

1. 广东卷



注意:1. 可在思维导图内容提示的基础上适当拓展信息。

2. 不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现真实校名、地名和考生的真实姓名。

3. 语句连贯,词数80左右。作文的标题和开头已经给出,不计入总词数,也不必抄写在答题卡上。

An Interesting Dream

By Li Ming

I have an interesting dream to share with you. _______________________________________________________________




An Interesting Dream

By Li Ming

I have an interesting dream to share with you. In my dream, I became a scientist and invented a smart robot that could even play basketball with me.

I guessed I dreamed of it because I attended the Science Week event two days ago. At the event, I saw many interesting videos and fantastic experiments. [ Last but not least , I had the opportunity to play with a robot that can move and talk!]( 注:满分文中使用中括号([ ])标注的内容均配有MP3音频,可通过登陆封底上的网址下载或扫描正文前的二维码获取。

All of these left a deep impression on me. How amazing science is! [ I want to explore the world of science and I wish I could invent something amazing in the future! ]


① 这是一个高级句型,that引导定语从句修饰先行词robot,补充说明了智能机器人的特点,用法得当、准确。

② 这是一个有亮点的复合句,I guessed后是省略了引导词that的宾语从句,从句中还包含了because引导的原因状语从句,引出了作者猜测的做这个梦的原因。此外,句中还使用了高级词汇dreamed of和attended。

③ 这里分别使用形容词interesting和fantastic来修饰所看过的视频和实验,不仅符合描述对象的特点,也避免了重复,反映了作者的词汇积累。

④ 使用了高级短语Last but not least,意为“最后但同样重要的是”,引出了另一个重要的原因。

⑤ 这是一个高级句型,使用了感叹句,丰富了文章的句式。

⑥ 动词wish后的宾语从句中使用了虚拟语气,表达了作者的希望。用法准确,彰显了作者的语法功底。


a smart robot 一个智能机器人

dream of 梦见

attend the Science Week event 参加科学周活动

interesting videos 有趣的视频

fantastic experiments 奇妙的实验

last but not least 最后但同样重要的是

leave a deep impression on sb. 给某人留下深刻印象

explore the world of science 探索科学世界

in the future 在将来


I guessed I dreamed of it because I attended the Science Week event two days ago.

I believed/thought I dreamed about it because I attended the Science Week event two days ago.

原句意为“我猜我梦见它是因为我参加了两天前的科学周活动”,换句意为“我相信/认为我梦见它是因为我参加了两天前的科学周活动”。在表达观点时,I guessed、I believed和I thought意思相近,可以互换; 表达“梦到某人或某物”时,常用dreamed of/about sb./sth.。

2. 重庆A卷



要求:1. 80~120词;

2. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。

参考信息:Hello, everyone, caring for the older persons is the Chinese traditional virtue (美德).


这是一篇半开放式的看图作文。题目中已经给出了写作思路,考生可先根据Idea bank中的内容构思写作框架,提出一至两个切实可行的孝亲敬长的点子,然后参考Reasons中的内容,分析提出每个点子的原因。文章的时态应以一般现在时为主。


Hello, everyone, caring for the older people is the Chinese traditional virtue. [ We should do what we can to take care of the older people and help them live a comfortable life. ] Here are some suggestions.

Firstly, some old people often feel lonely because the rapidly developing society easily leaves them behind . [By teaching them how to use smartphones and social media software, such as WeChat, TikTok and Weibo, we can help them catch up with society better.] Secondly , if we know our grandparents’ hobbies, we can invite them to do things that bring them happiness and make them feel young. For example, We can invite them to teach us how to cook or how to fish.

Everyone wants to be loved by others when they grow old. Let's take action now!


① 这是一个高级句型,what引导宾语从句,因为主句中已经有动词do,所以从句中省略了谓语动词do;and连接了两个动词不定式短语to take care of the older people和 (to) help them live a comfortable life作目的状语。复杂句运用得当,彰显了作者的语法功底。

② 使用了Firstly、Secondly这类表示先后顺序的词列举观点,使文章结构清晰,富有条理。

③ because引导原因状语从句,从句中还使用了高级短语leaves... behind,为文章增色不少。

④ 分别用such as和For example引出举例内容,用法准确且避免了重复,彰显了作者的语言功底。

⑤ that引导定语从句修饰先行词things,阐明了应做什么的样的事情。

⑥ 使用or连接两个并列的“疑问词 + to do”结构,表达地道。


take care of 照顾

live a comfortable life 过舒适的生活

the rapidly developing society 快速发展的社会

leave... behind 将……留下

social media software 社交媒体软件

WeChat 微信

TikTok 抖音

Weibo 微博

catch up with 追上


Firstly, some old people often feel lonely because the rapidly developing society easily leaves them behind .

Firstly, some old people are easily left behind by the rapidly developing society, so they often feel lonely.

原句中because引导的原因状语位于主句之后,且从句中谓语使用了主动语态leaves... behind;换句中使用了so引导的结果状语从句,且主句中谓语动词使用了被动语态are... left behind。

3. 甘肃平凉卷


假设你是李辉。你校英语报“Protect the Environment”专栏面向全校学生征集主题海报及宣传稿,需要用英语向大家宣讲环保的意义及作为中学生怎样保护环境。请你根据以下海报提示,以Save the Earth: Let's Do Our Part! 为题,用英语给专栏写一篇稿件。

要求:1. 包括提示中所有的写作要点;

2. 条理清楚,行文连贯,可适当发挥;

3. 稿件中不能出现真实的人名和地名等信息;

4. 词数:80左右(题目和开头已给出,不计入总词数)。

Save the Earth: Let's Do Our Part!

The earth is the only home for everyone on it. It's crying for our help now. _______________________________________________________________


这是一篇命题式作文,要求考生根据海报提示,以Save the Earth: Let's Do Our Part! 为题为学校的英语报专栏写一篇英文稿件。分析写作要求和图片可知,作文内容应包含两部分:第一,根据图片中地球的状态以及文字“PLEASE SAVE ME”陈述保护地球生态环境的重要性;第二,根据地球周围的七张小图说明中学生应采取哪些措施保护环境。文章应以一般现在时为主。另外还需注意,在说明保护环境的措施时,应尽量使用提建议的句型。


Save the Earth: Let's Do Our Part!

The earth is the only home for everyone on it. It's crying for our help now. As shown in the picture, the earth is suffering from various environmental problems, such as air pollution, shortage of fresh water, ocean pollution and so on. [ If the situation continues to get worse, human beings will face great disasters. ]

[ Therefore, it is important for us to save the earth and protect our environment. ] As students, we should do our part to improve our environment. First, we are supposed to save water as much as possible, plant more trees and recycle waste materials. Second, we should ride a bicycle instead of taking a car to stop pollution. Third, we should stop littering in public places and use less or no plastics to save sea animals.


① 使用了高级表达As shown in the picture,意为“正如图片所示”,以引出图片中的内容。

② 该句包含了由If引导条件状语从句,说明了环境状况恶化后人类将要面临的情况。这是一个高级句型,句中还使用了高级表达get worse,显示了作者的语言功底。

③ 使用了高级句型“it is/was + adj. + for sb. to do sth.”,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的to do sth.,该句强调了拯救地球、保护环境的重要性。

④ 使用了First、Second和Third这类表示先后顺序的词,列举了保护环境的不同措施,使论述更有条理。

⑤ 使用了高级表达be supposed to do sth.和as much as possible,为文章增色不少。


as shown in the picture 正如图片所示

suffer from... 遭受……(折磨)

environmental problems 环境问题

shortage of fresh water 缺少淡水

get worse 变得更差

face great disasters 面临严重的灾难

as much as possible 尽可能多的

recycle waste materials 回收废物

instead of 而不是,而非

stop littering 停止乱扔垃圾

use less or no plastic 少用或不用塑料


1. Therefore , it is important for us to save the earth and protect our environment.

So , it is of importance for us to save the earth and protect our environment.

两句均大意为“因此,拯救地球和保护环境对我们来说很重要。”表达“因此”时,Therefore和So可以互换;表达“重要的”时,is important可以和is of importance互换。原句和换句中都使用了句型“it is/was + adj. + for sb. to do sth.”,其中it为形式主语,真正的主语是后面的to do sth.。

2. Third, we should stop littering in public places and use less or no plastics to save sea animals .

Third, we should stop littering in public places and save sea animals by using less or no plastics .

原句意为“此外,我们应该停止在公共场合乱扔垃圾,为了拯救海洋动物少用或不使用塑料”;换句意为“此外,我们应该停止在公共场合乱扔垃圾,通过少用或不使用塑料来拯救海洋动物”。原句中用动词不定式短语to save sea animals作目的状语;换句中用by using less or no plastics作方式状语。

4. 河南卷




1. 介绍学校目前30分钟大课间的活动内容,并简单谈谈你的感受;

2. 你对大课间活动内容有什么更好的建议,请写出理由;

3. 文中不得出现考生的真实姓名和学校名称;

4. 词数100左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数)。

参考词汇:shuttlecock exercises 毽子操;badminton 羽毛球;rope skipping 跳绳

The colorful activities during the 30-minute break help make teenagers healthier and stronger. _______________________________________________________________




The colorful activities during the 30-minute break help make teenagers healthier and stronger. There are group activities and free activities in our school. On every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, we usually do group activities, such as running, shuttlecock exercises and radio gymnastics. [ Through these activities, we can relax our bodies and minds. ] On Tuesday and Thursday, we are allowed to do activities at will. Some students play table tennis, basketball, badminton and volleyball; others do rope skipping in groups. [ All these activities not only build our bodies but also promote our friendship. ⑤]

I enjoy swimming and I hope our school will provide us with some pools . Then we can also enjoy ourselves on the hot summer days.


① 使用了There be句型,概述了学校的课间活动安排。

② On every Monday, Wednesday and Friday意为“在每个星期一、星期三和星期五”。

③ 这里用介词短语Through these activities作方式状语,是一个高级表达,也可以将该介词短语放于主句之后。

④ 此处是两个独立的句子,中间用分号隔开,列举了同学们会做哪些自由活动,用法得当,彰显了作者的语言功底。

⑤ 使用了高级表达not only... but also,说明了这些活动给同学们带来的好处,表达地道,同时也丰富了文章的句式。

⑥ 这是一个高级句型,hope后为省略了引导词that的宾语从句。


group activities 集体活动

free activities 自由活动

radio gymnastics 广播体操

at will 随心所欲地

promote friendship 增进友谊

enjoy oneself 某人玩得开心

on the hot summer days 在炎炎夏日


1. There are group activities and free activities in our school.

Our school has group activities and free activities.

两句均意为“我们学校有集体活动和自由活动。”原句使用了there be句型,in our school作地点状语;换句为“主语 + 谓语 + 宾语”结构,Our school作主语。

2. Some students play table tennis, basketball, badminton and volleyball ; others do rope skipping in groups.

Some students play table tennis, basketball, badminton and volleyball, while others do rope skipping in groups.


5. 江苏扬州卷


为丰富校园生活,弘扬中华优秀传统文化,近期你校校报英语专栏举行了Getting Close to Traditional Chinese Culture征文活动,请根据表格中的内容提示写一篇英语短文,向此专栏投稿,介绍中国传统手工艺(handicraft)风筝的历史、特征及其文化重要性,并分享你的看法。

要求:1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连贯;

2. 必须包括提示中的所有信息,并按要求适当发挥;

3. 词数:100词左右(开头已给出,不计入总词数);

4. 不得使用真实姓名、校名和地名等。


Kites have a history of about 2,300 years in China. _______________________________________________________________





Kites have a history of about 2,300 years in China. It is said that Mozi made the first kite in China's Warring States period. Nowadays, kites are usually made from light materials, such as wood, bamboo, paper and cloth. [ To make kites look beautiful and improve their flying ability, most of them are designed to look like birds. ]

In China, kites are a traditional Chinese handicraft and kites in the sky always represent people's good expectations. Kite flying is also a popular outdoor activity in China. [The city of Weifang in Shandong Province, which holds the Kite Festival every year, ⑤ is named the World Kite Capital.]

I think kite flying is a wonderful outdoor activity. Once people see these beautiful kites flying in the sky, ⑥ they will surely like it.


① 使用高级句型It is said that...,意为“据说……”。

② 副词Nowadays作状语,点明了时间;句中还使用了高级短语are made from和such as,介绍了制作风筝的材料,表述清晰、准确。

③ 使用并列的不定式短语作目的状语,丰富了文章的句式;此外,句中的谓语动词使用了被动语态are designed,丰富了文章的表达方式。

④ 介词短语in the sky作后置定语修饰kites,此外,句中还使用了高级词汇represent和expectations,为文章增色不少。

⑤ which引导非限制性定语从句,补充说明了The city of Weifang的特别之处。

⑥ 这是一个高级句型,Once引导条件状语从句,从句中还使用了高级表达see sb. doing sth.,丰富了文章的表达方式。


nowadays 如今

be made from sth. 由某物制成

light materials 轻质材料

improve flying ability 提高飞行能力

be designed to look like birds 被设计得看起来像鸟

represent people's good expectations 代表人们美好的期望

hold the Kite Festival 举办风筝节

a wonderful outdoor activity 一项美妙的户外活动


I think kite flying is a wonderful outdoor activity.

I suppose/I believe kite flying is a wonderful outdoor activity.

In my opinion/As far as I'm concerned, kite flying is a wonderful outdoor activity.

在表达个人观点时,除了可以用I think外,还可以用I suppose、I believe、In my opinion、As far as I'm concerned。需要注意,I suppose、I believe后一般跟可省略that的宾语从句;而In my opinion、As far as I'm concerned 则常用作状语放于句首,用逗号与后面的主句隔开。

6. 陕西A卷




Dear students,

Fathers play a very important role in our life. Today is Father's Day. How will you thank him? Please write a short passage about your plan.

Here are some questions to help you.

• What do you want to say to him?

• What are you going to do for him?

• Why are you going to do that?

We are looking forward to your passage.

School English Club

参考词汇:cook a meal, make a gift, take a walk with him, delicious, special, ...

要求:1. 短文必须包括所给要点,选择使用参考词汇,可适当发挥;

2. 语句通顺,意思连贯,书写工整;

3. 文中不得出现你的任何真实信息(姓名、校名和地名等);

4. 词数:不少于70(开头已给出,但不计入总词数)。

Today is Father's Day. _______________________________________________________________




Today is Father's Day. [ I want to do something that will make my father happy and relaxed. ]

First of all, my father is very busy at work, but he always spares time to cook delicious food for me. Therefore, I am going to cook a special meal for him, which can give him a little break. Secondly, my father likes exercising, so I would like to take a walk with him in the evening. [ In this way, we can exercise together as well as talk to each other, and I will tell him that I love him very much. ] I am very grateful to my father.


① 使用了高级句型,that引导定语从句修饰先行词something,从句中还使用了高级表达“make sb. + adj. ”,此句含有两个得分点。

② 使用First of all和Secondly这类表示先后顺序的词,使文章条理清晰。

③ which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰前面整个句子,既补充说明了为父亲做饭的目的,也丰富了文章的表达句式。

④ 用介词短语作方式状语。

⑤ and连接两个并列的句子,and前的句子中谓语动词为can exercise;and后的句子中谓语动词为will tell,其中that引导宾语从句;此外,句中还使用了高级词汇as well as和together,彰显了作者的语言功底。

⑥ 使用了高级短语be grateful to sb.,使用准确、地道。


make sb. happy and relaxed 让某人开心和放松

be busy at work 忙于工作

spare time to cook delicious food 抽出时间做美食

give sb. a little break 让某人稍微休息下

exercise together 一起锻炼身体

be grateful to sb. 感激某人


In this way, we can exercise together as well as talk to each other, and I will tell him that I love him very much .

By this way, we can work out together and talk to each other, and I will tell him how much I love him.

两句均意为“这样,我们可以一起锻炼,也可以互相交谈,我会告诉他我很爱他。”表达“这样”时,In this way和By this way可以互换。表达“锻炼”时,exercise和work out可以互换。表达“告诉他我很爱他”时,可用that引导宾语从句,也可用how much引导宾语从句。

7. 浙江宁波卷


为了弘扬传统文化,你校结合“宁波元素”在今年5月19日(中国旅游日)开展了丰富多彩的文化活动(cultural activities)。假如你是李华,请根据表格中的信息并结合自身经历,写一篇英语短文向学校英语报投稿。

注意:1. 短文必须包括表格中的所有要点,并适当发挥;

2. 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名;

3. 词数80~100(标题和开头已给出,不计入总词数)。

My Traditional Cultural Experiences

On May 19, our school organized many traditional cultural activities. _______________________________________________________________


这是一篇图表式作文,体裁是记叙文。考生需要根据题目给出的要点描述在中国旅游日当天参加的文化活动以及参加活动的个人感受。根据表格中的提示信息可知,活动是按照时间顺序开展的。注意,表格中没有给出in the afternoon的活动内容,考生需要发挥想象力补全内容。文中的时态应以一般过去时为主。


My Traditional Cultural Experiences

On May 19, our school organized many traditional cultural activities. [ It was a meaningful experience because I learned a lot. ] In the morning, my classmates and I visited Ningbo Museum, where we enjoyed lots of beautiful traditional cultural arts and learned about the city's long history. At noon, we made Ningbo Tangyuan, which was seen as a symbol of family get-togethers. In the afternoon, we attended a drawing contest. Each student created a painting related to Ningbo's traditional culture and shared their reasons for creating it. The contest helped us understand Ningbo's culture better.

[ These activities not only allowed us to learn more about Ningbo's history but also made us feel proud to live in this city. ]


① because引导原因状语从句,说明了为什么是一段有意义的经历。这句话统领后文。

② 这是一个高级句型,where引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词Ningbo Museum,用法准确,彰显了作者的语法功底。

③ 句中使用了多个高级表达:and连接两个并列的谓语created和shared;过去分词短语related to Ningbo's traditional culture作后置定语修饰a painting;介词短语for creating it作后置定语修饰reasons。这些动词和短语运用得当,是文章的一个亮点。

④ 使用了高级表达not only... but also连接两个并列的谓语动词allowed和made;此外,还使用了短语feel proud to do sth.。


a meaningful experience 一段有意义的经历

traditional cultural arts 传统文化艺术

attend a drawing contest 参加绘画比赛

not only... but also... 不仅……而且……

allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事

feel proud to do sth. 为做某事而感到自豪


It was a meaningful experience because I learned a lot.

It was a meaningful experience, for I learned a lot.


8. 安徽卷



注意:1. 短文须包含上图所有信息,可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和地名;

3. 词数80~100(短文题目与首句已为你写好,不计入总词数)。

参考词汇:poster( n. 海报);design( v. & n. 设计)

My Experience of Making a Poster

Last week, I made a poster of the great changes in my hometown. _______________________________________________________________




My Experience of Making a Poster

Last week, I made a poster of the great changes in my hometown.

Firstly, I collected some information and photos about my hometown in my school library. [ Secondly, I interviewed some people who had experienced the changes in my hometown. ] Thirdly, I analyzed and organized all the information I collected. I was alone in charge of drawing pictures and writing the article. Through hard work, I finally finished the poster.

I designed this poster to help myself better understand the past and present of my hometown. By making the poster, I got to know the changes in my hometown. [ I am proud of the progress my hometown has made, and I hope it will become much better in the future. ]


① 使用了Firstly、Secondly和Thirdly这类表示先后顺序的词,使文章条理清晰,层次分明。

② 这是一个高级句型,who引导定语从句,修饰先行词some people。

③ 使用了高级短语be in charge of,为文章增添了文采。

④ 介词短语作方式状语,意为“通过努力工作”。

⑤ 使用动词不定式短语作状语,说明了制作海报的目的。

⑥ and连接了两个并列的句子,and前的句子描述了作者的感受,使用了一般现在时;and后的句子描述了作者的愿望,时态使用准确,彰显了作者的语言功底。


interview 采访

in charge of负责

the past and present 过去和现在

be proud of 为……感到骄傲


Through hard work, I finally finished the poster.

By/With hard work, I eventually finished the poster.

两句均意为“通过努力工作,我终于完成了海报。”Through hard work可以换成By hard work,也可以换成With hard work。表达“最终”时,既可以使用finally,也可以使用eventually。

9. 山东泰安卷


强国有我!作为祖国未来的建设者和接班人,青少年学生要努力成长为堪当大任的栋梁之材。请根据下面提示,以“How to Be Good Students in the New Era”为题写一篇英语短文,谈谈如何做一名新时代(era)的好学生。

要求:1. 语句通顺,意思连贯,可适当发挥;

2. 词数80~100;

3. 文中不得出现真实的姓名、校名、地名等与考生本人相关的信息。

How to Be Good Students in the New Era



这是一篇提纲式作文,体裁是议论文,要求考生以“How to Be Good Students in the New Era”为题写一篇文章。根据提示可知,文章应包括品德、学业和生活三部分内容,而且每个部分要包含两个要点。学生写作时要注意使用恰当的过渡词和连接词,使论证条理清晰、层次分明。文中时态要使用一般现在时。


How to Be Good Students in the New Era

How can we be good students in the new era? I think we should have good moral character, be careful in our studies and be active in our lives.

First of all, we should have good moral character—loving our country, studying the traditional virtues of our nation, as well as being honest and friendly to others. Thus, we can realize our values. Second, we are supposed to study hard. [The more we study, the more we can do for our country.②] What's more, helping others is helping ourselves. Only through cooperation can we achieve win-win results. Third, we should work hard and be independent in our lives. We should exercise more and strengthen our bodies. [ Without a strong body, we can do nothing for our country. ⑤]

Only by achieving these goals can we contribute to the development of our country.


① 使用表示先后顺序的词First of all、Second和Third,使文章条理清晰。

② 使用高级句型“the +比较级,the + 比较级”,是一个亮点表达。

③ 动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数;此外,还使用了高级短语What's more。

④ “only+状语”置于句首时,主句使用部分倒装,这是一个高级句型。

⑤ 句中含有Without和nothing,用双重否定表达肯定意义,增强了语气。

⑥ 这是一个高级句型,使用了倒装句,句型使用得当,体现了作者良好的语言能力。


moral character 道德品质

traditional virtues 传统美德

be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事

what's more 而且

win-win result 双赢的结果

contribute 贡献


Without a strong body, we can do nothing for our country.

Only with a strong body, we can do something for our country.


10. 山西卷


青春期对于每个人来说都是最能彰显生命本色的特殊时期。为了引导同学们正确地认识自我,某校“阳光心理驿站”的老师们以“我发现自己真的很好”为主题,对1 127名学生进行了问卷调查,下图是部分项目的统计结果。

假如你是该校的学生,请结合以下图表信息以“I Find Myself Really Good”为主题,用两段话写一篇短文。

内容包括:1. 简要说明图表内容;

2. 从图表中任选一项,结合自己的经历,谈谈它对你的生活产生了什么积极的影响。

要求:1. 词数不少于80词,首句已给出,不计入总词数;

2. 文中不能出现真实的人名、校名。

I Find Myself Really Good

Our school did a survey on “I Find Myself Really Good” among 1,127 students.



这是一篇图表式作文,要求根据图表信息用两段话写一篇短文。图表中是老师们以“I Find Myself Really Good”为主题进行问卷调查的结果。分析图表内容可知,图表中列举了not complaining、seeing the world with kind eyes和being positive三种心态的占比。根据题目要求可知,第一段应描述图表中的内容;第二段应结合自己的经历谈谈其中一项对自己的积极影响。写作时要注意时态。


I Find Myself Really Good

Our school did a survey on “I Find Myself Really Good” among 1,127 students. Here are the results. 47% of the students answer that they don't like to complain, 86% believe they always see the world with kind eyes, and 53% consider themselves positive. As for me, I find myself a positive student.

[Last week, it was my turn to give a five-minute presentation before class. ] As a shy person, I thought it was a challenging task. But I'm positive, so I tried to complete the task by hard work. At first, I chose a topic and got some useful advice from my teacher. Then I searched some information on the Internet, wrote my speech, and practiced it several times. Finally, I finished the speech successfully. [In my opinion, life is always full of ups and downs . ] Being positive and always making the best of things can help us get over difficulties sooner.


① and连接三个并列的句子,三个句子的谓语分别是answer、believe和consider,用词多样,体现了作者的语言功底。

② 使用了高级句型“it is/was one's turn to do sth.”,意为“轮到某人做某事了”,介绍了故事发生的背景,简洁明了。

③ 此处用介词短语作原因状语,是一个高级表达,增添了文章的文采。

④ 使用了At first、Then和Finally,使文章条理清晰,层次分明。

⑤ 这是一个经典表达,意为“人生总是有起有落”,用在此处贴合语境,彰显了作者的语言能力。

⑥ 此处用and连接的两个并列的动名词短语作主语,是一个高级表达,丰富了文章的句式。


a five-minute presentation 五分钟的演讲

a challenging task 一项具有挑战性的任务

in one's opinion 在某人看来

be full of 充满

ups and downs 起起落落

make the best of sth. 充分利用某物

get over difficulties 克服困难


As a shy person , I thought it was a challenging task.

Because I was shy, I thought it was a challenging task.

As a shy person, I thought it was a tough/difficult task.

原句中用介词短语As a shy person作原因状语;第一个换句中用because引导原因状语从句;第二个换句中将challenging换成了tough或difficult,这三个单词意思相近,在这个语境中可以互换。 mXwyoC1kz79nh/PjfoPsWFhAisX8ld4kjKHtk68I/sIYbvtMtgneiHgTyeMvYlQO
