现代舞蹈开始于19世纪后期,相比于传统的 芭蕾舞(ballet) ,现代舞更强调舞者情绪的表达,而不再像芭蕾舞那样按照一套严格的程式进行表演。
The best analogy to modern dance is modern art. Compared to their classical predecessors, these newer art forms are freer, more experimental , more improvisation al.
Modern dance seeks to show how deep emotions and the music itself can affect and inspire physical movement and how movement can convey emotions to the audience.
现代舞的先驱是美国艺术家 邓肯(Duncan) ,她创造出了独特的 自由舞蹈(free dance) 风格。邓肯富有变化的动作来源于其内心的表达,而不受严格的技法所支配。
Her expressive gestures were motivated from within rather than being dictated by strict techniq ue.
邓肯曾谴责芭蕾舞是一种 杂技(acrobat) ,而芭蕾舞者则批判邓肯的舞蹈是 哑剧(pantomime) ,两种舞蹈的敌对状态持续了很长时间。
和在舞台上的 现场表演(live performance) 不同,荧幕舞蹈是提前拍摄好,在屏幕上呈现的舞蹈形式。
荧幕舞蹈会采用多种 拍摄角度(camera angles) 和 有创意的剪辑(creative editing) ,营造出现场舞蹈无法呈现的视觉效果。比如可以进行舞者 面部表情(facial expressions) 的 特写(close-up) 拍摄。
Dancers can change the whole mood of the scene through a facial expression . And you could film close-up shots of their faces. Facial expressions aren’t as important in live performances generally, because the choreographer knows that someone in the back row of a theater may not be able to see a dancer’s face clearly.
但是荧幕舞蹈缺少了现场表演时观众对于舞者的 即时(immediacy)
反馈。荧幕舞蹈方便观看,能 提高人们对舞蹈的初步认知(heighten awareness of dance) ,从而激发观众的兴趣,让他们有兴趣身临现场观看。
相关TPO篇目 TPO23-L4, TPO24-L2
重点词汇 modern dance, Duncan, screen dance