
Tuesday 阅读理解 A

话题: 万圣节

体裁: 说明文

难度: ★★

建议用时: 6分钟


正确率: /4

Today, the Halloween celebrations have clearly become westernized as well as commercialized, particularly in the USA where it is now the holiday that makes the most money after Christmas. As well as dressing up, these days, we are used to ghost houses, pumpkins, scary face paint and trick-or-treating.

However, the Halloween we know today actually dates back to as long as 2,000 years ago from a festival called Samhain. This was celebrated on 1st November by the Celts who lived in Britain and northern France. The evening before, it was believed that the dead would return, and as a result people would wear things to look like ghosts to trick the real ghosts into thinking they were not alive. In the 8th century, this festival became known as All Saints' Day, or All Hallows' Day, and the night before called All Hallows' Eve, which is where the current name Halloween comes from.

Trick-or-treating comes from several traditions in medieval Britain on the festival All Souls' Day that were taken to America by British immigrants in the 19th century. These traditions included poor people begging for food known as soul cakes, in return for agreeing to pray for the dead; or young people dressing up and offering entertainment such as singing in order to receive gifts of money, food or drink. Other rituals 仪式 ) included superstitious 迷信的 ) games that related to women finding themselves husbands, these games often involving food.

So nowadays, although my Halloween experience will also involve food (of course via my costume), our celebrations have clearly come a long way from the traditions of 2,000 years ago. Nevertheless, we can recognize many similarities that explain some of the strange aspects of Halloween, and of course the history helps to remind us what Halloween is really about.

1. What do we know about the Halloween celebrations from the first paragraph?

A. They have remained almost unchanged since Halloween was first celebrated.

B. People spend more money on them before Halloween than before Christmas.

C. Today's celebrations include pumpkins, scary face paint and trick-or-treating.

D. The celebrations are mainly held in North America, particularly in the USA.

2. Which festival does Halloween actually start with?

A. All Hallows' Eve.

B. Samhain.

C. All Saints' Day.

D. All Hallows' Day.

3. How did the Celts living in the UK and northern France celebrate on 1st November?

A. People pretended to be ghosts to trick real ghosts.

B. Young people dressed up and offered entertainment.

C. People did trick-or-treating games in the neighborhood.

D. Poor people begged for food in return for praying for the dead.

4. What's the author's attitude towards the changes in the tradition of Halloween?

A. Positive.

B. Negative.

C. Objective.

D. Doubtful. E8jcTG1tz/GqaVybnI3K8Cw/5Jwt72F6Jyr1pNvYRXDgDLhQQInVja1oTIYSe7uD
