定要以体现自己适应异国生活挑战、解决所遇困难等方面作为出发点。切忌将题目变为类似游记或记叙文的形式,而忽略题目的主旨。另外,所谓“异国”正暗含了文化差异(cultural difference)这个特点。不同于一般在国内旅行或居住的经历,异国经历所蕴含的共同挑战就是接受和面对因cultural difference所产生的各种问题,如生活习惯、饮食差异、为人处事的准则、礼貌礼节、语言、社交圈子等。在写作时,可将cultural difference这个概念作为核心,由具体经历展开,体现自身面对异国挑战的能力和适应新生活、新环境的潜力。

· 范文 ·

I have a home in Australia. I don't mean that my family is so rich that we bought another house on the Gold Coast to escape long and cold winters in Beijing. My home there is actually that of my host family with whom I stayed during an English language immersion program held by my high school and XX high school in Sydney last summer. And now it's already my permanent home in Australia.

Unlike most of my other friends in the summer program, whose assigned host families suited them well, I found my first host family extremely hard to get on well with. During the first week of my stay, I was treated as a stranger in the house. My dinner was prepared separately by my host mom, who would call me for dinner after all of the other family members had already finished their meals. Every evening, after a full day's language classes, I would sit at the table alone, eating my dinner. The family would sit together on the sofa enjoying the TV programs they loved. I felt very isolated. That's not what I expected to experience in a home-stay situation. I wanted to communicate as much as I could with my host family and make good use of the language environment and resources available.

After serious consideration, I decided to approach and talk to my host family; I tried to be as active as I could to start conversations with them and found common topics on which we could share opinions. Unfortunately, this didn't work well. They seemed more comfortable talking among themselves and excluding me, a stranger in their home. Then, I talked to my other friends in the program, asking them how their host families treated them, because I thought it may have just been common in Australian culture that host families do not treat their guests as family members. It might have been me who was harboring a wrong expectation. However, it turned out that they were all being well-received as new members of their host families, and some of them even went shopping or out for picnics with their host families. After understanding the situation, I went to our program coordinator and told him about my problem. He then referred me to the manager of the home-stay service agency, which was in charge of the entire home-stay business. I explained to the manager the situation that I was facing, and the expectations that I had, emphasizing that the purpose of our program is to experience English language immersion; home-stays are not just for accommodation but are an important part of language exposure. The manager then looked into my case and finally decided to find me a new host family.

Before moving to the new family, I also thanked my first family for everything they did for me, explaining that it was my expectation and our program's aim that didn't suit their family, and that it was not their fault. They were very considerate and we had dinner together the night I left for my new home.

The new home, now my home in Australia, had a very nice and caring family, which treated me as one of their own and also became my great friends. I had a great time with them in Sydney. We maintained contact even after I left Australia, and often updated each other and shared our lives and feelings. They even invited me to stay with them again this winter.

I have never thought that it was luck that brought my Australian family and me together. The home-stay problem that I faced taught me the importance of effective communication and tolerance. The entire problem-solving process for me was a test of my communication skills on many levels. I am glad that I passed through it with good results, which has given me a warm Aussie home.

· 范文解析 ·







3.Books that have most affected you

【类别】 自我介绍型

【关键词】 books, most affected

【题目翻译】 对你影响最大的书籍

【题目分析】 阅读是学习的一个重要途径。一本好书可能给你的人生带来巨大的影响和转变。因此,这道介绍影响自己最深的书籍的题目旨在考查申请者从阅读中学习成长以及塑造自我的能力。




· 范文 ·

Change means challenge, and challenge means opportunity. That's what I've learned from the inspiring little book my mother bought me last summer: Who Moved My Cheese?

Everyone is looking for his own delicious cheese, and when you find it you feel right, comfortable and satisfied. Then you get used to it, building up your habits and routines and developing your comfort zone. Later, when your cheese is gone, you feel anxious, desperate and lost. This is when change begins, posing challenges, and at the same time providing new possibilities and opportunities. I don't want to be the one who is defeated by change and finally suffers from leaving the comfort zone. I want to be the one who receives change as a welcome challenge and one who makes challenges into opportunities.

When my parents first suggested that I apply to universities in the U.S. after graduating from high school, I felt that it was ridiculous and refused the suggestion at once, without even giving it serious consideration. But now I am sitting at my desk writing this short essay for an application to Harvard. It is really Who Moved My Cheese ? that changed my mind and caused me to reach out. Life in my hometown, with all my family members, friends, and familiar environment, is comfortable and satisfactory. I'm used to the lifestyle here and have already established an easy routine. This is my old cheese, which I've been eating for a long time. Studying in the U.S. would be like someone suddenly taking away my old, delicious cheese and I have to explore and find myself a new piece. From that book, I know that finding new cheese in a big maze can be painful and exhausting, and sometimes even frustrating and disappointing. However, I also have come to realize from the book that after a long and tough journey, the new cheese found is always more delicious than the old one, or is greater in quantity, sometimes in quality, and sometimes greater in variety. Thus, I believe that a new environment at Harvard will grant me many challenges and risks, along with which opportunity and new possibilities in life will be available for me to explore and use for my learning and progress.

Yes, Harvard is my next piece of new cheese. No matter how difficult the search will be, I will continue to embrace new challenges, and constantly adjust myself in an ever-changing society, and will never stop searching for the next piece of cheese.

· 范文解析 ·





4.An academic experience (course, project, paper or research topic) that has meant the most to you

【类别】 相关经历型

【关键词】 academic experience, meant the most

【题目翻译】 对你来说最重要的一次学术经历(可以是一个课程、一个项目、一篇论文或一个研究题目)

【题目分析】 题目将经历的范围限制在了学术层面,主旨在于考查申请者学术方面的相关能力和特质。因此,文章要展现自己有在哈佛大学学习所要具备的学术能力。在这里要注意的是,美国大学的学术氛围和教学模式与国内高中和大学是截然不同的。所以,在选择学术经历以及体现你的学术能力时,不能将国内的标准作为出发点,而是要把自己当作哈佛大学的学生来审视这道题目。通过学术经历体现出来的学术能力应该能够应对在哈佛大学这个学术环境中所遇到的各类挑战和困难。



· 范文 ·

The academic experience that has meant the most to me was the summer course on academic writing that I took with professor XX at XX University. The eight-week course was truly a turning point in my life for which I will feel grateful and thankful forever.

High school students do not really need to write academic essays, as most of the writing we do normally focus on either narrative or descriptive pieces. But I've always dreamed of being an academic researcher in a university. Thus, when I heard about the summer course I didn't hesitate in applying, thinking that this could be a good opportunity to prepare me for my future goals.

And the course didn't disappoint me. Professor XX organized and delivered the course effectively and engagingly. Each time we met together, Prof. XX gave us academic articles written by his students who were roughly our same age, and asked us to work in groups and find strengths and weaknesses in them. At first, we could only give vague and anecdotal commentary, for example, “the language is beautiful” or “the meaning is clear”. But later, as Prof. XX facilitated our thinking, we gradually started to dig into the structure and logical relationships of the component parts of the essays. We discussed concepts like coherence, cohesion, and logical sequencing, and our critical analyses became clearer and clearer. Our comments became much more constructive and meaningful. However, the thing that influenced me the most was not the training in writing skills, but instead was the fact that the articles we evaluated were actually written by Prof. XX himself, or even other distinguished professors. When Prof. XX revealed this fact to us during the last lecture, we couldn't believe it! Shocking and surprising as it was, this also helped me realize the importance of critical thinking. We are used to believing and accepting what is said by authorities and experts, but in fact a lot of things produced by them are questionable, or even wrong. Thus, maintaining a critical eye becomes important for us, especially in academic research, which is where I want to be in the future.

After taking this course, I have continued being skeptical and critical about everything presented to me, from everyday newspapers and website information to academic articles and books. Last semester, our school held a small-scale research paper competition, encouraging every student to find a topic of interest and do some research resulting in an academic paper. I was very excited about the competition; but it was not that I want to win, but rather that I finally had the chance to put into use what I had learned from that summer course. I chose to evaluate our English course's textbook. I read it again and again, not treating it as the “canonical Bible” that most students tended to do, but as just a normal book with educational purposes. With a pair of trained and highly critical eyes, I found lots of detailed mistakes and points which needed vast improvements, and together with my interviews surveying students' feedback, I wrote a 3000-word research paper on the topic. The paper won the second prize in the school's competition and I was given the chance to present my work in front of the entire school.

With such a pair of critical and skeptical eyes, I am no longer afraid of challenging authorities or canons at all, since I believe that questioning and critical analysis are important in the development and evolution of knowledge and civilization. I am lucky to have been made aware of the importance of these two critical skills through Prof. XX's summer course, the most inspiring and meaningful academic experience I've ever had.

· 范文解析 ·



第三段开始讲述课程的内容,也就是具体的academic experience的描述。本段简单介绍了课程的设置、教授授课的特殊方式和学生在这个过程中得到的训练和技巧的提高。段末进行了一个小小的升华,点出critical thinking的重要性,同时也展现出整篇文章所要体现出的作者的特质。

作者并没有在介绍完这个学术经历之后就匆匆收尾,而是又扩展出第四段,作为对这段academic experience的一个成果检验,或者说是其意义和重要性的体现。这就避免了空泛的经历叙述,做到了重点突出。这里,作者将自己在暑期课程中所学的东西进行了运用和实践,在学校的小论文比赛中获得了很好的成绩。这一段是非常关键的,是全文的亮点。这一段按照惯例扣题,与开头相呼应,将critical thinking这个能力的意义和作用进行升华,恰到好处。 Ci4YI8av7i6/+PjBZkTl7Y/WwtbPmeUubU+NnnHyoHFoSjMOE6HPhWMQmP1w7Un4
