
Unit 1
Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park


Zhangzha Town,

Jiuzhaigou County,

Aba Tibetan and

Qiang Autonomous

prefecture of Sichuan

province, China.

Reasons to visit

World Natural


National Park of


National Reserve of


National Geopark of


General Introduction

Jiuzhaigou Valley or Jiuzhaigou National Park was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992. Jiuzhaigou Valley literally means “Nine Village Valley” and is named after the nine Tibetan villages scattered throughout the park. The superb landscapes of Jiuzhaigou Valley are particularly interesting for their narrow conic karst(喀斯特)landforms and spectacular waterfalls and lakes. There are over 220 bird species found in Jiuzhaigou Valley as well as a number of endangered plant and animal species, including the giant panda, Sichuan golden monkey and the Sichuan takin(扭角羚).The scenic area is rich in biodiversity and rare species are prominent. Mountain lakes, waterfalls, colorful forests, snowy peaks, blue ice and Tibetan customs are known as the “six wonders of Jiuzhaigou”, which is called the “fairy tale world” and the “king of waterscape”.


Read the following text and take notes of important information, useful words and expressions in the right column while reading.

A Chinese slang says: Never want any other mountain after coming back from Wuyue. Never want any other water after coming back from Jiuzhai. Jiuzhaigou Valley or Jiuzhaigou National Park is located in the Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture of Sichuan Province, South Western China. The altitude of the Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park ranges from 1,990m at the entrance to 4,764m at the peak of Ga Er Na Feng Mountain. It was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1992. Jiuzhaigou Valley literally means “Nine Village Valley”and is named after the nine Tibetan villages scattered throughout the park.

Jiuzhaigou Valley is well-known as one of the areas with the freshest air on Earth, where the horizontal visibility is as far as 50km. The climate there is that of temperate monsoon,sunny, clear, cool in summer but not windy in winter. It is the ideal resort for sightseeing and holidays. The superb landscapes of Jiuzhaigou Valley are particularly interesting for their narrow conic karst landforms and spectacular waterfalls and lakes. There are over 220 bird species found in Jiuzhaigou Valley as well as a number of endangered plant and animal species, including the giant panda, Sichuan golden monkey and the Sichuan takin(扭角羚).

There are six wonders in Jiuzhaigou Valley, including multicolored lakes, rushing waterfalls, virgin forest, sunrise, blue ice and authentic Tibetan culture.

Water is the spirit of Jiuzhaigou Valley. There are 114 lakes in the park that span over 1,000m in altitude. It is said that these lakes were formed when a young boy presented the goddess Woluo Semo with a mirror made of wind. The goddess broke the mirror and 114 pieces fell to the earth and the sparkling gemlike lakes of Jiuzhaigou Valley were formed. “The Fairyland of Earth” was created.

There are 5 major waterfalls and numerous smaller waterfalls throughout the park. The Nuorilang Waterfall is the widest travertine topped waterfall in China. All of Jiuzhaigou Valley's scenic sites were formed as a result of the build-up of snow during the Quaternary period which led to the development of Jiuzhaigou Valley's glaciers. These glaciers subsequently cut and carved out the valley sides and floors, creating Jiuzhaigou Valley as we know it today.

Forests cover more than half of the scenic area and much of the area not covered is above the tree line. As seasons alternate,the colors of the deciduous species change the look of Jiuzhaigou Valley.

The main attraction of the “Winter Wonderland” scenery is the magnifi cent, frozen waterfalls, in particular the Pearl Shoals and Nuorilang waterfalls. The magnitude of these giant blue icicles have created fairy tale world like descriptions of winter in Jiuzhaigou Valley.

The local people still hold onto many of their traditional customs and culture. Local food and drink traditionally include barley(大麦), yak meat and mutton. Barley is the main staple which is used for yak butter tea, barley wine, barley bread and other dishes.

Cultural Tips

Jiuzhaigou, originally called the “cave of the sheep”, got its name due to the distribution of nine Tibetan villages nearby—Heye, Shuzheng, and Zezhawa, etc. Jiuzhaigou's “six wonders”are: emerald lakes, colorful woods, snow-capped mountains, terraced-waterfalls, Tibetan customs, and blue icicles.



Language Focus

Words and Expressions

scattered / ˈskætəd/ adj . 分散的;散乱的

horizontal /ˌhɒrɪˈzɒntl/ adj . 水平的

superb / suːˈpɜːb/ adj . 极佳的,质量极高的

spectacular / spekˈtækjələ(r)/ adj . 壮观的,壮丽的,令人惊叹的

travertine / ˈtrævətɪn/ n . [地质]石灰华(一种多孔碳酸钙)

Quaternary / kwəˈtə:nəri/ adj . 第四纪(岩石)的

glacier / ˈɡlæsjə/ n . 冰河,冰川

subsequently / ˈsʌbsɪkwəntli/ adv. 随后,其后;后来

deciduous / dɪˈsɪdjuəs/ adj . 落叶性的,脱落性的

magnitude / ˈmæɡnɪtjuːd/ n . 巨大;规模;大小

prevalent / ˈprevələnt/ adj . 盛行的,普遍的

Useful Sentences

1. Jiuzhaigou Valley literally means “Nine Village Valley” and is named after the nine Tibetan villages scattered throughout the park.


2. The altitude of the Jiuzhaigou Valley National Park ranges from 1,990m at the entrance to 4,764m at the peak of Ga Er Na Feng Mountain.

九寨沟国家公园的海拔范围从1 990米的入口处到4 764米的山顶。

3. The superb landscapes of Jiuzhaigou Valley are particularly interesting for their narrow conic karst landforms and spectacular waterfalls and lakes. narrow conic karst landforms and spectacular waterfalls and lakes. narrow conic karst landforms and spectacular waterfalls and lakes. narrow conic karst landforms and spectacular waterfalls and lakes. narrow conic karst landforms and spectacular waterfalls and lakes.


4. All of Jiuzhaigou Valley's scenic sites were formed as a result of the build up of snow during the Quaternary period which led to the development of Jiuzhai Valley's glaciers. of snow during the Quaternary period which led to the development of Jiuzhai Valley's glaciers. of snow during the Quaternary period which led to the development of Jiuzhai Valley's glaciers. of snow during the Quaternary period which led to the development of Jiuzhai Valley's glaciers. of snow during the Quaternary period which led to the development of Jiuzhai Valley's glaciers.


5. It is said that these lakes were formed when a young boy presented the goddess Woluo Semo with a mirror made of wind.

据说这些湖是由一个小男孩送给一位叫Woluo Semo女神一面由风做成的镜子形成的。

6. The magnitude of these giant blue icicles have created many fairy tale like descriptions of winter in Jiuzhaigou Valley. descriptions of winter in Jiuzhaigou Valley.


Practice and Exercises

Task 1 Discuss with your partners and then answer the questions according to the passage.

1. Where is Jiuzhaigou Valley located?

2. Could you introduce the main characteristics of Jiuzhaigou Valley?

3. Why people say “Never want any other water after coming back from Jiuzhai”?

4. What impressed you most about Jiuzhaigou Valley?

Task 2 Complete the following sentences with words and phrases in the box.

range superb resort deciduous magnitude scattered subsequently spectacular

1. His medical skill is so __________ that he can hardly be fi lled in for in an emergency.

2. He is interested in collecting leaves of the _____________ trees.

3. The ski ________ is expanding to meet the growing number of skiers that come here.

4. The view from the top of the tower was ______________.

5. Although he ______________ became a successful businessman, his criminal past caught up with him.

6. We did not realize the ______________ of the problem.

7. Wreckage from the plane was _______________over a wide area.

8. Prices _________ from $119 to $199, depending on the particular confi guration.

Task 3 Complete the following sentences by translating the words or phrases in brackets into English.

1. Jiuzhaigou Valley is well-known as one of the areas with the freshest air on the earth, where the _______________________(水平能见度)is as far as 50km.

2. Jiuzhaigou Valley has “six wonders”. including emerald lakes, colorful woods, snow-capped mountains, terraced-waterfalls, _________(藏情), and blue icicles.

3. The goddess broke the mirror and 114 pieces fell to the earth, which became ___________(闪闪发光的宝石般的湖泊)of Jiuzhaigou Valley.

4. Forests cover more than half of the scenic area and much of the area not covered is _______________________(在林木线以上).

5. The ______________________(主要景点)of the “Winter Wonderland” scenery is the magnifi cent, frozen waterfalls, in particular the Pearl Shoals and Nuorilang waterfalls.

6. Barley is the _______________________(主食)which is used for yak butter tea, barley wine, barley bread and in other dishes.

Listening Activities

Listen to the passages and fi ll in the blanks with the missing words or expressions you have heard.

Passage 1
Jiuzhaigou Valley

Hidden deep in the mountains of western China, Sichuan province, there is a primitive and 1._________ valley called Jiuzhaigou Valley. It has preserved one of the most stunning views of nature, which could be called China's Garden of Eden. Its signature 2._________ is the crystal lakes with turquoise and many other colors of white, blue, green and emerald. The secret of 3._________ the lake is the spirogyra, charophyte, and other kinds of ferns that grow in the water. They contain chlorophyll, which helps create 4._________ colors. These colors vary according to the season, light and the viewing 5._________. There are 108 lakes like this dotted around the three major valleys in Jiuzhaigou. Each of these valleys has an 6._________higher than 2,000 meters and altogether the valleys are 49 kilometers long. Besides these magical lakes, Jiuzhaigou Valley also has China's 7.________ waterfall—Nuorilang Waterfall with a width of 270 meters. If you visit Jiuzhaigou Valley during the right time, you may even experience the rotation of four seasons in one day. From the colorful scene to the white 8._________, Jiuzhaigou Valley could change in a very short time. It is perhaps the ultimate fairyland in China.

Passage 2
Huanglong National Nature Reserve

Huanglong National Nature Reserve situated in Songpan county, in the northwest Sichuan province. It is 31.5 kilometers long, 28.4 kilometers wide and covers 55,000 hectares. Its main1._________ for protection are natural scenery and rare wildlife. Huanglong valley is made up of 2._________ peaks and China's eastern-most glaciers. In addition to its mountain landscape, there are 3._________ forest ecosystems, spectacular limestone formations,waterfalls and hot springs in this area. The area also has a population of 4._________ animals,including the giant panda and the Sichuan golden snub-nosed monkey. It is known for its seven wonders of colorful waters, snowy peaks, 5._________, gullies,shoals,ancient temples,and folklore. The Five-colored Pools are the largest group of colorful pools in Huanglong and 6._________ the best of the scenic area. These beautiful pools have earned Huanglong an appellation as the “Celestial Pool on Earth.” Huanglong Scenic and Historic Interest Area is a 7._________ scenic site bestowed with the triple international laurels of “World Natural Heritage” “World Biosphere Reserve” and “Green Globe 21”.

Work Sheet


Study Record 6K3suqRFLLGidp3OscK2gB+7bDHQ6ANDxBJ0AmfHM/1WAUH0IxLzV3l5AUtkTQfy
