
Weekend 语法填空

话题: 兵马俑

体裁: 说明文

难度: ★★★

建议用时: 5分钟


正确率: /10

One of the most famous archaeological 考古的 ) discoveries in all of history is The Terracotta Warriors and Horses 兵马俑 ) and they were found by peasants 1 (dig) for a well near the city of Xi'an in 1974. Becoming a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987, the spectacular figures continue 2 (attract) millions of visitors from all over the world. Famously, archaeological 3 (work) at the site and the accompanying Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor has been allowed to slow down until technology advances enough to preserve the artefacts currently buried underground.

Currently 8,000 soldiers have been found, each one 4 a different look. This was achieved through 5 early use of assembly-line-type construction. Studying the warriors and their horses 6 (offer) historians an important insight into this period in Chinese history. The technology used to assemble (装配), the underground army was 7 (true) remarkable. Over 40,000 bronze weapons were found, and after more than 2,000 years they still appear sharp. How is this possible? The ancient Chinese managed to use 8 (protect) chrome plating 镀铬 ), 9 was thought to have been invented in Germany in 1937!

When it is finally uncovered, the sight will truly be spectacular and much more will 10 (understand) about China's first Emperor and the level of technology the ancient Chinese possessed. 75S4LbFk33M21v71zHOww8vylVZXtSIdel71NnHdk0HE2aEYhAvvWF5K7TnbjIz+
