
Day 04


Previous Check

□ resort □ abdomen □ incentive  □ pose □ bankrupt □ hypothesis □ tone  □ yield □ bewilder □ inhabitant □ breed □ grave □ bribe □ impair □ certainty □ incredible □ monopoly  □ cereal  □ entitle □ chancellor □ verbal □ charity □ aviation □ mingle □ capture □ moisture □ nerve □ naughty □ assert  □ crisp  □ groan □ matter □ management  □ nominal □ peculiar □ collaborate □ device  □ comic □ kneel □ inspect  □ comprehend □ manipulate  □ offend □ attendant  □ creative □ triumph □ compress □ furnish □ military □ lobby □ comprise □ assemble □ mostly □ contempt  □ multiple  □ corridor □ setting  □ purify □ qualify □ greenhouse □ deceive □ intelligent □ impact  □ option □ remedy  □ subsidy □ assign □ distribute □ concept □ organize □ property □ esteem □ thrive  □ creep □ sentiment □ portray □ crystal □ debut □ rival □ crush □ peep □ immediate □ deceit □ pave □ flavor □ flee □ radiate □ academic  □ historic □ hollow □ hum □ vanity  □ startle □ humid □ withhold □ peak □ abundant □ imaginary □ imperial □ divide

001 resort / rɪˈzɔːt /

v. 采取(某手段或方法);求助,诉诸 n. 凭借,手段;度假胜地

resort to 求助于……

We mustn’t resort to violence no matter what difficulties we meet. 无论遇到什么困难,我们都不要诉诸暴力。

appeal / əˈpiːl / v. 求助,诉诸

002 abdomen / ˈæbdəmən /

n. 腹部

Vaughan got a tattoo on his abdomen . 沃恩在腹部刺了个文身。

003 incentive / ɪnˈsentɪv /

n. 动机,刺激,鼓励

Firms who want to keep their outside directors through tough times may have to create incentives . 想在艰难时刻留住外部董事的公司可能需要建立鼓励机制。

disincentive / ˌdɪsɪnˈsentɪv / n. 抑制因素

004 pose / pəʊz /

v. 提出;造成(威胁、问题等);使摆好姿势;佯装,假扮 n. (为拍照等摆的)姿势;装腔作势

His resignation poses the question of whether we now need a deputy manager. 他的辞职引出了一个问题,即我们目前是否需要一个代理经理。

propose / prəˈpəʊz / v. 提议,建议 || suggest / səˈdʒest / v. 提出,建议

005 bankrupt / ˈbæŋkrʌpt /

adj. 破产的

go bankrupt 破产

That firm went bankrupt because it couldn’t pay the loans. 那家公司因不能偿还贷款而破产了。

006 hypothesis / haɪˈpɒθəsɪs /

n. 假说,假设;猜想,猜测

The philosopher constructed a viable hypothesis to explain the meaning of life in his speech. 这位哲学家在他的演说中做了一个可行的假设来解释生命的意义。

assumption / əˈsʌmpʃn / n. 假定;设想 || supposition / ˌsʌpəˈzɪʃn / n. 假设;推想

007 tone / təʊn /

n. 腔调,语气;音调,音色;风格

Her tone implied that her patience was limited. 她的语气暗示,她的耐心是有限的。

008 yield / jiːld /

n. 产量,产出;利润 v. 屈服,让步;出产(作物)

yield to sb./sth. 屈服于某人或某物

The theory suggests that the maximum sustainable yield that can be cropped from a fishery comes when the biomass of a target species is about 50% of its original levels. 理论告诉我们,一个渔场的目标捕捞物种的生物量保持在大约最初物种总量的50%时,才能获得渔场的最大可持续产量。

009 bewilder / bɪˈwɪldə(r) /

v. 使迷惑;使糊涂

be bewildered by 被……迷惑;被……弄糊涂

The little girl was bewildered by the crowds. 小女孩在人群中迷了路。


010 inhabitant / ɪnˈhæbɪtənt /

n. 居民,住户

The inhabitants are bothered with the noise of the planes. 居民被飞机的噪音所困扰。

citizen / ˈsɪtɪzn / n. 公民 || resident / ˈrezɪdənt / n. 居民,住宿者


011 breed / briːd /

v. 繁殖,生殖;造成,引起;教养,抚养;饲养 n. 品种,种类

When animals breed overly in the wild, they learn and pay a price for this experience. 在自然环境中,当动物过度繁衍时,它们就会领会到并为这种经历付出代价。

012 grave / ɡreɪv /

n. 坟墓;去世 adj. 严重的,重大的

from cradle to grave 一生;从生到死

People are rapidly discovering new ways of watching films at home that pose a grave threat to the most profitable part of the film business. 人们很快就发现了在家观影的新方式,这对电影产业中最盈利的部分造成了严重的威胁。

tomb / tuːm / n. 坟墓 || vault / vɔːlt / n. 墓穴

013 bribe / braɪb /

n./v. 贿赂

The senator damaged his image by accepting the bribe . 那位参议员收受贿赂,损害了自己的形象。

014 impair / ɪmˈpeə(r) /

v. 损害,削弱

The patient’s intelligence has been impaired by a brain injury. 这个病人因脑部受伤而智力受损。

harm / hɑːm / v. 伤害,损害 || damage / ˈdæmɪdʒ / v. 损害,毁坏

impair, damage和harm作动词时,都有“损害,损伤”的意思。impair通常用于物,指对某物造成损坏或损伤;damage用于物时,通常指有形的破坏或损失,用于人时,通常指无形的伤害,如对人的精神、感情或名誉的伤害等;harm既可用于人,也可用于物,多用于那些带来痛苦、悲伤、损失或损害的抽象事物。

015 certainty / ˈsɜːtnti /

n. 确定的事,必然的事;确信,确定性

I came with the certainty that we will succeed. 我来这里是确信我们一定会成功。

016 incredible / ɪnˈkredəbl /

adj. 令人难以置信的;了不起的

When I was 13, I ran my first full marathon and it was an incredible feeling for me. 我13岁时第一次跑了全程马拉松,这对我来说是一种难以置信的感觉。

unbelievable / ˌʌnbɪˈliːvəbl / adj. 令人难以置信的

017 monopoly / məˈnɒpəli /

n. 垄断;专卖权

monopoly in/of/on sth. 独占或垄断某物

Liberty and monopoly cannot live together. 自由与垄断不能共存。

018 cereal / ˈsɪəriəl /

n. 谷物;谷类食品

The cereal is considered as green food in recent years. 近年来,谷类食物被认为是绿色食品。

019 entitle / ɪnˈtaɪtl /

v. …… 权利(或资格);给 …… 题名

be entitled to... 有权……,有资格……

Freedom of expression, at least in theory, is something everyone is entitled to regardless of their status. 不论身份地位,人人享有言论自由,至少在理论上是这样的。

entitled / ɪnˈtaɪtld / adj. 有资格的 || entitlement / ɪnˈtaɪtlmənt / n. 权利

020 chancellor / ˈtʃɑːnsələ(r) /

n. (美国)大学校长;(德国、奥地利)总理;(英国)财政大臣

People are waiting for the chancellor’s announcement. 人们正等待财政大臣发布公告。

021 verbal / ˈvɜːbl /

adj. 文字的;口头的;动词的

IQ tests ask you to complete verbal and visual analogies, to envision paper after it has been folded and cut, and to deduce numerical sequences, among other similar tasks. 智商测试要求你完成:文字和图形类比、想象纸张被折叠及剪切后的形状、推导数字序列,以及其他一些类似的任务。

written / ˈrɪtn / adj. 书面的

022 charity / ˈtʃærəti /

n. 慈善;慈善机构;救济金,救济物

We do this not only for justice or charity , but for the greatness of human progress. 我们这样做,不仅仅是为了公正或慈善,而且是为了人类的伟大进步。

023 aviation / ˌeɪviˈeɪʃn /

n. 航空;飞机制造业

The safety of air traffic control has its unique position and role to ensure aviation safety. 空中交通管制的安全性对于确保航空安全有其独特的地位和作用。

024 mingle / ˈmɪŋɡl /

v. (使)混合

The cook mingled the sugar with the vinegar. 厨师把糖和醋混在了一起。

025 capture / ˈkæptʃə(r) /

v. 捕获,俘获;拍摄;吸引 n. 俘获,占领

capture one’s attention/interest 引起某人的注意/兴趣

The images were captured outside the base by the TV crews. 这些影像是剧组人员在外景地拍摄的。

seize / siːz / v. 抓住 || snatch / snætʃ / v. 抢夺,夺走

026 moisture / ˈmɔɪstʃə(r) /

n. 水分;湿气;潮湿;降雨量

Warm air can hold more moisture than cool one. 暖空气容纳的湿气要比冷空气多。

027 nerve / nɜːv /

n. 胆量;神经

have a/the nerve 有魄力,有胆量

Some papers even had the nerve to refuse delivery to distant suburbs. 一些报社甚至胆敢拒绝往偏远的郊区派送。

nervous / ˈnɜːvəs / adj. 紧张不安的

courage / ˈkʌrɪdʒ / n. 勇气,胆量 || bravery / ˈbreɪvəri / n. 勇敢,大胆

028 naughty / ˈnɔːti /

adj. 顽皮的,淘气的

The naughty students talked loudly during class. 这些淘气的学生在课堂上大声说话。

029 assert / əˈsɜːt /

v. 断言;宣称;维护;坚持

He asserted that his power to follow a long and purely abstract train of thought was very limited, for which reason he felt certain that he never could have succeeded with mathematics. 他宣称自己进行长时间纯抽象思维训练的能力十分有限,由此他确定自己在数学方面根本不可能成功。

030 crisp / krɪsp /

n. 炸薯片 adj. 脆的;清新的 v. (使)变脆

The producers of crisps and candies could contribute significantly to the Change4Life campaign. 炸薯片和糖果的生产商可以为“为生活而改变”活动做很大贡献。

chips / tʃɪps / n. 油炸土豆条


031 groan / ɡrəʊn /

v. 叹息;呻吟 n. 呻吟声;叹息声

They’re all groaning about soaring health budgets, the fastest-growing component of which are pharmaceutical costs. 他们都在抱怨高涨的医疗经费,其中增长最快的部分是药品费用。

moan / məʊn / v. 抱怨;呻吟 || grumble / ˈɡrʌmbl / v. 抱怨;发牢骚

032 matter / ˈmætə(r) /

n. 问题;(统称)物质;事情;(某种)东西,物品;关乎 …… 的事情 v. 要紧;有重大影响;事关紧要

as a matter of fact 事实上;其实;说真的

We prefer to help people and organizations make the right choice rather than legislating on such matters . 我们更愿意帮助个人和组织做出正确的选择,而不是在这些问题上立法。

033 management / ˈmænɪdʒmənt /

n. 管理人员;管理

quality management 质量管理

The management are considering closing the factory. 管理人员正在考虑关闭工厂。

034 nominal / ˈnɒmɪnl /

adj. 名义上的;(价格、金额)象征性的

Jack is a nominal member of this committee and isn’t expected to do any work. 杰克是这个委员会的名义会员,(大家)并不指望他做任何工作。

035 peculiar / pɪˈkjuːliə(r) /

adj. 独特的;专门的;特殊的;奇怪的

The tall man spoke an accent peculiar to the north of the region. 这个高个男子操着一口该地区北部特有的口音。

distinctive / dɪˈstɪŋktɪv / adj. 有特色的,与众不同的 || particular / pəˈtɪkjələ(r) / adj. 独有的;特别的

036 collaborate / kəˈlæbəreɪt /

v. (尤指著书或进行研究时的)合作

collaborate with 与……协作、合作

Annie collaborated on a book with her friends. 安妮和她的朋友们合著了一本书。


037 device / dɪˈvaɪs /

n. 设备;手段,策略

This device helps make virtual reality a more usable and accessible technology. 这一装置有助于使虚拟现实成为更可用、更便利的技术。

038 comic / ˈkɒmɪk /

adj. 可笑的;喜剧的

comic character 喜剧人物

Every movement of that actor was comic . 那位男演员的每一个动作都很滑稽可笑。

039 kneel / niːl /


kneel down 跪下

She knelt by the bed and prayed. 她跪在床边祈祷。

040 inspect / ɪnˈspekt /

v. 检查;查看;视察

Watch people get on and show their tickets. Are they carefully inspected ? Never. 观察一下人们上车并出示车票。他们被仔细检查了吗?从来没有。

041 comprehend / ˌkɒmprɪˈhend /

v. 理解;领会

If you can use a word correctly and effectively, you comprehend it. 你如果能正确和有效地使用一个单词,你就理解它了。

042 manipulate / məˈnɪpjuleɪt /

v. (暗中)操控,操纵;使用;影响

manipulate sb. into (doing) sth. 操控某人做某事

Intelligence seeks to grasp, manipulate , re-order, and adjust, while intellect examines, ponders, wonders, theorizes, criticizes and imagines. 智力寻求的是领会、使用、重置和调节,而智慧寻求的是审视、思考、求真、推理、批判和想象。

043 offend / əˈfend /

v. 冒犯;使不快

Bad manners may offend . 粗鲁无礼可能会冒犯人。

044 attendant / əˈtendənt /

adj. 伴随的,随之而来的 n. 服务员;随从,侍从

The famine and its attendant diseases killed thousands of civilians. 饥荒及随之而来的疾病使成千上万名百姓死亡。

subsequent / ˈsʌbsɪkwənt / adj. 后来的;随后的

045 creative / kriˈeɪtɪv /

adj. 创造性的;有创造力的

In fact, the more new things we try—the more we step outside our comfort zone—the more inherently creative we become, both in the workplace and in our personal lives. 事实上,不论是在职场还是个人生活中,我们对新事物尝试得越多,就离我们的舒适区域越远,也变得越有创造力。

conventional / kənˈvenʃənl / adj. 常规的,因循守旧的 || traditional / trəˈdɪʃənl / adj. 传统的,习惯的

046 triumph / ˈtraɪʌmf /

n. 胜利,凯旋 v. 获得胜利,战胜

triumph over 战胜……

She was confident that she would ultimately triumph over adversity. 她相信自己最终能战胜逆境。

047 compress / kəmˈpres /

v. 压缩,压缩(时间);简缩(文字、描述等)

compress sth. (into sth.) 压缩

It is impossible to compress the story of the First World War into a few pages. 把第一次世界大战的事简缩成几页文字是不可能的。

048 furnish / ˈfɜːnɪʃ /

v. 提供,供应;在(房屋内)布置家具

furnish... with... 向……提供……

“The valuable examples which they furnish of the power of self-help, of patient purpose, resolute working and steadfast integrity, issuing in the formulation of truly noble and manly character, exhibit,” wrote Smiles, “what it is in the power of each to accomplish for himself.” 斯迈尔斯写道:“杰出代表们具备自助、耐心、不屈不挠的工作精神和决不动摇的正直品格,这些特点在真正崇高的和有男子气概的性格的形成中流露出来,这正是每个人成就自己所需的力量。”

supply / səˈplaɪ / v. 提供 || provide / prəˈvaɪd / v. 提供

049 military / ˈmɪlətri /

adj. 军事的,军队的;武装的 n. 军人;军队;军方

Millions of Americans and foreigners see G.I. Joe as a mindless war toy, the symbol of American military adventurism, but that’s not how it used to be. 数以百万计的美国人和其他国家的人将美国大兵看作一个没头脑的战争玩具、美国军事冒险主义的象征,但在过去却并非如此。

troop / truːp / n. 军队,部队

050 lobby / ˈlɒbi /

n. 游说议员的团体;门廊,门厅 v. …… 进行游说

The anti-nuclear lobby is becoming stronger. 向议员游说的反核团体声势渐强。

051 comprise / kəmˈpraɪz /

v. 包含,包括;组成

be comprised of 由……组成

The five volumes comprise a single book. 那五册构成一卷书。

052 assemble / əˈsembl /

v. 收集;集合;整理;装配,组装

The diplomats assembled in the hall to meet the President. 外交官们聚集在大厅迎接总统。

gather / ˈɡæðə(r) / v. 聚集,集合

053 mostly / ˈməʊstli /

adv. 主要地;大部分;通常

He reads books occasionally, but mostly just magazines. 他偶尔也看书,但通常只看杂志。

054 contempt / kənˈtempt /

n. 轻视,蔑视;侮辱

in contempt of sth. 对……不屑一顾

I shall treat that proposal with the contempt it deserves. 我对那项提议理所当然地嗤之以鼻。

esteem / ɪˈstiːm / n. 尊重,敬重 || respect / rɪˈspekt / n. 尊重,敬重

055 multiple / ˈmʌltɪpl /

adj. 多样的,多重的 n. 倍数

multiple choice 多项选择

A century ago, few people regularly brushed their teeth multiple times a day. 一个世纪以前,很少有人每天规律地多次刷牙。

056 corridor / ˈkɒrɪdɔː(r) /

n. 走廊,通道

The meeting spilt over from the hall into the corridor . 参加会议的人从大厅到走廊挤得水泄不通。

057 setting / ˈsetɪŋ /

n. 环境;背景;底座

The setting of the story is a hotel in London during the war. 故事发生在战时伦敦的一家旅馆里。

058 purify / ˈpjʊərɪfaɪ /

v. 净化

purified water 纯净水

It is said that the air conditioner can purify the air in the room. 据说这种空调能够净化房间里的空气。

purification / ˌpjʊərɪfɪˈkeɪʃn / n. 净化

059 qualify / ˈkwɒlɪfaɪ /

v. 取得资格,(使)有资格

qualify for 合格;有……的资格

This certificate will qualify you for teaching. 这个资格证书让你有资格当教师。

060 greenhouse / ˈɡriːnhaʊs /

n. 温室;暖房

greenhouse effect 温室效应 || greenhouse gas 温室气体

Who would have thought that, globally, the IT industry produces about the same volume of greenhouse gases as the world’s airlines do—roughly 2 percent of all CO2 emissions? 有谁会想到,全球范围内,信息技术行业与航空业产生的温室气体总量相同——约占二氧化碳排放总量的2%呢?

glasshouse / ˈɡlɑːshaʊs / n. 温室;暖房

061 deceive / dɪˈsiːv /

v. 欺骗;误导

deceive oneself 自欺

He was foiled in his attempt to deceive us. 他企图欺骗我们,但没有得逞。

062 intelligent / ɪnˈtelɪdʒənt /

adj. 聪明的;有智力的;智能的

intelligent beings 智慧生物,外星人

I have arrived at the conclusion that he is a very intelligent boy. 我已得出结论,他是一个非常聪明的孩子。

clever / ˈklevə(r) / adj. 聪明的;灵巧的 || wise / waɪz / adj. 聪明的;明智的

stupid / ˈstjuːpɪd / adj. 愚蠢的;迟钝的 || silly / ˈsɪli / adj. 蠢的;糊涂的

063 impact

/ ˈɪmpækt / n. 影响,作用;冲撞,冲击力 / ɪmˈpækt / v. 有影响,有作用

In their recent work, some researchers have come up with the finding that influential people have far less impact on social epidemics than is generally supposed. 一些研究人员在最近的研究中发现,有影响力的人士对社会流行潮流的影响力远不及人们普遍认为的那般大。

influence / ˈɪnfluəns / n./v. 影响

064 option / ˈɒpʃn /

n. 供选择的东西;选择权;购买权;选修课

Keep my options open. I have not made a decision on either matter. 我保留选择权,这两件事我都还没有做出决定。

optional / ˈɒpʃənl / adj. 任选的

alternative / ɔːlˈtɜːnətɪv / n. 可供选择的解决办法 || choice / tʃɔɪs / n. 选择

065 remedy / ˈremədi /

n. 解决方法;治疗,疗法;药品;补救;改善

remedy for 补救;解决

I doubt whether there is a good remedy for this disease. 我怀疑这种疾病是否有好的治疗方法。

066 subsidy / ˈsʌbsədi /

n. 补贴,津贴

The government has increased the level of subsidy to the peasants. 政府提高了对农民的补助标准。

067 assign / əˈsaɪn /

v. 分配,委派;指定时间、地点等

assign sth. to sb. 把某物分配给某人

All the students are assigned to suitable tasks. 所有的学生都分到了合适的任务。

assignment / əˈsaɪnmənt / n. 分配;任务;(课外)作业

allot / əˈlɒt / v. 分配 || allocate / ˈæləkeɪt / v. 分配

068 distribute / dɪˈstrɪbjuːt /

v. 分发;分配;分销;使分散;使分布

The task of the organization is to ensure fair play when relief materials are distributed to the refugees. 该组织的任务就是确保把救援物资公平地分给难民。

069 concept / ˈkɒnsept /

n. 概念;观念

“The concept of retirement is evolving,” said Christine Russell, senior manager of retirement at TD Ameritrade. “退休的概念正在演变。”德美利证券退休部门高级经理克里斯汀·拉塞尔表示。

070 organize / ˈɔːɡənaɪz /

v. 组织;安排

Mies’s signature phrase “less is more” means that less decoration, properly organized , has more impact than a lot. 米斯的惯用语“少即多”的意思是:倘若结构合理,较少的装饰比过多的装饰效果更好。

arrange / əˈreɪndʒ / v. 安排,筹备

071 property / ˈprɒpəti /

n. [法律] 所有权,财产权;性质,性能

intellectual property 知识产权 || real estate property 房地产

Constitutional law is political because it results from choices rooted in fundamental social concepts like liberty and property . 宪法也具有政治性质,因为它源于一些基于基本社会概念的选择,如:自由权和财产权。

072 esteem / ɪˈstiːm /

n. 尊重,敬重 v. 尊敬,敬重;把 …… 看作

She is held in great esteem by those who know her well. 熟悉她的人都极为尊重她。

073 thrive / θraɪv /

v. 兴旺发达;欣欣向荣

Over the past century, all kinds of unfairness and discrimination have been condemned or made illegal. But one insidious form continues to thrive : alphabetism. 在过去的一个世纪里,各种各样的不公和歧视遭到了谴责或被定为非法。但是有一种隐蔽的形式仍在频繁使用,那就是——按字母表顺序排名。

prosper / ˈprɒspə(r) / v. 繁荣 || flourish / ˈflʌrɪʃ / v. 繁荣

074 creep / kriːp /

n. 卑鄙小人 v. 爬行,匍匐;蹑手蹑脚地走,缓慢地进行

Ivy has crept up the castle walls. 常春藤爬上了城堡的围墙。

075 sentiment / ˈsentɪmənt /

n. 意见,观点;情绪,感情;伤感,哀伤

Anti-immigrant sentiment typically increases in that country, as does conflict between races and classes. 不出所料,那个国家反移民情绪持续高涨,正如民族和阶级斗争不断升级一样。

076 portray / pɔːˈtreɪ /

v. 扮演,饰演;描写,描绘

Some of the soldiers Pyle interviewed portrayed themselves in the film. 佩里采访的一些士兵在电影中饰演自己。

portrayal / pɔːˈtreɪəl / n. 描绘;画像

077 crystal / ˈkrɪstl /

n. 水晶,结晶 adj. 透明的,晶体的

Crystal is the symbol of purity. 水晶是纯洁的象征。

078 debut / deɪˈbjuː /

n. 首次露面,初次登场,出道 v. 首次演出;首次推出

The young actress made her debut in the new comedy. 这位年轻的女演员在新上演的喜剧里首次露面。

079 rival / ˈraɪvl /

n. 对手,竞争者 v. …… 相匹敌,比得上

The book has no rival in its field. 那本书在同类书中鹤立鸡群。

opponent / əˈpəʊnənt / n. 对手;反对者

080 crush / krʌʃ /

v. 压碎,压坏

crush against 压向……

How many tons of ore can this machine crush in an hour? 这台机器每小时可以破碎多少吨矿石?

081 peep / piːp /

n. 偷看 v. 窥视;(使)出现

peep at 偷看,窥视

It is impolite to peep at the others. 偷窥别人是不礼貌的。

082 immediate / ɪˈmiːdiət /

adj. 立即的,立刻的;目前的;迫切的

immediate feedback 即时反馈 || immediate family 直系亲属

She demanded an immediate apology from him. 她要求他立即道歉。

instant / ˈɪnstənt / adj. 立即的,即刻的 || prompt / prɒmpt / adj. 立刻的;迅速的

083 deceit / dɪˈsiːt /

n. 欺骗,谎言

The politician’s scandal would erupt if his deceit was detected. 他的谎言一旦被揭穿,这位政治家的丑闻就曝光了。

084 pave / peɪv /

v. 铺砌,铺(路);做准备

pave the way for 为……铺好道路,为……做好准备

At the same time, we explore this problem theoretically to pave the way for further studies. 同时,我们也在理论上对这一问题进行了探讨,为进一步研究铺平了道路。

085 flavor / ˈfleɪvə(r) /

n. 味道;特殊的滋味;调味品 v. 给(食物或饮料)调味

We all have some unspeakable secrets, irreversible regrets, unreachable dreams and unforgettable flavors . 我们都有一些说不出的秘密,挽不回的遗憾,触不到的梦想以及忘不了的味道。

086 flee / fliː /

v. 逃走;逃避

flee from 逃离;避开

The villagers fled in all direction at the sight of the robbers. 村民们一看到强盗就四下里逃散了。

087 radiate / ˈreɪdieɪt /

v. 放射,辐射;显现(特质);流露(情感);散发出(光或热)

We radiate the feelings and thoughts that we hold inside, whether we speak them or not. 无论我们是否说出心中的感觉和想法,我们都会使其流露。

088 academic / ˌækəˈdemɪk /

adj. 学业的;教学的;学术的;学院的;学业优秀的 n. 高等院校教师;高校科研人员

Our university is renowned throughout the world for its academic excellence. 我们的大学以其卓越的学术成就而闻名于世。

089 historic / hɪˈstɒrɪk /

adj. 有历史意义的;历史的

historic site 古迹

It is a historic meeting between the two leaders. 这是两位领导人之间一次具有历史意义的会晤。

090 hollow / ˈhɒləʊ /

adj. 空的;中空的

beat sb. hollow 大大超过某人

Bill holds a rusty, hollow , metal pipe in his hand. 比尔手里拿着一根生锈的中空金属管。

091 hum / hʌm /

v. 哼曲子;发嗡嗡声

hum and haw 吞吞吐吐

John was humming a tune when he put on his clothes. 约翰一边穿衣服一边哼着曲子。

092 vanity / ˈvænəti /

n. 虚荣心,浮华

Ivan’s vanity is hard to be gratified. 伊万的虚荣心很难得到满足。

093 startle / ˈstɑːtl /

v. 使惊吓;使震惊

The sudden noise in the bushes startled her horse. 灌木丛中突如其来的响声使她的马受到了惊吓。

094 humid / ˈhjuːmɪd /

adj. 湿的,湿气重的

humid climate 潮湿气候

The greenhouse is humid , with plants all around. 温室湿气很重,周围全是植物。

095 withhold / wɪðˈhəʊld /

v. 拒给,不给

The customer withheld payment because of the poor service. 由于服务太差,顾客拒绝付款。

096 peak / piːk /

n. 顶点;(记录的)最高峰;尖端

at the peak of 在……高峰期

This time experts reckon that prices are about 40% down on their peak on average, though some have been far more fluctuant. 这一次专家认为价格大约平均低于它们最高峰的40%,虽然有些还是非常不稳定。

summit / ˈsʌmɪt / n. 顶点;最高级会议 || climax / ˈklaɪmæks / n. 顶点;高潮

097 abundant / əˈbʌndənt /

adj. 大量的;丰盛的;充裕的

The police have abundant evidence to prove his guilt. 警察有大量的证据证明他有罪。

098 imaginary / ɪˈmædʒɪnəri /

adj. 想象的;虚构的

imaginary character 虚构的人物

Although the main characters in the novel are so true to life, I know they are imaginary . 虽然小说里的主要人物栩栩如生,但我知道他们都是虚构的。

099 imperial / ɪmˈpɪəriəl /

adj. 帝国的,皇帝的;至尊的;专横的

The Chinese imperial family in the Qing Dynasty is of Manchu origin. 中国清朝的皇族是满族血统。

100 divide / dɪˈvaɪd /

v. (使)分开,分散,分割;除,除以;分配;分担;使产生分歧;把(时间、精力等)分别用于 n. 不同;分歧;差异;分水岭

Writers exploded with fury after offers from the studios were made public—an attempt, the writers said, to divide them as their strike drags past 100 days. 在电影公司的提议被公开后,编剧们怒火中烧——编剧们说,在他们的罢工拖过100天时,这是分化他们的企图。


□□ abdomen □□ abundant □□ academic  □□ assemble □□ assert  □□ assign □□ attendant  □□ aviation □□ bankrupt □□ bewilder □□ breed □□ bribe □□ capture □□ cereal  □□ certainty □□ chancellor □□ charity □□ collaborate □□ comic □□ comprehend □□ compress □□ comprise □□ concept □□ contempt  □□ corridor □□ creative □□ creep □□ crisp  □□ crush □□ crystal □□ debut □□ deceit □□ deceive □□ device  □□ distribute □□ divide □□ entitle □□ esteem □□ flavor □□ flee □□ furnish □□ grave □□ greenhouse □□ groan □□ historic □□ hollow □□ hum □□ humid □□ hypothesis □□ imaginary □□ immediate □□ impact  □□ impair □□ imperial □□ incentive  □□ incredible □□ inhabitant □□ inspect  □□ intelligent □□ kneel □□ lobby □□ management  □□ manipulate  □□ matter □□ military □□ mingle □□ moisture □□ monopoly  □□ mostly □□ multiple  □□ naughty □□ nerve □□ nominal □□ offend □□ option □□ organize □□ pave □□ peak □□ peculiar □□ peep □□ portray □□ pose □□ property □□ purify □□ qualify □□ radiate □□ remedy  □□ resort □□ rival □□ sentiment □□ setting  □□ startle □□ subsidy □□ thrive  □□ tone  □□ triumph □□ vanity  □□ verbal □□ withhold □□ yield rdv/FaEok3095/eGs3hP8mB6BxcWAxeK537d5qG5KY+Ukn8qu0mL7nZJ15sUzJ0N
