
Week 5

Monday 完形填空

话题: 我和奶奶

体裁: 记叙文

难度: ★★★

建议用时: 8分钟


正确率:___ /10

From the balcony ( 露台 ) of my grandma’s tenth-floor apartment, I search the sky, hoping to see stars.

“Stars are afraid of city lights, but a little song is 1 good for something.” Grandma puts her arms around me and sings softly in her low and beautiful 2 .

But stars are still hiding.

So I rest 3 deeper into her arms, hoping for a few more minutes of her warmth as much as I hope to see at least one star.

“Tomorrow won’t come if you don’t dream tonight, Sally!” She kisses my hair and points me to 4 .

The next day, I wake up and take the lift 5 Grandma as usual.

On the fourth floor, the lift stops suddenly and it goes dark. I feel my 6 beating in my ears. Grandma rings the bell and is told that the power ( ) is off along the whole street.

Grandma holds my hands, and we sing together in the dark lift.

Before long, Mr. Smith comes and helps us get out safely. Grandma takes my hand, and we walk 7 the stairs to the first floor. Grandma nods in the direction of my school.

“Am I still going?”

“School has power, dear Sally.” She takes my hand again! And I am not 8 for school.

The power is still off when I come home that afternoon.

After dinner and homework, we come to the balcony and watch day turn to evening. Lights come on several streets away, but it’s 9 here.

“Stars might not be so afraid tonight,” I say.

“Star light, star bright...” I start to 10 , and Grandma joins in.

One, two, three... Thousands of stars light the sky bright!

1. A. hardly B. always C. already D. never

2. A. mind B. hand C. noise D. voice

3. A. myself B. herself C. itself D. himself

4. A. bed B. chair C. desk D. wall

5. A. for B. of C. with D. in

6. A. head B. heart C. feet D. legs

7. A. off B. over C. up D. down

8. A. good B. late C. bad D. famous

9. A. bright B. blue C. dark D. white

10. A. sing B. draw C. sleep D. swim

Tuesday 阅读理解 A

话题: 种土豆

体裁: 应用文

难度: ★★

建议用时: 4分钟


正确率:___ /3

1. Dry me in the sun for ______.

A. 2 hours

B. 20 hours

C. 8 days

D. 15 days

2. Plant me ______.

A. on the leaves

B. on the moon

C. in the hat

D. in the ground

3. Carefully dig up the potato plant when ______.

A. the soil is wet

B. The temperature is 15℃

C. the flowers die

D. you see the school farm

Wednesday 阅读理解 B

话题: 诚实的餐馆

体裁: 新闻报道

难度: ★★★

建议用时: 5分钟


正确率:___ /4

“Lots of restaurants say they’re the best. To be honest, we are not and we’ve never said we are. We just try to be a little bit better every day,” said Mr. Yang, who runs a restaurant named Grandpa Yang in Chongqing.

Yang started the restaurant in 2011. He was unhappy when quite a lot of food was left uneaten. “If customers know more about the food before they order, they will know what to pick,” he thought. So he decided to write something about each dish on his menu online.

Now there is something about the food. “Compared with our General Tao Chicken, this one is not THAT good,” says the introduction of Orange Beef. Another introduction warns, “Don’t let the name fool you. This one is NOT a real Sichuan dish.”

“People often search online to find the right restaurant. I don’t want them to say. ‘Oh, it’s one of the best in the area, and it must be very good,’ but then they come here only to find it’s not so good,” Yang said, “Customers should read more about the food before they order, not only my introductions, but also other customers’ opinions.”

Thanks to his honesty, the restaurant is having a moment under the sun. “It’s been a very exciting and busy time,” said Yang, “and I love it.”

1. The restaurant Grandpa Yang was started _______.

A. in 2001

B. in 2011

C. in 2012

D. in 2021

2. Mr. Yang was unhappy when _______.

A. the food was almost sold out

B. customers know a lot about the food

C. customers found the food unhealthy

D. quite a lot of food was left uneaten

3. Mr. Yang thinks that _______.

A. his restaurant is the best

B. people shouldn’t search online

C. General Tao Chicken is good

D. customers shouldn’t say anything

4. According to the passage, the restaurant becomes successful mainly because ______.

A. it offers good service

B. Mr. Yang is honest

C. it offers a good price

D. Mr. Yang is foolish

Thursday 阅读理解 C

话题: 吹糖人

体裁: 新闻报道

难度: ★★★

建议用时: 5分钟


正确率:___ /4

When Xiong Chuanfa, 34, blows a lifelike tiger out of sugar in just minutes, kids look at him in surprise thinking he is a magician.

Xiong has been blowing sugar figurines ( 吹糖人 ) for over twenty years. Blowing sugar figurines is a Chinese traditional folk ( 民间 ) art with a history of over 600 years and has been listed as a state-level intangible cultural heritage.

Every morning, Xiong prepares the sugar and drives to different markets in Nanchang to start his magic show.

He heats ( 加热 ) the sugar, pulls off a little to make a ball and blows it into different shapes—a rabbit, a monkey, and even Bing Dwen Dwen, the mascot of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics.

People, especially little kids, are interested in his skills. , he also stops by colleges.

Many college students have been drawn to the art, waiting in line for hands-on experience. Among them, Simon, a foreign student, couldn’t help having a try. Though it looked easy, he found it difficult to make it. Thanks to Xiong’s help, Simon finally saw a horse slowly taking shape.

Simon was deeply moved after learning about the art. “I just can’t believe the traditional folk art can be kept so well here. I love it. Chinese culture should be spread around the world,” he said.

This art has been passed down for four generations ( ) in Xiong’s family. His 6-year-old son often blows sugar balloons, just like what he used to do as a child.

“We will pass on the intangible heritage,” said Xiong.

1. From the passage we can learn that Xiong Chuanfa is _______.

A. 26 years old

B. 34 years old

C. a bus driver

D. a foreign magician

2. Which of the following can be put in the ?

A. To draw young people closer to the art

B. To help young people learn drawing skills

C. To teach little kids the skills of drawing

D. To make little kids more interested in the art

3. According to the passage, we can infer ( 推断 ) that Simon will most probably _______.

A. stay in China to blow sugar horses

B. offer Xiong a helping hand in class

C. learn more about Chinese culture

D. blow perfect sugar figurines next time

4. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. Xiong and His Folk Art of Sweet Blows

B. A Magic Folk Art and Chinese Culture

C. Xiong’s Family and Sugar Figurine Skills

D. A Guide and the Intangible Heritages

Friday 阅读理解 D

话题: 灵感产生过程

体裁: 议论文

难度: ★★★★

建议用时: 6分钟


正确率:___ /4

We all have those moments when bright ideas hit us, but not everyone can develop such moments into the fruits of creative thinking. While we believe creative thinking is the falling apple of Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists, we seldom notice the creative thinking is in fact a process ( 过程 ).

Let’s look at what happened in 1666.

Sitting in the garden, Newton watched an apple fall from a tree. He began to wonder if the same force that pulled the apple down also kept the moon circling the earth. Newton believed it did. He called it “ gravity ( 重力 )”.

This story has become one of the most popular examples of “ eureka ” moments. But when we cheer for the great discovery, the whole process of creative thinking shouldn’t be forgotten.

Newton studied mathematics for long to have a better understanding of the world. He always enjoyed finding new ways to solve problems. The falling apple was only the fruit of years of hard work before. It also started the train of thought that continued for the next twenty years.

Newton began to examine “gravity” carefully. He experimented ( 实验 ). Then he studied the results and used what he had learned to do new experiments. In 1687, the greatest scientific work ever written came out.

The whole process of creative thinking works the same in our life.

In school, we prepare ourselves for the right moment. Once the moment comes, we catch it and then keep on working in the years to come. It takes much to get the fruits of creative thinking, but the sweetest fruits will be ready for those who wait the longest.

1. You may read the passage in a _______.

A. notice

B. picture

C. magazine

D. dictionary

2. The underlined word “eureka” in Paragraph ( 段落 ) 4 probably means “_______”.

A. I’ve got it

B. I give up

C. I’ve no idea

D. I believe it

3. The writer mainly develops his idea by _______.

A. raising questions

B. giving examples

C. listing numbers

D. explaining differences

4. The creative thinking process for Newton follows the order of _______.

a. He caught the right moment.

b. He did experiments over and over.

c. He saw an apple fall from a tree.

d. He studied mathematics for long.

A. a-c-d-b

B. b-a-c-d

C. a-b-c-d

D. d-c-a-b

Weekend 任务型阅读

话题: 沙漠控制

体裁: 应用文

难度: ★★★

建议用时: 5分钟


正确率:___ /4


Desert Control is a huge challenge. In the past, China had much to learn from the rest of the world. But now the shoe is on the other foot. It’s time for China!

A Special Glue

Researchers from Chongqing Jiaotong University develop a special glue to change desert ground into soil that people can grow plants in. The “sand glue” made of plant is used to help keep water, nutrients ( 营养 ) and air. And it has been used in different areas.

The Past and the Present

Nearly 30 years ago, the Kubuqi Desert, the seventh largest desert in China, was a barren ( 贫瘠的 ) land with no future. The local people called the Kubuqi Desert the “sea of death”.

Thanks to our government, chances came. The Kubuqi people have changed the desert into an oasis ( 绿洲 ). It has offered chances for the locals to get more money in different ways like selling farm products. They change the desert and the desert helps them. It’s a win-win situation.

An Interview in Yulin

(Li has planted more than 2,300 mu of forest.)

Q: Did your family support you when you decided to plant trees?

Li: Not really. My family was strongly against my idea. My son even brought me back home, but the next day I went there again.

Q: Did you have any difficulties?

Li: Yes. At that time, the living conditions in the mountains were really terrible, and I didn’t have any experience. Though I worked more than 10 hours every day, less than 10% of the trees could be alive.

Q: How did you solve the problem?

Li: I bought books and used what I learned to plant trees. I tried again and again. 19 years has passed, and more than 95% of the trees are alive now.

Q: It took you 19 years to plant trees. Any regrets?

Li: No. It’s my dream. And my biggest wish is that everyone plants a few trees every year.

1. Do researchers from Chongqing Jiaotong University develop a special glue?



2. Who called the Kubuqi Desert the “sea of death”?



3. According to the passages above, what makes China’s desert control successful?



4. Do you want to make your dream come true in the way like Li’s? Why or why not?






apartment n. 公寓;

softly adv. 柔和地;柔软地

warmth n. 温暖

lift n. 直梯

before long 不久之后

nod v. 点头

direction n. 方向


soil n. 土壤

temperature n. 温度

flower v. 开花

dig up 挖掘出


to be honest 老实说

a little bit 有些

unhappy adj. 不开心的

uneaten adj. 没吃的;剩下的

customer n. 顾客;客户

menu n. 菜单

compared with 与……相比

warn v. 警告;提醒

fool v. 愚弄,欺骗

honesty n. 诚实;正直


lifelike adj. 栩栩如生的

in surprise 惊讶地,吃惊地

magician n. 魔术师

traditional adj. 传统的

be listed as 被列为

intangible adj. 无形的

heritage n. 遗产;传统

mascot n. 吉祥物

hands-on adj. 亲身实践的

take shape 成形

pass down 流传,传下去

pass on 传承,传递


hit vt. 使……突然意识到

develop…into… 把……发展成为……

creative thinking 创造性思维

seldom adv. 不常;很少

wonder if 想知道是否……

force n. 力量

circle v. 环绕;环行

cheer for 为……欢呼

discovery n. 发现

mathematics n. 数学

solve problems 解决问题

examine v. 仔细检查;审视

come out 问世,诞生

keep on doing sth. 坚持做某事,不停地做某事


huge adj. 巨大的

challenge n. 挑战

glue n. 胶,胶水

local n. 本地人,当地人

win-win adj. 双赢的,共赢的

be strongly against 强烈反对

alive adj. 存活的,活的

regret n. 遗憾;后悔



So I rest myself deeper into her arms, hoping for a few more minutes of her warmth as much as I hope to see at least one star.

译文 所以我把自己深深地埋在她的怀里,希望能多几分钟得到她的温暖,就像我希望至少能看到一颗星星一样。

分析 这个句子是主从复合句。I rest myself deeper into her arms是主干,hoping引导的短语用作伴随状语,其中as much as引导状语从句。


If customers know more about the food before they order, they will know what to pick.

译文 如果顾客在点餐前对食物有更多的了解,他们就会知道该选什么。

分析 这个句子是主从复合句。they will know what to pick是主句,if引导条件状语从句,其中customers know more about the food是主干,before引导时间状语从句。


When Xiong Chuanfa, 34, blows a lifelike tiger out of sugar in just minutes, kids look at him in surprise thinking he is a magician.

译文 当34岁的熊传发在短短几分钟内用糖吹出一只栩栩如生的老虎时,孩子们惊讶地看着他,以为他是魔术师。

分析 这个句子是主从复合句。kids look at him in surprise是主句,thinking引导的短语用作伴随状语,其中he is a magician是宾语从句。句子开头when引导时间状语从句。


While we believe creative thinking is the falling apple of Isaac Newton, one of the greatest scientists, we seldom notice the creative thinking is in fact a process.

译文 虽然我们相信创造性思维是最伟大的科学家之一艾萨克·牛顿的“坠落的苹果”,但我们很少注意到创造性思维实际上是一个过程。

分析 这个句子是主从复合句。we seldom notice是主句,其后为宾语从句。句子开头while意为“虽然”,引导让步状语从句,其中we believe是主干,其后为宾语从句。


Though I worked more than 10 hours every day, less than 10% of the trees could be alive.

译文 尽管我每天工作超过10个小时,但能够存活的树木不到10%。

分析 这个句子是主从复合句。less than 10% of the trees could be alive是主句,though引导让步状语从句。 gt9YQMUuXtF+hBUoyT+lQpArv5hXykR8ioophlpm2sO27Hhy9ZePXZb9jePBLkRb
