
Wednesday 阅读理解 B

话题: 人类发展

体裁: 说明文

难度: ★★★★

建议用时: 7分钟


正确率: /4

Humans have been, historically speaking, surprisingly ignorant 无知的 ). Not until comparatively recently did we realize that our small blue and green planet is, in fact, round and not flat. Knowledge was the preserve of the educated, much of which was in fact based on superstition 迷信 ) and guesswork.

Luckily, the scientists of the 15th and 16th century Renaissance (文艺复兴) pulled mankind—kicking and screaming and holding to its superstitious ways—out of the Dark Ages. During the eighteenth century, a period known now as the Enlightenment (启蒙运动), many political and philosophical revolutionaries challenged existing social systems. And then, in the twentieth century, civil rights movements shocked the world into recognizing gender and racial equality as a right, rather than a privilege.

Great minds will always challenge the status quo 现状 ). Scientists, philosophers and explorers: they all contribute to the progress of mankind. They are constantly searching for answers to the really big questions, such as if there could be life on other planets, or if there is a God.

We common people, however, face our own set of unanswerable everyday mysteries, a set of puzzles that life likes to throw at us now and again, if you will. You know what I mean—like why does it only rain when I have forgotten my umbrella? Or why is the traffic always worse when I am already late? Why is Justin Bieber famous? And why do my house keys insist on running away from me? I m sure I left them in my bag...

If anyone has the answer to any of these unanswerable everyday mysteries, please let me know (particularly the last one)!

1. What does the author think of human beings from the historical point of view?

A. They have been creative.

B. They have been in ignorance.

C. They have been curious.

D. They have kept searching for truth.

2. When were existing social systems challenged according to the author?

A. During 15th century.

B. During the16th century.

C. During the 18th century.

D. During the 20th century.

3. What does the author say about great minds?

A. They are constantly following their dreams.

B. They are busy exploring everyday mysteries.

C. They are interested in both big and small problems.

D. They make great contributions to human progress.

4. In the author's view, which of the following mysteries may puzzle the common people most?

A. The existence of God.

B. The life on other planets.

C. The loss of house keys.

D. The reason why Justin Bieber is famous. WgasjwhLwQREN+WSnCz83JYRi7cVxEUYAaNEedSJvlnzrkhpyVr313/isij8GiEA
