



tax-paying adj. 纳税的

throughout prep. 遍及

plant n. 工厂

downtown adj. 市中心的

minimum adj. 最低的,最小的

grand adj. 极好的;宏伟的,盛大的

high-pressure adj. 高压的


pricey adj. 昂贵的;过分昂贵的

security n. 安全;保证;防护措施

recommendation n. 推荐;建议

affordable adj. 支付得起的;不太昂贵的

atmosphere n. 氛围,气氛;大气

bonus n. 意外所得之物;奖金

rooftop n. 屋顶

furnishing n. 装饰;供给;装备

staff n. 员工;全体人员;全体职员

provide vt. 供给;提供;抚养

require vt. 要求;需要;命令

charge v. 收费 n. 指控;费用

inconveniently adv. 不方便地


trained adj. 训练过的

instrument n. 仪器;乐器;工具

require v. 要求;需要;命令;规定

repeat n. & v. 重复;复述

onstage adj. 台上的 adv. 在台上;在舞台表演区

indicate v. 指示;暗示;指明

draft n. 草稿;草图

concert n. 音乐会

entire adj. 全部的;完整的;全面的

demanding adj. 要求高的;吃力的

ignore vt. 忽视;不理;不顾

audience n. 听众;观众


astonishing adj. 惊人的

variety n. 多样;种类;多样化

precious adj. 宝贵的;珍贵的

resource n. 资源

decimate v. 严重毁坏

ambitious adj. 有雄心的;野心勃勃的;有抱负的

destruction n. 破坏;毁灭

vital adj. 至关重要的;生死攸关的

survival n. 幸存;幸存者;幸存物

purchase vt. 购买

political adj. 政治上的;政党的;争权夺利的

appoint vt. 任命;约定

inclusion n. 包含

conservation n. 保存;保护;节约

initiate vt. 开始;创始

migratory adj. 迁移的;流浪的


popularization n. 通俗化;普及

desirable adj. 令人满意的;值得的;令人向往的

motivation n. 动机;动力;积极性

stability n. 稳定性

optimism n. 乐观;乐观主义

accurately adv. 准确地;精确地

potential adj. 潜在的;可能的

victim n. 受害者

beneficial adj. 有利的;有益的

promote v. 促进;发起;促销

well-being n. 康乐;安宁

adaptively adv. 适合地;适应地

continuing adj. 连续的;持续的;不间断的

perspective n. 远景;视角


breathtaking adj. 惊人的;惊艳的;令人激动的

temperature n. 温度;体温;气温

highlight vt. 突出,强调;增添色彩

adventure n. 冒险;冒险精神



It happened that the plant downtown needed eight kids for temporary help during our spring break, for which I had no plans beyond listening to my favorite records.

译文 碰巧在春假期间,市中心的工厂需要8个孩子临时帮忙,而在春假期间我除了听最喜欢的唱片没有其他的计划。

分析 本句为含有形式主语it的主从复合句。that the plant downtown needed eight kids for temporary help during our spring break为主语从句;for which I had no plans beyond listening to my favorite records为“介词+关系代词”引导的定语从句。


The staff is friendly and helpful, providing you with a map of the city when you arrive, and offering advice if you require some.

译文 工作人员友好热情、乐于助人,在你到达时,他们会给你一张城市地图,如果你需要的话,他们还会提供一些建议。

分析 本句的主句为The staff is friendly and helpful;and连接两个非谓语动词短语作状语,其中包含时间状语从句when you arrive和条件状语从句if you require some。


Silent onstage communication is key, and each pianist has their own style of “nodding” to indicate a page turn which they need to practise with their page turner.

译文 在台上无声的交流是关键,每个钢琴家都有自己特有的“点头”风格来暗示他们需要翻页,这一点他们需要与自己的翻页师共同练习。

分析 此句为并列句,and后的分句中,不定式短语to indicate a page turn which they need to practise with their page turner作状语,其中定语从句which they need to practise with their page turner修饰先行词a page turn。


About 98 cents of every duck stamp dollar goes directly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund to purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife Refuge System—a fact that ensures this land will be protected and available for all generations to come.

译文 每枚野鸭邮票中约98美分直接进入候鸟保护基金,用来购买湿地和野生动物栖息地,纳入国家野生动物保护区系统——这一事实确保了这片土地将得到保护,使其可以为子孙后代所用。

分析 本句主句为About 98 cents of every duck stamp dollar goes directly into the Migratory Bird Conservation Fund,其中不定式to purchase wetlands and wildlife habitat for inclusion into the National Wildlife Refuge System作目的状语。同位语从句that ensures this land will be protected and available for all generations to come作fact的同位语,说明其具体内容。


Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable in a person’s makeup that cannot be measured by an IQ test, such as character, motivation, confidence, mental stability, optimism and “people skills.”

译文 现在许多人误解情商,认为它是一个人身上无法用智商测试来衡量的几乎所有的美好品质,比如性格、动机、信心、心理稳定性、乐观主义和“人际交往能力”。

分析 此句为复合句,其中主句为Many people now misunderstand emotional intelligence as almost everything desirable,其中desirable为形容词,作不定代词everything的后置定语,而后面that引导的定语从句that cannot be measured by an IQ test也用来修饰everything。


Though it is the only unnatural thing on your way up the mountain, still it highlights the whole adventure and offers a place where you can sit down to rest your aching legs.

译文 虽然这是你上山途中唯一非天然的东西,但它仍然是整个冒险过程中让人眼前一亮的事物,它提供了让你可以坐下来放松一下疼痛的双腿的地方。

分析 本句是主从复合句。Though引导让步关系状语从句,主句中highlights与offers是两个并列的谓语动词;where you can sit down to rest your aching legs为定语从句,修饰先行词a place。 KFpzGThcp8Yxkr7MQbnAxpo0QsdKrgIheXvseDcc7rES7WPyKAbZO3jHXTHYucoa
