

Step 1 必备词汇记起来

movie/film ticket 电影票

box office 售票处

the box office票房

ticket booth 售票亭

clerk [klɜːrk]


popcorn [ˈpɑːpkɔːrn]


day show日场

afternoon show 午后场

matinee [ˌmætnˈeɪ]


evening show 夜场

discount [dɪsˈkaʊnt]


◎discounted ticket 优惠票

package [ˈpækɪdʒ]


◎parent-child package 亲子套票

children ticket 儿童票

adult ticket 成人票

student ticket 学生票

special fare特价票

Step 2 实用句子学起来

1. We'll take two tickets.


2. Could we get two adult tickets to Stuber ?


3. How much are tickets?


4. What do tickets cost for the afternoon showing of Zootopia ?


5. Can I reserve two (tickets) over the phone?


Step 3 情景对话练起来

Conversation 1

Highlight Cinema clerk: Welcome. What would you like to see?

高光电影院职员: 欢迎光临。您想看哪部电影?

Kaylin: Spider-Man: Homecoming 1 .

Highlight Cinema clerk: And how many tickets?

Kaylin: We'll take two tickets.

Highlight Cinema clerk: Adult?

Kaylin: Yes.

Highlight Cinema clerk: That's $16.20.

Kaylin: I'll pay by debit card.

Highlight Cinema clerk: Please insert you card into the reader and don't remove it.

Kaylin: OK.

Highlight Cinema clerk: Please enter your PIN.

Kaylin: There you go.

Highlight Cinema clerk: We're good. Thank you very much. The theater is number 8, upstairs.

凯琳: 《蜘蛛侠:英雄归来》。

高光电影院职员: 您需要几张电影票呢?

凯琳: 我们要买两张票。

高光电影院职员: 成人票吗?

凯琳: 是的。

高光电影院职员: 一共是16.2美元。

凯琳: 我用借记卡支付。

高光电影院职员: 请将卡插到读卡器上,不要移动。

凯琳: 好的。

高光电影院职员: 请输入您的支付密码。

凯琳: 输好了。

高光电影院职员: 好了。非常感谢。影厅是楼上的8号放映厅。

Conversation 2

Marilyn: Could we get two adult tickets to Stuber ?

B4 Film House: Sure. Which showing?

Marilyn: The 7:10.

B4 Film House: Right. Drinks or snacks with that?

Marilyn: A medium popcorn and medium Pepsi.

Janis: Same for me.

B4 Film House: You got it. That'll be $22.50.

Janis: We'll use Alipay Wallet.

B4 Film House: I'll scan your QR code. We're all set.

玛丽莲: 我们能买两张《优步危机》的成人票吗?

B4影音馆: 当然。您要买哪一场的呢?

玛丽莲: 7:10这场的。

B4影音馆: 好的。您需要饮料或者小食吗?

玛丽莲: 一份中桶爆米花,一份中杯百事可乐。

贾妮斯: 我也要一样的。

B4影音馆: 好的。一共22.5美元。

贾妮斯: 我们用支付宝支付。

B4影音馆: 我来扫您的二维码。好了。

Conversation 3

Adrianne: How much are tickets?

Cinema staff: Two adult tickets for the matinee are ...

Nat: We have student IDs.

Cinema staff: Oh? That's different then. Two student tickets for the matinee comes to$12.99.

Adrianne: I'll get this.

Nat: I'll get this.

Cinema staff: Who gets what?

Adrianne: Tell you what: you get dinner and I get the movie.

Nat: Sold.

Adrianne: Here's $15.

Cinema staff: And ... here's your $2.01 change. Enjoy the show.

阿德里安娜: 票价是多少钱?

电影院员工: 两张下午场的成人票是……

纳特: 我们有学生证。

电影院员工: 哦?那就另说了。两张下午场的学生票是12.99美元。

阿德里安娜: 我来付。

纳特: 我来付。

电影院员工: 谁来付?付什么?

阿德里安娜: 不如这样吧,你付晚餐钱,我来付电影票的钱。

纳特: 好。

阿德里安娜: 给你15美元。

电影院员工: 好的,找你2.01美元。观影愉快。

Conversation 4

Uriel Theater staff: Hello, Uriel Theater.

Lam: What do tickets cost for the afternoon showing of Zootopia ?

Uriel Theater staff: Children or adult?

Lam: Children.

Uriel Theater staff: That'll be $6.25 a ticket.

Lam: Can I reserve two over the phone?

Uriel Theater staff: Sure. Name please?

Lam: Lam Smith.

Uriel Theater staff: OK, Mr. Smith, we'll have the two tickets here with your name on them.

乌列剧院员工: 您好,乌列剧院。

拉姆: 《疯狂动物城》午后场的票价多少钱?

乌列剧院员工: 儿童票还是成人票?

拉姆: 儿童票。

乌列剧院员工: 儿童票是6.25美元一张。

拉姆: 我能通过电话预订两张儿童票吗?

乌列剧院员工: 当然了。您的名字是?

拉姆: 拉姆·史密斯。

乌列剧院员工: 好的,史密斯先生,我们这边会准备好您名下预订的这两张票。


1 homecoming [ˈhəʊmkʌmɪŋ] n.(长期外出之后的)回家;回国;(一年一度的)校友返校节



G级(general audiences):大众级,所有年龄均可观看;

PG级(parental guidance suggested):辅导级,建议在父母的陪伴下观看,一些内容可能不适合儿童观看;

PG-13级(parents strongly cautioned):特别辅导级,13岁以下儿童要有父母陪同观看,一些内容对儿童很不适宜,通常是暴力画面;


NC-17级(adults only):17岁及17岁以下观众不可观看,该级别的影片被定为成人影片,未成年人禁止观看。

NR级:未经定级的电影。 EpCmqy9dSrS58jLDMAPXCzs8kCSk9hbRZngVn/6LsFAbrQtudGtKyYPFL6EjapEW
