



keep…at bay 使……无法近身

loneliness n. 孤独

date v. 约会

pause v. 停下,停止

fall for sb. 爱上某人

pack n. 一伙;一群


entertainment n. 娱乐;娱乐场所

award n. 奖;奖金;奖品;奖状

impressive adj. 令人印象深刻的

live adj. 现场的;现场直播的

premier adj. 最好的,首要的

brilliant adj. 灿烂的;光彩夺目的


native to 原产自,产自于

similar adj. 类似的,相似的

recognition n. 识别;辨别

be presented with 获赠;面临

geometric adj. 几何的

insert vt. 插入

specific adj. 特定的;具体的;确切的

allocentric frame of reference 他物中心参照系

trial-and-error n. 反复试验法,试错法

possess vt. 拥有,具有

rely on 依赖于,依靠

visual adj. 视觉的


greet vt. 迎接;向……问好

long to do sth. 渴望做某事,盼望做某事

gatekeeper n. 看门人,守门人

kick-start vt. 脚踏启动

professional adj. 职业的;专业的

take the plunge 采取大胆果断措施;冒险尝试

witness vt. 目睹;见证

humpback whale 座头鲸

prehistoric adj. 史前的

hit home 击中要害,打中要害


significant adj. 重要的;意义重大的

harbor n. 港湾

superb adj. 极好的;超凡的

diverse adj. 多样化的;不同的

pilot vt. 领航;驾驶

shuttle v. 来回穿梭;频繁往返于两地

catamaran n. 双体船

modernity n. 现代性

dynamism n. 活力; 干劲;创新思维


enjoyable adj. 令人愉快的

companion n. 同伴;伴侣

be parallel with 与……平行,平齐

seasoning n. 佐料

random adj. 随意的;随机的



The three dogs formed a pack that, with coaching, respected Flora’s space; Steve and I formed a good team caring for Tilly.

译文 经过训导,这三只狗组成了一个群体,尊重芙罗拉的空间;史蒂夫和我组成了一个照顾蒂莉的好团队。

分析 分号前后为两个并列句。前一个分句的主干是The three dogs formed a pack,后面是that引导的定语从句that respected Flora’s space,注意该定语从句的主语(即关系代词that)和谓语及宾语被介词短语with coaching分隔开了,该介词短语属于插入语,起补充说明的作用;后一分句是简单句,而caring for Tilly是现在分词短语,充当team 的后置定语。


1. Every weekend this is “Wales” premier comedy club where having a great time is the order for both audiences and comedy stars alike.

译文 每个周末,这里都是“威尔士”首屈一指的喜剧俱乐部,观众和喜剧明星都希望在这里度过美好的时光。

分析 where引导定语从句,修饰先行词comedy club;该定语从句的主语是动名词短语having a great time,而谓语是系表结构is the order。

2. This special building is a place in which theatre is made and where children, artists, writers and anyone else have the opportunity to do creative things.

译文 这座特殊的建筑是创作戏剧的地方,孩子们、艺术家、作家和任何人都有机会在这里做创造性的事情。

分析 本句为复合句。主句为This special building is a place,后面是两个分别由in which和where引导的并列关系的定语从句,均修饰先行词place。have the opportunity to do sth.意为“有机会做某事”。


This ability to recognize that a shape will need to be turned in a specific direction before it will fit is called an “allocentric frame of reference”.

译文 这种识别形状需要转向特定方向才能放入的能力被称为“他物中心参照系”。

分析 句子主干是This ability is called an “allocentric frame of reference”;to recognize that a shape will need to be turned in a specific direction before it will fit总体上是一个不定式短语结构,充当ability的后置定语;该不定式短语中that引导宾语从句,充当recognize的宾语,而该宾语从句本身又是一个主从复合句,主句是a shape will need to be turned in a specific direction,后面是before引导的时间状语从句before it will fit,其中fit是动词,表示“大小适合装入某处”。


1. These gentle, lovely gatekeepers welcomed her and kick-started what was to be a trip Ginni would never forget.

译文 这些温柔可爱的看门人欢迎她的到来,开启了吉妮永远不会忘记的旅行。

分析 句子主干是These gentle, lovely gatekeepers welcomed her and kick-started,其中,welcomed和kick-started为并列谓语动词;what was to be a trip Ginni would never forget为what引导的宾语从句,引导词what本身在该宾语从句中充当主语,而且,该宾语从句含有一个省略了关系代词that或which的定语从句,即Ginni would never forget,修饰先行词trip。

2. The realization that this is a precious land, to be respected by humans, was one of the biggest things that hit home to Ginni.

译文 意识到这是一块宝贵的土地,应该受到人类的尊重,这是吉妮最深刻的感受之一。

分析 本句为主从复合句。主句为The realization was one of the biggest things,而that this is a precious land, to be respected by humans是that引导的同位语从句,充当realization的同位语,补充说明其具体内容,其中to be respected by humans是不定式短语,充当land的后置定语;句末that hit home to Ginni是一个由that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词things,其中hit home本意是“击中要害”,此处引申为“让人深刻感受到”。


1. Everywhere in Sydney these days, change and progress are the watchwords, and traditions are increasingly rare.

译文 如今,在悉尼的每一个地方,变化和进步都是口号,传统越来越少了。

分析 本句是并列句,由and连接两个分句。第一个分句主干是change and progress are the watchwords,第二个分句是traditions are increasingly rare。句首的Everywhere in Sydney these days是地点状语,修饰两个分句。

2. We’ve got a foundation built on ancient cultures but with a drive and dynamism of a young country.

译文 我们的基础建立在古老的文化之上,但有着一个年轻国家的动力和活力。

分析 本句为简单句。句子主干是We’ve got a foundation built on ancient cultures,其中built on ancient cultures是过去分词短语,充当foundation的后置定语。but with a drive and dynamism of a young country是介词短语,起补充说明作用。


The more time you spend in any given country, the more comfortable you’ll begin to feel with its foreign cultural practices.

译文 你在一个国家待的时间越长,你就会开始对这个国家的异域文化习俗感到越自在。

分析 本句使用了“The+比较级…the+比较级…”的句式,表示“越……就越……”。第一个分句中time充当spend的宾语,第二个分句中的comfortable充当feel的表语。 ZUhBzcI9Sjqgbvbi06BnhAZhHxiKr7gLvfp+Zy9Rw3aFA4skr219xrjfEANS4q2q
