









Becky and the Wolf

With all her big brothers and sisters off to school, our ranch became a lonely place for our three-year-old daughter, Becky. She longed for playmates. We promised to buy her a puppy but in the meantime, “pretend” puppies popped up nearly every day.

I had just finished washing the lunch dishes when the screen door slammed and Becky rushed in, cheeks flushed with excitement. “Mama.” she cried. “Come see my new doggy. I gave him water two times already. He’s so thirsty.”

I sighed. Another of Becky’s imaginary dogs.

She tugged at my jeans, her brown eyes pleading. “Please come, Mama. He’s crying—and he can’t walk.”

“Can’t walk?” Now that was a twist. All her previous make-believe dogs could do marvelous things. Why suddenly a dog that couldn’t walk?

I followed her, parted the thorny branches and raised my hand against the glare of the Arizona sun. A numbing chill gripped me.

There she was, sitting on her heels, toes dug firmly in the sand, and cradled in her lap was the unmistakable head of a wolf.

“Becky.” My mouth felt dry. “Don’t move.” I stepped closer. Pale-yellow eyes narrowed. Black lips tightened, exposing double sets of two-inch fangs (牙). Suddenly the wolf trembled. Its teeth clacked, and a piteous whine (可怜的哀鸣) rose from its throat.

“It’s all right, boy,” Becky crooned. “Don’t be afraid. That’s my mama, and she loves you, too.”

Then the unbelievable happened. As her tiny hands stroked the great shaggy head, I heard the gentle thump, thump, thumping of the wolf’s tail from deep inside the stump.

I had to get Becky away. “Honey.” My throat tightened. “Put his head down and come to Mama. We’ll go find help.”

Reluctantly, Becky got up and kissed the wolf on the nose before she walked slowly into my outstretched arms. Sad yellow eyes followed her. Then the wolf’s head sank to the ground. With Becky safe in my arms, I ran to our home.


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

That afternoon my husband, Bill, and our veterinarian (兽医) , Doc, came to see the wolf.

Becky named the wolf Ralph and carried food and water to the stump every day.


Step 1: Grasp the outline.


Step 2: List the plot.


Step 3: Trace more clues.


Step 4: Construct the plots and explore the theme.



Step 5: Complete and polish the story.




Possible Version:

That afternoon my husband, Bill, and our veterinarian (兽医) , Doc, came to see the wolf. Doc found the wolf was badly wounded. Just then, Becky emerged from the bushes and hauled the animal’s head onto her lap once more. This time I wasn’t the only one who heard the thumping of the wolf’s tail. Observing the trust the animal had in Becky, Doc said to her, “Suppose you and I tend to him together.” Minutes later, as Becky reassured the stricken beast, Doc gave him a shot. The yellow eyes closed. After hauling the massive body out of the stump together with Bill, Doc cleaned the wound and gave the patient a dose of medicine.

Becky named the wolf Ralph and carried food and water to the stump every day. At five days, Doc came every day to give him more doses of medicine. Later, he checked Ralph from time to time. Ralph’s recovery was not easy. Becky even massaged the leg for him. From the way he lowered his eyelids, we knew he endured great pain, but not once did he ever try to bite the hands of those who cared for him. Four months passed before Ralph finally stood unaided. As his strength grew, Ralph followed Becky all over the ranch. Becky was not lonely any more. PVt7af4hdqxkfUCO6Ikgv56935sQ8sSO7cuvw4OinrdqZzJhIx3uMYqUOcywo99v
