
Unit 4
Baidi City Qutang Gorge Scenic Area


Baidi Town, Fengjie

County, Chongqing,


Reasons to visit

A good view of the

Yangtze River and the

Three Gorges;

Combination of nature

and humanities.

General Introduction

Baidi City Qutang Gorge Scenic Area is located in Fengjie County, Chongqing.It is located at the west entrance of the Yangtze Three Gorges. It faces Kuimen in the east, Baiyan Mountain across the river in the south, Fengjie County in the west, Jigong Mountain in the north. It covers an area of 4.7 square kilometers. The scenic area mainly consists of two parts, Baidi City and Qutang Gorge Scenic Area. It has numerous scenic spots and historical sites, and it is a combination of nature and humanities, poetry, and war fire. It's the starting point to get a good view of the Yangtze River and the Three Gorges. In 1978, the Baidi City Scenic Area was o ficially opened to the public, and it was one of the fi rst scenic spots to be opened to the public in China.


Read the following text and take notes of important information, useful words and expressions in the right column while reading.

A few miles into Fengjie County, on the northern bank of the Yangtze River is Baidi City. It is located on Baidi Mountain at the mouth of Qutang Gorge, one of the Three Gorges of the Yangtze River.

The city used to be part of the north bank mainland, but with raised water levels of the Yangtze River after construction of the Three Gorges Dam, the entire hill temple complex is now on an island connected to the north bank via a solid concrete link-way bridge. Many of the old low-lying structures linking the city to the hill are now completely submerged underwater, with newer buildings now all built higher up above the Yangtze water line.

A solid concrete retaining wall now surrounds the entire island like a fortress, offering protection to the historical site,which goes with the Bai Di City's name. Crossing the link-way bridge will be right into the island, with a large Zhuge Liang statue and memorial greeting you at the island entrance after the bridge.

The city is built on the top and along the slopes of the hill island itself. Many legends were spoken of this mystical place.It is said that in the late Western Han Dynasty(206 BC-24 AD),Gongsun Shu, a general, set up a separatist regime by force of arms in Sichuan. He claimed himself the King of Shu. Because he saw white fog rising from the well of the mountain which was like a white dragon, he called himself Baidi(the White Emperor). And he made it the capital city and gave the city the name — Baidi City(White Emperor City).

The current site of Baidi City was repaired in the Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty(1368-1911). As it against Kuimen of Qutang Gorge in the east, it is close to the Eight Elements Battle Formation in the west and is surrounded by water on three sides.It was often the point of battle in history.

In Baidi Temple, some ancient architectures can be seen.Tuogu Tang(Entrusting Son Hall)is the most attractive one.In the Three Kingdoms Period(220-280), the king of the Shu Kingdom, Liu Bei, failed in the battle with the Wu Kingdom at Baidi City. He became ill and entrusted his son to his prime minister, Zhuge Liang before he died. Now, the hall exhibits the statues which depict the scene of Liu Bei entrusting his son to Zhuge Liang. The statue of Gongsun Shu was once in Mingliang Palace. In the Ming Dynasty, the statue was replaced by those of Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhangfei and Zhuge Liang. Another feature worth-mentioning is the Guanxing Ting(Observing Stars Pavilion). It is said that the place is where Zhuge Liang observed the stars and thought about the tactics of using military forces.

Besides the palace at the top, there are several nice Chinese style gardens surrounded by classical Chinese huts sheltered by shady root-breathing trees and Zen gardens. There is even an exhibit introducing visitors to the gorge clif -side co fins. Baidi City is also known as the City of Poems. Numerous celebrities created poems when they stayed here, even legendary poet Li Bai wrote about the city in his poem— Setting Off Early from Baidi City . Morning left Baidi colorful clouds amidst. Thousand li Jiangling one day return. Two sides monkey sound cry not stop. Light boat already through thousands ranges mountains.

In 2006, Baidi City was announced by The State Council as a national heritage site. The views up on the hill are magnifi cent,of ering unobstructed views of the Qutang Gorge of the Yangtze River. Baidi city is now still be a prominent tourist attraction,with it being popular with cruise ships which spend half a day berthing by the Yangtze River for tours. If old traditional Chinese architecture and palaces are your interest, Baidi City will defi nitely be worth a visit.

Cultural Tips

What's the meaning of “Ba” and “Shu”?

The “Ba” means that Ba river looks like a python in shape: the “Shu” represents a cocooning silkworm, which symbolizes well-developed farming. The Jialing River is a natural boundary of ancient Ba and Shu, the east of which is Ba, and the north of which is Shu.



Language Focus

Words and Expressions

gorge / ɡɔːdʒ/ n . 峡,峡谷

mainland / ˈmeɪnlənd/ n . 大陆,本土

submerge / səbˈmɜːdʒ / v . 淹没;把……浸入;沉浸

fortress / ˈfɔːtrəs / n . 堡垒;要塞

slope / sləʊp / n . 斜坡;倾斜

regime / reɪˈʒiːm / n . 政权,政体

entrust / ɪnˈtrʌst / v . 委托,交托

sacrifi ce / ˈsækrɪfaɪs / v . & n . 牺牲;祭品;供奉

observe / əbˈzɜːv / v . 观察;遵守

tactic / ˈtæktɪk / n . 策略,手法,战术

solid concrete 混凝土

prime minister 首相,总理

Useful Sentences

1. As it against Kuimen of Qutang Gorge in the east, it is close to the Eight Elements Battle Formation in the west and is surrounded with water on three sides, it was often the point of battle in history.


2. Besides the palace at the top, there are several nice Chinese style gardens surrounded by classical Chinese huts sheltered by shady root-breathing trees and Zen gardens.


3. There is even an exhibit introducing visitors to the gorge clif -side co fins.


4. The views up on the hill are magnificent, offering unobstructed views of the Qutang Gorge of the Yangtze River. Qutang Gorge of the Yangtze River.


5. Baidi city is now still be a prominent tourist attraction, with it being popular with cruise ships which spend half a day berthed by the Yangzte for tours.


Practice and Exercises

Task 1 Discuss with your partners and then answer the questions according to the passage.

1. Could you recite Setting Of Early from Baidi City ?

2. Where is Baidi City located?

3. Can you explain the story of the name of Baidi City?

4. What is Baidi City famous for in the history of the Three Kingdoms ?

Task 2 Complete the following sentences with words and phrases in the box.

magnificent shelter unobstructed prominent cruise legendary

1. Upon entering the building, you get a splendid __________ view of West Lake.

2. The Taj Mahal is a __________ building.

3. I’d love to go on a round-the-world _________.

4. People were desperately seeking __________ from the gunfi re.

5. After reading a biography of Premier Zhou Enlai, I knew more about his __________ life.

6. She is a ____________ scholar in the fi eld of linguistics.

Task 3 Complete the following sentences by translating the words or phrases in brackets into English.

1. Many of the old low-lying structures linking the city to the hill are now_____________________(完全淹没在水下).

2. With newer buildings now all built higher up_______________________(在长江水位线上).

3. Because he saw white fog rising from the well of the mountain which was like a white dragon, _______________________(他称自己为白帝).

4. Now, the hall exhibits the statues which _______________________(描述刘备托孤诸葛亮的场景).

5. It is the place where Zhuge Liang _________________________________(观星)and_______________________(思考用兵之术).

6. Baidi is also known as the_______________________(诗歌之城).

7. ______________________(许多名人)have been here and created poems, even______________________(传奇诗人)Li Bai wrote about the city in his poem-Setting Of Early from Baidi City.

Listening Activities

Listen to the passages and fi ll in the blanks with the missing words or expressions you have heard.

Passage 1
Century Glory Cruise Ship

Just made her maiden 1._________ in September 2019, Century Glory has drawn the high 2._________ of cruise travelers as the largest and newest one among all the Yangtze River cruise ships. It is also the new 3._________ of Yangtze River cruises due to the elaborate design and the high-quality development strategy of the honored Century Cruises. Being a top 4._________ cruise to serve various world cruise guests, Century Glory cruise well prepare and present 5._________ 8 types of rooms and suites, diverse entertainment amenities, relaxing places, high-class restaurants, excellent sundeck for views, and 6._________ design and decorations from every room to every public area, to meet your traveling needs with family,friends, partner, or alone. Furthermore, the hospitable and proactive cruise 7._________ at every position is highly trained to present the 8._________ services to treat you as their friends. Board Century Glory, let her take you to start your glorious cruise trip in China!

Passage 2
The Han Lin Academy

Han Lin is the name of an 1._________ position in ancient China. The Han Lin Academy is an ancient private school 2._________ in the main urban area of Chongqing. During the reign of Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty(1736-1795), there was a private school called“Lishi 3._________” of the Sun family in the Ciqikou Ancient Town. And then it was called“Lishi school” by the common people. In the late Qing Dynasty, three people of the Sun family passed the imperial 4._________ at the provincial level. They all became Han Lin. At the same time, Huang Zhongyin who studied here was a successful 5._________ in the highest imperial examinations. He was fi rst a Han Lin. And then he served as the Academy o ficer to 6._________the imperial history. Duan Dazhang, another student, also was a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations, and he also became a Han Lin. Therefore, the local people also called the 7._________ the “The Han Lin Academy”. Later, Huang Zhongyin 8._________ the private Academician Courtyard. And it has been handed down from generation to generation by the Huang family.

Work Sheet


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