
Thursday 阅读理解 C

话题: 环境保护

体裁: 议论文

难度: ★★

建议用时: 8分钟


正确率: /4

I'm a big fan of trying to save the environ-ment, and this month is the WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) annual Earth Hour. Earth Hour is an event where you turn off all non-essential lights and power between 8-9 p.m.; things like your TV, computer and console 控制台 ). However, you don't just sit at home in the dark for an hour. Instead, people gather in groups and have fun without using power. Things like dancing, fireworks and musical performances are popular and it's very fun to take part.

Many celebrities 名人 ) also take part in Earth Hour and this year is very important as it is the tenth year of the project. Earth Hour isn't just about saving energy; people involved in Earth Hour have also planted a forest in Uganda, built solar panels in India and passed a law to protect the sea in Argentina.

I've taken part in Earth Hour every year for the last five years and I've been part of lots of activities at school and at university. Last year, for example, my university had an outdoor cycle cinema. At the cycle cinema, the only way to keep watching the film is to keep pedaling your bike, if everyone stops, then the screen turns off! Luckily, there were many of us to help keep the movie going and we took turns. Even though it was very cold outside at night, we had hot chocolate and blankets for the people who weren't cycling. Everyone who was there had a lot of fun.

I think that Earth Hour is a very fun way to raise awareness about the environment. We only have one planet, so it is important to keep it safe. A lot of my students feel like, as young people, they can't do that much to help protect the planet. Anything can help, and Earth Hour proves that even doing a little thing, like turning the lights off for one hour, can make a difference.

1. What do we know about Earth Hour from the first paragraph?

A. People have to sit at home or sleep in bed for an hour in the dark.

B. People must take part in the activities organized by the WWF.

C. People turn off unnecessary lighting and power for one hour.

D. People get together in groups and play games using colorful lights.

2. Why is this year very important for the Earth Hour?

A. Because many celebrities participate in this event.

B. Because this event has taken place for the tenth year.

C. Because people taking part have planted a forest in Uganda.

D. Because a new law has been passed to protect the sea in Argentina.

3. What do we know about the outdoor cycle cinema from the third paragraph?

A. The author hosted the whole event at college.

B. There were few students taking part in the activity last year.

C. The students who cycled could get a hot chocolate drink.

D. It only works when people continue pedaling bikes.

4. What does the writer try to say in the last paragraph?

A. We should give up all we have to protect the earth.

B. We should try to do something to help our planet.

C. It is useless to say we love the earth but do nothing.

D. Nature will kill us all if we do not stop polluting it. EAuIqR9dd9E7fuvUQqI3bv1ldyfl5e+5m3vvGlCjYWUVowUV5f4odeMrKUQ74JFm
