


本篇读后续写题目的原文来自 www.washingtonian.com ,体裁是记叙文,情景现场是森林,经历是历险:从遇险到脱险。本文主题是人与自我和人与自然——克服困境、利用环境生存、反思自我。学生在看懂故事情节、主题之外,还要学会赏析文章的语言特点,体会作者的写作意图和情感态度,最后写出与原文故事情节、语言风格、主题相一致的文章。

本文故事很长,讲述的是92岁高龄的Bill McDonnell因猎鹿季节的到来,不顾妻子的劝阻,一定要去森林打猎,结果迷路,在森林中独自一人寻路,直至被搜救队找到的故事。故事按照时间顺序展开,不同时间分割清晰。由于Bill在森林中不停走动寻找返途之路,所以会有空间的变化,而且在不同时空,Bill的心情也不一样。所以不同时空的时间线索和情感变化线索为暗线贯穿全文脉络。








A 92-year-old Hunter Lost in the Woods

Bill McDonnell, a soldier when young, was 92 years old now, still healthy and strong. He loved hunting very much. On December 15, Bill decided to go hunting in Shenandoah Mountain the next day as deer season had begun. His wife Joanna McDonnell intended to let their son Bill McDonnell Jr. accompany him, but Bill Jr. had a football game that day. Bill McDonnell said he could manage all by himself. Joanna then required Bill to be out of the woods by 2 pm and home by 3 pm, plenty of time before sunset.

The next morning, Bill woke up at four, grabbed his muzzleloader (前装枪), and steered his Jeep toward Shenandoah Mountain. At the end of the old Laurel Run logging road, he began to walk. It was about 7:30 am and 25 degrees when the sun peeked through the trees.

Not long into the hike, he came upon a path he didn’t remember. Maybe this was a secret route to the king of all bucks (雄鹿). He took it.

Then, around 11 am, he came into a clearing (林中空地) along a ridgeline (山脊线). He had walked farther than he had expected. It seemed that his path up the mountain had meandered quite a bit. Bill figured he could drop into the valley, hunt a bit and then go back home. But when he snaked down through the forest, he found there was no path at all. The forest was thick. It was hard to tell the direction now. “No, I’m not lost,” he told himself.

By around 2 pm, Bill stopped somewhere in the valley, exhausted. “I’ll get it figured out,” he said to himself. He took out his phone to call his wife, but the phone had died. He dug into his pants for the GPS device he always brought in case of emergency and pushed the “on” button. Nothing. He had forgotten to charge it the night before.

His eyes caught a stand of tall trees. He remembered admiring the line of fantastic oaks and pines earlier. Reach them and the car wouldn’t be that far off. It meant he would have to cover some ground.


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

He was moving slower and slower, Joanna’s 3 pm deadline having passed.

It was about 9:45 pm when Bill heard the whoop-whoop-whoop of a helicopter.


Step 1: Grasp the outline.


Step 2: List the plot.


Step 3: Trace more clues.


Step 4: Construct the plots and explore the theme.



Step 5: Complete and polish the story.




Possible Version:

He was moving slower and slower, Joanna’s 3 pm deadline having passed. He knew Joanna must be worrying about him, but he had no way to contact her now. He should have listened to her, not to hunt alone. With great difficulty, he kept walking up the mountain as he remembered, in the hope of reaching his Jeep. But before he found the familiar route, the sun began to slip down below the mountain ridge behind him and then the forest turned pitch-black. Luckily, he brought a flashlight with him. He found himself a place to rest and waited for help.

It was about 9:45 pm when Bill heard the whoop-whoop-whoop of a helicopter. “They come to rescue me!” he felt excited, relieved as well. Bill got to his feet, and turned on his flashlight. He somehow managed to arrive at an open place nearby so that the trees would not block the helicopter. “Here! I’m here!” he shouted, waving his flashlight wildly to attract the helicopter. Thanks to his flashlight, the helicopter spotted him easily. It hovered directly above him and a strong rope dropped down. He was rescued eventually. +o8LXSqQBOD0duyQkxIyKV6pDLw3VPkUgYq3+vOZeKQ5oiF8GSAWJ1zPcRu20SuU
