

Section I Reading

Task 1 Read for Useful Information

Pre-reading Activity 1 Listen and Read Aloud


Pre-reading Activity 2 Express Yourself

☛ This section aims at introducing some topics for students to express themselves.

Sentences like the following may be used:

●It is convenient to work in downtown area./I can enjoy a peaceful life in a quiet suburb.

●Friendly office environment can make work more productive.

●I need to release the pressure and tension after work in the staff lounge.

●My main concern is the on-job lunch.

Reading Activity 1 Read and Try to Understand
Passage 1

Language points

1. salary n. [C], [U] money that you receive as payment from the organization you work for, usually paid to you every month 薪水(尤其指按月发放的),薪金

e.g. What’s your monthly salary? 你的月薪是多少呢?

We offer competitive salaries to graduates. 我们提供有竞争力的薪水。


2. executive

1) n. [C] person who carries out what has been planned or decided 经理,主管领导,管理人员

e.g. The president of a company is an executive. 公司的经理是公司的管理者。

My father thinks he was the greatest executive. 我爸爸认为他是最伟大的经理。

2) adj. relating to the job of managing a business or organization and making decisions 实施的, 执行的;行政的

e.g. He has been full executive power in this matter. 他在这件事情上有着完全的执行权力。

The US Constitution vests the executive power of the President. 美国宪法将行政权赋予总统。


3. over the same period 同时

e.g. The output value in the first quarter was 10 percent over the same period of last year.


Over the same period, America’s economy probably shrank again.


4. typical adj. having the usual features or qualities of a particular group or thing 典型的,有代表性的

e.g. This painting is typical of his work. 这幅画是他的代表作。

The program can model a typical home page for you.这个程序可以帮你制作一份典型的主页。

5. modest adj.

1 )not very great, big, or expensive 不太大的,不贵的(价格)

e.g. I bought the house at a modest price. 我以适中的价格买下了这所房子。

Prices tended to rise year by year, but at a modest rate. 物价年年上涨,但幅度不大。

2) someone who is modest does not want to talk about their abilities or achievements谦虚的,谦逊的

e.g. She is very modest about her success. 她对自己的成就很谦虚。

He is very modest and open to advice. 他很谦虚,乐于接受意见。

modesty n. [U] a modest way of behaving or talking 谦虚, 虚心

e.g. Modesty is one of his good qualities. 谦虚是他的美德之一。

His modesty was all put on. 他的谦逊都是装出来的。

6. average adj.

1) having qualities that are typical of most people or things 普通的,平常的

e.g. The average American has not even thought about next year’s election.


I was just an average sort of student. 我只是一个普通的学生。

2) the average amount is the amount you get when you add together several quantities and divide this by the total number of quantities 平均的

e.g. 400 people a year die of this disease on average. 平均每年有 400 人死于这种疾病。

The average weekly cinema attendance in February was 2.41 million.

2 月份,平均每周的观影人数为 241 万。


7. extreme

1) n. [C] a situation, quality, etc. which is as great as it can possibly be – used especially when talking about two opposites 极端,完全相反的事物

e.g. The bacteria can bear extremes of heat and cold. 这种细菌能经受极端的冷热。

He used to be very shy, but now he’s gone to the opposite extreme.


2) adj. very great in degree 极度的, 极端的

e.g. His political ideas are rather extreme. 他的政治思想相当极端。

Don’t go doing anything extreme like leaving the country.


extremely adv. to a very great degree 非常, 极其

e.g. This taskis extremely difficult. 这项任务极其困难。

Professor Wuis extremely modest. 吴教授虚怀若谷。


8. the bulk of 大部分,主要部分

e.g. The vast bulk of imports and exports are carried by sea.


The bulk of the population gathers in the cities. 大部分人口集中在城市里。

9. steady adj. continuing or developing gradually or without stopping, and not likely to change 稳定的,不变的

e.g. The country is experiencing slow but steady economic growth.


We are making slow but steady progress. 我们虽然缓慢但是在稳步前进。

10. necessarily adv. in a way that cannot be different or be avoided 必然地,必定地

e.g. A good book does not necessarily sell well. 好书未必畅销。

You don’t necessarily have to go. 你不一定要去。

necessary adj. something that is necessary is what you need to have or need to do 必要的, 必需的

e.g. Is it necessary for me to attend the meeting? 我有必要参加这个会议吗?

She hasn’t the experience necessary for the job. 她没有做那份工作事所必需的经验。

necessary essential “必要的, 必需的”

necessary 强调“必须”或“必要”但并非绝对不可或缺;

essential 表示“基本的”,如果缺少了,某事物就无法存在或无法形成其应有的状态。

necessity n. [C] (plural necessities) something that you need to have in order to live 必需品

e.g. Food is a necessity, but wine is an extravagance. 食物是必需品,而酒则是奢侈品。

She cannot buy daily necessities, much fewer luxuries.


11. point to 指出

e.g. Willan was able to point to the progressive changes he had already introduce.


Everything points to a bright future for us all. 种种迹象表明我们都有光明的前途。

12. trend n. [C]a general tendency in the way a situation is changing or developing 趋势,倾向

e.g. There is a growing trend towards earlier retirement. 提早退休者有增加的趋势。

Interior designers spend their working lives keeping up with the latest trends.


13. particular adj. special or great 特别的,独有的

e.g. I have nothing particular to do this evening. 今晚我没有什么特殊的事要做。

She is very particular over what she wears. 她对穿着特别讲究。

particular, special, specific, peculiar, especial “特殊的, 特别的”

particular 指从众多同类中选出一个特别的,强调同类中某一个事物所具有的特殊性质;

special 指与众不同的,与同类事物相异的性质或为某种需要而专门设计的;

specific 指某类事物具有与众不同的、本身所固有的、特定的功能;

peculiar 指某一个体与同类事物具有不同的特性,特别暗示其异乎寻常以致奇异的独立性;

especial 是special的异体字,意思一样;

in particular 特别, 尤其

e.g. She stressed that point in particular. 她特别强调了那一点。

The whole meal was good but the wine in particular was excellent.


particularly adv. more than usual or more than others 特别,尤其

e.g. This effect is particularly noticeable in younger patients.


Traffic is bad, particularly in the city centre. 交通状况很差,尤其是在市中心。


14. In general, the idea behind compensating with company shares, which rise and fall with the projected value of the business, is to tie CEO’s pay to performance .

Translation: 一般来说,公司股份的价值会随着公司生意预估利润的增减而涨跌, 用公司股票补充薪水的目的是使行政主管的收入与业绩挂钩。

Explanation: behind compensating with company shares介词短语作为定语修饰the idea; which引导的非限定性从句修饰的是company shares

compensate with 补偿

e.g. They tried to compensate their defects with super skills. 他们试图用超能力弥补自身缺陷。

Do you want us to compensate you with a new one or with money?


performance n. [C, U] how well or badly a person, company, etc. does a particular job or activity 业绩,工作情况

e.g. The company needs to improve performance in all these areas.


How did you monitor the performance of your department?


perform vt. to do something, especially something difficult or useful 做,工作

e.g. This operation has never been performed in this country. 这个国家从未做过这种手术。

A computer can perform many tasks at once. 电脑能同时做多项工作。

15. reward

1) vt. to give something to someone because they have done something good or helpful or have worked forit 奖励,奖赏

e.g. She was richly rewarded for all her hard work. 她一向勤劳苦干,得到了丰厚的奖赏。

He rewarded us generously for helping him. 对于我们的帮助,他大加酬谢。

2) n. [C] [U] something that you get because you have done something good or helpful or have worked hard 奖励,奖赏

e.g. You deserve a reward for being so helpful. 你帮了这么大的忙,理应受到奖励。

Parents often give their children rewards for passing exams. 父母经常给通过考试的孩子奖励。

16. account n. [C] an arrangement in which a bank keeps your money safe so that you can pay more in or take money out (银行)账户

e.g. I’d like to pay some money into my account. 我想在我的账户里存一些钱。

You need just one pound to open a bank account with us.


17. take a hit 受到影响

e.g. Investor confidence would take a hit. 投资者的信心将会遭受重重一击。

As a result, enterprise earnings could take a big hit if the market turns down.


18. These CEOs’ stock-based earnings are typically taxed more favorably than regular income,which shows another reason they’ve gained such popularity .

Translation: 和固定收入相比,股票收益能更好规避税收,所以股票也因此大受欢迎。

Explanation: more favorably than 相比更有利;which指代these CEOs’ stock-based earnings are typically taxed more favorably than regular income这句阐述的事实;which引导的状语从句中的they指代stock。

regular adj. lasting or happening over a long period 稳定的,固定的

e.g. She couldn’t find any regular employment. 她找不到任何固定工作。

You want a regular income but don’t want to work. 你既想有稳定的收入,又不想工作。

popularity n. [U] when something or someone is liked or supported by a lot of people普及, 流行

e.g. Her books have been in popularity recently. 她的书近来大受欢迎。

Our product enjoys popularity throughout the world. 我们的产品饮誉全球。

popular adj. liked by a lot of people 流行的, 普遍的, 大众的

e.g. The square dance is popular in our country. 广场舞在我国很流行。

In China, the concept of e-government enjoys popular support gradually.



19. Instead of valuing the long-term success of your company, an executive whose earnings based on quarterly and annual numbers may focus on short-term goals, ignoring concerns about a company’s long-term health, continuous development or drive toward innovation.

Translation: 一位高管收入的多少不是依据公司长远的成功来评估,而是依据公司季度或年度这样的短期目标的数据来评估。这样高管们可能会着力于短期目标,而忽略了公司长期健康持续的发展,以及创新的动力。

Explanation: whose earnings based on quarterly and annual numbers作为定语从句修饰an executive; ignoring为现在分词作伴随状语

instead of 代替

e.g. He put a plus instead of a minus. 他填了个加号而不是减号。

They raised prices and cut production, instead of cutting costs.



1) adj. based on or calculated over a period of one year 年度的,一年的

e.g. The chairman of the company presented the annual report. 公司董事长提交了年度报告。

The market has shown annual growth of 20% for several years.

这几年的市场年增长率都保持在 20%。

2) n. [C] a book, especially for children, that is produced once a year with the same title but different stories, pictures, etc. 年刊,年报

e.g. The Football Annual for 2001 kept his picture in it. 2001 年的《足球年刊》把他的相片登在上面。

Most high schools publish an annual, with pictures of all the graduates of the year.


annually adv. once every year 一年一次地

e.g. The exhibition is held annually. 这个展览每年举行一次。

These trees fruit annually. 这些树每年结果子。

concern n. [C], [U] something that is important to you or that involves you 关心,忧虑

e.g. His main concern is to be able to provide for his family. 他主要关心的是能不能养家糊口。

Quite rightly, the environment is of great concern. 当然,环境问题人们极为关注。


20. unfortunately adv. used when you are mentioning a fact that you wish were not true可惜地, 遗憾地

e.g. Unfortunately, I missed the last train. 我遗憾地错过了末班火车。

Unfortunately, I won’t be able to attend the meeting. 真可惜我不能参加这次会议。

unfortunate adj. someone who is unfortunate has something bad happen to them 不幸的, 倒霉的

e.g. I was unfortunate to lose my keys. 我很倒霉,丢了钥匙。

Don’t laugh at unfortunate people. 不要嘲笑不幸的人。

fortunately adv. happening because of good luck 幸运地

e.g. Fortunately for him, he was very soon offered another job.


Fortunately for us, the weather is getting better. 我们运气好,天气变好了。

21. knock down 减少

e.g. I managed to knock him down to$ 400. 我设法让他把价格降到了 400 元。

It manages to knock rents down to$ 1 per square foot. 成功地将租金降到每平方英尺 1 美元。

22. vote with one’s feet 用离开或逃离来表示不赞成; 用脚投票

e.g. Since he came to power, many people voted with their feet. 他当权之后,很多人愤然离去。

Shoppers voted with their feet and avoided the store. 购物者对那家商店避而远之。

23. available adj. something that is available is able to be used or can easily be bought or found 可获得的,可找到的

e.g. This dictionary is also available in electronic form. 这部词典也有电子版本的。

The information is available on the Internet. 从互联网上可得到这个信息。

24. investigate vt .to try to find out the truth about something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem调查

e.g. The crime is presently being investigated by the police. 警方目前正在调查这起案件。

It is only fairly recently that historians have begun to investigate the question.


investigation n. [C] an official attempt to find out the truth about or the cause of something such as a crime, accident, or scientific problem 调查

e.g. She is still under investigation. 她仍在接受调查。

Are there further developments in the investigation? 调查有新的进展吗?


为什么首席执行官的薪水是你的 300 倍?

自 20 世纪 70 年代以来,美国企业的运营已经发生了许多变化。打字机过时了,社交媒体风头正劲。而最高行政官赚得盆满钵满—很多很多很多的钱。

从 1978 年到 2014 年,首席执行官报酬的涨幅为惊人的 997%。在同一时期,普通职员的薪水涨幅是微小的 10.9%。1978 年,首席执行官赚到的薪水是一般职员的 30 倍。而在 2014年,他们挣到的钱已经是普通员工的 300 倍之多。



一般来说,公司股份的价值会随着公司生意预估利润的增减而涨跌, 用公司股票补充薪水的目的是使行政主管的收入与业绩挂钩。从逻辑上来讲,公司发展得好,首席执行官会得到奖励。反之,如果公司的年收益很差,首席执行官的银行账户也会很不好看。然而,由公司股票补充薪水的做法让行政主管们有无限的优势。即使是公司处境艰难的时候,首席执行官们也会过得很好。因此他们甚至可能通过裁减员工或降低薪水来确保公司看起来还不错。和固定收入相比,股票收益能更好规避税收,所以股票也因此大受欢迎。



Fill in each blank with one word according to the passage you have just read.

Reading Activity 2 Read and Think Critically


After-reading Activity 1 Develop Your Vocabulary

Complete each sentence with the proper form of the word given in brackets.

1. Large companies often pay better salaries (salary).

2. She found it extremely (extreme) difficult to get a job.

3. A good diet is necessary (necessarily) for maintaining a healthy body.

4. He did not particularly (particular) want to take up a competitive sport.

5. She was fired for not performing (performance) the duties outlined in her contract.

6. The children were rewarded (reward) with some chocolate for behaving well yesterday.

7. The government has little popular (popularity) support among women voters.

8. It makes no difference whether these interest payments are paid quarterly or annually (annual).

9. We were late getting to the airport, but fortunately (unfortunately) our plane was delayed.

10. Following a major police investigation (investigate), two men were arrested.

After-reading Activity 2 Know More Expressions

☛ Tell the meaning of each expression after the given example.

After-reading Activity 3 Listen and Write

Listen to the following sentences and fill in the missing letters of each word. Check whether you really understand their meanings and can spell them correctly.

1. We were visited by a young execu t i v e (经理) from a small computer company.

2. This advertisement is a t y p i cal (典型的) example of their marketing strategy.

3. He charged a relatively m o d e st (不贵的) fee.

4. The cars were being sold at an aver a g e (平均的)price of $11,000.

5. Keep the camera st e a dy (稳定的) while you are taking a picture.

6. Lately there has been a t r end (趋势) towards hiring younger, cheaper employees.

7. I opened a savings acc o u nt (账户) at my local bank.

8. It is widely accepted that smiling and r e g u lar (固定的) exercise can take years off a person.

9. The shortage of water is beginning to cause widespread conc e r n (担心).

10. This program will take up a lot of your av a i lable (可获得的) disk space.

Task 2 Read More for Useful Information

Passage 2

Language points

1. estimate vt. 估计,估算

e.g. It is estimated (that) the project will last four years. 据估计,这项工程将持续四年。

I estimate that the total cost for treatment will be $ 12,500.

我估计治疗费用总共会有 12,500 美元。

2. at the sight of 一看见就

e.g. The little child danced around his mother at the sight of her.


His heart ached at the sight of her. 他一看到她就心痛。

3. faint vi. 昏厥,昏眩

e.g. I fainted and the next thing I knew I was in the hospital.


She suddenly fell forward on to the table and fainted


pass out 昏倒; black out 晕厥

4. unconscious adj. 无知觉的,昏迷的

e.g. They found him lying unconscious on the floor.


She was unconscious but her heart was still beating.


consciousness n. 知觉

e.g. I can’t remember any more─I must have lost consciousness.


It took her a few minutes to recover consciousness.


5. One explanation is that as the NST switches between the sympathetic nervous response that readies you for action and the parasympathetic nervous response that settles the disorder, its process becomes confused and moreover it tries to decrease your blood pressure and increase your heart rate at the same time.

Translation: 一种解释是,当NST从准备好采取行动的交感神经反应和随后解决紊乱的副交感神经反应之间切换时,这个过程变得混乱,并且它试图同时做到这两者——降低血压同时增加心率。

Explanation: as the NST switches between the sympathetic nervous response that readies you for action and the parasympathetic nervous response that settles the disorder是that引导的表语从句中的时间状语从句,其中that readies you for action为修饰the sympathetic nervous response的定语从句,that settles the disorder为修饰the parasympathetic nervous response的定语从句;its process指的是NST switches的过程,it tries to...中的it指的是NST

confused adj. 混乱的,难懂的

e.g. He had one clear and strong wish in his confused brain.


The children gave a confused description of what had happened.


confusion n. 困惑,不确定

e.g. There is still confusion over who is responsible for the accident. 还不清楚谁对这次事故负责。

The new rules have caused a lot of confusion. 新规定引起了很多困惑。

6. pump vt. (用泵样器官) 输送,抽送

e.g. The heart pumps blood around the body. 心脏把血液输送到全身。

The engine is used for pumping water out of the mine. 这台发动机是用来从矿井中抽水的。

7. Another possibility is that the brain’s NST switches too quickly between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic responses which makes the body temporarily shut down by blacking out instead of trying to do both at once.

Translation: 另一种可能性是,大脑的NST在交感神经和副交感神经反应之间切换太快,导致身体暂时昏厥而停止工作,而不是试图同时做这两件事。

Explanation: that the brain’s NST switches too quickly between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic responses为that引导的表语从句;which makes the body temporarily shut down by blacking out instead of trying to do both at once中which指代上文中的NST switches too quickly,trying to do both中both指代上段中提到的decrease your blood pressure and increase your heart rate

temporarily adv. 暂时地,临时地

e.g. We regret this service is temporarily unavailable. 我们很抱歉暂时不能提供这一服务。

Lemon juice was temporarily out of stock. 柠檬汁暂时缺货。

8. survival n. 生存,幸存

e.g. His only chance of survival was a heart transplant. 只有进行心脏移植,他才有望活下去。

It was a matter of single survival. 这完全是能不能生存的问题。

9. aid n. 援助,帮助

e.g. Food aid is urgently needed after the disaster strikes.


The UN has agreed to allow the supply of emergency aid.


10. horizontal adj. 水平的,与地面平行的

e.g. The teacher drew a long, horizontal line across the blackboard.


The wine bottles should be kept in a horizontal position.


11. regardless of 不管,不论

e.g. Everyone has the right to good medical care regardless of their ability to pay.


All applicants will be considered regardless of age, sex, religion or nationality.





据估计,15%的人一看到血就会昏厥。更甚者,对约 4%的人来说,血液损伤会恶化为完全恐惧症。正如我们在上面的提问,真正有趣的是,有很多人在割伤自己时并不感到头晕,但当他们看到自己流血时仍然会昏厥过去。这些昏厥症状的核心是焦虑,研究人员认为,焦虑会导致血压迅速飙升,然后骤降。血压的突然下降导致血液从大脑中流失,使人失去知觉。





Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage you’ve read.

( F ) 1. There are about 4% of people pass out when they see blood.

( T ) 2. Breathing, swallowing and heart function are unconscious activities.

( F ) 3. You’ll be OK when NST tries to decrease your blood pressure and increase your heart rate at the same time.

( T ) 4. Your body will temporarily shut down by fainting when the brain’s NST switches too quickly between the sympathetic and the parasympathetic responses.

( T ) 5. When you faint, lying flat on the floor can help the heart restore blood to the brain.

After-reading Activity Build a Word Bank

The following words are all about medical science. Read and match their meanings.

Translate the following sentences into Chinese.

1. At the core of these fainting symptoms is anxiety.


2. It is estimated that there are 15% of people faint at the sight of blood.


3. If you saw a chef accidentally draw blood on her finger with a knife, would that make you disgusted?


4. The sudden decrease in blood pressure causesbloodto flow awayfrom thebrain andmakes people fall unconscious.


5. The four vital signs include breathing, body temperature, pulse and blood pressure.


Task 3 Read for Broader Horizons

Reading Activity Read and Try to Understand

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. B

After-reading Activity Think Critically




莎莉·道莉,一个肩负使命的女人,家住加州奥本市,在过去的三年半中,她坚持利用空闲时间捡拾人们丢弃在街上的烟头。作为一个反对乱丢垃圾的积极分子,截至今年 2 月 14 日,她累计捡起的烟头达到 100 万个。

道利自 2014 年 10 月开始捡拾被人们乱丢的烟头,她因此被当地社区称为“烟头女士”。她带着笤帚、簸箕和一把钳子,看见路上有人们乱丢的烟头就捡起来扔进附近的垃圾箱。道利还特意准备了计数器,为了记下自己到底捡了多少烟头。本月月初的时间点,对道利而言具有里程碑意义,因为在这个时间,她捡拾的烟头累计达到 100 万个。

莎莉·道莉接受KTXL电视台采访的时候说:“我厌倦外出时随处可见的都是烟头。我很震惊,我没想到会捡这么多烟头,我每天都会记录下我捡了多少,我也会一直捡下去。”仅仅一个人在 3 年半的时间里就捡起 100 万个被丢弃的烟头,这听起来令人印象深刻。但这也不足为奇了,道利说:“我曾经有几次在一天内就捡到了 3000 个烟头,所以希望大家不要乱扔烟头,最好还是戒烟吧。”

街上到处都是烟头,而一个人的努力真的能改变什么吗?令人惊讶的是,这个答案似乎是肯定的。在奥本的“烟头女士”捡烟头的消息传开后,不久,烟头回收盒开始出现在当地的酒吧和餐馆。当地社区的成员也非常支持她,甚至在她接近 100 万烟头这个里程碑的时候,还出来为她加油。道利知道她所在城市的烟头乱扔问题在短期内不会得到解决,但她希望她的工作能激励人们在丢弃烟头之前至少要多想一会儿。她发誓要继续清理那些不负责任的烟民丢弃的烟头,她定下了一个新的目标——200 万个烟头。


Section II Writing

Task 1 Learn Some Grammar Before Writing

Activity 1 Challenge Yourself

●And top executives earn more money – much, much, much more money.(后面省略了than regular employees, 所以使用了many的比较级more.)

●In 2014, they earned about 300 times more .(使用了倍数比较的格式,倍数+形容词或副词的比较级+than,than后面的内容省略了。)

●These CEOs’ stock-based earnings are typically taxed more favorably than regular income, which shows another reason they’ve gained such popularity.(因为有than, 所以使用了副词的比较级,more favorably.)

Activity 2 Practice Your Learning


1. 比较级的特殊用法

(1) 在比较级+than的结构前可以加上某些副词类的词,对比较级进行修饰,如:far, even, much,rather, slightly等等。

This book is far more interesting than that one.’

You’ve been working much harder than I have.

(2) 不同级的比较主要用于表示人与人、事物与事物之间不同之处的比较,其意义为“A比B更……一些”。常用结构是“比较级+than”。

They worked even harder than they promised.

This street is narrower than that one.

(3) 没有比较对象的比较结构,不是指省略,而是指并非真正的比较。

The car runs faster than 110 miles.

There is more than one solution to the problem.

(4) 用比较级的形式表达最高级的意思。

He is taller than anyone else in our class.

Iron is more useful than any other metal.

(5) more...than…结构,其意往往是…rather than…,可译为“是……而不是……”或译作“与其说是……,不如说是……”。

That little girl is more tired than hungry.

She is more a mother than a wife.

2. 最高级的特殊用法

(1) 形容词的最高级作表语(或作主语补足语),并且又不与其他人或事物相比较,通常在其前不用定冠词the.

The market in the country is busiest in winter.

It’s best to go and ask the teacher.

(2) 形容词的最高级作“非常、极其”解时,通常在其前也不用定冠词the, 但是可以用不定冠词a。

His father is a most learned man.

She is most beautiful.

(3) 如果形容词的最高级前已有人称代词的所有格、名词的所有格形式或指示代词等修饰语时,其前也不再用定冠词the.

Her greatest wish is to be an air hostess after her graduation.

His most educational hobby is stamp-collecting.

(4) 当两个形容词的最高级同时修饰一个名词时,后面一个形容词的最高级前后的定冠词the通常被省略了。

He is the oldest, but most energetic of my colleagues.

This is the most effective and most economic solution to the problem.

Choose the right answers.

(C)1. The___(much), the___(good).

A. much, good B. more, good C. more, better D. much, better

答案解析: The+比较级……, the+比较级……,“越……越……”。

(D)2. Many people find telephone interviews____(difficult) than face-to-face interviews.

A. difficulter B. difficulty C. difficult D. more difficult

答案解析: than用于两者比较,用比较级。

(A)3. Your tone of voice is as____(important) as the content of what you have to say.

A. important B. more important C. importanter D. importantly

答案解析: 原级比较,as+原形+as。

(B)4. Destruction of the environment is one of the____(serious) challenges we face.

A. more serious B. most serious C. serious D. seriously

答案解析: one of the+最高级+复数名词+in/of...,“最……之一”。

(D)5. The planet is three times____(big) than the size of the earth.

A. big B. biger C. biggest D. bigger

答案解析: 倍数表达,倍数+形容词(或副词)的比较级+than+从句。

(C)6. Alcohol is the third____(big) public health problem in Europe after tobacco and high blood pressure.

A. big B. biger C. biggest D. bigger

答案解析: 最高级用法,the+序数词+最高级+单数名词+in/of...

(B)7. Which coat is____(cheap), the read one or the blue one?

A. cheap B. cheaper C. cheapest D. more cheap

答案解析: Which/Who is+比较级,A or B? “哪一个更……”。

(A)8. As the spring comes, the weather is getting____and____(hot).

A. hotter, hotter B. hoter, hoter C. hot, hot D. hottest, hottest

答案解析: 比较级+and+比较级,“越来越……”。

(C)9. This picture is not so____(beautiful) as that one.

A. more beautiful B. most beautiful C. beautiful D. much beautiful

答案解析: 原级比较的否定式,not+as(so)+原级+as...

(B)10. Once again he was the____(expensive ) player in the world.

A. More expensive B. most expensive C. expensive D. much expensive答案解析:最高级用法,...the+最高级+名词+in/of...

Choose the right answers.

(C)1. Reactions to the online management system were more positive____those to a paper based version of the same system.

A. which B. as C. than D. that

答案解析: 两者比较用比较级than。

(D)2. In order to improve your communication skills,we w ill show youhowto learn ____about your customers than you know now.

A. many B. much C. most D. more

答案解析: than表示两者比较用比较级。

(A)3. The output of our company this monthis____that of last month.

A. twice as much as B. twice as much

C. twice many as D. twice as many as

答案解析: 倍数表达,倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级+as+从句。

(A)4. We have to investigate as_____customers as possible in order to make sure of the potential of the market.

A. many B. much C. more D. most

答案解析: 原级比较,as+原形+as, customers是可数名词的复数形式,用many修饰。

(B)5. We have produced twice as much steel this year_____four years ago.

A. than we did B. as we did

C. than we have produced D. as we have produced

答案解析: 倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级+as+从句,四年前应该用过去式。

(C)6. Some people think____about their rights than they do about their responsibilities.

A. so much B. too much C. much more D. much too

答案解析: 两者之间比较,much/a bit+比较级+than。

(A)7. My uncle’s house in the downtown area is much smaller than ours, but itis twice ____expensive.

A.as B. so C. too D. very

答案解析: 倍数表达,倍数+as+形容词或副词的原级。

(B)8. As far as I am concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, ____.

A. the more for life you are equipped

B. the more equipped for life you are

C. the more life you are equipped for

D. you are equipped the more for life

答案解析: The+比较级...,the+比较级...,“越……,越……”。

(D)9. Allan is one of____popular teachers in the school.

A. More B. the more C. most D. the most

答案解析: one of the+最高级+复数名词+in/of...,“最……之一”。

(C)10. He has written some very good poems, but he is_____known for his short stories.

A. the best B. more C. better D. the most

答案解析: 根据上下文,两者比较用比较级。

Activity 3 Check Your Learning

Choose the right answers.

(A)1. John plays football as____(well) as David.

A. well B. better C. best D. much well

答案解析: 原级比较,as+原形+as。

(B)2. This room is a bit_____(large) than that one.

A. large B. larger C. largest D. more large

答案解析: 两者之间比较,much/a bit+比较级+than。

(B)3. Chinese people become_____(happy) and_____(happy).

A. happy, happy B. happier, happier

B. happiest, happiest D. More happy, more happy

答案解析: 比较级+and+比较级,“越来越……”。

(B)4. The____(much) you eat, the____(fat) you become.

A. much, fat B. more, fatter C. most, fattest D. most, fatter

答案解析: The+比较级...,the+比较级...,“越……越……”。

(C)5. Who is the_____(intelligent) student in your class?

A. intelligent B. more intelligent C. most intelligent D. much intelligent

答案解析: 最高级用法,...the+最高级+名词+in/of...。

Task 2 Write for Practical Purposes

An Email of Inquiry (询价邮件)
Activity1 Study the Sample



* We were given your name by...

* You have been recommended to us by...

* As we have learned from..., you are manufactures of...

* We visited your stand at the ...exhibition.

* Your firm has been recommended to us by..., with whom we’ve done business for many years.


* We are interested in...

* We need /are in the market for...

* Our stocks of ...are running low.

* We have received many inquiries from our customers for...

* We have a considerable demand here for...


* We would like to make an inquiry.

* We would like to know the price exclusive of tax of your PDA.

* We are desirous of your lowest quotations for hair driers.

* Please send us your best CIF quotation for microwave ovens.

* The above inquiry was forwarded to you on January 15, but we haven’t received your reply until now. Your early offer will be highly appreciated.

Activity2 Write with Given Information

Fill in the blanks by choosing all the possible answers.

1. ABCD A. You have been recommended to us by

B.We have learned about your company by

C. Your articles have been recommended to us by

D. We were given your name by


2. ABCD A. We are in the market for B. We need

C. We are interested in buying D. We have a demand here for


3. BC A. if we would give you an inquiry B. if you would give us a quotation

C. if you send us your best quotation D. if we send you our best inquiry


4. AD A. We look forward to hearing from you by return.

B. If you have further questions, please let me know.

C. Please feel free to contact us if you have further questions,

D. Look forward to hearing back from you.


5. ABCD A. Yours faithfully,

B.Yours sincerely,

C. Best regards,

D. Yours truly,


Activity 3 Write Alone

Section III Translation


Task 1 Read and Translate


故宫,又名紫禁城,为明清两代共 24 位皇帝统治中国近 500 年的皇宫。 在整个紫禁城周围,有一面近 10 米高的城墙。墙外有 52 米宽的护城河环绕,形成一个森严壁垒的城堡。 它之所以被称为紫禁城,是因为没有皇帝的许可,任何人都不能进出紫禁城。 故宫是世界上现存规模最大、最完整的古代木构宫殿。 1987 年,故宫被联合国教科文组织列为世界文 化遗产之一。


颐和园位于北京西北郊海淀区,是我国现存规模最大,保存最完整的皇家园林。 颐和 园有著名的自然风景和人文景观,因此它也一直被公认为是“皇家园林博物馆”。 顾和园始建于 1750 年,作为一座豪华的皇家花园供皇室成员休息和娱乐。 颐和园中主要有万寿山 和昆明湖,占地面积 2.9 平方公里,其中四分之三都是水 。1998 年 12 月,颐和园被联合国教科文组织列入《世界遗产名录》。

Task 2 Understand and Retell


长城最早于 2000 多年前开始修建,今天我们所看到的长城大多是修建于明朝时期(13681644 年)。它由城墙、关城、瞭望台、墩堡、烽火台等组成。城墙由大块的石条砌成。长城西起嘉峪关,东到鸭绿江,全长约 6700 公里。它不仅是中华文明的瑰宝,也是中国古代人民智慧的结晶。作为是世界七大奇观之一,长城于 1987 年被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产。

Section IV Practice & Assessment

Unit Project Make a Handwritten Map of the Workplace

Unit project is a comprehensive task which practices all the knowledge and capability learned in this unit. Thus, it is recommended that the completion process, not just the result of the project, be given full consideration when the unit project is assessed. wYeRnW2HOhpnLlid6sCKG8tsv3kTtcy+MEjoXyM/IwjMDSIVDyPFJjMcGJxXXRpS
