公元前5世纪, 古希腊人(ancient Greeks) 建立了第一个室外剧院,成为现代剧院的雏形。
The Greeks built the first theaters in the fifth century B.C.E. These were outdoor theaters. The architects looked for sites where you had a natural bowl-like formation on the side of a hill, and that’s where they set the theater.
(1) 舞台(scene) :这个部分不仅包括舞台,还包括后面的背景,背景在一场表演中是固定不变的,背景后面有 存储道具和服装的地方(storage place for costumes and props) 。
现代的剧院通过使用变换的场景(transformation scene),可以在不拉上 幕布(curtain) 时,就快速改变舞台上的背景。
(2) 乐池(orchestra) :该区域是 合唱团(chorus) 唱歌、跳舞的地方,当时的合唱团还会对情节做出评论。
(3) 观众区(theatron) :半圆形设计,即使坐在最后一排,也能听得非常清楚。但是后排的观众在不借助 双筒望远镜(binoculars) 时,是无法看清舞台上的表演的。当然,那时也没有双筒望远镜。
The theatron was shaped in a semi-circle with rows of seating rising up the sides of the bowl. It was designed to take advantage of the natural acoustic benefits of the setting. The shape of the bowl captured sound and funneled it upwards so that even in the top rows, spectators were able to hear the performers very clearly.
相关TPO篇目 TPO44-L2
重点词汇 scene, orchestra, theatron