



all-around adj. 全能的;全面的;综合性的

coach n. 教练

turn out 结果是,最终

gymnast n. 体操运动员

skyrocket v. 猛涨;剧增

competition n. 比赛;竞争

inspire vt. 激励,鼓舞

shine v. 闪闪发光;闪耀


highlight vt. 强调;凸显;突出显示

suspicion n. 怀疑;质疑

physician n. 内科医生

surgery n. 手术

try v. 审讯;尝试

unlawfully adv. 不合法地

in spite of 尽管

court n. 法庭

ban sb. from(doing) sth. 禁止某人(做)某事

qualify as 具有……的资质

surgeon n. 外科医生

medical care 医疗护理

freed slaves 解放的奴隶


specialize in 专攻,专门研究

geographical variation 地理变化;地理差异

distinctive adj. 独特的

decisive adj. 决定性的;果断的

on the spot 在现场

a bunch of 一堆;一把,一束

stressful adj. 压力大的;紧张的


have a reputation for 以……而闻名

recipe n. 菜谱

adventurous adj. 大胆开拓的;冒险的

decline vi. 下降

analyst n. 分析师,分析人士

cookery adj. 烹饪的

expand vt. 扩大,拓展

reflect vt. 反映

schedule vt. 安排……的日程

documentary n. 纪录片


privilege vt. 给予特权;特别优待

ideally adv. 完美地

literate adj. 有读写能力的 n. 有文化的人

scientific adj. 科学的

gunshot n. 枪炮射击

reconstruct vt. 重建;修复

interpret vt. 演绎;阐释;诠释

in addition to 除了

miscomprehension 误解

accidentally adv. 偶然性地

deliberately adv. 故意地,蓄意地

twist vt. 扭曲,弯曲

first-hand adj. 第一手的

account n. 叙述;记录,报道


what s more 而且,此外

be suited to 适于

botanic adj. 植物的

lift one s mood 振奋某人的心情

back up 证实;支持

creativity n. 创造力

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳

chemical n. 化学物质

link n. 联系



Not so long ago, Martha Karolyi, the coor-dinator of the women’s national team, did not think Douglas had what it took to be an Olympian.

译文 就在不久前,女子国家队协调员玛莎·卡洛伊还认为道格拉斯不具备成为奥运选手的条件。

分析 句子主干是Martha Karolyi did not think Douglas had。what引导宾语从句,充当had的宾语。the coordinator of the women’s national team是句子主语Martha Karolyi的同位语。


In spite of the court hearing testimonials of her ability as a doctor, she was banned from medicine.

译文 尽管法庭听取了她作为医生的能力的证词,她还是被禁止从医。

分析 句子主干是she was banned from medicine,其中使用了固定短语ban sb. from(doing) sth.意为“禁止某人(做)某事”。句首是介词短语In spite of the court hearing testimonials of her ability as a doctor,充当句子的条件状语,该介词短语中的介词of后面接动名词短语hearing testimonials of her ability as a doctor,其逻辑主语是the court。


Although landscapes in the Midwest tend to be quite similar, either farm fields or highways, sometimes I find distinctive character in the hills or lakes.

译文 虽然中西部的风景往往很相似,要么是农田,要么是公路,但有时我在山丘或湖泊中发现了独特的个性。

分析 句首是Although引导的让步状语从句,注意,either farm fields or highways是插入语,补充说明landscapes in the Midwest的内容。


It is recently reported that the number of those sticking to a traditional diet is slowly declining and around half of Britain’s consumers would like to change or improve their cooking in some way.

译文 最近有报道称,坚持传统饮食的人数正在缓慢下降,大约一半的英国消费者希望以某种方式改变或改进他们的烹饪方式。

分析 本句总体上为固定句式It is reported that...意为“据报道……”。that引导的主语从句是由and连接的两个并列分句构成。第一个并列分句主体结构为the number is slowly declining,of those sticking to a traditional diet是介词短语,修饰number,其中those是of的宾语,而sticking to a traditional diet是现在分词短语,充当those的后置定语。


If you want to tell the history of the whole world, a history that does not privilege one part of humanity, you cannot do it through texts alone, because only some of the world has ever had texts, while most of the world, for most of the time, has not.

译文 如果你想讲述整个世界的历史,一段不赋予一部分人类特权的历史,你不能只通过文本来讲述,因为世界上只有一些地区有文本,而世界上大多数地区在大多数时候都没有。

分析 句首是If引导的条件状语从句,a history that does not privilege one part of humanity是条件状语从句中tell的宾语the history的同位语,补充说明其内容,该同位语中包含一个that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词history。you cannot do it through texts alone是条件状语从句修饰的主句,这一主句又被后面because引导的原因状语从句所修饰。该原因状语从句是由while连接的两个并列分句构成,while意为“而”,前后两个分句存在“对比,对照”的关系。


It can bring a new interest and focus into people’s lives and help to make the link between home and nature.

译文 它可以给人们的生活带来新的兴趣和焦点,并有助于将家与自然联系起来。

分析 本句为一个简单句,句子主干是It can bring a new interest and focus into people’s lives and help to make the link,句子谓语是由and连接的两个并列动词短语构成,即bring...into...和help to make the link。between home and nature是介词短语,充当link的后置定语,link between A and B意为“A和B之间的联系”。 tqRYRlQoVE8aU825srW+oJ4XIrTZilsle8SFQQI2MkagOYnRFGOh7B0XX+DY+i/V

