
Tuesday 阅读理解 A

话题: 助眠音乐

体裁: 说明文

难度: ★★

建议用时: 7分钟


正确率: /4

How to pick music that will help you fall asleep

Getting enough sleep is necessary to good health, but now millions of people have a hard time getting to sleep. Many of us turn to quiet music, hoping that will calm ourselves down and make us relaxed. Music won't cure your insomnia , but it can provide short-term relief: There's even evidence that listening to music before sleep might improve sleep quality. So which tunes are actually the most helpful?

The answer, of course, depends largely on yourself: You're not going to fall asleep to a song if you can't stop thinking about how much you hate it. But if you want to make a sleep playlist, there are a few guidelines you should follow.

First, it's generally agreed that lyrics 歌词 ) are not recommended, as they're likely to excite our brains into more activity. Lyrics tend to remind of people or events in our lives and that can drive anxiety or deep thought. Dr. Nancy Irwin, a psychologist who specializes in sleep health, advises listening to instrumental music instead, particularly low instruments like the cello or the double bass.

Second, if you don't want to listen to music, noise is also an option. You've probably heard of white noise. It contains all the available frequencies 频率 ) of sound at the same intensity 强度 ), which is great for covering environmental noise. There's also pink noise, which is similar to white noise but decreases in intensity as the frequency increases. This makes it seem calmer, kind of like when a song has a lot of cello or bass.

At last, although noise machines, apps, and playlists are a classic fix for people who have trouble falling asleep, they're not perfect: When you rely on the same sound for sleep, you'll finally have an even harder time getting to sleep if the sound isn't there. That's not advisable in the long run.

1. What does the underlined word “insomnia” probably mean in the first paragraph?

A. Tiredness.

B. Boredom.

C. Helplessness.

D. Sleeplessness.

2. If we listen to lyrics before sleep, we ______.

A. may become more active mentally

B. will feel less nervous and angry

C. can forget unhappy events easily

D. can make ourselves fall asleep quickly

3. What do we know about white noise and pink noise?

A. They refer to the same thing in nature.

B. They are both good choices before sleep.

C. Pink noise contains more frequencies of sound.

D. White noise is greater than pink noise in intensity.

4. What's the role of music or noise in dealing with insomnia?

A. They can stay effective in the long run.

B. They can only be used for short-term treatment.

C. They work the same way as sleeping pills.

D. They prove to be perfect ways to cure insomnia. wa1AmnyzXLJ38agYQR8Q2OqGdiMvbGRneG1GYLrzYd4qEEPP9K2FMZrI6Msy6bmJ
