
Unit 2
Chengdu Wuhou Shrine


No.231 Wuhouci

Street, Chengdu,

Sichuan province,


Reasons to visit

Three Kingdoms

relics museum;

The Lord and

ministers are

enshrined together.

General Introduction

The Chengdu Wuhou Shrine was constructed as a temple to commemorate Liu Bei,his chancellor Zhuge Liang and other outstanding Shu Han fi gures. It originates from 221 when Liu Bei's Hui Tomb was being built. Around 500 AD, Wuhou Shrine relocated from Chengdu “Shaocheng” to Hui Tomb and Han Zhaolie Temple.

In 1390, the Prince Shuxian of Ming proceeded to the temple to pay homage. He decided to unify Hui Tomb, Hanzhaolie Temple and Wuhou Shrine into one shrine. Since the magnificence of Zhuge Liang overshadows that of Liu Bei in the hearts of many common folks, thus in general, the complex is referred to as “Wuhou Shrine”. Toward the end of the Ming Dynasty, Wuhou Shrine was destroyed in the war, then reconstructed in 1671. Wuhou Shrine is China's only shrine where lord and ministers are enshrined together and the world's most infl uential Three Kingdoms relics museum.


Read the following text and take notes of important information, useful words and expressions in the right column while reading.

The Chengdu Wuhou Shrine is situated in the south of Chengdu city and faces south. It's adjacent to the Emperor Liubei's Tomb as well as his temple.

Wuhou Shrine consists of the following scenic spots:Hanzhaolie Temple, Liu Bei's Hall, Zhuge Liang's Hall, and the Emperor Liu Bei's Tomb.

Wuhou Shrine originated from 221 when Liu Bei's Hui Tomb was being built. Around 500 AD, during the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Wuhou Shrine relocated from Chengdu “Shaocheng” to Hui Tomb and Han Zhaolie Temple, which was a move that lasted up to the Ming Dynasty.In 1390, the Prince Shuxian of Ming proceeded to the temple to pay homage. He merged Hui Tomb, Hanzhaolie Temple and Wuhou Shrine into one shrine. Towards the end of the Ming Dynasty, the shrine was destroyed during the war chaos. The present constructions date from the Qing Dynasty in 1671.

Wuhou Shrine became a national cultural relic protection unit in 1961 and a museum in 1984. It is not only the most infl uential museum dedicated to the study of the Three Kingdoms culture, but also China's only shrine where lord and ministers are enshrined together.

Inside Zhuge Liang's Hall, horizontal inscribed boards and couplets which carry words of praise for Zhuge Liang are fi lling up the walls. You can look at the couplet hanging in front of you.It is the famous couplet written by Zhao Pan in 1902. Literally,it means that: Try to persuade an enemy to stop his attack during the war, and the war will then disappear. No soldiers want to fi ght since ancient times. Try not to forget conditions and situations,otherwise, leniency and strict punishment will all fall.

There is a story about this couplet. Zhuge Liang served as the general commander of the Kingdom of Shu, he was scheduled to attack the Kingdom of Wei in North China.However, he was worried that the troops of the ethnic groups might take this opportunity to harass the Shu Kingdom. So he went to those areas with his troops and hoped to establish a good relationship with the ethnic groups. At that time, Meng Huo was the top leader of the ethnic groups. He didn't accept Zhuge Liang's kindness and sent his soldiers to fi ght against the troops from the Shu. Zhuge Liang successfully defeated Meng's attack and caught him. Instead of punishing Meng Huo, Zhuge Liang set him free. Then Meng Huo launched another attack. However,he met with the same defeat, and Zhuge Liang set him free again. On the seventh time when Meng Huo was caught, Meng prostrated himself before Zhuge Liang, saying that he and his soldiers had given up on attacking, and he would like sincerely to have a good relationship with the Shu. From then on, the ethnic groups and people of the Shu lived in peace.

From this story, we can know that as a military official,Zhuge Liang was able to convince his opponents with his wisdom and defeat his rivals by psychological tactics.

Wuhou Shrine is the most venerated memorial of Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei and other important Shu Han individuals, and the world's most influential Three Kingdoms relics museum. The average annual number of visitors received at the Wuhou Shrine reaches approximately ten million person-times.

Cultural Tips

What is Tablets of Three Consummations?

There are two kinds of statements for Tablets of Three Consummations. One refers to the superb wisdom of Zhuge Liang, the essay of Pei Du and the calligraphy of Liu Congchuo; he other refers to the superb essay of Pei Du, the calligraphy of Liu Gongchuo and the carving of Lu Jian.



Language Focus

Words and Expressions

adjacent / əˈdʒeɪsnt / adj . 邻近的;毗连的

relocate /ˌriːˈloʊkeɪt / v . 重新安置;迁移

proceed / prəˈsiːd / v . 开始;继续进行;发生

enshrine / ɪnˈʃraɪn / v . 珍藏;把……奉为神圣

couplet / ˈkʌplət / n . 对联;对句

leniency / ˈliːniənsi / n . 仁慈;温和

opponent / əˈpoʊnənt / n . 对手;反对者

rival / ˈraɪvl / 竞争对手;可与……匹敌的人

pay homage 向……表示敬意;祭拜

horizontal inscribed board 牌匾

military o ficial 军官

psychological tactic 心理策略

Useful Sentences

1. Around 500 AD, during the period of the Northern and Southern Dynasties,Wuhou Shrine relocated from Chengdu “Shaocheng” to Hui Tomb and Han Zhaolie Temple, which was a move that lasted up to the Ming Dynasty.


2. In 1390, the Prince Shuxian of Ming proceeded to the temple to pay homage. He merged Hui Tomb, Hanzhaolie Temple and Wuhou Shrine into one shrine.


3. It is not only the most infl uential museum dedicated to the study of the Three Kingdoms culture, but Wuhou Shrine is also China's only shrine where lord and ministers are enshrined together.


4. As you can see, inside the hall, horizontal inscribed boards and couplets which carry words of praise for Zhuge Liang are fi lling up the walls.


5. However, he was worried that the troops of the ethnic groups might take this opportunity to harass the Shu Kingdom.


Practice and Exercises

Task 1 Discuss with your partners and then answer the questions according to the passage.

1. Can you introduce Wuhou Shrine in one sentence?

2. Where is Wuhou Shrine located?

3. How many main structures does Wuhou Shrine consist of ?

4. Is there any other shrine where lord and ministers are enshrined together in China?

5. How do people evaluate Zhuge Liang as a military o ficial?

Task 2 Complete the following sentences with words and phrases in the box.

originate merge harass defeat prostrate convince wisdom

1. The judge accepted the defendant's undertaking not to_______________ the plaintif(原告).

2. Experience is the mother of _______________.

3. All theories_______________ from practice.

4. She was found _______________ on the fl oor of the cell.

5. A proposal to _______________ the two companies was voted through yesterday.

6. You must learn to accept _______________ with good grace.

7. There is no way anything would ever happen between us, and believe me I’ve tried to_______________ myself for many times.

Task 3 Complete the following sentences by translating the words or phrases in brackets into English.

1. Towards the end of the Ming Dynasty, the shrine _______________________(在战火中被摧毁).

2. Wuhou Shrine became a _______________________(国家文物保护单位)in 1961 and a museum in 1984.

3. Zhuge Liang served as the general commander of the Kingdom of Shu, he _______________


4. So he went to that areas with his troops and wished to _______________________(与少数民族建立友好的关系).

5. At that time, Meng Huo was the top leader of the minorities, he _______________________(拒绝接受诸葛亮的好意)and sent his soldiers to fi ght against the troops from the Shu.

6. On the seventh time when Meng Huo was caught, Meng prostrated himself before Zhuge Liang, saying that _______________________(他和他的士兵放弃进攻), and he would like sincerely to have a good relationship with the Shu.

Listening Activities

Listen to the passages and fi ll in the blanks with the missing words or expressions you have heard.

Passage 1
Jinli Street

Jinli Street is located to the east of the Chengdu Wuhou Shrine. It is recorded that as early as the Qin Dynasty(221 BC-206 BC),Jinli Street was the most famous place for baldachin—a rich, 1._________ cloth.And it was one of the busiest 2._________areas during the Shu Kingdom(221-263).Hence, it is known as “First Street of the Shu Kingdom”. In order to reclaim its 3._________ of former days, it was restored with 4._________ from the Wuhou Shrine and was opened to the public in October of 2004.Since then, visitors from all over China and abroad have gathered here to 5._________, admire the traditional-style buildings, and taste some 6._________. On traditional festival days, Jinli has some theme activities: lantern 7._________ on Lantern Festival, Zongzi eating competition on the Dragon Boat Festival, appreciating the full moon on the Mid-Autumn Festival and so on.Despite the traditional atmosphere here, you can also sense something 8._________. There are many cafes and bars here. They blend modern 9._________ into the old town harmoniously. It's enjoyable to sit on a wooden bench with a cup of delicious cof ee.

Passage 2
Chengdu Qingyang Palace

Qingyang Palace is one of the most famous Taoist temples in China. It is located in the northwest of Chengdu.Qingyang Palace was originally built in the Tang Dynasty, a period when Taoism was 1._________. Most of the parts of the temple that remain in existence are restorations from the Qing Dynasty. The most magnificent of these buildings in Qingyang Palace is the Eight Trigrams Pavilion. Built on 2._________ foundations, with a colored glazed dome on top, this octagonal(八角形)building 3._________ the ancient Chinese 4._________ that “the sky is round and the earth is square”. Many important exhibits of Taoist 5._________ are also on display in Qingyang Palace, such as the 6._________ engraving(雕刻)of the Dao Zang Ji Yao and the stone 7._________ of Lü Dongbin. Wandering through the Qingyang Palace,you will fi nd many locals and visitors eating, drinking tea and playing Mahjong at the temple's 8._________. This is a traditional and extremely popular pastime for the people of Chengdu.If you have time, joining the locals for a 9._________ afternoon at the teahouse is an excellent way to experience life in China of the beaten track.

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