

Section I Reading

Task 1 Read for Useful Information

Pre-reading Activity 1 Listen and Read Aloud


Pre-reading Activity 2 Express Yourself

This section aims at introducing some topics for students to express themselves. Sentences like the following may be used:

●I will advise them to make a work plan, because the plan may make their work be in order.

●I suggest giving priority to urgent tasks to save time and effort.

●Having a good start in the morning may have a relative productive day.

●I would tell them to keep the working environment orderly and tidy. Good working environment can improve work efficiency.

●It is essential to be positive and optimistic. We should learn to adjust the mentality when we run into troubles.

Reading Activity 1 Read and Try to Understand
Passage 1

Language points

Para 1

1.It’s been said that the first hour is the rudder of the day.

Translation: 据说每天第一个小时就是当天生活的方向舵。

Explanation: it’s been said that “据说”之意。It是形式主语,真正主语是that从句。

2. fairly adv.

1) more than a little, but much less than very相当地

e.g. His general state of health is fairly satisfactory. 他的健康状况相当令人满意。

We’re not rich but we’re fairly comfortable. 我们并不富有,但生活还较宽裕。

2) in a way that is fair, honest, and reasonable 公平地

e.g. This company deals fairly with every client. 这家公司公正地对待每位客户。

I think I was quite fairly treated by the police. 我认为警察对我非常公正。

3. unfocused adj. not dealing with or paying attention to the important ideas, causes, etc. 没有重点的

e.g. The discussion was becoming unfocused. 讨论变得没有重点。

I really hate meetings, but only those, which are unfocused and unproductive.



4. productive adj. producing or achieving a lot 多产的;高效的

e.g. He is a productive writer, creating many great works in his life.


He was hopeful that the next round of talks would also be productive.



1) vt .to make, write, etc. something to be bought, used, or enjoyed by people 生产;制造

e.g. These trees produce rubber. 这些树生产橡胶。

It is certain that we shall produce this kind of engine. 毫无疑问,我们将生产这种发动机。

2)n. [C] food or other things that have been grown or produced on a farm to be sold 产品;农产品

e.g. This shop sells native produce. 这家商店出售土特产。

Our chefs use only the freshest produce available. 我们的厨师只用现有的最新鲜的农产品。

5 . follow suit 跟着做;学样

e.g. You take the lead and we’ll follow suit. 你带头,我们跟着干。

He went to bed and she followed suit after a few minutes.


6. This day begins by waking up and physically getting up the instant my alarm goes off — no delay or thinking about sleeping in .

Translation: 这种日子就是从闹钟一响便醒来并立刻起床——不磨蹭也不想着赖在床上开始。 Explanation: 此句是the instant引导的时间状语从句。破折号后面的no delay or thinking about

sleeping in描述的是起床后的状态。


1 ) n. [C] a moment 瞬间

e.g. I shall be back in an instant. 我马上就回来。

Just for an instant, I thought he was going to refuse. 我脑中有一闪念,以为他要拒绝了。

2 )adj. happening or produced immediately 立即的

e.g. The telegram asked for an instant reply. 这封电报要求立即回复。

Mr. Porter’s book was an instant hit.波特先生的书立刻引起了轰动。

the instant (that) 一……就

e.g. I sent you the news the instant (that) I heard it. 我一听到此消息,便通知你了。

The instant (that) I reached the platform the train began to move. 我一到站台,火车就开动了。

instant coffee 速溶咖啡

at any instant 随时;在任何情况下

for an instant 片刻,一瞬间

from instant to instant 时时刻刻

take only an instant 只需要一刹那工夫


1) n. [U] when something does not happen or start when it should do 延期;耽搁

e.g. Delay is not permissible, even for a single day. 不得延误,即使一日亦不可。

The weather is responsible for the delay. 由于天气关系才耽搁了。

2 ) vt. & vi. to wait until a later time to do something推迟;耽搁

e.g. We decided to delay our wedding until next year. 我们决定把婚礼推迟到明年。

It was impossible to delay her at such a crisis. 在这样一个紧要关头来耽搁她是不可能的。

sleep in 睡过头;迟起床

e.g. I slept in and missed my bus. 我睡过了头,误了公共汽车。

Don’t wake me in the morning—I’d like to sleep in for a time. 早上别叫醒我,我想多睡一会儿。

7. shave

1) vt. & vi. to cut off hair very close to the skin, especially from the face, using a razor 剃;刮

e.g. He hadn’t shaved for days. 他好几天没刮胡子了。

No shave please, I want to wear my beard. 不要剃须,我要留胡子。

2) n .[C](usu. sing.)if a man has a shave, he cuts off the hair on his face close to his skin using a razor 刮胡子

e.g. He looked as if he needed a shave. 他看起来好像需要刮胡子。

I’lljust have a shave before we go. 走之前我得刮刮胡子。

8. push

1 ) vt. to make someone or something move 推进

e.g. China would use its influence to help push forward the peace process.


We are continuing to push the business forward.


2 ) n. [C] the act of applying force in order to move something away; encouragement 推;鼓励

e.g. He gave me a sharp push. 他猛地推了我一下。

We need a push to take the first step. 我们需要鼓励来迈出第一步。

9. equal adj.

1) the same in size, number, amount, value, etc. as something else 相同的

e.g. Both candidates received an equal number of votes. 两位候选人得票数相等。

They believe that all work is of equal value. 他们相信所有的工作都是同等价值的。

2 )having the same rights, opportunities, etc. as everyone else, whatever your race, religion, or sex 平等的

e.g. Our education system should provide equal opportunities for all children.


The government is committed to achieving equal rights for women.



10. version n . a copy of something that has been changed so that it is slightly different 版本

e.g. Most people would agree that the Italian version sounds better.


Here are recipes for some of the updated versions of macaroni and cheese.


11. What surprised me was that the second version, although it seems harder, was actually easier once I got used to it.

Translation: 令我感到惊讶的是,第二种生活模式,虽然看起来似乎更难,其实一旦习惯后,会让人生活得更轻松容易。

Explanation: 此句中what surprise me做主语,was后面是that引导的表语从句。从句中although it seems harder是插入语,是对the second version的描述。

get used to 习惯……;适应

e.g. You will soon get used to the weather here. 你很快就会习惯这里的气候。

It is difficult to get used to another country’s customs. 要适应另一国家的风俗习惯是很困难的。

be/get used to doing 习惯……

e.g. He has got used to new environment. 他已经习惯了新环境。

be used to do 被用作……

e.g. The quilt is used to keep warm. 被子是用来保暖的。

be used for +n./doing 被用作……

e.g. The quilt is used for keeping warm. 被子是用来保暖的。

used to do 过去常做……

e.g. He used to go there. But now, he seldom goes there. 他曾经常去那里。但是现在他很少去。

12. Getting the most important work done early in the day makes one full of energy , and when you have a few weeks of highly productive days, it adds even more energy and power .

Translation: 将最重要的工作在当天尽早完成,会令人精力充沛,而且当你一连数周都过着高效高产的生活,甚至能为你增添更多能量和动力。

Explanation: Getting the most important work done early in the day 动名词短语做主语。动名词是非谓语动词的一种。

e.g. Reading English aloud in the morning will do you a lot of good.


Cheating on an exam ruins one’s character. 考试作弊毁坏人的性格。

energy n.

1) [C], [U] the physical and mental strength 精力;活力

e.g. She had started to devote her energies to teaching rather than performing.


The work drained my energy! 这项工作真消耗我的精力!

2) [U] power that is used to provide heat, operate machines, etc. 能量

e.g. Oil shortages have brought on an energy crisis. 石油短缺已经造成了能源危机。

Renewable sources of energy must be used where practical. 必须在可行的地方使用可再生能源。

energize vt. to make someone feel more determined and energetic 激励;使精力充沛

e.g. He helped energize and mobilize millions of people around the nation.


I am completely energized and feeling terrific. 我现在充满了活力,感觉棒极了。

power n. [U] the ability to influence people or give them strong feelings 动力;影响力

e.g. We used sail power and turned the engine off to save our fuel.


Who said literature has no real power to affect history? 谁说文学对历史没有影响力?

powerful adj having great power or force or potency or effect 强大的;强健的

e.g. Russia used to be a very powerful country. 俄国曾是一个非常强大的国家。

The athlete should have a powerful body. 运动员应该具有强健的体魄。

13. solid

1) adj. continuing without interruption不中断的;扎实的

e.g. The essay represents a solid week’s work. 这篇文章是用整整一星期写出来的。

It rained for two hours solid this afternoon 今天下午连着下了两个小时的雨。

2) n . [C] a firm object or substance that has a fixed shape固体

e.g. Milk solids include salts, protein and sugar. 牛乳中的固态物质包括盐分、蛋白质和糖。

He did not eat solid food for several weeks. 他数周以来都没有食用固体食物。

14. project n. [C] a carefully planned piece of work计划;项目

e.g. Please count me in on this project. 请把我也算入这项计划的参加者。

This project involves many difficulties. 这一项目有许多困难。

15. This creates strong power that carries me through the rest of the day.

Translation: 这种感受会创造强大的前进动力,引领我畅快过完当天余下的时光。

Explanation: 此句是由that 引导的定语从句,其先行词是power。关联词that在从句中充当主语所以不能省略。

create vt. to invent or design something 创造;设计

e.g. When the conditions exist, go ahead; when they don’t exist, then create them and go ahead.


We set businesses free to create more jobs. 我们让企业自由以创造更多的就业机会。

creation n. the act of creating something 设计;创造

e.g. The bathroom is entirely my own creation. 浴室完全是由我设计的。

The creation of life remains a mystery. 生命的创造仍是个谜。

carry sb. through 帮助某人渡过……;帮助某人完成……

e.g. His determination carried him through the difficulties. 他靠坚定的信心渡过了难关。

She is the person who carried me through the complex task.是她帮着我完成了这项复杂的任务。


16. advantage n.

1) [C], [U] a good or useful quality or condition that something has 好处

e.g. Voice training will be to your advantage if you plan to go into the theater.


The great advantage of home-grown oranges is their magnificent flavour.


2) [C] something that helps you to be more successful than others优势

e.g. It is an advantage if you know how to type. 如果你会打字,对你将有利。

For a goalkeeper, it’s a great advantage to have big hands.


disadvantage n. something that causes problems, or that makes someone or something less likely to be successful or effective 不利条件;缺点

e.g. It will be to our mutual disadvantage. 那将对我们双方都不利。

There’s an important disadvantage in their product. 他们的产品有一个重要缺点。

advantage over 胜过;优于

e.g. I had this advantage over Linda. 我比琳达更有优势。

The printer has several advantages over conventional printers.


advantage in competition 竞争优势

e.g. China’s biggest comparable advantage in competition is its human resources.


More and more enterprises are developing new marketing channels to gain an advantage in competition. 越来越多的公司都在开发新渠道,目的在于在渠道中制胜进而取得竞争优势。

advantage and disadvantage 优缺点;利弊

e.g. We must face the fact, everything was created with the advantage and disadvantage.


What’s the advantage and disadvantage of the testing? 考试有哪些利与弊呢?

17. guilt n .

1) [U] a strong feeling of shame and sadness 愧疚;内疚

e.g. She had feelings of guilt about leaving her children and going to work.


Her emotions had ranged from anger to guilt in the space of a few seconds.


2) [U]the fact that you have broken an official law or moral rule犯罪;罪行;有罪

e.g. I’m convinced of his guilt. 我确信他有罪。

We now have absolute proof of his guilt. 我们现在有他犯罪的确凿证据。

guilty adj. feeling very ashamed and sad because you know that you have done something wrong;

having done something that is a crime 内疚的;犯罪的

e.g. I feel so guilty, leaving all this to you. 把所有这一切都留给了你,我觉得很内疚。

They were found guilty of murder. 他们被判犯有谋杀罪。


18. motivation n.

1) [U] eagerness and willingness to do something 动力

e.g. Do you have the motivation to achieve it? 你有实现它的动力吗?

Money is my motivation. 金钱是我的动力。

2) [C] the reason why you want to do something动机;积极性

e.g. The timing of the attack, and its motivations, are unknown. 袭击发生的时间及其动机尚不清楚。

They lack the motivation to study. 他们缺乏学习的积极性。

19. stimulate vt.

1) to encourage or help an activity to begin or develop further 刺激

e.g. Light stimulates plant growth. 光会刺激植物生长。

Alcohol stimulates the action of the heart. 酒刺激心脏的活动。

2) to encourage someone by making them excited about and interested in something 激励

e.g. Praise always stimulates him to further efforts. 一表扬他就能激励他更加努力。

I’m trying to stimulate him to study harder. 我试图激励他更加用功读书。

20. corresponding adj. conforming in every respect 相应的;一致的

e.g. All rights carry with them corresponding responsibilities. 一切权利都带有与之相应的责任。

What we required you to do is corresponding to the contract. 我们要你做的事情符合合同规定。


21. focus on 集中;聚焦

e.g. Our meeting focuses on the question of women’s right. 我们会议的重点是妇女权利问题。

He finds it hard to focus his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes.


22. nail

1 ) vt. succeed in getting things done 成功做某事

e.g. Police nailed the suspect. 警察抓住了嫌疑犯。

She nailed through her exams. 她通过了考试。

2 ) n. [C] a thin pointed piece of metal with a flat top 钉子

e.g. Magnets attract nails. 磁铁吸引铁钉。

He hammered the nail into the branch. 他把钉子钉到了树枝上。

23. fall in line (with) 与……相符;保持一致

e.g. The new proposal falls in line with our general line. 新建议和我们总的原则是一致的。

I hope you can fall in line with me on this question. 我希望在这个问题上你能同意我的看法。

24. make use of 利用

e.g. They make use of advertisements to promote the new product. 他们利用广告广为宣传这种新产品。

We must make good use of the available space. 我们必须充分利用现有空间。


25. start off 开始(着手)……,从……开始/出发

e.g. They started off making a plan for tomorrow’s campaign. 他们开始为明天的活动制订方案。

You can start off with something simple. 你可以从简单的事情开始。

26. master

1 ) vt. to learn a skill or a language so well that you have no difficulty withit 掌握;精通

e.g. It’s not easy to master a foreign language. 掌握一门外语并不容易。

Duff soon mastered the skills of radio production. 达夫很快掌握了广播节目制作的技能。

2 ) n. [C] the male owner of something 主人

e.g. The dog remained faithful to his master. 这条狗始终忠于它的主人。

I can be a master of myself in learning. 我可以做自我学习上的主人。




但如果我努力使当天的头一个小时过得富有成效,后面剩下的时间就也会照样有成效。这种日子就是从闹钟一响便醒来并立刻起床 —— 不磨蹭也不想着赖在床上开始。我会迅速穿好衣服,但先不刮胡子, 便径直走向家中办公桌。这头一个小时的高效工作会激励我持续奋斗,到早上 11 点时,我通常已完成相当于以前全天的工作量。

令我感到惊讶的是,第二种生活模式,虽然看起来似乎更难,其实一旦习惯后,会让人生活得更轻松容易。将最重要的工作在当天尽早完成,会令人精力充沛,而且当你一连数周都过着高效高产的生活,甚至能为你增添更多能量和动力。当看见时钟走到早上 8:30 的位置,而自己在最重要项目上专注扎实地工作了 3 个小时,我便有无比美好的感受。这种感受会创造强大的前进动力,引领我畅快过完当天剩余生活。

尽早开始工作的好处在于你也能尽早结束工作。有时在下午 3 点半到幼儿园接女儿回家前,我便已完成全天工作,这让我在当天剩余时间不再干活也毫无愧疚感。

动力能引领行动,但动力也会随行动而来。你花费早上第一个小时的方式,将刺激相应的内在动力水平。若你想要高效快节奏的一天,请让早上第一个小时也是如此 —— 迅速起床并直接着手当天最重要的工作项目。



Fill in each blank with one word according to the passage you have just read.

Reading Activity 2 Read and Think Critically


After-reading Activity 1 Develop Your Vocabulary

Complete each sentence with the proper form of the word given in brackets.

1. The factory produces (productive) an incredible 100 cars per hour.

2. Our meeting was delayed (delay) for ten minutes.

3. Immigrants have had a powerful (power) influence on the local culture.

4. Solids (solid) turn to liquids at certain temperatures.

5. He has engineered several big projects (project).

6. If you don’t speak good English, you’ll be at a big disadvantage (advantage) when you try to get a job.

7. The bathroom is entirely my own creation (create).

8. I feel really guilty (guilt) about forgetting her birthday again.

9. Bill was stimulated (stimulate) by the challenge during last week’s competition.

10. It’s not easy to master (master) a foreign language.

After-reading Activity 2 Know More Expressions

☛ Tell the meaning of each expression after the given example.

After-reading Activity 3 Listen and Write

Listen to the following sentences and fill in the missing letters of each word. Check whether you really understand their meanings and can spell them correctly.

1. I will deal with it promptly and f a i r ly (公平地).

2. Just for an inst a n t (瞬间) I thought he was going to refuse.

3. Do you want me to sh a v e (剃)off your mustache?

4. We are continuing to pu s h (推进) the business forward.

5. Research and teaching are of e q u al (同等) importance.

6. The publishers hope to get the new ver s i o n (版本) out before Christmas.

7. We want the market to be free and full of en e r gy (活力).

8. Without a career goal, I lacked direction and mo t i vat i o n (动力).

9. Our pace is c o r respondi n g (一致的) to the opportunity.

10. Her skirt got caught on a n a i l (钉子).

Task 2 Read More for Useful Information

Passage 2

Language points

1. boost vt .增强;促进

e.g. The win boosted the team’s confidence. 这场胜利增强了该队的信心。

The new resort area has boosted tourism. 新的旅游区促进了旅游业的发展。

2. dramatic adj. 巨大的;突然的

e.g. Computers have brought dramatic changes to the workplace.


Events tooka dramatic turn in the weeks that followed. 在以后的几周里,事态急转直下。

3. battery n. (pl. batteries) 电池

e.g. You have to take the top off to change the batteries.


Before use, the battery must be charged.


4. be implicated in 涉及;与……有关

e.g. Three police officers are implicated in the cover-up. 三名警察涉嫌掩盖真相。

Viruses are known to be implicated in the development of some cancers.


5. pilot n. 试点

e.g. A pilot study is being carried out with Manchester University.


The bills would start pilot projects within Medicare. 这些法案都会以医疗项目作为试点。

6. Researchers recruited 12 men and 12 women, whose ages ranged from 28 to 72.

Translation: 研究人员招募了 12 名男性和 12 名女性,他们的年龄在 28 岁到 72 岁之间。

Explanation: 此句中whose引导的是一个定语从句,先行词是 12 men and 12 women。

recruit vt. 招募

e.g. The country’s first act would be to recruit for the navy.


Most of the men in the village were recruited that day.


range from...to... (范围)从……到……

e.g. Courses range from cookery to computing.


Madagascar’s ecosystems range from rainforest to semi-desert.


7. emit vt . (emitted, emitting) 发出;散发

e.g. The kettle emitted a loud whistle. 水壶发出响亮的哨声。

The moonis emitting cool light through clouds. 月亮透过云层放射出寒光。

8. visible adj. (OPP invisible) 看得见的;可见的

e.g. The outline of the mountains was clearly visible. 群山的轮廓清晰可见。

The address must be clearly visible through the window of the envelope.


be invisible to 看不见的;隐形的

e.g. Using a telescope, Galileo discovered stars that were invisible to the naked eye.


The new fighter plane is designed to be invisible to radar.


9. Rods, which are much more plentiful, are retina cells that specialize in helping us see in dim light,according to the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Translation: 根据美国眼科学会,视锥细胞是可以察觉颜色的感光细胞,在光线明亮的情况下最能发挥作用。

Explanation: which are much more plentiful作为非限制性定语从句修饰主语rods。...that specialize in helping us see in dim light限制性定语从句修饰表语retina cells。

specialize in 专攻;专营

e.g. Simmons specialized in contract law. 西蒙斯专攻合同法。

The store specializes in interior design books. 这家商店专营室内设计书籍。

dim adj. 昏暗的

e.g. The reading light over her seat is dim. 她座位上方的阅读灯很暗。

She stood waiting, in the dim light. 她站在昏暗的光线下等待。

10. measure vt. 衡量

e.g. Doctors say it is too early to measure the effectiveness of the drug.


Education shouldn’t be measured purely by examination results.


11. sensitivity n . (pl. sensitivities) 敏感;敏感性;敏感度

e.g. His comments show a lack of sensitivity. 他的评论显示出缺乏敏感性。

Some children develop a sensitivity to cow’s milk. 有的孩子对牛奶过敏。

12. From an evolutionary perspective, we fundamentally have never lived past 40.

Translation: 从进化角度来说,人类器官的使用寿命只有 40 年。

from a/an ...perspective n. 从……角度

e.g. The novel is written from a child’s perspective. 这部小说是从一个孩子的角度写的。

We have to look at everything from an international perspective.我们必须从国际的角度看待一切。





这项研究是一个小型的试点项目,旨在测试这一概念。研究人员招募了 12 名男性和 12 名女性,他们的年龄在 28 岁到 72 岁之间。每位参与者都分到了一个小手电筒,可以发出波长670 纳米的红光。这种红光的波长接近可见光谱波长最长的一端,只有人眼通常看不见的红外线的波长才比它短。



在 24 名参与者中,有 14%的人辨认颜色的能力或视锥细胞颜色对比敏感度提高了。视力提高最显著的是 40 岁以上的参与者。在研究过程中,这一年龄段的人的视锥细胞颜色对比敏感度上升了 20%。该年龄段的人的视杆细胞功能也显著增强了,也就是在弱光环境下看见东西的能力。40 岁以下的参与者也经历了视力改善,但是没有年长者那么显著。年轻人的眼睛不像年长者的眼睛衰退得那么严重。

杰弗瑞说:“视网膜衰老的速度比人体的其他器官都要快。从进化角度来说,人类器官的使用寿命只有 40 年。”现在,一般人的寿命当然都会超过 40 岁,于是就需要各种方式来保养那些最早衰老的器官。



Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage you’ve read.

(T) 1. Mitochondria are like batteries in our cells.

(F) 2. Rods are photo receptor cells that detect color and work best in well-lit situations.

(F) 3. Researchers measured the cone function in participants’ eyes by asking them to detect light signals in the dark.

(T) 4. Improvement in the ability to see colors or cone color contrast sensitivity, was most significant in study participants over age 40.

(F) 5. The retina ages slower than any other organ in your body

After-reading Activity Build a Word Bank

The following words are all about medical science. Read and match their meanings.

Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. The light stimulates the health of mitochondria.


2. Insights like these could help lead to new treatments for diseases including Parkinson’s and diabetes.


3. That wavelength is toward the long end of the visible spectrum.


4. The red lights work on both cones and rods in the eye.


5. The retina ages faster than any other organ in your body.


Task 3 Read for Broader Horizons

Passage 3
Reading Activity Read and Try to Understand

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. B 5.A

After-reading Activity Think Critically






自 2016 年 8 月入学后,怀特便在视频分享网站油管上开设了一个频道。频道中记录着她的校园日常生活。目前,已有超过 27 万订阅者。

视频中,这位 22 岁的大学生每天早上 6:30 起床,晚上 10:30 睡觉。在此期间,她均衡地安排着自己学习、做饭、清扫房间以及运动的时间。有时她会抽时间和朋友见面,和家人在线聊天。

一些中国大学生的作息也是如此。几个月前,清华大学的官方微博晒出了一些学生的计划表、学习笔记和日程表的照片。其中一位本科生将自己的日程安排地相当紧凑。他通常在凌晨1点上床睡觉,早上 6 点就起床了。尽管每周只上 10 节课,但其余的时间都被他安排得满满当当。他早上 6:40 预习课本,开始新的一天,并在一天的最后总结自己的学习情况。当他觉得这样的作息难以坚持时,他会给自己写点自我鼓励的话,比如:“你是最棒的”“加油”。

两位学生的刻苦努力自然都获得了回报。怀特在她的 152 名同学中名列前茅,而那位中国本科生则连续四年都获得了一等奖学金。





Section II Writing

Task 1 Learn Some Grammar Before Writing

Activity 1 Challenge Yourself

1. I quickly get dressed but not shave, and then go straight to my desk in my home office.(get, shave, go 都是一般现在时。)

2. If you nail that first hour, the rest of the day will tend to fall in line.(时间状语从句,从句中的谓语动词nail是一般现在时表示一般将来时,主句动词will tend是一般将来时。)

3. They spent three minutes each day looking into the light over a period of two weeks.(spent是spend的一般过去式。)

Activity 2 Practice Your Learning


1. 一般现在时的其他用法


I hear need a secretary.

The doctor says it’s nothing to worry about.


He plays the central character in the film.

The Bible says love of money is the root of all evil.


Owen shoots, but the ball hits the post.

Look, I take this card from the pack and place under the handkerchief.


Look, here comes your sister.

There goes the last bus.

5)在动词hope, take care that, make sure that等后面的分句中用一般现在时表示将来时间。

I hope they have a nice time next week.

Make sure that the windows are closed before you leave the room.

2. 一般过去时的其他用法


At that time she was very good at English.

He was a college student 3 years ago.


If I were you, I would follow the doctor’s advice.

Itis high time that we did something to save the poor dog.


I didn’t know you were in Beijing. 我不知道你在北京。

(因为在说话时,我已经知道你在北京了。这句话指的是说话之前,所以只能用过去时表示。实际上,这句话暗指:But now I know you are in Beijing.)

I thought you were ill. 我以为你病了呢。


3. 一般将来时的其他用法

1)will,be going to都可以表示“预料”要发生的事情。

在有迹象表明的情况下的预料用be going to

Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain.

My God! We are going to crash.

在没有迹象表明的情况下进行的猜测用will,be going to皆可。

I think the weather will be nice.

I think the weather is going to be nice.


I think she will like the cake I made for her.

I am sure we will win the competition.

Choose the best answers.

( B ) 1. Shanghai______ in the east of China.

A. lie B. lies C. lied D. will lie

答案解析: 上海位于中国东方,是客观事实,所以用一般现在时。

( A ) 2. The Chinese embassy didn’t directly solve my problem, but I feel thankful that it _____ me some advice at least.

A. offered B. offers C. will offer D.would offered

答案解析: 从前半句的谓语动词didn’t solve可以判断出是一般过去时,中国大使馆没有直接解决我的问题,但是至少给我提供了建议。

( C ) 3. He________ to us as soon as he gets there.

A. writes B. wrote C. will write D. has written

答案解析: as soon as 引导的时间状语从句,从句用一般现在时表示一般将来,主句用一般将来时。

( B ) 4. The twins______in Dalian last year. They_____here now.

A. are; were B. were; are C. was; are D. were; was

答案解析: 前一句指去年的状态,谓语动词用were, 后一句是现在状态,用are。

( A ) 5. He_______in the bank four years ago.

A. worked B. works C. has worked D. would work

答案解析: 从时间状语four years ago可以看出此题应该用一般过去时。

( C ) 6. Spring ______winter.

A. will follow B. follow C. follows D. followed

答案解析: 冬天过后就是春天。是普遍真理,用一般现在时。

( A ) 7. If our marketing plan succeeds, we __________ the sales by thirty percent next year.

A. will increase B. would increase C. increase D. increased

答案解析: 条件状语从句,表示对将来的假设,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。

句意:如果营销计划成功,明年我们的销量将增长 30%。

( C ) 8. Jenny_______ English very well.

A. spoke B. speak C. speaks D. will speak


( B ) 9. I______a letter once a week to my family when I was in my first college year.

A. write B. wrote C. have written D. would write

答案解析: 从when引导的时间状语从句可以看出“当我大学一年级时”,是过去时,所以主句也用一般过去时。

( D ) 10. —Great changes have taken place in our hometown over the past years.

—Yeah. Things______different when we were young.

A. have been B.are C. will be D. were

答案解析: ——在过去的几年里,我们家乡发生了巨大的变化。——是的,我们年轻时情况不同。从when we were young可以判断此句用一般过去时。

( D ) 11.He_____very busy this week, but he _____free next week.

B. will be; is B.is; is C. will be; will be D. is; will be

答案解析: 从this week,next week可以看出前者是现在的状态,后者是将来的状态。

( C ) 12. Jessica had intended to go bungee jumping, but on second thought, she_____the plan.

A. was canceling B.cancels C. canceled D. has canceled

答案解析: 由谓语动词 had intended to 可以看出Jessica本来打算去蹦极,使用了过去完成时,经过再三考虑,她取消了这项计划。通常过去完成时对应的时态是一般过去时.

( B )1 3. We will go shopping if it______tomorrow.

A. rains B. doesn’t rain C. will rain D. won’t rain

答案解析: 条件状语从句,表示对将来的假设,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。句意:如果明天不下雨,我们将去购物。

( D )14. There _______a dolphin show in the zoo tomorrow evening.

A. was B. is going to have C. will have D. is going to be

答案解析: 时间状语tomorrow evening可以判断出此题用一般将来时,There is going to be 是there be 的一般将来时形式。

( B ) 15. —The plane is leaving right now, but Tom hasn’t arrived yet.

—Well, he said he______ here on time. I don’t know what happened.

A. came B. would come C. can come D. will be

答案解析: 从谓语动词said可以看出是表示从过去某一时间点而言将要发生的动作,用一般过去将来时。

( D ) 16. —When____again?

—When he_____ , I’ll let you know.

A. he comes; come B. will he come; will come

C. he comes; will come D. will he come; comes

答案解析: 问句:他什么时候会再来?句意表示将来发生的事情,特殊疑问句直接用一般将来时。答句:他来了我将让你知道。when引导的时间状语从句,句意也表示将来发生的事情,主句用一般将来时,从句用一般现在时表将来。

( B ) 17. What did you do ________ ? I went to the movies.

A. next morning B. last weekend C. every day D. next Monday

答案解析: 根据题意需要与表示过去的时间状语连用。

( B ) 18. Jenny _____in an office, and her parents_____in a hospital.

A. work; works B. works; work C. work; are working D. is working; work

答案解析: 两个分句都表示经常性的状态,第三人称单数的谓语动词要用单三式, 后面是复数,用动词原形。

( B ) 19. —What do you think of the Great Wall of China?

—Splendid! When I was in Beijing, I_____it twice.

A. had visited B. visited C. have visited D. would visit

答案解析: 从when 引导的时间状语从句可以看出是发生在过去的动作,所以用一般过去时。

( D ) 20. —What do you do, Susan?

—I am a clerk in a foreign company now. But I______English in a high school 3 years ago.

A. teach B. had taught C. have taught D. taught

答案解析: 从时间状语 3 years ago可以看出三年前我在一所高中教书,所以用一般过去时。

Activity 3 Check Your Learning

☛ Choose the best answers.

( B ) 1. I went to Ningxia and_______ there for one year, teaching as a volunteer.

A. stay B. stayed C. have stayed D. will stay

答案解析: 从and 前的谓语动词went to可以判断出此题用一般过去时。

( D ) 2. We often_______ in the playground.

A. playing B. plays C. played D. play

答案解析: 时间状语often 说明是习惯性动作,所以用一般现在时。如果题中有表示过去的时间状语,就需要使用一般过去时。

( B ) 3. The teacher told us that light ________ faster than sound.

A. traveled B. travels C. will travel D. would travel


( C ) 4. The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts _______ with success in the end.

A. reward B.are rewarded C. will be rewarded D. have rewarded

答案解析: 根据句意可知,回报是将来要发生的事情,应该用一般将来时;efforts和reward是被动关系,应该使用被动语态。

( D ) 5. He went to the room and _____ the door.

A. lock B. locking C. locks D. locked

答案解析: and前后动词保持一致,表示连续性动作。

Task 2 Write for Practical Purposes

A Note for Leave(请假条)
Activity 1 Study the Sample

本单元练习的是应用文写作——请假条。请假条是公文写作的一个很重要的应用文写作,格式与一般书信相同,即时间 (Date )、称呼(Salutation )、正文(Body)和署名(Signature )。正文部分是重点,包括提出请假,简述原因事由和希望获得准假,必要时附上相关证明。

Activity 2 Write with Given Information

Fill in the blanks by choosing all the possible answers.

ABCD 1. A. I’m very sorry to tell you that I can’t go to work today.

B. Will you kindly excuse my absence today?

C. I’m awfully sorry that I can’t go to work today.

D. I am sorry for my absence today.

答案解析: 表示歉意的句型。

ABCD 2. A. I had a high fever. B. I ran a high fever.

C. I had a high temperature. D. I was in a severe fever.

答案解析: 表示发高烧的句型。

ABC 3. A. ask for a two-day sick leave B. apply for two days’ leave

C. ask for leave for two days D. leave two days

答案解析: ask/apply for leave 请假的固定表达。

ABD 4. A. I will be glad if you grant me the leave.

B. I hope you can approve my leave.

C. please say yes.

D. Please kindly grant my leave.

答案解析: 表示礼貌地请求准假的句型。

BD 5. A. a medical record B.a doctor’s certificate

C.a prescription D. a doctor’s note

答案解析: 题干说明是医生的证明,A为病历,C为处方。

Activity3 Write Alone

Section III Translation


Task 1 Read and Translate


近几十年来,中国逐渐接纳了西方时尚充满未来感的设计, 但如今越来越多的年轻人也追 起了复古潮流 如果你仔细观察自己所在的城市,或许会注意到汉服——一种汉族的传统服饰 。某网络购物平台近期发布的一项报告显示,2018 年售出的汉服超过 200 万件。购买汉服的人数和 2017 年相比增长了 92%。 购买者的平均年龄为 21 岁,其中 19-24 岁的年轻人约占 52%。


1925 年孙中山逝世后,中山装被赋予了一层革命和爱国的理念。 四个兜代表《管子》中的“四维”;正中间的五颗纽扣代表中华民国根据《宪法》设立的五个院;袖口的三颗纽扣代表孙中山的“三民主义”。最后,西式服装通常都由两层布料做成, 而中山装只用一块布料制 成,代表中国的团结与和平。

Task 2 Understand and Retell


Section IV Practice & Assessment

Unit Project Make a Schedule

Unit project is a comprehensive task which practices all the knowledge and capability learned in this unit. Thus, it is recommended that the completion process, not just the result of the project, be given full consideration when the unit project is assessed. ZVu0ZZS78xz4FAEksOIVogimm/yYElEKUMw7NgeHFxntDF0hy6jKaHFXn8zcVrCQ
