

Step 1 必备词汇记起来

lost [lɔːst]


◎get lost 迷路

highway [ˈhaɪweɪ]


U-turn [ˈjuːtɜːrn]


downtown [ˌdaʊnˈtaʊn]


n. 市中心

avenue [ˈævənuː]


street [striːt]


road [rəʊd]


◎road sign路标

block [blɑːk]


corner [ˈkɔːrnər]


◎around the corner在拐角处

path [pæθ]


◎a concrete path混凝土小路

◎the garden path花园小径

◎follow the path along the river沿着河边的小路

◎a path leading to ...通往……的小径

◎block sb.'s path 挡/堵住某人的去路

building [ˈbɪldɪŋ]


map [mæp]

n .地图v.在地图上标出

◎electronic map电子地图

sign [saɪn]


guidepost [ˈɡaɪdpəʊst]


landmark [ˈlændmɑːrk]


◎landmark building标志建筑

crossroad [ˈkrɔːsrəʊd]


◎at the crossroads在十字路口

intersection [ˈɪntərsekʃn]


◎road intersection道路交汇处

◎cross at a busy intersection 穿过繁忙的交叉路口

junction [ˈdʒʌŋkʃn]


◎road junction三岔路

go across/through穿过

shortcut [ˈʃɔːrtkʌt]


passerby [ˌpæsərˈbaɪ]


hearty [ˈhɑːrti]


direct [dəˈrekt]


◎direct sb. to 告诉某人去……怎么走

direction [dəˈrekʃn]


◎ask for direction问路

◎have no sense of direction没有方向感

show sb. the way 给某人指路

lead the way 带路

the way to 去……的路

stray [streɪ]


◎stray from 偏离……

over there 在那里

in front of 在……前面

next to ... 紧挨着……

on the opposite side of the road 在马路对面

across the street 在街对面

at the back of ... 在……后面

in the direction of ... 朝……的方向

in the east/west/south/north 在东/西/北/南边

straight [streɪt]


◎go straight ahead 一直往前走

go left/right 往左/右走

turn left/right 左/右转

Step 2 实用句子学起来

1. Excuse me. Could you show me how to get to the Liberty Island ferry ?


2. Pardon me. I'm looking for the Golden Gate Bridge.

打扰一下。我正在找金门大桥。 3. Excuse me, sir/ma'am/miss. Is there a family restaurant around here?


4. Hi. We're trying to find the entrance to the jogging trail . Do you happen to know where it is?


5. Good morning/afternoon/evening, officer, we're lost. Could you tell us where the Orion Hotel is?


6. Is the Red Line bus stop around here?


7. Where can I get the 13L bus?


8. Is the Uptown subway/metro entrance nearby?


9. Pardon me. Could you direct us to the subway entrance ?


Step 3 情景对话练起来

Conversation 1

Yanshan: Excuse me. Could you show me how to get to the Liberty Island ferry ? I want to see the Statue of Liberty.

Ms. Middleton: Ah, yeah. First, take the W train to Whitehall and get off. You'll probably see signs for the ferry.

Yanshan: Thanks a lot.

Ms. Middleton: You're welcome. The W train entrance is right over there. Also, it would be a good idea to download the app. Here, see, I have it on my phone. Piece of cake to get around.

Yanshan: That's awesome! Thanks a million.

燕山: 打扰一下。您能告诉我怎么去自由岛渡口吗?我想去看自由女神像。

米德尔顿女士: 啊,好的。首先,乘坐地铁W线到白厅下车。你可能会看到关于这个渡口的指示牌。

燕山: 多谢。

米德尔顿女士: 不客气。W线的入口就在那边。另外,你可以下载这个应用程序。这里,看,我手机上就有。有了它,四处逛逛就很简单了。

燕山: 太棒了!太感谢了。

Conversation 2

Scot: Pardon me. I'm looking for the Golden Gate Bridge.

Mrs. Nelson: Look up, son, it's right over there.

Scot: I mean I don't know how to get there.

Mrs. Nelson: I'm just teasing you. Take the 5R this way (pointing west). Tell the 5R driver when you get on you want to get to the Golden Gate Bridge. She'll direct you from there.

斯科特: 打扰了。我正在找金门大桥。

纳尔逊太太: 抬头看,孩子,它就在那儿。

斯科特: 我是说我不知道怎么到那里。

纳尔逊太太: 我逗你玩儿呢。乘坐开往这个方向(指向西边)的5R路车。上车后告诉司机你想去金门大桥。她会在那儿给你指路的。

Scot: Thanks.

Mrs. Nelson: Do you have exact change?

Scot: Ah, just a $5 bill.

Mrs. Nelson: Bus drivers don't make change, son. You'll have to break it before you get on. Banks will give you change. There's one right there. Here's my bus. Good luck.

斯科特: 谢谢。

纳尔逊太太: 你有正好的零钱吗?

斯科特: 啊,只有一张五块的。

纳尔逊太太: 孩子,公共汽车司机是不找零的。你上车之前必须把钱换开。银行可以帮你换成零钱。那边就有一个银行。我的公交车来了。祝你好运。

Conversation 3

Mr. Xie: Excuse me, sir. Is there a family restaurant around here?

Brendon: Sorry?

Mrs. Xie: We're looking for a family restaur-ant nearby. Would you know one?

Brendon: Ah, yes, sure. Sorry. I had my ear-buds 1 in. There's a restaurant called Kincaid's two blocks up that way (pointing), then turn left.

Mr. Xie: Two blocks this way. (pointing) Turn left. OK.

Brendon: Yes. There's a big sign outside with“Kincaid's” on it.

Mrs. Xie: Is it expensive?

Brendon: I wouldn't say so. Lunch is, oh, $8 per person.

Mr. Xie: Outstanding. Thank you!

Brendon: Happy to help.

谢先生: 先生,打扰一下。这附近是不是有一个家庭餐厅?

布伦登: 什么?

谢太太: 我们正在附近寻找一个家庭餐厅。你知道哪里有吗?

布伦登: 啊,知道,当然。抱歉。我刚才戴着耳机。有一家餐厅叫金凯德之家,往那边(指方向)走两个街区,然后左转。

谢先生: 往这边走两个街区。(指着)向左转。好的。

布伦登: 是的。外面有个大牌子,上面写着“金凯德之家”。

谢太太: 那里贵吗?

布伦登: 我觉得不贵。午餐是,哦,人均8美元。

谢太太: 太棒了。谢谢你!

布伦登: 我很乐意帮忙。

Conversation 4

Aria: Hi. We're trying to find the entrance to the jogging trail . Do you happen to know where it is? How to get there?

Hald: Ah, yeah. We can't see it from here. Let me walk you over there where you can see it.

Aria: Sorry to trouble you.

Hald: No trouble at all. I jog here myself.

Fatemah: Oh, really.

Hald: In the evening three days a week. You're smart to come out early when it's cool.

Aria: We're travelling, and our friends sug-gested this trail, you know.

Hald: It's a beautiful trail. What country are you from?

Fatemah: We're from Saudi Arabia.

Hald: Cool. There's the entrance (pointing). See it?

Aria: Yes. Thanks again for your help.

Hald: Nothing to it. Enjoy your run.

阿里亚: 嗨。我们正在寻找缓跑路径的入口。你碰巧知道它在哪儿吗?怎么去那儿?

哈尔德: 啊,知道,咱们从这儿看不见入口。我带你走到能看到入口的地方吧。

阿里亚: 那抱歉麻烦你了。

哈尔德: 不麻烦。我自己也在这儿慢跑。

法蒂玛: 哦,是嘛。

哈尔德: 每周三天,傍晚来跑。你们真明智,趁着凉快早出来。

阿里亚: 我们正在旅行,这条小道是我们的朋友建议的,你知道的。

哈尔德: 这条小道很美。你们来自哪个国家呢?

法蒂玛: 我们来自沙特阿拉伯。

哈尔德: 酷。那里就是入口(指着)。看见了吗?

阿里亚: 看见了。再次感谢你的帮助。

哈尔德: 不用谢。跑步愉快。

Conversation 5

Munoto: Good evening, officer, we're lost. Could you tell us where the Orion Hotel is?

Officer Singh: Hi. Sure. You're lost, you say?

Munoto: Yes. We've been out all day sightsee-ing and ... got lost!

Officer Singh: Yeah. It's a big city. Orion Hotel, is it?

Machi: Yes.

Officer Singh: Did you want to walk, take a bus or go by metro?

Munoto: Is it far?

Officer Singh: About, let's see, 10 blocks. Walking will take you 20 minutes. It's only 7:30, so it's still early.

Machi: Let's walk so we can stop and eat along the way.

Officer Singh: Right. Well, head down 6th Street until you get to Avenue C and turn left. Follow Avenue C for about 6 blocks and you'll see the Orion on your left.

Munoto: Sixth street to Avenue C. Left on Avenue C. Follow it to the hotel. Got it.

Machi: Thanks, officer!

Officer Singh: Anytime.

穆诺同: 警官,晚上好。我们迷路了。您能告诉我们猎户座酒店在哪儿吗?

辛格警官: 嗨,没问题。你说你们迷路了?

穆诺同: 是的。我们一整天都在观光,然后……迷路了!

辛格警官: 好吧。这确实是个很大的城市。猎户座酒店,是吗?

马奇: 是的。

辛格警官: 你们想走路、坐公共汽车还是坐地铁?

穆诺同: 离这儿远吗?

辛格警官: 大约,我看看,10个街区。走过去需要20分钟。现在才7:30,所以还很早。

马奇: 咱们走回去吧,还可以在路上找地方吃饭。

辛格警官: 好的。那样的话,沿着第六街一直走到C大道,然后向左拐。沿着C大道走大约6个街区,你会看到猎户座酒店就在你的左边。

穆诺同: 第六街到C大道。C大道左转。沿着C大道走到酒店。明白了。

马奇: 谢谢您,警官。

辛格警官: 有问题随时来找我。

Conversation 6

Stacy: It's cold, Oren! Is the Red Line bus stop around here?

Oren (looking at the bus map and schedule app on his phone): Ah, we have to walk a few blocks this way. (pointing)

Stacy: How often does it run?

Oren (reading from the app): Estimated time of arrival at the Lancaster Street stop: 5 minutes.

Stacy: Whoa. We better step on it 2 .

斯泰西: 奥伦,好冷啊!红线公共汽车站在这附近吗?

奥伦(看着手机上的公交地图和时刻表应用程序): 啊,我们还得往这边走几个街区。(指方向)

斯泰西: 多长时间一趟车?

奥伦(看着应用程序): 预计到达兰开斯特街站的时间是:5分钟。

斯泰西: 哇。咱们最好快点。

Conversation 7

Mrs. Little: Hi. Can you help me?

Pedestrian: I'll try.

Mrs. Little: Where can I get the 13L bus?

Pedestrian: Which direction are you going?

Mrs. Little: I'm not sure. Towards Mercy Hospital.

Pedestrian: That's going downtown. You'll need to cross the street. Do you see that bus stop in front of the deli (pointing)?

Mrs. Little: Yes, I see it.

Pedestrian: That's the 13L bus stop heading downtown. The busses run every 15 minutes.

Mrs. Little: Thank you so much.

Pedestrian: Sure.

利特尔太太: 嗨,您能帮帮我吗?

行人: 我试试吧。

利特尔太太: 我在哪儿可以坐上13L公共汽车呢?

行人: 你要去哪个方向?

利特尔太太: 我不确定。去仁慈医院(的那个方向)。

行人: 那是去市中心的。你需要过马路。你看到熟食店前面的那个公共汽车站了吗(指着)?

利特尔太太: 嗯,我看到了。

行人: 那就是去往市中心方向的13L公共汽车站。每15分钟一趟。

利特尔太太: 非常感谢您。

行人: 不客气。

Conversation 8

Store clerk: Hi, can I help you?

Lilith: I didn't want to buy anything. Is the Uptown subway entrance nearby?

Store clerk: You bet. Let me show you. (Out-side) Walk one block up this way (pointing) and cross the street. You should see the Uptown A subway entrance right on the corner.

Lilith: Much obliged.

Store clerk: Have a good one.

Lilith: You, too.

商店售货员: 嗨,需要帮忙吗?

利莉思: 我没打算买东西。附近有开往上城方向地铁的入口吗?

商店售货员: 当然有。我指给你看。(来到商店外面)往这边走一个街区(指方向),然后过马路。你应该能在拐角处看到开往上城方向的A线地铁的入口。

利莉思: 非常感谢。

商店售货员: 祝你过得愉快。

利莉思: 你也是。


1 earbud [ˈɪrbʌd] n.微型耳机

2 step on it(同step on the gas)加速,加快;踩油门




纽约地铁相同的线路在早晚高峰时还会分快车(express train)和慢车(local train),区别是快车只在个别站点停车,慢车则是每站都停车。 BUh5khqYNqMQGmT+IaoWTCcl64ayz+zXocS+dQkQNVTTD1u1bCW7vMO3NpWW7esO
