
语篇分析& 谋篇布局








The Mother’s Day My Little Boy Disappeared

The night before Mother’s Day there were broad hints passed across the table from the two older children that tomorrow morning I would be happily surprised by what they had gotten me as presents. The youngest was silent. Then they went to bed.

The next morning, around six, my daughter came into my room and said, “Justin’s not in his bed.” I sprang from my own, assuming he had gone downstairs to watch television. He hadn’t. I called out through the house. No answer. Was he hiding? I looked everywhere—under beds, in closets (衣橱) and finally, outside.

Since it was a Sunday, nobody was awake. The usual busy streets were quiet, his bicycle was on the porch (门廊), and my thoughts were jumbled (纷乱). The empty bed, the flung covers (掀开的被子), the shoes he did not stop to put on—any other time of day I could find reasons for his being gone. But at 6 a.m. on a Sunday, Mother’s Day, I could find none. How terrible!

After rousing the whole family and sending everyone up and down the streets and alleys for 20 minutes of calling, I went to the telephone, dialed the police and lived out my worst fear—I put in a missing-child report.

“Somebody,” an officer said, “will be right over.” I put down the telephone and tried to think where else he might have gone, or why. There was, I dimly hoped, one more possibility, the garden where I worked, four blocks away. I could think of no reason why he would go there. He had never gone by himself. But it was the only place I hadn’t tried, and after getting in the car, I drove slowly toward it. First block nothing—second and third empty too.


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

But at the end of the fourth block, I saw him walking toward me with his head down.

Then I told him we had better go home and tell the policemen that everything was all right.


Step 1: Grasp the outline.


Step 2: List the plot.


Step 3: Trace more clues.


Step 4: Construct the plots and explore the theme.



Step 5: Complete and polish the story.




Possible Version:

But at the end of the fourth block, I saw him walking toward me with his head down. He was in his pajamas, with bare feet. I slammed my brakes, flung open the car door and felt every valve in my heart open with relief. “Why?” I asked as he got into the car. He began to cry. “It was Mother’s Day and I thought I could find some flowers to pick. But it was closed.” Holding him tightly and patting his back softly, I told him no flower could ever mean as much to me as he did.

Then I told him we had better go home and tell the policemen that everything was all right. “The policemen?” he exclaimed, looking up, his eyes wide. “Yes, when I couldn’t find you, I called the police.” I explained. His face took on an intensely interested expression. The sadness of Mother’s Day had been replaced by a more interesting thought line, which kept him upright on the seat as we drove home. I looked at Justin’s face and this snapshot will always be engraved in my memory. 2ZmGAQ/uecAS4BFJ9kjz69YotacNhiyyDQiQ66cKTB+swCulgjNfL00wHfFZ/XhB
