
Thursday 阅读理解 C

话题: 体育活动

体裁: 记叙文

难度: ★★★

建议用时: 7分钟


正确率: /4

As a teenager, I hated Physical Education lessons. I was not very good at sports, and I hated team sports because I always felt like I was disappointing the rest of the team. I was always making up excuses to get out of lessons. During these years, I sometimes felt disconnected from my body, like only my brain was “me” and my body was just a vehicle for carrying my brain around.

When I started university, I decided to try kung fu. To my surprise, I loved it! I used to go two or three times a week to train. Because it is not a team sport, I didn't feel guilty about not being very good. When doing kung fu, you train in pairs, which means that you get to meet people and talk to them. I also appreciated that the focus of the classes was on getting better at kung fu, rather than exercising to change my body. When I was doing kung fu, my body did change—I got stronger and quicker—but the changes were a side effect of the sport, instead of the goal. Unfortunately, in the last year of university I was too busy to do kung fu most of the time.

When I moved to Italy this year I decided I wanted to start doing another combat sport. I found a great local club that does mixed martial arts 武术 ) and I love it. When I was a teenager, I would say I just wasn't a sporty person and that I just didn't like sport and never would. Now I think that everyone should try as many sports as possible because I believe there is something out there for everyone! I feel connected to my body and I am happier and have more energy when I have been doing sport.

1. Why did the author hate team sports when he was a teenager?

A. Because he often felt disconnected from his teammates.

B. Because he sometimes suffered from a rare mental illness.

C. Because he was afraid that he would let teammates down.

D. Because he had a weak body and always got out of PE lessons.

2. What did the author appreciate about kung fu?

A. It kept him away from strangers.

B. It helped him through the four college years.

C. It focused upon exercising to change people's body.

D. It would not make him feel guilty about not being very good.

3. What did the author do after he moved to Italy?

A. He began to travel around.

B. He took part in team sports.

C. He worked as a kung fu teacher.

D. He started doing a combat sport again.

4. How did the author become a sporty person?

A. By meeting a good PE teacher.

B. By taking various sports activities.

C. By finding the sport that helped him most.

D. By listening to advice from a teacher. RENtHbQCKgbNTvWmDdEsDmBkswJem4IizWy+GezzsM6IcxirS/1j58omJsQMrQy2

