
二 揭秘设题点


1 开头和末尾处


★ 考点在开头 (2021年第1题)

Q1: Has the woman had any interviews before?

A. Never.

B. Just a few.

C. Quite a few.

D. Few.

M: Hi, Lisa, I'd like to ask you a question: How many job interviews have you had?

W: Well, Tom, that's difficult. At least ten.

M: Ten? That's quite a few. And do you enjoy going to job interviews?

【解析】 细节题。本题的出题点在对话开头处。题目问:女士以前是否参加过面试?在对话开头,男士问女士参加过多少场面试,然后女士说至少有10场,接着男士表达他的看法:“That's quite a few.”。由此可知本题应选C。

★ 考点在结尾 (2021年第10题)

Q10: Where can we get more information on this topic?

A. Family Circle Magazine.

B. Morning radio programs.

C. Betty's website.

D. CBS news website.

M: Well, that's important. Betty Wong, thanks so much for the tips we appreciate from Family Circle Magazine . And for more on this topic and the others, head to the early show website at CBS news.com.

【解析】 细节题。本题的出题点在对话结尾处。题目问:我们可以从哪里了解到更多关于这个话题的信息?对话结束时,男士提到:“想要了解更多有关这个话题以及其他话题的内容,可以登录CBS新闻网站,前往早间新闻网。”所以本题选择D。

2 对话中的问答处



Q9: Which country uses the most oil per head?

A. Russia.

B. Canada.

C. The United States.

D. Saudi Arabia.

M: Interesting. OK. And do you know which countries use the most oil?

W: Yes, a third of the world's oil goes to North America. Worst of all is the USA, which gets through 459 gallons of gasoline per head every year. And Canada isn't far behind, with 303 gallons, quite a long way after that comes Germany and then Japan.

【解析】 细节题。本题的出题点在对话问答处。题目问:哪个国家人均使用石油最多?对话中男士问女士是否知道哪个国家使用石油的量最大,女士回答说:“世界上三分之一的石油流向了北美,而其中最糟糕的(使用石油量最多的)是美国,每年人均使用汽油量达459加仑。”所以本题应选C。

3 重复强调处



Q10: Why do some people enjoy risks?

A. They get pleasure from risks.

B. They can control potential risks.

C. They can assess danger from risks.

D. They have strong needs for risks.

W: Yes, that's a good point, Jack! People feel they are in control of risks that stretch over time. You know, they think, “I could stop tomorrow” or “I could smoke less”. Eh, but what about people who really enjoy taking big risks—those thrill-seekers out there?

M: People who enjoy extreme sports actually seek out danger. It gives them extreme pleasure. If the risk is really high, it means that the pleasure needs to be equally high or hopefully, even higher.

【解析】 细节题。本题的出题点在重复信息处(people who really enjoy taking big risks和People who enjoy extreme sports)。题目问:为什么有些人喜欢冒险?对话中女士问男士真正喜欢冒巨大风险的人是什么样的。男士回答说:“享受极限运动的人实际上是在寻求危险。这能给他们带来极大的乐趣。”所以正确答案为A。

4 转折句式处



Q4: How did the man feel about doing a dance?

A. Excited.

B. Ashamed.

C. Surprised.

D. Afraid.

W: Then, what did you do? How did you feel about doing a dance?

M: I wanted the job, so the idea was just to keep smiling and go for it. On the surface, I had to look positive. I was smiling. I was laughing along with it. But inside, I felt degraded and humiliated especially.

【解析】 细节题。本题的出题点在转折句式处。题目问:男士对于跳舞有什么感受?对话中男士提到,表面上,他必须看起来很积极,在跳舞过程中一直保持微笑,但是内心感觉特别屈辱和丢脸,所以答案选择B。

5 人物观点处

对话中出现的I say、I think、in my opinion、I agree、I doubt、I wonder等引出观点或态度处是常见的出题点。


Q3: How did the man feel about the woman's offer of compensation?

A. Indifferent.

B. Surprised.

C. Anxious.

D. Dissatisfied.

W: I'm sorry, but we're not authorized to give refunds. What I can do is to send you a brand new computer. How would that be?

M: But mine is supposed to be a brand new computer. You think I want another one of this after what the last one did to my files?

【解析】 推断题。本题的出题点在人物观点处。题目问:对话中的男士对于女士所提出的补偿提议有何感受?对话中女士提出无法全额退款,只能给男士寄一台新电脑。男士认为自己本来收到的就是一台新电脑,而这台电脑导致其文件丢失。由此可以推断,男士对女士的解决方案并不满意,所以答案选择D。

6 因果关系处

对话中出现because、so、the reason is、for等引出某事的原因或结果。


Q8: Why is it a bad idea to overstate what you have done?

A. Because the boss has the data on your work.

B. Because you will be given more work to do.

C. Because it is unprofessional to do so.

D. Because others may lose trust in you.

M: So should you just put together a list of things you've done and hand it to your boss?

W: It doesn't work, because the boss generally has the data to check up on you. So the second point is Don't overstate , because if you lie, you are really going to lose a lot of credibility on the things that you actually did do well.

【解析】 细节题。本题的出题点在因果关系处。题目问:为什么夸大你所做的事情不是一个好主意?对话中男士先是提出“把你做过的事情列一张清单,然后把它提交给老板”。女士说:“这样不会有效果,因为老板通常有数据可以查证你的情况。”女士接着提到了overstate的后果,即“如果你撒谎,对于你曾经真正做得很棒的事情,其可信度也会大大降低”,由此得知,夸大描述会失去别人对你的信任,所以答案选择D。 wsEqtgQOreLviMrYc2iwlGN2G9LfvtJl9+m0RsJ1TN887idFiomPSEQRRN3Bi41L
