

Section I Reading

Task 1 Read for Useful Information

Pre-reading Activity 1 Listen and Read Aloud


Pre-reading Activity 2 Express Yourself

This section aims at introducing some topics for students to express themselves. Sentences like the following may be used.

●I need a notebook to write down everything important.

●I think a business suit will make me look professional.

●I would have a beautiful hairstyle for my new job because I believe it will bring me good luck.

●I’d like to have a pair of comfortable working shoes. I need to walk/stand for a long time during my work, so a pair of comfortable shoes is important.

●I wish I have a car/bicycle for commuting. It will save a lot of time.

●I will prepare some snacks to eat during work time in case I’m too busy to have lunch.

Reading Activity 1 Read and Try to Understand

Passage 1

Language points


1.career n. [C] the particular occupation for which you are trained 职业,事业

e.g. How do you see your career development? 你如何看待你的事业发展呢?

What are your career plans? 你的职业计划是什么?

2. candidate n. [C]

1 )a politician who is running for public office候选人

e.g. I am the only suitable candidate; therefore, you should elect me.


But as a candidate, you have work to do repairing our trust in you and in government.


2 )someone who is considered for something for prize or honor etc 报考者

e.g. This candidate differed from the others. 这名应试者与众不同。

Thus, for your plain candidate to have got so far suggests he is far better than the other one.


3. be unprepared for 对……无预备的,无准备的

e.g. It is better to be prepared than unprepared for everything.


Never go to war unprepared. We must be well prepared for our customers’ needs.


4. set up for 为……做准备

e.g. My computer files are set up for maximum productivity.


A firewall is a type of defense system that you can set up for your computer.


set up 建立,创立,设置

e.g. In remembrance of the battle, we set up a museum.


The city police set up roadblocks to check passing vehicles.


5. tip n. [C]

1 )a small but useful piece of advice 有用的小建议

e.g. Tip: Celebrate falling down as well as getting up—it’s all part of learning.


Here’s an inside tip: The faster you rise, the harder you fall.


2 )a small sum of money given to a waiter, taxi-driver, etc. as a personal reward for their services (为服务付的)小费

e.g. He forgot to add in the tip. 他忘了把小费也算上。

Then the father smiled at me as he handed me the tip.



6. stuff

1 ) n. [U] the tangible substance that goes into the makeup of a physical object 东西,材料

e.g. The problem: How do you effectively manage all this stuff?


All around us, there are messages telling us to buy stuff.


2) vt. put something into a space 填,塞

e.g. His mouth was stuffed with food. 他的嘴里被食物塞得满满的。

He stuffed up his ears with earplugs before diving. 潜水前他用耳塞堵住了他的耳朵。

7. smooth adj.

1 )happening or operating successfully, without any problems 平稳的,顺利的

e.g. Organizing for a smooth journey takes a lot of planning.


You have to be smooth! 你动作要平稳些!

2 )having no rough parts, especially in a way that is pleasant and attractive to touch 光滑的

e.g. If you touch them they feel smooth and soft. 如果你触摸它们,会感到很柔软很光滑。

All of them have very smooth surfaces. 它们都有非常平滑的表面。

8. pack vt. to put something into a box or other container 捆扎,把……打包

e.g. Have you packed all these books? 你所存的书都捆好了吗?

We would like to know how you will pack the silk shirts.


9. private adj. for use by one person or group, not for everyone 私人的

e.g. The private secretary denied the general manager to all those without appointments.


He owns a private enterprise. 他拥有一家私营企业。

personal, individual, private 这组词都有“个人的,私人的”的意思,其区别是:

personal 指属于或关于某人或某些特定的人,以区别于其他人。

individual 与集体的相对,指个别或个体的。

private 指属于私人所有或具有私营性质,以区别于集体或公共的,有时含不公开的意味。

in private 私下的,秘密的

e.g. I’d like to talk to you in private. 我想跟你私下谈一谈。

Normally, if I have any bright ideas about the project, I propose them in private.


10. charger n. [C] a device used for charging or recharging batteries充电器

e.g. He forgot the charger for his mobile phone. 他忘了带手机充电器。

The mobile phone industry plans to introduce a universal charger.


Charge vt.&vi. pass an electrical current through a battery in order to make it more powerful or to make it last longer给……充电

e.g. Alex had forgotten to charge the battery. 亚历克斯忘了给电池充电。

Did you charge the camera’s battery yesterday? 你昨天给相机充电了吗?

11. relative

1 ) n. [C] a member of your family 亲戚

e.g. Her boyfriend is a distant relative of mine. 她的男朋友是我的远亲。

Much time of my Spring Festival is spent visiting relatives.


2 ) adj. having a particular quality when compared with something else 相对的,比较的

e.g. The relative items in this report will be referred to the committee for discussion.


You may think you’re poor, but it’s all relative (=you are not poor compared to some people).


12. unavailable adj. not available or accessible or at hand 不可利用的,得不到的

e.g. Let your clients know that you’ll be unavailable during certain hours.


These dates will be included in the text of your messages as the dates when you are unavailable.


13. You want to be as focused as possible to make sure that you can take advantage of every chance to learn.

Translation: 你想要尽可能集中注意力,以确保你可以利用每一个机会去学习。


1 )as focused as possible 尽可能专注 as... as 表示同级比较

as + adj. + as possible 尽可能地……

as soon as possible尽快

as clear as possible尽可能地清楚

2 )that you can take advantage of... 为动词短语make sure的宾语。

focused adj. paying careful attention to what you are doing, in a way that shows you are determined to succeed 专心的,专注的,集中注意力的

e.g. As a result, they are focused not on the next generation, but on the next election.


All eyes were focused on him. 所有的目光都集中在他身上。


1 ) n. the thing, person, situation, etc. that people pay special attention to 焦点

e.g. The focus of recent research has been on environmental issues.


The problem was suddenly thrown into sharp focus.


2 ) vi. (~ on) give special attention to one particular person or thing, or to make people do this关注,专注于……

e.g. He needs to focus more on his career. 他需要更多的关注自己的事业。

Today he was able to focus his message mainly on the economy.


take advantage of 利用

e.g. Success can breed success, if you take advantage of it.


Once you have really good people, take advantage of them.



14. at the very least 至少

e.g. At the very least, it would be a new experience for each of them.


At the very least, you have to take some time to determine what is important to you and your family. 至少,你得花些时间决定什么对你和你的家庭来说是重要的。

15. clarify vt. make something clear or easy to understand澄清;阐明

e.g. First of all, let’s clarify what you should not do with them.


They require the ability to listen, clarify, understand, and choose correctly.


16. completion n. [U] the state of being finished 完成,结束;实现

e.g. The building is nearing completion. 这座大楼差不多快完工了。

E-mail notification: You can receive e-mail notification of the completion of jobs.



1) vt. to finish doing or making something 完成,完工

e.g. Every student must complete the course. 每个学生都必须完成该课程。

The building took two years to complete. 那幢房子花了两年才完工。

2 ) adj. entire; full 完全的,完整的

e.g. The police were in complete control of the situation. 警察完全控制了局势。

He sent me a complete set of Shakespeare’s works as my birthday gift.


17. Most managers agree that one of the worst things a new employee can do is to sit idle while making no progress on a work responsibility .

Translation: 大多数经理认为,新员工做的最糟糕的事情之一就是无所事事地坐着,而工作没有任何进展。

Explanation: a new employee can do 为省略that的定语从句,修饰one of the worst things; while making no progress 为现在分词作伴随状语

employee n. [C]someone who is paid to work for someone else 受雇者,雇工,雇员

e.g. The boss dismissed the employee. 老板解雇了那个雇员。

An employee asked, “What happened to you?” 一位员工问他: “你究竟怎么了?”

employ vt.

1 )to pay someone to work for you 雇佣

e.g. The factory employs over 20,000 people. 该公司雇佣了超过 20,000 名员工。

The agent was employed by a foreign country. 这个特工人员是一家外国公司雇佣的。

2 )to use a particular object, method, skill, etc. in order to achieve something 用,使用

e.g. Most of her days are employed in gardening. 她的大多数时间都花在园艺上。

They would also employ more efficient methods to improve city transportation.


responsibility n. [pl.] responsibilities

1 )[C]something that you must do as part of your job or duty (工作)职责

e.g. My responsibilities include answering the phone and dealing with customer inquiries.


We all have a responsibility to protect the environment. 我们都有责任保护环境。

2) [U] the duty to be in charge of someone or something责任,义务

e.g. Kelly’s promotion means more income and more responsibility.


The parking lot is free of charge, therefore, the hotel takes no responsibility for cars left in it.



18. communication n.

1 )[U] the process by which people exchange information or express their thoughts and feelings 传达,通讯,交流

e.g. Good communication is vital in a large organization. 大公司里良好的沟通至关重要。

At the moment I was in communication with the London office. 当时我正在跟伦敦办公室联系。

2 )[pl.] ways of sending information; or roads, railways, etc. that are used for traveling and sending goods通信系统,交通(工具)

e.g. Modern communications are enabling more people to work from home.


Paris has good communications with many European cities.


communicate (with) 与……交流

e.g. People use more than words when they communicate with each other.


Parents sometimes find it difficult to communicate with their teenage children.


19. Speaking too soon, guessing on an answer that you haven’t researched and sending messages with typing errors are career-limiting moves at work.

Translation: 工作中说话语速太快,没有调查清楚就猜测答案或发送有打印错误的消息都是阻碍事业发展的行为。

Explanation: speaking too soon, guessing on an answer 和sending messages 三个现在分词短语并列做句子主语;that you haven’t researched为定语从句修饰an answer。

20. assess vt. to make a judgment about a person or situation after thinking carefully about 评定

e.g. They assess his house at 15000 yuan. 他们给他房子的估价为 15000 元。

Many of the adults were assessed as having learning difficulties.


21. imagine vt. to form a picture or idea in your mind about what something could be like想象

e.g. Imagine what your life would be like if you lost all that you have.


I can hardly imagine such a scene. 我无法想象出这样的情景。

22. revise

1 ) vt. to change a piece of writing by adding new information, making improvements, or correcting mistakes 修订,校订

e.g. Every time you fail, go back to your plan and revise it.


We have revised our estimates of population growth. 我们已经修改了对人口增长的预测。

2 ) vi . & vt . to study facts again, in order to learn them before an examination 复习功课

e.g. You must revise your English for the mid-term examination.


She’s revising for her history exam. 她正在复习准备历史考试。

23. approach

1 ) n. [C] a method of doing something or dealing with a problem 方式,方法

e.g. So, which approach should you use? 那么,应该使用哪种方法呢?

All this is very nice, but there are some problems with this approach.


2 ) vi. & vt. to move towards or nearer to someone or something 接近,靠近

e.g. We were approaching our destination. 我们正在接近目的地。

A storm is approaching. 暴风雨即将来临。

24. deliver vi. & vt.

1) vt. bring to a destination, make a delivery,递送,发送

e.g. Your blood cells must deliver nutrients to all the other cells.


We will deliver all the goods direct to your door.


2 )to make a speech etc to a lot of people 发表(演讲)

e.g. The congressman is going to deliver a speech on labor and employment tomorrow morning.


Everyone has the right to deliver his opinions about the issue.


delivery n. the bringing of letters, packages, or other goods to someone’s house or to another place where they want them. 递送

e.g. Please allow 28 days for delivery. 请留出 28 天的递送时间。

We won’t charge you for delivery. 我们送货不收费。


25. personal adj. belonging or relating to one particular person 个人的,私人的

e.g. I have no personal experience with the product. 我个人对于使用该产品没有任何经验。

The book describes his sporting career and gives little information about his personal life.


personally adv. with the personal presence of the individual specified; in person亲自地,当面,个别地,就自己而言

e.g. You can apply for the job either personally or in a letter.


Personally speaking, I’m in favor of the plan. 就本人而言,我赞同这个计划。

26. negative adj . considering only the bad qualities of a situation, person, etc. and not the good ones消极的,负面的, 否定的

e.g. If you start to get upset, let go of the negative thought, try to deal with the problem in an active way. 如果有什么事情让你不安,不要有那些消极的想法,而是要尽量积极地解决问题。

To my surprise, she gave me a negative answer. 让我惊奇的是,她给我一个否定的答案。

27. as well 同样地,也

e.g. Do you experience these difficulties as well? 你也正经历着这些困难吗?

Not only I like this movie, but my mother likes it as well.


as well as 也,和……一样,不但……而且

e.g. She can play tennis as well as basketball. 她会打网球,也会打篮球。

He as well as I is responsible for it. 不但是我,他对这件事也有责任。

28. The world is very small and filled with people who are willing to throw you under the bus if it means saving themselves.

Translation: 世界很小,愿意牺牲你而挽救自己的人很多。

Explanation: The world is very small and filled with people... and 语法上表示并列,语义上表示对比;throw... under the bus 比喻性说法,意思是“拿……顶罪”,“把……推进火坑”

be filled with 充满

e.g. I wish this world filled with love and happiness. 我希望这个世界充满了爱和幸福。

Why must my life be filled with sorrow? 为什么我的生活必须充满忧愁?

be willing to 愿意

e.g. Keep your eyes open and be willing to change, but have faith in yourself, too.


Your family might be willing to change, if you at least start the discussion.


positive adj. being hopeful and confident, or thinking about what is good in a situation rather than what is bad 乐观积极的,有把握的;肯定的

e.g. We believed that the communication in this way would have positive influence over our project.


My company received a positive response from investors.


29. It does, however, require some planning, effort and ethics.

Translation: 然而,它确实需要一些计划、努力和道德规范。

Explanation: 助动词does在本句中强调谓语动词require。


30. make every effort (to do...) 努力, 尽力去做……

e.g. I will make every effort to arrive on time. 我将尽一切努力准时到达。

Though he might make every effort, he could not succeed.


31. be amazed at 对……感到惊讶;对……感到害怕

e.g. You’d be amazed at the difference it makes in your attitude to life.


You will be amazed at how much can be done in just a short amount of time.


32. value

1 ) vt. to think that someone or something is important 尊重,重视

e.g. I always valued his advice. 我一贯尊重他的意见。

And I do value your contribution. 我也确实重视你的贡献。

2 ) n. [C], [U] the amount of money that something is worth 价值,重要性

e.g. The value of a book does not depend on its size.


The value of this exercise is that it challenges the students to express themselves freely.


valuable adj. 有价值的;贵重的;可估价的

e.g. Arguing about such details wasted many hours of their valuable time.


A friend is a living treasure, and if you have one, you have one of the most valuable gifts in life.










Fill in each blank with one word according to the passage you have just read.

Reading Activity 2 Read and Think Critically


After-reading Activity 1 Develop Your Vocabulary

Complete each sentence with the proper form of the word given in brackets.

1. Of course, in addition to my weekly pay, I got a lot of tips (tip).

2. Alex had forgotten to charge (charger) the battery.

3. I pushed aside my sorrow, forcing myself to focus (focused) on the coming test.

4. I hope this question can be gradually clarified (clarify) and resolved in future.

5. Don’t worry. He will assist you to complete (completion) the task on time.

6. My responsibilities (responsibility) include answering the phone and dealing with customer inquiries.

7. Lots of children have imaginary (imagine) friends.

8. We offer customers a free home delivery (deliver) service.

9. I personally (personal) think it’s a rotten idea.

10. The most valuable (value) item on show will be a Picasso drawing.

After-reading Activity 2 Know More Expressions

Tell the meaning of each expression after the given example.

After-reading Activity 3 Listen and Write

Listen to the following sentences and fill in the missing letters of each word. Check whether you really understand their meanings and can spell them correctly.

1. She is now concentrating on a car e e r (职业) as a fashion designer.

2. He was, indubitably, the most suitable candid a t e (人选).

3. I began to pa c k (打包) a few things for the trip.

4. I keep my pri v a t e (私人的)papers hidden.

5. He’s a distant rela t i v e (亲戚) of the mayor.

6. As an employ e e (雇员), you either make money or save money for your employer.

7. Good c o m muni c a tion (交流) is key to our success.

8. We are trying to a c c e ss (评估) how well the system works.

9. With time he came to re v i s e (修正) his opinion of the profession.

10. He took a very scientific app r o a ch (方法) to management.

Task 2 Read More for Useful Information

Passage 2

Language points

1. enroll vt. 登记,注册,招生

e.g. The school will enroll new students in August. 这所学校将于八月份招收新生。

We enrolled him as a member of the society. 我们吸收他为会员。

be enrolled in 入学,入伍

e.g. The students’ next goal is to be enrolled in a university.


Facebook’s terms of use state that members must be at least 13 years old, and any member between the ages of 13 and 18 must be enrolled in school.

脸书的使用条款规定会员必须至少 13 周岁,而 13 至 18 岁的任何用户必须是在校学生。

2. ... a pre-primary plan in designated areas of urban disadvantage, for children who are most  at risk of not going on with education.

Translation: 针对城市中特定贫困地区的学前教育计划,旨在为最有可能无法成功接受教育的儿童提供服务。

Explanation: areas of urban disadvantage 城市贫困地区,此处disadvantage为委婉表达;most at risk of最有可能……

designate vt. 指定,指派,任命

e.g. Many museums designate a certain night of the week for free admission.


The chairman has designated Christina as his successor.


3. ... early childhood education and care services in Ireland are delivered outside the formal education system, by a diverse range of private, community and voluntary interests, in the name of crèches, nurseries, pre-schools, naíonraí (Irish language pre-schools) playgroups and daycare services.

Translation: 除上述以外,爱尔兰还有各种各样的私人、社区或志愿团体等各类机构在正式的教育体系之外提供幼儿教育和护理服务,它们被称为crèches(爱尔兰语, 托儿班)、托儿所、学前班、naíonraí(爱尔兰语, 学前班)、幼儿游戏组或日托服务。

Explanation: a diverse range of private, community and voluntary interests私人,社区和志愿团体,此句中interests意为“利益团体”

e.g. The government accused unnamed "foreign interests" of inciting the trouble.


diverse adj. 不同的,多种多样的

e.g. Cuba is a composite of diverse traditions and people.


It is geographically more diverse than any other continent.


a range of 一系列的,各种的

e.g. They talked amiably and easily about a range of topics.


The machine dispenses a range of drinks and snacks.


4. implement vt. 实施,执行;实现

e.g. The government promised to implement a new system to control financial loan institutions.


You design, then implement from the design.


5. challenging adj. 挑战的;引起挑战性兴趣的,挑衅的

e.g. Mike found a challenging job as a computer programmer.


He left a note at the scene of the crime, challenging detectives to catch him.


6. competent adj. 胜任的;有能力的;能干的;足够的

e.g. He was a loyal, distinguished and very competent civil servant.


He is not competent to the task of teaching English.


7. out-of-home settings 家庭以外的场合

setting n. (事件发生的) 背景; 地点, 场景

e.g. Rome is the perfect setting for romance.


The setting of the story is a hotel in Paris during the war.


8. eligibility n. 适任,合格;被选举资格

e.g. Should the Conservatives win the British election, they may change eligibility for welfare payments. 如果英国保守党当选的话,他们有可能会改革福利支付的获益资格。

Her qualification and experience confirm her eligibility for the job.




爱尔兰的义务教育年龄为 6 岁,有各种形式的学前教育供选择。4 岁以上的儿童可以报名上小学附设的幼儿班。差不多 40%的 4 岁儿童和几乎所有 5 岁儿童都在小学的幼儿班里接受早期教育。


●“早期启动计划”是针对城市中特定贫困地区的学前教育计划,旨在为最有可能无法成功接受教育的儿童提供服务。 现有的 40 个“早期启动”中心提供 1,650 个学位。

●拉特兰街项目,是都柏林市中心社区的一个项目。 它不是“早期启动计划”的一部分,但它试行的很多方案后来都被纳入“早期启动计划”。

除上述以外,爱尔兰还有各种各样的私人、社区或志愿团体等各类机构在正式的教育体系之外提供幼儿教育和护理服务,它们被称为crèches(爱尔兰语, 托儿班)、托儿所、学前班、naíonraí(爱尔兰语, 学前班)、幼儿游戏组或日托服务。政府在这方面的支持主要由儿童与青年事务部(DCYA)实施。



“学前时段免费计划”始于 2010 年 1 月,现在由儿童和青年事务部管理。该计划覆盖年龄低至 2 岁零 8 个月。所有适龄儿童都可以享受两年的“幼早看护与教育免费计划”(ECCE)。

Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage you’ve read.

(F) 1. All 5-year-old children in Ireland attend primary school.

(T) 2. Nurseries, pre-schools, playgroups and daycare services also provide early childhood education.

(F) 3. Aistear-in-Action is a famous pre-primary school.

(F) 4. The DCYA produced a curriculum to provide guidance for early childhood education.

(F) 5. Children at any age can join the free Pre-school Year scheme.

After-reading Activity Build a Word Bank

The following words are all about education. Read and match their meanings.

Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. The compulsory school age in Ireland is 6.

爱尔兰的义务教育年龄为 6 岁。

2. The Department of Education and Skills funds some specific pre-primary services.

教育和技能部为某些专门的学前服务机构提 供资金。

3. The free Pre-school Year scheme was introduced in January 2010 and is being administered by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs.

“学前时段免费计划”始于 2010 年 1 月,现在由儿童和青年事务部管理。

4. Recently, the problem of the single-gender structure of infant teachers has aroused great concern.


5. Teachers incorporated business skills into the regular school curriculum.


Task 3 Read for Broader Horizons

Passage 3
Reading Activity Read and Try to Understand

1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. C

After-reading Activity Think Critically




96 岁的朱塞佩·帕特诺一生中面临过许多考验——童年的贫困、战争,以及最近的新冠肺炎疫情。现在,他顺利通过了一项考试,成为意大利最年长的大学毕业生。

本周,这位曾经的铁路工人走上前来领取毕业证书和意大利学生毕业时获得的传统桂冠,他的家人、老师和比他小 70 多岁的同学为他鼓掌。



“我说,‘就是这样,机不可失,时不再来,’2017 年,我决定报名,”他在西西里岛巴勒莫的公寓接受路透社采访这样说,由于身体虚弱,他现在很少离开公寓。




他的社会学教授弗朗西斯卡·里祖托在他 6 月份通过期末口试后对他说:“你是年轻学生的榜样。”





Section II Writing

Task 1 Learn Some Grammar before Writing

Activity 1 Challenge Yourself

Group 1

You want to be as accessible and focused as possible to make sure that you can take advantage of every chance to learn. (动词的过去分词演化成形容词作表语, 意为“专注的”)

I pushed aside my sorrow, forcing myself to focus on the coming test.(动词,在句子中作谓语,意为“专注于……”)

Group 2

In addition to the provision for children in the infant classes in primary schools, the Department of Education and Skills funds some specific pre-primary services.(形容词作定语,修饰schools,意为“初级的,基本的”)

Government investment in such provision is primarily implemented by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA). (副词作状语修饰谓语implement,意为“主要地,根本地”)

Activity 2 Practice Your Learning


一、主要词类(Parts of Speech)与用法

1. 名词




His family are all music lovers. (family: 家人,集体名词复数)

His family isn’t a large one. (family:家庭,集体名词单数)

You are a Chinese , we are all Chinese . (Chinese单复数同形)

There isn’t much fish on the plate. (fish: 鱼肉,不可数)

This is a fish . (fish: 一条鱼,可数名词)

It’s an effective means of communication. (means: 方法,手段,可数名词单数)

2. 动词





3. 代词


4. 副词



Tell the part of speech of each marked word.

( A) 1. Our English teacher is an American .

A. 名词 B. 动词 C. 形容词 D. 副词

答案解析: American有形容词和名词两种词形,从前面不定冠词an判断,这里用作名词。

( B) 2. He became mad after that.

A. 名词 B. 动词 C. 形容词 D. 副词

答案解析: become这里用作系动词。

( B) 3. One-third of the students in this class are girls.

A. 名词 B. 数词 C. 形容词 D. 介词

答案解析: 分数的表示方法,前面用基数词后面用序数词。

( D) 4. He realized right away that there was something wrong.

A. 名词 B. 动词 C. 形容词 D. 代词

答案解析: some, any, no+thing/one构成不定代词。

( B) 5. The girl is playing the piano.

A. 名词 B. 动词 C. 形容词 D. 副词

答案解析: 动词的现在分词形式,与is一起构成现在进行时。

( C) 6. What an interesting book it is!

A. 介词 B. 动词 C. 形容词 D. 副词

答案解析: 形容词修饰book。

( A) 7. Our English teacher is from Australia.

A. 介词 B. 连词 C. 形容词 D. 副词

答案解析: 表示方位的介词。

( D) 8. The nurse looks after the babies carefully

A. 介词 B. 连词 C. 形容词 D. 副词

答案解析: 副词修饰动词短语looks after。

( B) 9. I like this book, but it’s too expensive.

A. 介词 B. 连词 C. 形容词 D. 副词

答案解析: but用作连词连接前后两个句子表示并列关系。

( C) 10. She has been designing a new plane model.

A. 介词 B. 副词 C. 动词 D. 形容词

答案解析: has用作助动词构成现在完成进行时。

Tell the role of the marked part in each sentence.

( C) 1 .Bats look like flying rats .

A. 主语 B. 谓语 C. 宾语 D. 定语

答案解析: flying rats 做介词like的宾语。

( B) 2. He will leave for Shanghai the day after tomorrow.

A. 定语 B. 谓语 C. 宾语 D. 表语

( A) 3. There is a dog in front of the house.

A. 主语 B. 谓语 C. 宾语 D. 状语

答案解析: there be句型是倒装结构,there 不是句子的主语。

( D) 4. The boy playing tennis is my friend Bob.

A. 状语 B. 谓语 C. 宾语 D. 定语

答案解析: 分词短语作定语,放在被修饰词的后面。

( A) 5. We will stay at home if it rains tomorrow .

A. 状语 B. 谓语 C. 宾语 D. 表语

答案解析: if引导条件状语从句。

( C) 6. Do you understand what he is talking about ?

A. 状语 B. 谓语 C. 宾语 D. 定语

答案解析: what引导的名词性从句作understand的宾语。

( B) 7. The milk tea tastes wonderful .

A. 补语 B. 表语 C. 宾语 D. 定语

答案解析: 感官动词taste后接形容词构成系表结构。

( D) 8. There is nothing wrong with the car.

A. 状语 B. 补语 C. 宾语 D. 定语

答案解析: 不定代词的定语,不论长短,都放在所修饰的不定代词的后面。

( D) 9. Seeing is believing.

A. 状语 B. 补语 C. 宾语 D. 主语

答案解析: 分词,不定式等非谓语形式语法功能上可以相当于名词,充当句子的主语、宾语。

( C) 10. I had my car repaired yesterday.

A. 状语 B. 补语 C. 宾语 D. 主语

答案解析: 过去分词repaired作car的宾语补足语,两者一起构成复合宾语。

Activity 3 Check Your Learning

Pay attention to the marked parts in the following sentences. Think about the parts of speech or their roles in the sentence, and then make the best choices.

(D)1.He looks like Father Christmas.

A. 名词 B. 动词 C. 形容词 D. 介词

答案解析: like表示“像”的意义后面接名词时是介词。

(C)2. He spoke exactly like I did.

A. 形容词 B. 副词 C. 连词 D. 介词

答案解析: like后面接句子时用作连词。

(C)3. It is easy to criticize others .

A. ;主语 B . 谓语 C. 宾语 D.补语

答案解析: 不定式短语是句子的真正主语,前面的it是形式主语。

(B)4. It sounds a good idea .

A. 宾语 B. 表语 C.定语 D.状语

答案解析: sound感官动词用作系动词,后面的名词短语作表语。

(A)5. This is the village where I was born .

A 定语. B. 状语 C.宾语 D.补语

答案解析: 定语从句修饰village。

Task 2 Write for Practical Purposes

A Letter of Introduction(介绍信)
Activity 1 Study the Sample


Activity 2 Write with Given Information

Fill in the blanks by choosing all the possible answers.

C D 1. A. Mr. Jason Liu B.To whom it may concern

C. Dear Paul D. Dear Mr. Paul Major

答案解析: 本信收信人是Paul Major, 信头称呼写全名或表示亲近简写名字都可以,To whom  it may concern用于不确定收信人名字时的统称。

A B C D 2. A. would like to introduce B. am very happy to introduce

C. am writing to introduce D. take the pleasure in introducing

答案解析: 表示“向……介绍”的句型。

A C D 3. A. will visit B. shall visit

C. plans to visit D. tends to visit

答案解析: 表示计划、打算,用表示将来的谓语结构。

A B C D 4. A. I’m more than pleased B. We should be grateful

C.It will be greatly appreciated D. I shall be very glad

答案解析: 表示感谢的常用句型。

A 5. A. Amanda Blair B. Ms. Amanda Blair

C. Mr. Paul Major D. Jason Liu

答案解析: 落款为写信人的名字。

Activity3 Write Alone

Section III Translation


Task 1 Read and Translate


中国汉字,也称为“漢字”,可以追溯到大约五千年,是世界上最早的书面语言形式之一。近四分之一的世界人口今天仍在使用汉字。作为一种艺术形式,中国书法仍然是中国文化的一个不可或缺的部分。 18 和 19 世纪编写的国家标准字典《康熙字典》收录有 47,035 个汉字。 但是因为历史上累积产生了不少罕见字,汉字的准确数量仍然是个谜。 中国有研究表明 90%的 中国报纸和杂志常用的基本汉字是 3500 个。


许多学习过汉语的人都觉得汉字,尤其是古代汉字就像一幅画。 这些字符直接描绘了事物的形状。这种字符被称为象形文字。 大多数这类汉字表示存在于自然界或现实生活中的具 体事物。 它们构成所有汉字的基础。例如,“人”(ren,people)。最初,甲骨文的“人”字看起来像一个人的侧面轮廓。“人”弯下腰,伸开双臂,好像在劳动一样。 汉字经过简化后, 有些字变化很大,但有些字仍然是象形文字。

Task 2 Understand and Retell


甲骨文首次被发现于 1899 年。从那以后,已发现约 16 万片甲骨,上面刻有总计 4300 个汉字。在过去的 100 年中,研究人员只能破译其中三分之一的文字。其余的字符很难解读。

2017 年 10 月 31 日,中国甲骨文被列入联合国教科文组织的《世界记忆名录》。

Section IV Practice & Assessment

Unit Project Make a Workplace Newbie To-do List

Unit project is a comprehensive task which practices all the knowledge and capability learned in this unit. Thus, it is recommended that the completion process, not just the result of the project, be given full consideration when unit project is assessed. xH8gc6uiNx4mnC6l+HafzGnLYah7bSIDg9R4FVziIAIVHpCCLNfBAOioz8nRjn35
