

Step 1 必备词汇记起来

maître d' [ˌmeɪtrəˈdiː]


reserve a table预订餐位
reservation [ˌrezərˈveɪʃn]


◎make a reservation 预订;预约

book [bʊk]


◎book a table 订餐位

◎be/get (all) booked up(餐馆、酒店等)订满

◎be fully booked 客满了

available [əˈveɪləbl]


cuisine [kwɪˈziːn]


banquet room 宴会厅
seat [siːt]


themed [θiːmd]


high chair(小孩吃饭时坐的)高脚椅子
dietary [ˈdaɪəteri]


◎dietary restriction 食物限制

vegan [ˈviːɡən]


gluten [ˈɡluːtn]


lactose [ˈlæktəʊs]


intolerant [ɪnˈtɑːlərənt]


◎lactose-intolerant 乳糖不耐受的

heads-up [ˈhedzʌp]


Step 2 实用句子学起来

1.Do you have places open for tomorrow night ?


2.We'd like to make a reservation for Satur-day, September 14th .


3.Do you have rooms available on November 29th at around 6:30 p.m. ?

你们11月29日晚上6: 30左右有包间吗?

4.We'll hold the banquet facility for you for 24 hours.


Step 3 情景对话练起来

Conversation 1

Chicago Bar and Grill: Thank you for calling Chicago Bar and Grill.This is an automated answering system.For English, press “1”; for Spanish, press “2”; for Chinese, press “3”.

Yan Yu: (presses “1”)

Chicago Bar and Grill: If you would like to make a reservation, press “1”; if...

Yan Yu: (presses “1”)

Chicago Bar and Grill: If you know the date, time, and number of guests, press “1”; if you would like to speak to our maitre d', press “0”.

芝加哥烧烤酒吧: 感谢您致电芝加哥烧烤酒吧。这是自动应答系统。英语请按“1”;西班牙语请按“2”;中文请按“3”。

严宇: (按“1”)

芝加哥烧烤酒吧: 如果您想预订,请按“1”;如果……

严宇: (按“1”)

芝加哥烧烤酒吧: 如果您知道日期、时间和客人数量,请按“1”;如果您想和餐厅领班通话,请按“0”。

Yan Yu: (presses “0”)

Chicago Bar and Grill: Good afternoon, Mal-colm speaking.You'd like to make a reservation?

Yan Yu: Yes, hi. Do you have places open for tomorrow night ?

Malcolm: The evening of Saturday, June 6th is fully booked, I'm afraid.

Yan Yu: I thought so.Very well.Thanks.

Malcolm: Some other time then?

Yan Yu: No, it has to be that time and that date.

Malcolm: Sorry we couldn't be of assistance 1 .

Yan Yu: Me too.Bye.

Malcolm: Thanks for thinking of us.Bye.

严宇: (按“0”)

芝加哥烧烤酒吧: 下午好,我是马尔科姆。您是想预订吗?

严宇: 是的,你好。明天晚上有空位吗?

马尔科姆: 6月6日,周六晚上,恐怕全都订满了。

严宇: 我猜也是。好的,谢谢。

马尔科姆: 那您换个时间?

严宇: 不用了,必须是那个日期、那个时间。

马尔科姆: 很抱歉我们没能帮到您。

严宇: 我也很抱歉。再见。

马尔科姆: 谢谢您考虑我们店。再见。

Conversation 2

Mr.Sequeiros: Yes, hi. We'd like to make a reservation for Saturday, September 14th .

Chinese Hot Pot: Sure.For what time exactly?

Mr.Sequeiros: Ah, say 7 p.m.

Chinese Hot Pot: OK.And how many will there be in your party?

Mr.Sequeiros: Twelve or fourteen.

Chinese Hot Pot: Not a problem.Let me pencil 2 that down.May I have your name?

Mr.Sequeiros: Nathan Sequerios.S-E-Q-U-E-R-I-O-S.

Chinese Hot Pot: 9/14 at 7 p.m., party of 12 or 14 for Mr.Sequerios.Will there be any infants—those who need high chairs?

Mr.Sequeiros: There will be children, yes, but no infants.

Chinese Hot Pot: Good enough.And, are there any dietary restrictions among the guests that come to mind 3 : vegan, strict vegan, gluten-free, lactose-intolerant...?

Mr.Sequeiros (laughing): Good question.Yes, there will be vegetarian, but not strict vegetarian—we eat eggs and cheese, for example.

Chinese Hot Pot: OK then, sounds good.Any change in plans, Mr.Sequerios, we'd appreciate a heads-up.

Mr.Sequeiros: Of course.Thanks.Bye.

Chinese Hot Pot: Thanks for calling.See you then.Bye.

塞凯罗斯先生: 您好。我们想预订9月14日周六的餐位。

中餐火锅店: 没问题。具体什么时间?

塞凯罗斯先生: 啊,先定晚上7点吧。

中餐火锅店: 好的。您那边有几个人呢?

塞凯罗斯先生: 12或14人。

中餐火锅店: 没问题,我记下来。请问您叫什么名字?

塞凯罗斯先生: 内森·塞凯罗斯,S-E-Q-U-E-R-I-O-S.

中餐火锅店: 9月14日晚上7点,塞凯罗斯先生,12到14人。到时候会有婴幼儿吗——需要宝宝椅吗?

塞凯罗斯先生: 是的,会有儿童,但不会有婴幼儿。

中餐火锅店: 非常好。还有,您能想到客人们有哪些饮食限制吗?比如素食、严格素食、无麸质、乳糖不耐受……?

塞凯罗斯先生(大笑): 这个问题好。是的,会有素食者,但不是严格素食者——比如,我们吃鸡蛋和奶酪。

中餐火锅店: 那好,听起来不错。塞凯罗斯先生,如果计划有任何变化,请事先通知我们。

塞凯罗斯先生: 没问题。谢谢。再见。

中餐火锅店: 感谢来电。到时候见。再见。

Conversation 3

Ovi's Indian Cuisine: Hello, Mr.Naipaul, how can I help you?

Petra: Hi, yes, do you have rooms available on November 29th at around 6:30 p.m. ?

Mr.Naipaul: Let me see.That's next Saturday...Yes, there are two banquet rooms available, the larger room, which seats 50 guests, and the smaller one, which seats 25.Which would you like to reserve?

Petra: The larger, please.

Mr.Naipaul: Very good.May I have your name, please?

Petra: Petra Lutowski.

Mr.Naipaul: OK.Petra Lutowski.Is this a wedding party, Ms.Lutowski? We can arrange for a themed evening event.

Petra: No, it's more of a multi-generational anniversary get-together—if that makes sense.

Mr.Naipaul: We've been fortunate to host 4 many of these over the years.Leave it to us.

Petra: There will be a number of small children, several elderly couples, and a good deal of 5 drink-ing.

Mr.Naipaul: A typical get-together, then.

奥维家印度菜馆: 您好,我是奈保尔先生,有什么可以帮您的吗?

彼得拉: 你好,是的,你们11月29日晚上6:30左右有包间吗?

奈保尔先生: 我看一下。下周六……有的,有两个宴会厅可以订,一个是大一点的,可以容纳50位客人,还有一个小点的,可以容纳25位客人。您想订哪间?

彼得拉: 大点的那个吧。

奈保尔先生: 好的。请问您的名字是?

彼得拉: 彼得拉·卢托夫斯基。

奈保尔先生: 好的。彼得拉·卢托夫斯基。是一个婚宴吗,卢托夫斯基先生?我们可以安排一个主题晚会。

彼得拉: 不是,更像是一个几代人的周年聚会——如果这么说对的话。

奈保尔先生: 这些年来我们有幸多次举办过这样的活动。交给我们吧。

彼得拉: 会有很多小孩子、几对老年夫妇以及……会喝很多酒。

奈保尔先生: 那就是非常典型的聚会了。

Petra (laughing): You said it! 6 Ah, would you email me photos of the room before I make a final decision 7 , Mr.?

Mr.Naipaul: Naipaul.Happy to do so.Your email, please?

Petra: gghayth@wolurem.ru.

Mr.Naipaul: Got it. We'll hold the banquet facility for you for 24 hours. Will that be enough time for you to decide?

Petra: Yes.

Mr.Naipaul: Right, then.I'll email photos as soon as we finish our call.

Petra: Fair enough. 8 I'll be talking to you shortly.Thanks.

Mr.Naipaul: Thanks for calling Ovi's Indian Cuisine, Ms.Lutowski.Bye.

Petra: Bye.

彼得拉(大笑): 你说对了!啊,在我最后做决定之前,你能不能把那个包间的照片用邮件发给我,怎么称呼你来着?

奈保尔先生: 奈保尔。我很乐意这样做。请问您的电子邮箱地址是?

彼得拉: gghayth@wolurem.ru.

奈保尔先生: 收到。我们将为您保留宴会设施24小时。这个时间够您做决定吗?

彼得拉: 够了。

奈保尔先生: 那好的。咱们打完电话我就把照片通过邮件发给您。

彼得拉: 很好。我很快会再联系你的。谢谢。

奈保尔先生: 感谢您致电奥维家印度菜馆,卢托夫斯基先生。再见。

彼得拉: 再见。


1 be of assistance 有帮助

2 pencil [ˈpensl] v.用铅笔写

◎pencil sth.down 用铅笔记下某事

3 come to mind 想到

4 host [həʊst] v.主办(活动)

5 a good deal of 许多,大量

6 You said it! 没错!/说得对!

7 make a final decision 做出最后决定

8 Fair enough.行。/说得对,有道理。


素食主义(vegetarianism)是一种饮食文化,指在饮食中排除与动物相关的制品,如肉类、动物油脂以及其他动物副产品。世界各国或不同文化下的素食主义有所不同,有些素食主义者可食用蜂蜜、奶类和蛋类,有些则不能。严格的素食主义者会避免食用所有由动物制成的食品;奶蛋素食主义者则会食用部分动物制成的食品,比如蛋和奶类;也有部分素食主义者食用鱼子酱。关于素食主义对健康的作用尚存在争议,有人认为素食有降低脂肪和胆固醇等作用;也有人认为素食会带来骨质疏松、贫血等健康问题。 TKYfTPSucvmnZFvBbubId+0CYyFCrFKYtjssh51xeqOXbxEfw6CEoJ9zPkomuGXg

