
Wednesday 阅读理解 B

话题: 电子游戏

体裁: 说明文

难度: ★★★

建议用时: 8分钟


正确率: /4

Video games often get a bad name—some believe they cause violent behavior, and others say they're just addictive. Now, a new study further supports the view that parents should monitor the amount of their child's gaming screen-time.

Researchers from the University of Oxford concluded that a child's behavior is influenced more by the time spent playing video games rather than the games' actual content. Children (boys and girls) between the ages of 12 and 13 reported how often they played games every day and the type of game they preferred. To judge each child's behavior, teachers were also asked to report on the kids' social attitude and academic performance.

The results, published in the journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture, revealed no connection between violent video games and aggressive 攻击性的 ) behavior or poor academic performance. But kids who played video games for three or more hours were likely to behave improperly. As for kids who played video games for under an hour a day, they were actually connected with positive characteristics.

“Children who played video games with a cooperative and competitive element had significantly fewer emotional problems or problems with peers,” reports PsychCentral. “Children who chose to play solitary 独自的 ) games were found to do well academically and showed fewer emotional problems or got involved in fights.”

It's important to note that video game use will not make or break your child, but it's essential that your child balances activities and schoolwork. According to lead author Andrew Przybylski, Ph.D., “a variety of other factors in a child's life will influence their behavior more, as this research suggests that playing electronic games may be a small factor in how children progress academically or in their emotional well-being.”

1. What does the new study support?

A. Video games cause violent behavior and get children addicted.

B. Video games have a lot to do with poor academic performance.

C. Parents should control the time their child spend on video games.

D. Parents should choose less violent video games for their children.

2. Teachers were asked to report on ______.

A. how often children played video games every day

B. what type of video games children would prefer to play

C. how long children spend playing video games every day

D. what children's social attitude and academic performance was

3. What did the study suggest?

A. There was some connection between violent video games and aggressive behavior.

B. Kids would possibly behave improperly after playing video games for over 3 hours.

C. It was important to choose proper video games for kids to develop positive characters.

D. Kids who play games for no more than two hours a day would develop a good character.

4. What can we learn from Andrew Przybylski's words?

A. Video game use will have a great influence on your kids.

B. Video games may play a small role in kids' academic performance.

C. Video games break the balance between activities and schoolwork.

D. Video games may cause emotional problems or get kids involved in fights. iv8agY9KYvc7HNqfB9kZkn0PQRPzujAtpVyqeq0y3mvSznUDP8dZUnD6m/NQ3t7t
