
1.6 Organization of the study

The study contains nine chapters. The first introductory chapter outlines the general information of this research, including personal and theoretical rationale of the research,motivation, statement of problems, solutions to the problems, overall description of methodology, and significance of the present study.

Chapter 2 portrays the contextual background in which the present study is situated. The description of the research context includes the brief history of English language teaching in China, the status quo of English education in secondary schools, the landscape of secondary school EFL teacher training and a summary of the NTTP.

Chapter 3 aims to build up the theoretical foundation for the present study. It reviews the existing literature about key concepts, definitions, theoretical as well as methodological approaches in language teachers’ identity studies. In the end, a conceptual framework that guides the study will be established.

Chapter 4 explains the methodology adopted by the present study, including brief introduction of research sites, rationale for choosing the qualitative paradigm, data collection instruments and analysis procedures.

Chapters 5—7 present the research findings. Detailed description of participants’personal biography, teaching context, classroom practice before and after attending the NTTP, reflections on participating the NTTP and doing classroom-based teacher research. These three chapters provide direct evidence for the formation, development and reconstruction of secondary school EFL teachers’ professional identity.

Based on the analyzed data and guided by the integrated theoretical framework established in Chapter 3, an overall summary and in-depth discussion of findings are provided in Chapter 8. Commonalities and discrepancies in the construction of professional identity between the participant teachers are discussed in detail. At the end of this chapter, a tentative model of secondary school language teachers’ identity formation is proposed.

The last chapter summarizes the findings, draws conclusions and highlights the contribution of this study. It closes with implications and recommendations for future research. 7aUaRTTsDLExHXqnBe/YkR5CS8dxJGIlzVylDRS2i1Drygq2NXfewmccnrtIPccD
