
Unit 1
Dujiangyan Irrigation System


On the Minjiang

River at the west

of Dujiangyan,

Dujiangyan City,

Sichuan province,


Reasons to visit

World Heritage Site;

The oldest existing

large-scale water

project in the world.

General Introduction

Dujiangyan Irrigation System was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 2000, and it's the oldest existing large-scale water project in the world. Dujiangyan Irrigation System is regarded as the forerunner of the world conservancy culture.

First built in the Warring States Period(475 B.C.-221 B.C.)under the direction of Li Bing and his son, Dujiangyan Irrigation System has a history of over 2,200 years. In 256 B.C., Li Bing, as the governor of Shu(nowadays Sichuan)in Qin State, based on the previous water control project, started to build the Dujiangyan Irrigation System with the help of local people. Since its establishment over 2,200 years, Dujiangyan Irrigation System has played an important role in flood control and irrigation to Chengdu Plain,and it is the exact reason why Chengdu has become “Land of Abundance” today. At present, the irrigation system benefi ts over 30 counties and cities, covering an area of one thousand hectares.


Read the following text and take notes of important information, useful words and expressions in the right column while reading.

Dujiangyan Irrigation System, is the oldest and only surviving no-dam irrigation system in the world. It's a embodiment of human wisdom and also a wonder of ancient Chinese technology.

Over 2,200 years ago, the Chengdu Plain was threatened by the frequent fl oods caused by fl ooding of the Minjiang River. Li Bing, a local o ficial of Shu State at that time, together with his son, decided to construct an irrigation system on the Minjiang River to prevent flooding. After a lengthy study and a lot of hard work by the local people, the great Dujiangyan Irrigation System was completed. Since then, the Chengdu Plain has been free of fl ooding, and the people have been living peacefully and a fluently.

The project consists of three important parts, namely Yuzui(Fish Mouth Water-dividing Dam), Feishayan(Flying Sand Fence)and Banpingkou(Bottle Neck Channel), scientifically designed to automatically control the water flow of the rivers from the mountains to the plains throughout the year.

The Yuzui or Fish Mouth Water-dividing Dam, named for its conical head that is said to resemble the mouth of a fish, is the key part of Li Bing's construction. It is an artifi cial levee that divides the water into inner and outer streams. The inner stream is deep and narrow, while the outer stream is relatively shallow but wide. This special structure ensures that the inner stream carries 60% of the river flow into the irrigation system during the dry season. While during the fl ood, this amount decreases to 40% to protect the people from fl ooding. The outer stream drains away the rest, fl ushing out much of the silt and sediment.

The Feishayan or Flying Sand Weir has a 200-meter wide opening that connects the inner and outer streams. This allows the natural swirling fl ow of the water to drain out excess water from the inner to the outer stream to prevent fl ooding. The swirl also drains out silt and sediment that fail to go into the outer stream. A modern reinforced concrete weir has replaced Li Bing's original weighted bamboo baskets.

The Baopingkou or Bottle-Neck Channel, which Li Bing gouged through the mountain, is the fi nal part of the system. The channel distributes the water to the farmlands to the west, whilst the narrow entrance, which gives it its name, works as a check gate, creating the whirlpool flow that carries away the excess water over Flying Sand Fence, to ensure against fl ooding.

Erwang Temple is located at the hillside on the right bank of Minjiang River and it's used to commemorate Li Bing and his son. Now, in the main hall of the temple, there are sculptures of Li Bing and his son, and the stone wall here is inscribed with the water control words passed down from ancient times. Yulei Mountain is sitting on the east side of Erwang Temple. There is a section of the ancient Great Wall of Ming Dynasty on the mountain. It has a great view to observe the whole view of the Dujiang Irrigation System, even the scenery of Dujiangyan City.

Fulong Temple is located in the Lidui Park. It was fi rst built in Jin Dynasty. There is a stone statue of Li Bing in the front hall,which was excavated from the river in 1974, and the statue was carved in Eastern Han Dynasty.

Crossing the Outer River and Inner River, Anlan Suspension Bridge is reputed as one of the Top Five Bridges in ancient China. It was built before Song Dynasty(960-1279), and today's Anlan Suspension Bridge was rebuilt in 1974. When you walk on the bridge, the bridge will swing as long as someone swings it, and it's very exciting.

Why not set your foot on this wonderland and experience the forerunner of the world conservancy culture by yourselves!

Cultural Tips

Briefl y introduce the features of Dujiangyan Irrigation System.

Dujiangyan is a great miracle of China's water conservancy project. Its greatness lies in that it has been in function for almost 2,300 years, providing more and more benefi ts to later generations. This project makes full use of nature, which turns the fl ood of Minjiang River into a water project, making mountain, water and man stay in harmony. It is by far the only existing ancient ecological water conservancy project which makes use of gravity irrigation instead of diversion with dam around the world.


都江堰是中国水利工程技术的伟大奇迹。它最伟大之处是建堰近2 300年仍经久不衰,而且发挥着越来越大的作用。都江堰工程是充分利用自然条件,变岷江水害为水利,使山、水、人三者高度和谐统一,是全世界迄今为止仅存的一项无坝引水、自流灌溉的古代生态水利工程。

Language Focus

Words and Expressions

irrigation / ˌɪrɪˈɡeɪʃn/ n . 灌溉

fl ood / fl ʌd/ n . 洪水;涨潮

stream / striːm/ n . 溪流;河流

drain / dreɪn/ v . 排水;流干

fl ush / fl ʌʃ / v . 冲洗;冲掉

swirl / swɜːl/ v . 盘绕;打旋

whilst / waɪlst/ conj . 当……的时候;然而

whirlpool / ˈwɜːlpuːl/ n . 漩涡;涡流

artifi cial levee 人工堤防

silt and sediment 淤泥和沉积物

concrete weir 混凝土坝

Useful Sentences

1. This special structure ensures that the inner stream carries 60% of the river fl ow into the irrigation system during the dry season.


2. The outer stream drains away the rest, fl ushing out much of the silt and sediment.


3. This allows the natural swirling fl ow of the water to drain out excess water from the inner to the outer stream to prevent fl ooding.


4. The swirl also drains out silt and sediment that failed to go into the outer stream.


5. The channel distributes the water to the farmlands to the west, whilst the narrow entrance, that gives it its name, works as a check gate, creating the whirlpool fl ow that carries away the excess water over Flying Sand Fence, to ensure against fl ooding.



Practice and Exercises

Task 1 Discuss with your partners and then answer the questions according to the passage.

1. When was Dujiangyan Irrigation System listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO?

2. Where is Dujiangyan Irrigation System located?

3. How many important parts does Dujiangyan Irrigation System consist of ?

4. What's the function of Yuzui?

5. Which attractions around Dujiangyan Irrigation System are related to Li Bing?

Task 2 Complete the following sentences with words and phrases in the box.

oficial construct complete irrigation decrease ensure sculpture

1. Only by using modern __________ methods can we reduce water shortage in agriculture.

2. A senior government _________ said the agreement is close.

3. My next work was to _________ a nest and fi x it in a tree.

4. The rules are there to _________ everyone's safety and enjoyment.

5. Children don't _________ their set of 20 baby teeth until they are two to three years old.

6. Population growth is _________ by 1.4% each year.

7. This concept has been applied successively to painting, architecture and _________.

Task 3 Complete the following sentences by translating the words or phrases in brackets into English.

1. Over 2,200 years ago, the Chengdu Plain was threatened by _______________________(岷江引起的洪水泛滥).

2. Since then, the Chengdu Plain has been free of fl ooding and the people _______________________(和平而富足地生活).

3. It is an artifi cial levee that _______________________(把河流分成内河和外河).

4. The inner stream is _______________________(深且窄), while the outer stream is relatively _______________________(浅却宽).

5. A _______________________(现代加固的混凝土堰)has replaced Li Bing's original weighted bamboo baskets.

6. Erwang Temple is located at the hillside on the right bank of Ming River and _______________________(它被用来纪念李冰父子).

7. Crossing the Outer River and Inner River, Anlan Suspension Bridge _______________________(被誉为中国古代五大桥之一).

Listening Activities

Listen to the passages and fi ll in the blanks with the missing words or expressions you have heard.

Passage 1
Wenshu Temple

Wenshu Temple is located at No.15 Wenshuyuan Street of Renmin Zhong Road. This Tang Dynasty Buddhist temple is the most 1._________ and perhaps also the most used temple in Chengdu. It is 2._________ to the Buddhist representation of Wisdom, Wenshu Pusa(Manjusri Bodhisatva), and contains more than 450 Buddha 3._________ and other precious 4._________.In addition to the halls and gardens, the temple also has a 5._________ tea house that of ers an 6._________ window of Chengdu life as it is frequented by locals who engage in games of chess, reading, knitting, or just chatting with family and friends. The temple also has a delightful 7._________ restaurant with seats of ering views over the gardens(NOTE—as of September 2012, the tea house and restaurant are closed for 8._________). There are many shops around the temple. The entry fee is only 5 yuan.

Passage 2
Kuanzhai Alley

Kuanzhai Alley historical & cultural district consists of Kuan Lane, Zhai Lane and Jing Lane, which are in parallel arrays running from east to west with a group of quadrangles. It is one of the three major historical & cultural 1._________ areas in Chengdu. It is not only the last relic of the city pattern of “thousand-year old young city” and the one-hundred year 2._________ architectural structure of old Chengdu, but also the only 3._________ copy in southern China from the lane(Hutong)culture and architectural style of northern China.According to the plan, the control area is 479 mu, in which the 4.________ conservation area covers 108mu. At present, the 5._________ walls, aged 6.______ and old gates here are much stronger than before after the 7._________. Moreover, with the 8.______________ of business and culture, Kuanzhai Alley has become the most leisurely, fashionable and 9._________courtyard consumption experiencing area.

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