

金钥匙1 长短句需服务于写作目的和内容



“You’re not going,” Joanna would say.

“I’m going,” Bill would shoot back.

Joanna would try to bargain. “You’re not taking your gun. Stay on a trail.”

“I’m hunting.”

“Take a friend.”

“They’re all dead.”


再例如:“Salant came across a familiar-looking green bush studded with pink berries and thought she remembered Aric identifying the plant as salmonberry.”(Salant偶然发现了一棵看上去很熟悉的绿色灌木,上面长满了粉红色的浆果,她回想起Aric认出这种植物是美莓。)这里运用了并列句,因为Salant一看到粉红色的浆果就想到了这是美莓,所以为了思维的连贯,此处使用and把两个句子串联成一个长句。

而下面却分别用三个短句,来表示Salant吃美莓的三个步骤。因为不确定自己是否辨别正确,所以Salant咬了一小口之后吐出来:“Salant nibbled at one of the fruits and spit it out.”接着她等了一小会儿再试吃另一口:“Waited a while, then sampled another.”最后确认美莓没毒之后,她就开始狼吐虎咽了:“Satisfied that the berries weren’t toxic, she gorged on them.”可见短句易于组织和表达,利于体现文章的层次感。


金钥匙2 了解长短句的特征


例如:“She moved methodically, plotting every step, crossing and recrossing the stream to avoid obstacles, and balancing on fallen logs or clinging to tree roots.”(她有条不紊地走着,每一步都计划好,穿过小溪,重新穿过小溪,避开障碍物,靠倒在地上的树木来保持平衡或是紧紧抓住树根。)这句话以动作描写见长,描绘了Salant带伤前行的情景。主要动作是moved,其余的plotting、crossing、recrossing、balancing和clinging都是并列的动作,作伴随状语。一系列的动作通过一句话完整地表达出来,一气呵成。如果使用短句有支离破碎之感。


金钥匙3 短句放在段首或者段末揭示主题


例如:“It was freezing in the boat. Icy sea spray and rain crept down their necks and a chilly wind whipped their faces.”。首句概括“船上很冷”。接下来具体写怎么冷:“冰冷的浪花和雨水顺着他们的脖子悄悄流下”和“寒风拂过他们的脸”。这种先短后长的句群形式,让描写细致入微、惟妙惟肖。

再例如:“It was shaping up to be the perfect weekend. Last July, Pamela Salant, a 28-year-old preschool teacher, and her boyfriend, Aric Essig, 31, who works for a sailboat company, had driven two hours east from Portland, Oregon, to camp overnight in the Mount Hood National Forest. They planned to hike a mile and a half through the forest to Bear Lake, spend the night, and walk back out on Sunday to attend a birthday party for two of her students. It was sunny, clear, and fine.”。

第一句为短句,总起全文,概括整个故事,为故事奠定基调:本来是一个完美的周末(It was shaping up to be the perfect weekend.)。言下之意是意外发生了,与该段最后一句相呼应,引出下文的故事。

第二句为长句,主语是Pamela Salant and her boyfriend,中间用状语、定语和同位语修饰,符合长句的第三个特点。整个句子状语较多,符合第一个特点。该句主要有以下成分构成:last July (时间状语)、Pamela Salant (主语)、a 28-year-old preschool teacher (同位语)、and her boyfriend (并列主语)、Aric Essig (同位语)、31 (定语)、who works for a sailboat company (定语从句)、had driven (谓语) two hours (宾语) east from Portland, Oregon (地点状语)、to camp overnight (目的状语) in the Mount Hood National Forest (地点状语)。

第三句也是长句,出现了三个并列动作,符合长句的第二个特点:“They planned to hike (第一个动作) a mile and a half through the forest to Bear Lake, spend (第二个动作) the night, and walk (第三个动作) back out on Sunday to attend a birthday party for two of her students.”

最后一句“It was sunny, clear, and fine.”是短句,对意外发生之前的事情进行总结,照应第一句话。同时起到引出下面故事的作用。




1. She drank and washed out her injury and she thought the water was magical because it was pure and beautiful.


2. “OK,” she said. She panted. She dragged herself out of the frigid water. “What’s the next step that I should do?”


3. She scanned the horizon and she found that there were trees everywhere but nothing else.


4. She landed on her right leg. She pitched over onto her side. She popped out of the water seconds later.


5. “Aric! Where are you?” she called. “Aric, can you help me?”


6. Deer season had begun. But it was colder than usual. He was sitting among the mounted bucks inside his rancher in Winchester, Virginia. He watched winter through the windows.


7. He remembered one of his granddaughters had mentioned that. She had mentioned seeing a waterfall. She was rock-climbing in the area. He called her for advice.


8. The inside was horrible. It smelled strongly of seaweed. The wind whistled through the gaps in the wooden walls. The fireplace was damp and empty.

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